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DynamicDistribution example

In response to StackOverflow question: “How to make an swf compatible with all screen resolution?”
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by poke 27 Oct 2010
 * Copyright poke ( )
 * GNU General Public License, v3 ( )
 * Downloaded from:

 * In response to StackOverflow question:
 * “How to make an swf compatible with all screen resolution?”
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import gs.TweenLite;
    public class DynamicDistribution extends Sprite
        private static const SIZE:uint = 30;
        private var numRow:uint;
        private var container:Sprite;
        public function DynamicDistribution()
            // no resizing & top/left align
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;            
            stage.align     = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            // calculate number of boxes per row
            numRow = Math.floor( ( stage.stageWidth - 30 ) / SIZE );
            // create a container that will hold all boxes
            container   = new Sprite();
            container.x = Math.round( ( stage.stageWidth - numRow * SIZE ) / 2 ); // centered
            container.y = 15;
            // create all boxes
            var box:Sprite;
            for ( var i:uint = 0; i < 100; i++ )
                // very simple box
                box = new Sprite();
       Math.round( Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF ) );
       0, 0, 30, 30 );
                // position the box
                box.x = ( i % numRow ) * SIZE; // (i%numRow)-th box in the row
                box.y = Math.floor( i / numRow ) * SIZE; // (i/numRow)-th row
                // add to the container
                container.addChild( box );
            // add container
            this.addChild( container );
            // listen to Event.RESIZE
            this.stage.addEventListener( Event.RESIZE, stageResize );
        private function stageResize ( event:Event ):void
            // recalculate, based on the new sizes
            numRow = Math.floor( ( stage.stageWidth - 30 ) / SIZE );
            // center the container again
            container.x = Math.round( ( stage.stageWidth - numRow * SIZE ) / 2 );
            // reposition all the boxes
            var box:DisplayObject;
            for ( var i:uint = 0; i < container.numChildren; i++ )
                box = container.getChildAt( i );
       box, 2, {
                        x : ( i % numRow ) * SIZE,
                        y : Math.floor( i / numRow ) * SIZE } );
                // alternative version without tweening
                //box.x = ( i % numRow ) * SIZE;
                //box.y = Math.floor( i / numRow ) * SIZE;