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Polygon Clipping(Soft3D 2.5)



Get Adobe Flash player
by saharan 26 May 2011
 * Copyright saharan ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.text.*;
    import net.hires.debug.*;
    [SWF(frameRate = "50", width="465", height="465")]
     * Software rendering in ActionScript3.0 #2.5
     * @author saharan
    public class FlashSoft3D extends Sprite {
        private var r:Renderer;
        private var count:uint;
        public static var debug:TextField;
        public function FlashSoft3D() {
            if (stage) init();
            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        private function init(e:Event = null):void {
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            r = new Renderer(465, 465);
            debug = new TextField();
            debug.x = 200;
            debug.textColor = 0xffffff;
            // addChild(new Stats());
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frame);
        private function hsv(h:Number, s:Number, v:Number):uint {
            h %= 360;
            var i:int = h / 60;
            var f:Number = h / 60 - i;
            var b:int = v * 255;
            var p:int = b * (1 - s);
            var q:int = b * (1 - f * s);
            var t:int = b * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
            switch (i) {
                case 0: return b << 16 | t << 8 | p;
                case 1: return q << 16 | b << 8 | p;
                case 2: return p << 16 | b << 8 | t;
                case 3: return p << 16 | q << 8 | b;
                case 4: return t << 16 | p << 8 | b;
                case 5: return b << 16 | p << 8 | q;
            return 0;
        private function frame(e:Event = null):void {
            r.rotateY(count / 50);
            r.rotateX(count / 100);
            var i:int;
            var j:int;
            for (i = -3; i <= 3; i++) {
                for (j = -3; j <= 3; j++) {
                    r.translate(i * 16, j * 16, 0);
                    r.rotateY(count / 50 + i * 0.2);
                    r.rotateX(count / 100 + j * 0.2);
                    Renderer.color = hsv(((j + 5) * 10 + i + 5) * 365 / 100, 1, 1);
                    box(2, 3, 4);
        private function box(w:Number, h:Number, d:Number):void {
            polygon(new Vertex(-w, -h, d), new Vertex(w, -h, d),
                new Vertex(w, h, d), new Vertex(-w, h, d));
            polygon(new Vertex(-w, h, -d), new Vertex(w, h, -d),
                new Vertex(w, -h, -d), new Vertex(-w, -h, -d));
            polygon(new Vertex(w, -h, -d), new Vertex(w, h, -d),
                new Vertex(w, h, d), new Vertex(w, -h, d));
            polygon(new Vertex(-w, h, -d), new Vertex(-w, -h, -d),
                new Vertex(-w, -h, d), new Vertex(-w, h, d));
            polygon(new Vertex(-w, -h, -d), new Vertex(w, -h, -d),
                new Vertex(w, -h, d), new Vertex(-w, -h, d));
            polygon(new Vertex(-w, h, d), new Vertex(w, h, d),
                new Vertex(w, h, -d), new Vertex(-w, h, -d));
        private function polygon(v1:Vertex, v2:Vertex, v3:Vertex, v4:Vertex):void {
            r.renderPolygon(v1, v2, v3);
            r.renderPolygon(v1, v3, v4);
import flash.display.*;

class Renderer {
    private var img:BitmapData;
    private var fBuffer:Vector.<uint>;
    private var zBuffer:Vector.<Number>;
    private var bitmap:Bitmap;
    private var width:uint;
    private var height:uint;
    private var aspect:Number;
    private var width2:uint;
    private var height2:uint;
    private var size:uint;
    private var near:uint;
    private var far:uint;
    private var cameraPosition:Vec3D;
    private var cameraTarget:Vec3D;
    private var cameraUp:Vec3D;
    private var worldMatrix:Mat4x4;
    private var viewMatrix:Mat4x4;
    private var projectionMatrix:Mat4x4;
    private var numStacks:int;
    private var stack:Vector.<Mat4x4>;
    public static var color:uint;
    public function Renderer(width:uint, height:uint) {
        img = new BitmapData(width, height, false, 0);
        bitmap = new Bitmap(img);
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        aspect = height / width;
        size = width * height;
        width2 = width >> 1;
        height2 = height >> 1;
        numStacks = 0;
        zBuffer = new Vector.<Number>(size, true);
        stack = new Vector.<Mat4x4>();
        worldMatrix = new Mat4x4();
        viewMatrix = new Mat4x4();
        projectionMatrix = new Mat4x4();
        lookAt(new Vec3D(0, 0, 50),  new Vec3D(0, 0, 0), new Vec3D(0, 1, 0));
        perspective(60 * Math.PI / 180, 5, 5000);
    public function get image():Bitmap {
        return bitmap;
    public function push():void {
        stack[numStacks] = new Mat4x4(
            worldMatrix.e00, worldMatrix.e01, worldMatrix.e02, worldMatrix.e03,
            worldMatrix.e10, worldMatrix.e11, worldMatrix.e12, worldMatrix.e13,
