* Copyright civet ( http://wonderfl.net/user/civet )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/dQrA
// forked from civet's Hello Signals
* Hello Signals(AS3Signals required!!)
* -drag your mouse to play
* @author civet
* 2010-06-29 01:04:02
package {
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import frocessing.color.ColorHSV;
import org.si.sion.*;
import org.si.sion.utils.*;
import org.si.sion.events.*;
import com.bit101.components.*;
public class HelloSignals extends Sprite
public var mouseDown:NativeSignal;
public var mouseUp:NativeSignal;
public var mouseMove:NativeSignal;
private var stroke:Shape;
private var circles:Array = [];
private var currentCircle:ColorCircle;
private var colorHSV:ColorHSV = new ColorHSV();
private var grid:Shape;
public function HelloSignals()
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function init(e:Event):void
mouseDown = new NativeSignal(this.stage, MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MouseEvent);
mouseUp = new NativeSignal(this.stage, MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, MouseEvent);
mouseMove = new NativeSignal(this.stage, MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, MouseEvent);
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
grid = new Shape();
drawGrid(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
stroke = new Shape();
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
private function onMouseDown(e:Event):void
if(e.currentTarget != e.target && !(e.target is ColorCircle)) return;
colorHSV.h += 6;
colorHSV.h %= 360;
var circle:ColorCircle = new ColorCircle();
circle.x = mouseX;
circle.y = mouseY;
circle.draw(4, colorHSV.value);
currentCircle = circle;
private function onMouseMove(e:Event):void
stroke.graphics.lineStyle(2, currentCircle.color);
stroke.graphics.moveTo(currentCircle.x, currentCircle.y);
stroke.graphics.lineTo(mouseX, mouseY);
private function onMouseUp(e:Event):void
var dx:Number = mouseX - currentCircle.x;
var dy:Number = mouseY - currentCircle.y;
var r:Number = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
currentCircle.draw(r, currentCircle.color);
var length:Number = r/10;
if(length == 0) return;
var note:int = 60 + int(currentCircle.x/20) -12;//bug fixed
driver.noteOn(note, voice, length, 0);
private function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void
var i:int = circles.length;
while(i--) {
var circle:ColorCircle = circles[i];
if(circle.isDead) {
circles.splice(i, 1);
else circle.fadeOut();
private var driver:SiONDriver;
private var voice:SiONVoice;
private var presetVoice:SiONPresetVoice;
private var categoryList:ComboBox;
private var voiceList:ComboBox;
private var input:Text;
private function initSound():void
driver = new SiONDriver();
presetVoice = new SiONPresetVoice();
voice = new SiONVoice(5, 0);
categoryList = new ComboBox(this);
for each(var category:Array in presetVoice.categolies) categoryList.addItem( category[ "name" ] );
categoryList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onCategorySelect);
voiceList = new ComboBox(this, 100, 0);
voiceList.setSize(160, 20);
voiceList.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onVoiceSelect);
categoryList.selectedIndex = 2;//default
input = new Text(this, 0, stage.stageHeight - 40);
input.setSize(240, 40);
var button:PushButton = new PushButton(this, 240, stage.stageHeight - 40, "Play", onButtonClick);
button.setSize(240, 40);
input.text = "%t0,1,1 d2f+2e2>a1&a4&a16r4<d2&d16e2f+2d1&d4.&d16r4f+2d2e2r16>a1&a8.r4r16a2&a16<e2f+2d1&d4";
private function onCategorySelect(e:Event):void
var voices:Array = presetVoice[ categoryList.selectedItem ];
var length:uint = presetVoice[ categoryList.selectedItem ].length;
for(var i:int = 0; i < length; ++i) voiceList.addItem( voices[i].name )
voiceList.selectedIndex = 0;
private function onVoiceSelect(e:Event):void
voice = presetVoice[ categoryList.selectedItem ][ voiceList.selectedIndex ];
private function onButtonClick(e:Event=null):void
var mml:String = input.text;
var melody:SiONData = driver.compile(mml);
driver.sequenceOn(melody, voice, 0, 0, 2);
driver.addEventListener(SiONTrackEvent.NOTE_ON_FRAME, onNoteOn);
private function onNoteOn(e:SiONTrackEvent):void
if(e.eventTriggerID == 0) {
colorHSV.h += 6;
colorHSV.h %= 360;
var circle:ColorCircle = new ColorCircle();
circle.x = (e.note - 60 + 12) * 20 + 10;
circle.y = 200;
circle.draw(50, colorHSV.value);
private function drawGrid(w:int, h:int):void
var colors:Array = [0xffffff,0xcccccc,0xffffff,0xcccccc,0xffffff,0xffffff,0xcccccc,0xffffff,0xcccccc,0xffffff,0xcccccc,0xffffff];
var gridSize:int = 20;
grid.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x666666);
var len:int = w/gridSize;
for(var i:int=0; i<len; ++i) {
grid.graphics.moveTo(gridSize * i, 0);
grid.graphics.drawRect(gridSize * i, 0, gridSize * i, h);
import flash.display.Sprite;
class ColorCircle extends Sprite {
private var _isDead:Boolean;
private var _radius:Number;
private var _color:uint;
public function ColorCircle() {
public function draw(radius:Number, color:uint):void
_radius = radius;
_color = color;
this.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, _radius);
public function fadeOut():void
if(_radius < 2) {
_isDead = true;
else {
_radius -= 2;
this.draw(_radius, _color);
public function get isDead():Boolean {
return _isDead;
public function get color():uint {
return _color;
public function get radius():Number {
return _radius;
* a part of RobertPenner's AS3Signals
* http://github.com/robertpenner/as3-signals
interface IDeluxeSignal {
function get valueClasses():Array;
function get numListeners():uint;
function add(listener:Function, priority:int = 0):Function;
function addOnce(listener:Function, priority:int = 0):Function;
function remove(listener:Function):Function;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
interface INativeDispatcher {
function get eventType():String;
function get eventClass():Class;
function get target():IEventDispatcher;
function dispatch(event:Event):Boolean;
import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
* The NativeSignal class provides a strongly-typed facade for an IEventDispatcher.
