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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: 迷路生成_1

Get Adobe Flash player
by aduonety 22 May 2012
 * 参考サイト
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import frocessing.math.*;
    import jp.progression.commands.lists.*;
    import jp.progression.commands.*;
    import com.bit101.components.*;
    public class Main extends Sprite
        private var panel:Panel
        private var bd:BitmapData;
        private var destbd:BitmapData;
        private var bitmap:Bitmap;
        private var list:SerialList = new SerialList();
        private var wait:Number = 10 / 1000.0;
        public function Main()
            panel = new Panel(this);
            panel.width = panel.height = 465;
            stage.frameRate = 120;
            bd = new BitmapData(51, 51, false, Status.FIELD);
            destbd = bd.clone();
            bitmap = new Bitmap(destbd);
            bitmap.scaleX = bitmap.scaleY = 6;
            bitmap.x = (465 - bitmap.width) / 2;
      //    var button1:PushButton = new PushButton(panel.content, 82, 310, "boutaoshi", dig2);
       //    var button2:PushButton = new PushButton(panel.content, 182, 310, "anahori", dig1);
      //     var button3:PushButton = new PushButton(panel.content, 282, 310, "kabenobashi", dig3);
        //    var slider:HUISlider = new HUISlider(panel.content, 82, 350, "SPEED", sliderHandler);
         //   slider.minimum = 1;
        //    slider.value = 10;
        private function sliderHandler(event:Event):void
            var slider:HUISlider = event.currentTarget as HUISlider;
            wait = slider.value / 1000.0;
        private function dig2(event:Event = null):void
            list = new SerialList();
            bd = new BitmapData(51, 51, false, Status.FIELD);
            destbd = bd.clone();
            bitmap.bitmapData = destbd;
            for (var y:int = 0; y < bd.height; y++)
                for (var x:int = 0; x < bd.width; x++)
                    if (y == 0 || x == 0 || y == bd.height - 1 || x == bd.width - 1 || y % 2 == 0 && x % 2 == 0)
                        bd.setPixel(x, y, Status.WALL);
                        list.addCommand(new Func(function(x:int, y:int):void { destbd.setPixel(x, y, Status.WALL); }, [x, y]));
                        list.addCommand(new Wait(wait));

            for (y = 2; y < bd.height - 1; y += 2)
                var dx:int = 2;
                var dy:int = y;
                switch (int(Math.random() * 4))
                    case 0: dx++; break;
                    case 1: dx--; break;
                    case 2: dy++; break;
                    case 3: dy--; break;
                if (bd.getPixel(dx, dy) != Status.WALL)
                    bd.setPixel(dx, dy, Status.WALL);
                    list.addCommand(new Func(function(x:int, y:int):void { destbd.setPixel(x, y, Status.WALL); }, [dx, dy]));
                    list.addCommand(new Wait(wait));
                else y -= 2;
            for (x = 4; x < bd.width - 1; x += 2)
                for (y = 2; y < bd.height - 1; y += 2)
                    dx = x;
                    dy = y;
                    switch (int(Math.random() * 3))
                        case 0: dy++; break;
                        case 1: dy--; break;
                        case 2: dx++; break;
                    if (bd.getPixel(dx, dy) != Status.WALL)
                        bd.setPixel(dx, dy, Status.WALL);
                        list.addCommand(new Func(function(x:int, y:int):void { destbd.setPixel(x, y, Status.WALL); }, [dx, dy]));
                        list.addCommand(new Wait(wait));
                    else y -= 2;
        private function dig1(event:Event = null):void
            list = new SerialList();
            bd = new BitmapData(51, 51, false, Status.FIELD);
            bd.fillRect(new Rectangle(1, 1, bd.width - 2, bd.height - 2), Status.WALL);
            destbd = bd.clone();
            bitmap.bitmapData = destbd;
            var px:int = int(Math.random() * (bd.width - 3) / 2) * 2 + 2;
            var py:int = int(Math.random() * (bd.width - 3) / 2) * 2 + 2;
            bd.setPixel(px, py, Status.FIELD);
            list.addCommand(new Func(function():void { destbd.setPixel(px, py, Status.FIELD); } ));

            _dig1(px, py);
        private function _dig1(px:int, py:int):void
            const DIR:Array = 
                [ 1,  0],
                [-1,  0],
                [ 0,  1],
                [ 0, -1]
            var random:Array = Random.shakedIntegers(4);
            for (var i:int = 0; i < random.length; i++)
                if (bd.getPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0] * 2, py + DIR[random[i]][1] * 2) == Status.WALL)
                    bd.setPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0], py + DIR[random[i]][1], Status.FIELD);
                    bd.setPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0] * 2, py + DIR[random[i]][1] * 2, Status.FIELD);
                    var ii:int = i;
                 list.addCommand(new Func(function(px:int, py:int, i:int):void {destbd.setPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0], py + DIR[random[i]][1], Status.FIELD);}, [px, py, i]));
                 list.addCommand(new Wait(wait));
                   list.addCommand(new Func(function(px:int, py:int, i:int):void {destbd.setPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0] * 2, py + DIR[random[i]][1] * 2, Status.FIELD);}, [px, py, i]));
                   list.addCommand(new Wait(wait));
                    _dig1(px + DIR[random[i]][0] * 2, py + DIR[random[i]][1] * 2);
        private function dig3(event:Event = null):void
            list = new SerialList();
            bd = new BitmapData(51, 51, false, Status.WALL);
            bd.fillRect(new Rectangle(1, 1, bd.width - 2, bd.height - 2), Status.FIELD);
            destbd = bd.clone();
            bitmap.bitmapData = destbd;
            var wall:Array = new Array();
            for (var x:int = 2; x < bd.width; x += 2)
                wall.push(new Point(x, 0));
                wall.push(new Point(x, bd.height - 1));
            for (var y:int = 2; y < bd.height; y += 2)
                wall.push(new Point(0, y));
                wall.push(new Point(bd.width - 1, y));
            wall = Random.shake(wall);
            var point:Point = wall.pop();
            _dig3(point.x, point.y, wall);
        private function _dig3(px:int, py:int, wall:Array):void
            const DIR:Array = 
                [ 1,  0],
                [-1,  0],
                [ 0,  1],
                [ 0, -1]
            var random:Array = Random.shakedIntegers(4);
            for (var i:int = 0; i < random.length; i++)
                if (bd.getPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0] * 2, py + DIR[random[i]][1] * 2) == Status.FIELD)
                    bd.setPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0], py + DIR[random[i]][1], Status.WALL);
                    bd.setPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0] * 2, py + DIR[random[i]][1] * 2, Status.WALL);
                    var ii:int = i;
                    list.addCommand(new Func(function(px:int, py:int, i:int):void {destbd.setPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0], py + DIR[random[i]][1], Status.WALL);}, [px, py, i]));
                    list.addCommand(new Wait(wait));
                    list.addCommand(new Func(function(px:int, py:int, i:int):void {destbd.setPixel(px + DIR[random[i]][0] * 2, py + DIR[random[i]][1] * 2, Status.WALL);}, [px, py, i]));
                    list.addCommand(new Wait(wait));
                    _dig3(px + DIR[random[i]][0] * 2, py + DIR[random[i]][1] * 2, wall);
            if (wall.length != 0)
                var point:Point = wall.pop();
                _dig3(point.x, point.y, wall);

class Status
    public static const FIELD:int = 0xF3F3F3;
    public static const WALL:int = 0x393939;