            worldMatrix.e20, worldMatrix.e21, worldMatrix.e22, worldMatrix.e23,
            worldMatrix.e30, worldMatrix.e31, worldMatrix.e32, worldMatrix.e33);
    public function pop():void {
        if (numStacks > 0) {
            worldMatrix = stack[numStacks];
    public function rotateX(theta:Number):void {
        var temp:Mat4x4 = new Mat4x4();
        worldMatrix = temp;
    public function rotateY(theta:Number):void {
        var temp:Mat4x4 = new Mat4x4();
        worldMatrix = temp;
    public function rotateZ(theta:Number):void {
        var temp:Mat4x4 = new Mat4x4();
        worldMatrix = temp;
    public function translate(tx:Number, ty:Number, tz:Number):void {
        var temp:Mat4x4 = new Mat4x4();
        temp.translate(tx, ty, tz);
        worldMatrix = temp;
    public function beginScene(background:uint):void {
        fBuffer = img.getVector(img.rect);
        for (var i:int = 0; i < size; i++) {
            fBuffer[i] = background;
            zBuffer[i] = 0;
    public function renderPolygon(v1:Vertex, v2:Vertex, v3:Vertex):void {
        v1.worldPos.setVector(v1.pos.x, v1.pos.y, v1.pos.z);
        v2.worldPos.setVector(v2.pos.x, v2.pos.y, v2.pos.z);
        v3.worldPos.setVector(v3.pos.x, v3.pos.y, v3.pos.z);
        v1.viewPos.setVector(v1.worldPos.x, v1.worldPos.y, v1.worldPos.z);
        v2.viewPos.setVector(v2.worldPos.x, v2.worldPos.y, v2.worldPos.z);
        v3.viewPos.setVector(v3.worldPos.x, v3.worldPos.y, v3.worldPos.z);
        clipPolygonDepth(v1, v2, v3, 0);
        // TODO:Lighting
    private function clipPolygonDepth(v1:Vertex, v2:Vertex, v3:Vertex, step:int):void {
        var flag:int;
        var c1:Vertex;
        var c2:Vertex;
        switch(step) {
        case 0:// near
            flag = 0;
            if (v1.viewPos.z < near) flag |= 1;
            if (v2.viewPos.z < near) flag |= 2;
            if (v3.viewPos.z < near) flag |= 4;
            if (flag != 0) {
                switch (flag) {
                case 1:// 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v2, (near - v1.viewPos.z) / (v2.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v3, (near - v1.viewPos.z) / (v3.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = near;
                    c2.viewPos.z = near;
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, v2, v3, 1);
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, v3, c2, 1);
                case 2:// 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v3, (near - v2.viewPos.z) / (v3.viewPos.z - v2.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v1, (near - v2.viewPos.z) / (v1.viewPos.z - v2.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = near;
                    c2.viewPos.z = near;
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, v3, v1, 1);
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, v1, c2, 1);
                case 3:// 1 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v3, (near - v1.viewPos.z) / (v3.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v3, (near - v2.viewPos.z) / (v3.viewPos.z - v2.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = near;
                    c2.viewPos.z = near;
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, c2, v3, 1);
                case 4:// 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v1, (near - v3.viewPos.z) / (v1.viewPos.z - v3.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v2, (near - v3.viewPos.z) / (v2.viewPos.z - v3.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = near;
                    c2.viewPos.z = near;
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, v1, v2, 1);
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, v2, c2, 1);
                case 5:// 3 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v2, (near - v3.viewPos.z) / (v2.viewPos.z - v3.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v2, (near - v1.viewPos.z) / (v2.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = near;
                    c2.viewPos.z = near;
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, c2, v2, 1);
                case 6:// 2 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v1, (near - v2.viewPos.z) / (v1.viewPos.z - v2.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v1, (near - v3.viewPos.z) / (v1.viewPos.z - v3.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = near;
                    c2.viewPos.z = near;
                    clipPolygonDepth(c1, c2, v1, 1);
                case 7:// 1 2 3
        case 1:// far
            flag = 0;
            if (v1.viewPos.z > far) flag |= 1;
            if (v2.viewPos.z > far) flag |= 2;
            if (v3.viewPos.z > far) flag |= 4;
            if (flag != 0) {
                switch (flag) {
                case 1:// 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v2, (far - v1.viewPos.z) / (v2.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v3, (far - v1.viewPos.z) / (v3.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = far;