* A NativeSignal is essentially a mini-dispatcher locked to a specific event type and class.
* It can become part of an interface.
class NativeSignal implements IDeluxeSignal, INativeDispatcher
protected var _target:IEventDispatcher;
protected var _eventType:String;
protected var _eventClass:Class;
protected var listenerBoxes:Array;
* Creates a NativeSignal instance to dispatch events on behalf of a target object.
* @param target The object on whose behalf the signal is dispatching events.
* @param eventType The type of Event permitted to be dispatched from this signal. Corresponds to Event.type.
* @param eventClass An optional class reference that enables an event type check in dispatch(). Defaults to flash.events.Event if omitted.
public function NativeSignal(target:IEventDispatcher, eventType:String, eventClass:Class = null)
_target = target;
_eventType = eventType;
_eventClass = eventClass || Event;
listenerBoxes = [];
public function get eventType():String { return _eventType; }
public function get eventClass():Class { return _eventClass; }
public function get valueClasses():Array { return [_eventClass]; }
public function get numListeners():uint { return listenerBoxes.length; }
public function get target():IEventDispatcher { return _target; }
public function set target(value:IEventDispatcher):void { _target = value; }
public function add(listener:Function, priority:int = 0):Function
registerListener(listener, false, priority);
return listener;
public function addOnce(listener:Function, priority:int = 0):Function
registerListener(listener, true, priority);
return listener;
public function remove(listener:Function):Function
var listenerIndex:int = indexOfListener(listener);
if (listenerIndex == -1) return listener;
var listenerBox:Object = listenerBoxes.splice(listenerIndex, 1)[0];
// For once listeners, execute is a wrapper function around the listener.
_target.removeEventListener(_eventType, listenerBox.execute);
return listener;
public function removeAll():void
for (var i:int = listenerBoxes.length; i--; )
remove(listenerBoxes[i].listener as Function);
public function dispatch(event:Event):Boolean
if (!(event is _eventClass))
throw new ArgumentError('Event object '+event+' is not an instance of '+_eventClass+'.');
if (event.type != _eventType)
throw new ArgumentError('Event object has incorrect type. Expected <'+_eventType+'> but was <'+event.type+'>.');
return _target.dispatchEvent(event);
protected function registerListener(listener:Function, once:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0):void
// function.length is the number of arguments.
if (listener.length != 1)
throw new ArgumentError('Listener for native event must declare exactly 1 argument.');
var prevListenerIndex:int = indexOfListener(listener);
if (prevListenerIndex >= 0)
// If the listener was previously added, definitely don't add it again.
// But throw an exception in some cases, as the error messages explain.
var prevlistenerBox:Object = listenerBoxes[prevListenerIndex];
if (prevlistenerBox.once && !once)
throw new IllegalOperationError('You cannot addOnce() then add() the same listener without removing the relationship first.');
else if (!prevlistenerBox.once && once)
throw new IllegalOperationError('You cannot add() then addOnce() the same listener without removing the relationship first.');
// Listener was already added, so do nothing.
var listenerBox:Object = { listener:listener, once:once, execute:listener };
if (once)
var signal:NativeSignal = this;
// For once listeners, create a wrapper function to automatically remove the listener.
listenerBox.execute = function(event:Event):void
listenerBoxes[listenerBoxes.length] = listenerBox;
_target.addEventListener(_eventType, listenerBox.execute, false, priority);
protected function indexOfListener(listener:Function):int
for (var i:int = listenerBoxes.length; i--; )
if (listenerBoxes[i].listener == listener) return i;
return -1;