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forked from: ribbon test

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by aebf 23 Dec 2011
 * Copyright aebf ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from glasses_factory's ribbon test
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class Study2 extends Sprite
        public function Study2()
        public function init():void
            pt0 = [];
            pt1 = [];
            fNode = new Node();
            nd0 = new Node();
            nd1 = new Node();
            fNode.x = nd0.x = nd1.x = mouseX;
            fNode.y = nd0.y = nd0.y = mouseY;
            for( var i:int = 0; i < _length; i++ )
                var n0:Node = new Node();
                pt0.push( n0 );
                var n1:Node = new Node();
                pt1.push( n1 );
            addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler );
        private function enterFrameHandler( e:Event ):void
            moveNode( new Node( mouseX, mouseY ), fNode );
            nd0.x = fNode.x + fNode.vy * _wd;
            nd0.y = fNode.y - fNode.vx * _wd;
            nd1.x = fNode.x - fNode.vy * _wd;
            nd1.y = fNode.y + fNode.vx * _wd;
            moveNode( nd0, pt0[0] );
            moveNode( nd1, pt1[0] );
            for( var i:int = 1; i < _length; i++ )
                moveNode( pt0[ i - 1 ], pt0[i] );
                moveNode( pt1[ i - 1 ], pt1[i] );
            var g:Graphics =;
            g.beginFill( 0xcc0000 );
            g.moveTo( nd0.x, nd0.y );
            for( i = 1; i < _length - 1; i++ )
                g.curveTo( pt0[i].x, pt0[i].y, ( pt0[i].x + pt0[ i + 1 ].x ) * 0.5, ( pt0[i].y + pt0[ i + 1 ].y ) * 0.5 );
            g.curveTo( pt0[ _length - 1 ].x, pt0[ _length - 1].y, ( pt0[ _length - 1 ].x + pt1[ _length -1 ].x ) * 0.5, ( pt0[ _length - 1 ].y + pt1[ _length - 1 ].y ) * 0.5 );
            for( i = _length - 1; i > 0; i-- )
                g.curveTo( pt1[i].x , pt1[i].y, ( pt1[i].x + pt1[i - 1].x ) * 0.5, ( pt1[i].y + pt1[ i - 1 ].y ) * 0.5 );
            g.curveTo( pt1[ 0 ].x, pt1[ 0 ].y, ( pt1[ 0 ].x + nd1.x ) * 0.5, ( pt1[ 0 ].y + nd1.y ) * 0.5 );
            g.lineTo( nd1.x, nd1.y );
        private function moveNode( ndA:Node, ndB:Node ):void
            var dx:Number = ndB.x - ndA.x;
            var dy:Number = ndB.y - ndA.y;
            var ang:Number = Math.atan2( dy, dx );
            var tx:Number = ndA.x + Math.cos( ang ) * _offset;
            var ty:Number = ndA.y + Math.sin( ang ) * _offset;
            ndB.vx += ( tx - ndB.x ) * _ac;
            ndB.vy += ( ty - ndB.y ) * _ac;
            ndB.vx *= _fric;
            ndB.vy *= _fric;
            ndB.x += ndB.vx;
            ndB.y += ndB.vy;
        private var fNode:Node, nd0:Node, nd1:Node;
        private var pt0:Array, pt1:Array;
        private var _length:uint = 10;
        private var _wd:Number = 0.07;
        private var _ac:Number = 0.251;
        private var _fric:Number = 0.568;
        private var _offset:Number = 1.5;

class Node
    public var x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, vx:Number = 0, vy:Number = 0;
    public function Node( xx:Number = 0, yy:Number = 0 )
        x = xx;
        y = yy;