                    c2.viewPos.z = far;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v2, v3, 0);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v3, c2, 0);
                case 2:// 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v3, (far - v2.viewPos.z) / (v3.viewPos.z - v2.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v1, (far - v2.viewPos.z) / (v1.viewPos.z - v2.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = far;
                    c2.viewPos.z = far;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v3, v1, 0);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v1, c2, 0);
                case 3:// 1 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v3, (far - v1.viewPos.z) / (v3.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v3, (far - v2.viewPos.z) / (v3.viewPos.z - v2.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = far;
                    c2.viewPos.z = far;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v3, 0);
                case 4:// 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v1, (far - v3.viewPos.z) / (v1.viewPos.z - v3.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v2, (far - v3.viewPos.z) / (v2.viewPos.z - v3.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = far;
                    c2.viewPos.z = far;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v1, v2, 0);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v2, c2, 0);
                case 5:// 3 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v2, (far - v3.viewPos.z) / (v2.viewPos.z - v3.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v2, (far - v1.viewPos.z) / (v2.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = far;
                    c2.viewPos.z = far;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v2, 0);
                case 6:// 2 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v1, (far - v2.viewPos.z) / (v1.viewPos.z - v2.viewPos.z));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v1, (far - v3.viewPos.z) / (v1.viewPos.z - v3.viewPos.z));
                    c1.viewPos.z = far;
                    c2.viewPos.z = far;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v1, 0);
                case 7:// 1 2 3
        clipPolygonScreen(v1, v2, v3, 0);
    private function clipPolygonScreen(v1:Vertex, v2:Vertex, v3:Vertex, step:int):void {
        var flag:int;
        var c1:Vertex;
        var c2:Vertex;
        switch(step) {
        case 0:// left
            { // transform
                var invW:Number;
                v1.projPos.setVector(v1.viewPos.x, v1.viewPos.y, v1.viewPos.z, 1);
                invW = 1 / v1.projPos.w;
                v1.projPos.x *= invW;
                v1.projPos.y *= invW;
                v1.projPos.z = invW;
                v1.projPos.x = width2 + v1.projPos.x * width2 >> 0;
                v1.projPos.y = height2 + v1.projPos.y * height2 >> 0;
                v2.projPos.setVector(v2.viewPos.x, v2.viewPos.y, v2.viewPos.z);
                invW = 1 / v2.projPos.w;
                v2.projPos.x *= invW;
                v2.projPos.y *= invW;
                v2.projPos.z = invW;
                v2.projPos.x = width2 + v2.projPos.x * width2 >> 0;
                v2.projPos.y = height2 + v2.projPos.y * height2 >> 0;
                v3.projPos.setVector(v3.viewPos.x, v3.viewPos.y, v3.viewPos.z);
                invW = 1 / v3.projPos.w;
                v3.projPos.x *= invW;
                v3.projPos.y *= invW;
                v3.projPos.z = invW;
                v3.projPos.x = width2 + v3.projPos.x * width2 >> 0;
                v3.projPos.y = height2 + v3.projPos.y * height2 >> 0;
                // culling
                if ((v3.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x) * (v2.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y) -
                (v3.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y) * (v2.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x) < 0) return;
            flag = 0;
            if (v1.projPos.x < 0) flag |= 1;
            if (v2.projPos.x < 0) flag |= 2;
            if (v3.projPos.x < 0) flag |= 4;
            if (flag != 0) {
                switch (flag) {
                case 1:// 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v2, -v1.projPos.x / (v2.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v3, -v1.projPos.x / (v3.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = 0;
                    c2.projPos.x = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v2, v3, 1);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v3, c2, 1);
                case 2:// 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v3, -v2.projPos.x / (v3.projPos.x - v2.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v1, -v2.projPos.x / (v1.projPos.x - v2.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = 0;
                    c2.projPos.x = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v3, v1, 1);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v1, c2, 1);
