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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


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by kuma360 26 Sep 2010
 * Copyright kuma360 ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:


    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.BitmapData ;
    public class Main extends Sprite 
        public function Main():void 
            _canvas = new BitmapData ( 465 , 465 , false , 0 ) ;
            addChild ( new Bitmap ( _canvas ) ) ;
            var C:City = new City ;
            var P:Population = new Population ;
            addEventListener ( 
                Event.ENTER_FRAME ,
                function ():void {
                    _canvas.fillRect ( _canvas.rect , 0 ) ;
                    C.render () ;
           ( C ) ;
                    P.render ( C ) ;
            stage.addEventListener (
                MouseEvent.CLICK ,
                function ():void {
                    C = new City ;
                    P = new Population ;
                    _WORTH = -99999 ;
                    _INDEX = null ;
            ) ;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;

var _canvas:BitmapData;
const City_NUM:int = 12;
const Population_NUM:int = 50 ;
var _WORTH:int = -99999 ;
var _INDEX:Chromosome = null ;

class City {
    public var _v:Vector.<Point> ;
    public function City() {
        _v = new Vector.<Point> ;
        var I:int ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < City_NUM ; ++ I ) {
            _v.push ( new Point ( Math.random() * 465 , Math.random() * 465 ) ) ;
    public function render():void {
        var I:int ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < City_NUM ; ++ I ) {
            _canvas.fillRect ( new Rectangle ( _v[I].x - 5 , _v[I].y - 5 , 10 , 10 ) , 0xFF00 ) ;

class Chromosome {
    public var _v:Vector.<int> ;
    public var _fitness:int = 0 ;
    public function Chromosome () {
        var I:int ;
        _v = new Vector.<int> ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < City_NUM ; ++ I ) {
            _v[I] = I ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < City_NUM ; ++ I ) {
            var J:int = Math.floor ( Math.random() * City_NUM ) ;
            var T:int = _v[J] ;
            _v[J] = _v[I] ;
            _v[I] = T ;
    public function fitnessFunction ( city:City ):void {
        var I:int ;
        _fitness = 0 ;
        for ( I = 1 ; I < City_NUM ; ++ I ) {
            var I1:int = _v[I-1] ;
            var I2:int = _v[I] ;
            _fitness -= Point.distance ( city._v[I1] , city._v[I2] ) ;
    public function crossOver ( O:Chromosome ):Chromosome {
        var I:int ;
        var J:int ;
        var Q:int = 0 ;
        var R:int = Math.floor ( Math.random() * _v.length ) ;
        var T:Chromosome = new Chromosome ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < _v.length ; ++ I ) {
            T._v[I] = _v[I] ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < _v.length ; ++ I ) {
            if ( R < I ) {
                for ( J = 0 ; J < City_NUM ; ++ J ) {
                    if ( O._v[I] == T._v[J] ) {
                        Q = T._v[J] ;
                        T._v[J] = T._v[I];
                        T._v[I] = Q ;
                        break ;
        return T ;
    public function mutation () :Chromosome {
        var C:Chromosome = new Chromosome ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < _v.length ; ++ I ) {
            C._v[I] = _v[I] ;
        var I:int = Math.floor ( Math.random() * City_NUM ) ;
        var J:int = Math.floor ( Math.random() * City_NUM ) ;
        var T:int = C._v[J] ;
        C._v[J] = C._v[I] ;
        C._v[I] = T ;
        return C ;

class Population {
    private var _now:Vector.<Chromosome> ;
    public function Population () {
        var I:int ;
        _now = new Vector.<Chromosome> ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < Population_NUM ; ++ I ) {
            _now.push ( new Chromosome ) ;
    public function run ( city:City ) :void {
        var I:int ;
        var C:Chromosome ;
        var L:int ;
        L = _now.length ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < L ; ++ I ) {
            if ( _now[I] == _INDEX ) {
                continue ;
            if ( Math.random() < .5 ) {
                C = _now[I].crossOver ( _now[ Math.floor ( Math.random() * _now.length ) ] ) ;
                _now.push ( C ) ;
        L = _now.length ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < L ; ++ I ) {
            if ( _now[I] == _INDEX ) {
                continue ;
            if ( Math.random() < .005 ) {
                C = _now[I].mutation () ;
                _now.push ( C ) ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < _now.length ; ++ I ) {
            _now[I].fitnessFunction ( city ) ;
        _now.sort ( function ( A:Chromosome , B:Chromosome ) :Number { return B._fitness - A._fitness ; } ) ;
        if ( _WORTH < _now[0]._fitness ) {
            _INDEX = _now[0] ;
            _WORTH = _now[0]._fitness ;
            trace ( _WORTH ) ;
        for ( I = 1 ; I < _now.length ; ++ I ) {
            if ( _now[I - 1]._fitness == _now[I]._fitness ) {
                _now.splice ( I , 1 ) ;
        if ( Population_NUM < _now.length ) {
            _now.splice ( Population_NUM , _now.length - Population_NUM ) ;
    public function render ( city:City ):void {
        var I:int ;
        var J:int ;
        var Q:int ;
        var R:Number ;
        var D1:Point ;
        var D2:Point ;
        var C:Vector.<int> ;
        for ( I = 0 ; I < _now.length ; ++ I ) {
            C = _now[I]._v ;
            for ( J = 1 ; J < C.length ; ++ J ) {
                D1 = city._v[C[J-1]] ;
                D2 = city._v[C[J]] ;
                for ( Q = 0 ; Q < 150 ; ++ Q ) {
                    R = Q / 150 ;
                    _canvas.setPixel ( 
                        D1.x * ( 1 - R ) + D2.x * R ,
                        D1.y * ( 1 - R ) + D2.y * R ,
                    ) ;
        if ( _INDEX ) {
            C = _INDEX._v ;
            for ( J = 1 ; J < C.length ; ++ J ) {
                D1 = city._v[C[J-1]] ;
                D2 = city._v[C[J]] ;
                for ( Q = 0 ; Q < 300 ; ++ Q ) {
                    R = Q / 300 ;
                    _canvas.setPixel ( 
                        D1.x * ( 1 - R ) + D2.x * R ,
                        D1.y * ( 1 - R ) + D2.y * R ,
                    ) ;