                case 3:// 1 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v3, -v1.projPos.x / (v3.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v3, -v2.projPos.x / (v3.projPos.x - v2.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = 0;
                    c2.projPos.x = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v3, 1);
                case 4:// 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v1, -v3.projPos.x / (v1.projPos.x - v3.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v2, -v3.projPos.x / (v2.projPos.x - v3.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = 0;
                    c2.projPos.x = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v1, v2, 1);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v2, c2, 1);
                case 5:// 3 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v2, -v3.projPos.x / (v2.projPos.x - v3.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v2, -v1.projPos.x / (v2.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = 0;
                    c2.projPos.x = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v2, 1);
                case 6:// 2 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v1, -v2.projPos.x / (v1.projPos.x - v2.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v1, -v3.projPos.x / (v1.projPos.x - v3.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = 0;
                    c2.projPos.x = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v1, 1);
                case 7:// 1 2 3
        case 1:// right
            flag = 0;
            if (v1.projPos.x > width) flag |= 1;
            if (v2.projPos.x > width) flag |= 2;
            if (v3.projPos.x > width) flag |= 4;
            if (flag != 0) {
                switch (flag) {
                case 1:// 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v2, (width - v1.projPos.x) / (v2.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v3, (width - v1.projPos.x) / (v3.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = width;
                    c2.projPos.x = width;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v2, v3, 2);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v3, c2, 2);
                case 2:// 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v3, (width - v2.projPos.x) / (v3.projPos.x - v2.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v1, (width - v2.projPos.x) / (v1.projPos.x - v2.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = width;
                    c2.projPos.x = width;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v3, v1, 2);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v1, c2, 2);
                case 3:// 1 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v3, (width - v1.projPos.x) / (v3.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v3, (width - v2.projPos.x) / (v3.projPos.x - v2.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = width;
                    c2.projPos.x = width;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v3, 2);
                case 4:// 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v1, (width - v3.projPos.x) / (v1.projPos.x - v3.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v2, (width - v3.projPos.x) / (v2.projPos.x - v3.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = width;
                    c2.projPos.x = width;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v1, v2, 2);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v2, c2, 2);
                case 5:// 3 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v2, (width - v3.projPos.x) / (v2.projPos.x - v3.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v2, (width - v1.projPos.x) / (v2.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = width;
                    c2.projPos.x = width;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v2, 2);
                case 6:// 2 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v1, (width - v2.projPos.x) / (v1.projPos.x - v2.projPos.x));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v1, (width - v3.projPos.x) / (v1.projPos.x - v3.projPos.x));
                    c1.projPos.x = width;
                    c2.projPos.x = width;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v1, 2);
                case 7:// 1 2 3
        case 2:// top
            flag = 0;
            if (v1.projPos.y < 0) flag |= 1;
            if (v2.projPos.y < 0) flag |= 2;
            if (v3.projPos.y < 0) flag |= 4;
            if (flag != 0) {
                switch (flag) {
                case 1:// 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v2, -v1.projPos.y / (v2.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v3, -v1.projPos.y / (v3.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = 0;
                    c2.projPos.y = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v2, v3, 3);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v3, c2, 3);
                case 2:// 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v3, -v2.projPos.y / (v3.projPos.y - v2.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v1, -v2.projPos.y / (v1.projPos.y - v2.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = 0;
                    c2.projPos.y = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v3, v1, 3);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v1, c2, 3);
                case 3:// 1 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v3, -v1.projPos.y / (v3.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v3, -v2.projPos.y / (v3.projPos.y - v2.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = 0;
                    c2.projPos.y = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v3, 3);
                case 4:// 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v1, -v3.projPos.y / (v1.projPos.y - v3.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v2, -v3.projPos.y / (v2.projPos.y - v3.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = 0;
                    c2.projPos.y = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v1, v2, 3);
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, v2, c2, 3);
                case 5:// 3 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v2, -v3.projPos.y / (v2.projPos.y - v3.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v2, -v1.projPos.y / (v2.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = 0;
                    c2.projPos.y = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v2, 3);
                case 6:// 2 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v1, -v2.projPos.y / (v1.projPos.y - v2.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v1, -v3.projPos.y / (v1.projPos.y - v3.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = 0;
                    c2.projPos.y = 0;
                    clipPolygonScreen(c1, c2, v1, 3);
                case 7:// 1 2 3
        case 3:// bottom
            flag = 0;
            if (v1.projPos.y > height) flag |= 1;
            if (v2.projPos.y > height) flag |= 2;
            if (v3.projPos.y > height) flag |= 4;
            if (flag != 0) {
                switch (flag) {
                case 1:// 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v2, (height - v1.projPos.y) / (v2.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v3, (height - v1.projPos.y) / (v3.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = height;
                    c2.projPos.y = height;
                    renderTriangle(c1, v2, v3);
                    renderTriangle(c1, v3, c2);
                case 2:// 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v3, (height - v2.projPos.y) / (v3.projPos.y - v2.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v1, (height - v2.projPos.y) / (v1.projPos.y - v2.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = height;
                    c2.projPos.y = height;
                    renderTriangle(c1, v3, v1);
                    renderTriangle(c1, v1, c2);
                case 3:// 1 2
                    c1 = interpolate(v1, v3, (height - v1.projPos.y) / (v3.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v2, v3, (height - v2.projPos.y) / (v3.projPos.y - v2.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = height;
                    c2.projPos.y = height;
                    renderTriangle(c1, c2, v3);
                case 4:// 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v1, (height - v3.projPos.y) / (v1.projPos.y - v3.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v2, (height - v3.projPos.y) / (v2.projPos.y - v3.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = height;
                    c2.projPos.y = height;
                    renderTriangle(c1, v1, v2);
                    renderTriangle(c1, v2, c2);
                case 5:// 3 1
                    c1 = interpolate(v3, v2, (height - v3.projPos.y) / (v2.projPos.y - v3.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v1, v2, (height - v1.projPos.y) / (v2.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = height;
                    c2.projPos.y = height;
                    renderTriangle(c1, c2, v2);
                case 6:// 2 3
                    c1 = interpolate(v2, v1, (height - v2.projPos.y) / (v1.projPos.y - v2.projPos.y));
                    c2 = interpolate(v3, v1, (height - v3.projPos.y) / (v1.projPos.y - v3.projPos.y));
                    c1.projPos.y = height;
                    c2.projPos.y = height;
                    renderTriangle(c1, c2, v1);
                case 7:// 1 2 3
        renderTriangle(v1, v2, v3);
    private function interpolate(v1:Vertex, v2:Vertex, t:Number):Vertex {
        var v3:Vertex = new Vertex();
        v3.worldPos.x = v1.worldPos.x + (v2.worldPos.x - v1.worldPos.x) * t;
        v3.worldPos.y = v1.worldPos.y + (v2.worldPos.y - v1.worldPos.y) * t;
        v3.worldPos.z = v1.worldPos.z + (v2.worldPos.z - v1.worldPos.z) * t;
        v3.viewPos.x = v1.viewPos.x + (v2.viewPos.x - v1.viewPos.x) * t;
        v3.viewPos.y = v1.viewPos.y + (v2.viewPos.y - v1.viewPos.y) * t;
        v3.viewPos.z = v1.viewPos.z + (v2.viewPos.z - v1.viewPos.z) * t;
        v3.projPos.x = (v1.projPos.x + (v2.projPos.x - v1.projPos.x) * t) >> 0;
        v3.projPos.y = (v1.projPos.y + (v2.projPos.y - v1.projPos.y) * t) >> 0;
        v3.projPos.z = v1.projPos.z + (v2.projPos.z - v1.projPos.z) * t;
        return v3;
    private function renderTriangle(v1:Vertex, v2:Vertex, v3:Vertex):void {
        var top:Vec3D;
        var left:Vec3D;
        var right:Vec3D;
        if (v1.projPos.y < v2.projPos.y) {
            if (v2.projPos.y < v3.projPos.y) {
                top = v1.projPos;
                left = v2.projPos;
                right = v3.projPos;
            } else if (v1.projPos.y < v3.projPos.y) {
                top = v1.projPos;
                left = v3.projPos;
                right = v2.projPos;
            } else {
                top = v3.projPos;
                left = v1.projPos;
                right = v2.projPos;
        } else {
            if (v2.projPos.y > v3.projPos.y) {
                top = v3.projPos;
                left = v2.projPos;
                right = v1.projPos;
            } else if (v1.projPos.y > v3.projPos.y) {
                top = v2.projPos;
                left = v3.projPos;
                right = v1.projPos;
            } else {
                top = v2.projPos;
                left = v1.projPos;
                right = v3.projPos;
        var min:int = top.y + 0.5;
        var mid:int = left.y + 0.5;
        var max:int = right.y + 0.5;
        if ((left.x - top.x) / (left.y - top.y) > (right.x - top.x) / (right.y - top.y)) {
            var temp:Vec3D = left;
            left = right;
            right = temp;
        if (min == max) return;
        renderFlat(top, left, right, min, mid, max);
    private function renderFlat(top:Vec3D, left:Vec3D, right:Vec3D, min:int, mid:int, max:int):void {
        var invLength:Number;
        const zBuffer:Vector.<Number> = this.zBuffer;
        const fBuffer:Vector.<uint> = this.fBuffer;
        // thickness
        var t:Number = (right.x - top.x) * (left.y - top.y) - (left.x - top.x) * (right.y - top.y);
        if (t == 0) return;
        t = 1 / t;
        // in scanline
        var lLength:int = left.y - top.y;
        var rLength:int = right.y - top.y;
        var lineZ:Number;
        const addLineZ:Number = ((right.z - top.z) * lLength - (left.z - top.z) * rLength) * t * 0xffffff;
        // left data
        var lY:int = left.y;
        invLength = 1 / lLength;
        var lX:Number = top.x;
        var lAddX:Number = (left.x - top.x) * invLength;
        var lZ:Number = top.z;
        var lAddZ:Number = (left.z - top.z) * invLength;
        // right data
        var rY:int = right.y;
        invLength = 1 / rLength;
        var rX:Number = top.x;
        var rAddX:Number = (right.x - top.x) * invLength;
        var rZ:Number = top.z;
        var rAddZ:Number = (right.z - top.z) * invLength;
        var y:int = min;
        var offset:int = min * width;
        while (y < max) {
            if (y == mid) {
                // flip left and right
                if (lY == rY)
                if (y == lY) {
                    lLength = right.y - left.y;
                    invLength = 1 / lLength;
                    lX = left.x;
                    lAddX = (right.x - left.x) * invLength;
                    lZ = left.z;
                    lAddZ = (right.z - left.z) * invLength;
                if (y == rY) {
                    rLength = left.y - right.y;
                    invLength = 1 / rLength;
                    rX = right.x;
                    rAddX = (left.x - right.x) * invLength;
                    rZ = right.z;
                    rAddZ = (left.z - right.z) * invLength;
            const ilx:int = lX;
            const irx:int = rX;
            if (irx - ilx > 0) {
                lineZ = lZ * 0xffffff;
                var pix:int = offset + ilx;
                const end:int = offset + irx;
                while (pix < end) {
                    if (zBuffer[pix] < lineZ) {
                        fBuffer[pix] = color;
                        zBuffer[pix] = lineZ;
                    lineZ += addLineZ;
            lX += lAddX;
            rX += rAddX;
            lZ += lAddZ;
            rZ += rAddZ;
            offset += width;
    public function renderPoint(vertex:Vec3D):void {
        var invW:Number = 1 / vertex.w;
        vertex.x *= invW;
        vertex.y *= invW;
        vertex.z *= invW;
        vertex.x = (width2 + vertex.x * width2) >> 0;
        vertex.y = (height2 + vertex.y * height2) >> 0;
        if (vertex.x >= 0 && vertex.x < width && vertex.y >= 0 && vertex.y < height) {
            var index:uint = vertex.y * width + vertex.x;
            fBuffer[index] = 0xffffff;
    public function endScene():void {
        img.setVector(img.rect, fBuffer);
    public function lookAt(position:Vec3D, target:Vec3D, up:Vec3D):void {
        cameraPosition = position;
        cameraTarget = target;
        cameraUp = up;
        var axisZ:Vec3D = cameraTarget.sub(cameraPosition);
        var axisX:Vec3D = cameraUp.cross(axisZ);
        var axisY:Vec3D = axisZ.cross(axisX);
        viewMatrix.e00 = axisX.x;
        viewMatrix.e01 = axisY.x;
        viewMatrix.e02 = axisZ.x;
        viewMatrix.e03 = 0;
        viewMatrix.e10 = axisX.y;
        viewMatrix.e11 = axisY.y;
        viewMatrix.e12 = axisZ.y;
        viewMatrix.e13 = 0;
        viewMatrix.e20 = axisX.z;
        viewMatrix.e21 = axisY.z;
        viewMatrix.e22 = axisZ.z;
        viewMatrix.e23 = 0;
        viewMatrix.e30 =;
        viewMatrix.e31 =;
        viewMatrix.e32 =;
        viewMatrix.e33 = 1;
    public function perspective(fovY:Number, near:Number, far:Number):void {
        this.near = near;
        this.far = far;
        var h:Number = Math.cos(fovY * 0.5) / Math.sin(fovY * 0.5);
        var w:Number = h * aspect;
        var ffn:Number = far / (far - near);
        projectionMatrix.e00 = w;
        projectionMatrix.e01 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e02 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e03 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e10 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e11 = h;
        projectionMatrix.e12 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e13 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e20 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e21 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e22 = ffn;
        projectionMatrix.e23 = 1;
        projectionMatrix.e30 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e31 = 0;
        projectionMatrix.e32 = -near * ffn;
        projectionMatrix.e33 = 0;

class Vertex {
    public var pos:Vec3D;
    public var worldPos:Vec3D;
    public var viewPos:Vec3D;
    public var projPos:Vec3D;
    public function Vertex(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, z:Number = 0):void {
        pos = new Vec3D(x, y, z);
        worldPos = new Vec3D();
        viewPos = new Vec3D();
        projPos = new Vec3D();

class Vec3D {
     * [x y z w]
    public var x:Number;
    public var y:Number;
    public var z:Number;
    public var w:Number;
    public function Vec3D(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, z:Number = 0, w:Number = 0) {
        setVector(x, y, z, w);
    public function setVector(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0, z:Number = 0, w:Number = 0):void {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;
        this.w = w;
    public function add(v:Vec3D):Vec3D {
        return new Vec3D(x + v.x, y + v.y, z + v.z);
    public function addEqual(v:Vec3D):void {
        x += v.x;
        y += v.y;
        z += v.z;
    public function sub(v:Vec3D):Vec3D {
        return new Vec3D(x - v.x, y - v.y, z - v.z);
    public function subEqual(v:Vec3D):void {
        x -= v.x;
        y -= v.y;
        z -= v.z;
    public function mul(s:Number):Vec3D {
        return new Vec3D(x * s, y * s, z * s);
    public function mulEqual(s:Number):void {
        x *= s;
        y *= s;
        z *= s;
    public function dot(v:Vec3D):Number {
        return x * v.x + y * v.y + z * v.z;
    public function cross(v:Vec3D):Vec3D {
        return new Vec3D(y * v.z - z * v.y, z * v.x - x * v.z, x * v.y - y * v.x);
    public function length():Number {
        return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
    public function normalize():void {
        var length:Number = length();
        if (length > 0) {
            length = 1 / length;
            x *= length;
            y *= length;
            z *= length;

class Mat4x4 {
     * [e00 e01 e02 e03]
     * [e10 e11 e12 e13]
     * [e20 e21 e22 e23]
     * [e30 e31 e32 e33]
    public var e00:Number;
    public var e01:Number;
    public var e02:Number;
    public var e03:Number;
    public var e10:Number;
    public var e11:Number;
    public var e12:Number;
    public var e13:Number;
    public var e20:Number;
    public var e21:Number;
    public var e22:Number;
    public var e23:Number;
    public var e30:Number;
    public var e31:Number;
    public var e32:Number;
    public var e33:Number;
    public function Mat4x4(e00:Number = 1, e01:Number = 0, e02:Number = 0, e03:Number = 0,
        e10:Number = 0, e11:Number = 1, e12:Number = 0, e13:Number = 0,
        e20:Number = 0, e21:Number = 0, e22:Number = 1, e23:Number = 0,
        e30:Number = 0, e31:Number = 0, e32:Number = 0, e33:Number = 1) {
        setMatrix(e00, e01, e02, e03, e10, e11, e12, e13,
            e20, e21, e22, e23, e30, e31, e32, e33);
    public function identity():void {
    public function setMatrix(e00:Number = 1, e01:Number = 0, e02:Number = 0, e03:Number = 0,
        e10:Number = 0, e11:Number = 1, e12:Number = 0, e13:Number = 0,
        e20:Number = 0, e21:Number = 0, e22:Number = 1, e23:Number = 0,
        e30:Number = 0, e31:Number = 0, e32:Number = 0, e33:Number = 1):void {
        this.e00 = e00;
        this.e01 = e01;
        this.e02 = e02;
        this.e03 = e03;
        this.e10 = e10;
        this.e11 = e11;
        this.e12 = e12;
        this.e13 = e13;
        this.e20 = e20;
        this.e21 = e21;
        this.e22 = e22;
        this.e23 = e23;
        this.e30 = e30;
        this.e31 = e31;
        this.e32 = e32;
        this.e33 = e33;
    public function rotateX(theta:Number):void {
        var sin:Number = Math.sin(theta);
        var cos:Number = Math.cos(theta);
        var m:Mat4x4 = new Mat4x4();
        m.e11 = cos;
        m.e12 = sin;
        m.e21 = -sin;
        m.e22 = cos;
    public function rotateY(theta:Number):void {
        var sin:Number = Math.sin(theta);
        var cos:Number = Math.cos(theta);
        var m:Mat4x4 = new Mat4x4();
        m.e00 = cos;
        m.e02 = sin;
        m.e20 = -sin;
        m.e22 = cos;
    public function rotateZ(theta:Number):void {
        var sin:Number = Math.sin(theta);
        var cos:Number = Math.cos(theta);
        var m:Mat4x4 = new Mat4x4();
        m.e00 = cos;
        m.e01 = -sin;
        m.e10 = sin;
        m.e11 = cos;
    public function translate(tx:Number, ty:Number, tz:Number):void {
        var m:Mat4x4 = new Mat4x4();
        m.e30 = tx;
        m.e31 = ty;
        m.e32 = tz;
    public function mulMatrix(m:Mat4x4):Mat4x4 {
        var t11:Number = e00 * m.e00 + e01 * m.e10 + e02 * m.e20 + e03 * m.e30;
        var t12:Number = e00 * m.e01 + e01 * m.e11 + e02 * m.e21 + e03 * m.e31;
        var t13:Number = e00 * m.e02 + e01 * m.e12 + e02 * m.e22 + e03 * m.e32;
        var t14:Number = e00 * m.e03 + e01 * m.e13 + e02 * m.e23 + e03 * m.e33;
        var t21:Number = e10 * m.e00 + e11 * m.e10 + e12 * m.e20 + e13 * m.e30;
        var t22:Number = e10 * m.e01 + e11 * m.e11 + e12 * m.e21 + e13 * m.e31;
        var t23:Number = e10 * m.e02 + e11 * m.e12 + e12 * m.e22 + e13 * m.e32;
        var t24:Number = e10 * m.e03 + e11 * m.e13 + e12 * m.e23 + e13 * m.e33;
        var t31:Number = e20 * m.e00 + e21 * m.e10 + e22 * m.e20 + e23 * m.e30;
        var t32:Number = e20 * m.e01 + e21 * m.e11 + e22 * m.e21 + e23 * m.e31;
        var t33:Number = e20 * m.e02 + e21 * m.e12 + e22 * m.e22 + e23 * m.e32;
        var t34:Number = e20 * m.e03 + e21 * m.e13 + e22 * m.e23 + e23 * m.e33;
        var t41:Number = e30 * m.e00 + e31 * m.e10 + e32 * m.e20 + e33 * m.e30;
        var t42:Number = e30 * m.e01 + e31 * m.e11 + e32 * m.e21 + e33 * m.e31;
        var t43:Number = e30 * m.e02 + e31 * m.e12 + e32 * m.e22 + e33 * m.e32;
        var t44:Number = e30 * m.e03 + e31 * m.e13 + e32 * m.e23 + e33 * m.e33;
        return new Mat4x4(t11, t12, t13, t14, t21, t22, t23, t24, t31, t32, t33, t34, t41,
                t42, t43, t44);
    public function mulEqualMatrix(m:Mat4x4):void {
        var t11:Number = e00 * m.e00 + e01 * m.e10 + e02 * m.e20 + e03 * m.e30;
        var t12:Number = e00 * m.e01 + e01 * m.e11 + e02 * m.e21 + e03 * m.e31;
        var t13:Number = e00 * m.e02 + e01 * m.e12 + e02 * m.e22 + e03 * m.e32;
        var t14:Number = e00 * m.e03 + e01 * m.e13 + e02 * m.e23 + e03 * m.e33;
        var t21:Number = e10 * m.e00 + e11 * m.e10 + e12 * m.e20 + e13 * m.e30;
        var t22:Number = e10 * m.e01 + e11 * m.e11 + e12 * m.e21 + e13 * m.e31;
        var t23:Number = e10 * m.e02 + e11 * m.e12 + e12 * m.e22 + e13 * m.e32;
        var t24:Number = e10 * m.e03 + e11 * m.e13 + e12 * m.e23 + e13 * m.e33;
        var t31:Number = e20 * m.e00 + e21 * m.e10 + e22 * m.e20 + e23 * m.e30;
        var t32:Number = e20 * m.e01 + e21 * m.e11 + e22 * m.e21 + e23 * m.e31;
        var t33:Number = e20 * m.e02 + e21 * m.e12 + e22 * m.e22 + e23 * m.e32;
        var t34:Number = e20 * m.e03 + e21 * m.e13 + e22 * m.e23 + e23 * m.e33;
        var t41:Number = e30 * m.e00 + e31 * m.e10 + e32 * m.e20 + e33 * m.e30;
        var t42:Number = e30 * m.e01 + e31 * m.e11 + e32 * m.e21 + e33 * m.e31;
        var t43:Number = e30 * m.e02 + e31 * m.e12 + e32 * m.e22 + e33 * m.e32;
        var t44:Number = e30 * m.e03 + e31 * m.e13 + e32 * m.e23 + e33 * m.e33;
        setMatrix(t11, t12, t13, t14, t21, t22, t23, t24, t31, t32, t33, t34, t41,
                t42, t43, t44);
    public function mulVector(v:Vec3D):Vec3D {
        return new Vec3D(e00 * v.x + e10 * v.y + e20 * v.z + e30,
                    e01 * v.x + e11 * v.y + e21 * v.z + e31,
                    e02 * v.x + e12 * v.y + e22 * v.z + e32,
                    e03 * v.x + e13 * v.y + e23 * v.z + e33);
    public function mulEqualVector(v:Vec3D):void {
        v.setVector(e00 * v.x + e10 * v.y + e20 * v.z + e30,
                    e01 * v.x + e11 * v.y + e21 * v.z + e31,
                    e02 * v.x + e12 * v.y + e22 * v.z + e32,
                    e03 * v.x + e13 * v.y + e23 * v.z + e33);