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Simple spectrum analyzer (SiON FFT module + FP10.1 microphone)

SiON FFT module で 声紋解析 (Hamming窓+時間分解能11ms)
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by keim_at_Si 07 Jan 2010
  • Forked from keno42's FP10.1用 マイク録音&再生
  • Diff: 96
  • Related works: 7
  • Talk

    tes21090 at 07 Sep 2012 22:17
    there is a feedback problem
    tes21090 at 07 Sep 2012 22:17
    there is a feedback problem
    tes21090 at 07 Sep 2012 22:17
    there is a feedback problem
    tes21090 at 07 Sep 2012 22:17
    there is a feedback problem
    tests2090 at 13 Sep 2012 20:52
    there is a feedback problem
    test2234478 at 27 Feb 2013 06:28
    hi all there is an error private static var _initialized:Boolean = Wonderfl.@%@function ()@%@30@%@(); kindly please help any body say the solution for it
    test2234478 at 27 Feb 2013 06:29
    hi all there is an error private static var _initialized:Boolean = Wonderfl.@%@function ()@%@30@%@(); kindly please help any body say the solution for it
    test2234478 at 27 Feb 2013 18:06
    no reply sir
    test2234478 at 27 Feb 2013 18:06
    no reply sir
    keim_at_Si at 28 Feb 2013 08:59
    There are no errors in my environment. And I cannot help you by such a short informations about your errors. First, you should execute it on debug player and get messages from log data. Only advice I can say is that the " Wonderfl.*" package is in wonderfl's core library. So you should ask it to the helpdesk of wonderfl if the error occurs in "Wonderfl.*" function.
    makc3d at 25 Mar 2014 18:27
    there is indeed a feedback problem. maybe you could work around it with mic.setSilenceLevel( > 0); but, no matter what you do, if your microphone picks up sound from speakers, you will face feedback at certain volume.


 * Copyright keim_at_Si ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from keno42's FP10.1用 マイク録音&再生
// SiON FFT module で 声紋解析 (Hamming窓+時間分解能11ms)
package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.text.*;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import frocessing.color.ColorLerp;
    import com.bit101.components.*;
    public class main extends Sprite {
        private var voicePrint:BitmapData = new BitmapData(465, 256, false, 0);
        private var mic:Microphone, scaler:HSlider;
        public function main() {
            with(addChild(new Bitmap(voicePrint))){ y=100; }
            (scaler = new HSlider(this, 100, 370, _onScalerChanged)).setSize(264, 20);
            scaler.value = 25;
            mic = Microphone.getMicrophone();
            mic.rate = 44;
            mic.addEventListener("sampleData", _in);
        private function _onScalerChanged(e:Event) : void { 
            scale = scaler.value;
        private function _in(e:SampleDataEvent):void {
            for (;>0;) {
        private function _updateImage() : void {
            voicePrint.scroll(-4, 0);
            for (var i:int=0; i < 256; i++) {
                voicePrint.setPixel(461, 255-i, grad[frm[3][i]]);
                voicePrint.setPixel(462, 255-i, grad[frm[2][i]]);
                voicePrint.setPixel(463, 255-i, grad[frm[1][i]]);
                voicePrint.setPixel(464, 255-i, grad[frm[0][i]]);

        private var src:Vector.<Vector.<Number>> = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>(4);
        private var dst:Vector.<Vector.<Number>> = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>(4);
        private var amp:Vector.<Vector.<Number>> = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>(4);
        private var frm:Vector.<Vector.<int>> = new Vector.<Vector.<int>>(4);
        private var hamm:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(2048);
        private var fft:FFT = new FFT(2048);
        private var grad:Array, scale:Number;
        private function _initFFT() : void {
            var i:int;
            for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
                src[i] = new Vector.<Number>(2048);
                dst[i] = new Vector.<Number>(2048);
                amp[i] = new Vector.<Number>(1024);
                frm[i] = new Vector.<int>(256);
            for (i=0; i<2048; i++) hamm[i]=0.54-Math.cos(i*0.00306796)*0.46;
            ColorLerp.mode = "hsv";
            grad = ColorLerp.gradient(0x000040, 0xff0000, 256);
            scale = 25;
        private function _execFFT(data:ByteArray) : void {
            var index:int, i:int, j:int, n:Number, 
                f:Vector.<int>, a:Vector.<Number>,
                s0:Vector.<Number> = src[0],
                s1:Vector.<Number> = src[1],
                s2:Vector.<Number> = src[2],
                s3:Vector.<Number> = src[3];
            for (index=3; index>=0; --index) {
                for (i=0; i<512; i++) {
                    n = data.readFloat();
                    j = i;     s0[j] = n * hamm[j];
                    j += 512;  s1[j] = n * hamm[j];
                    j += 512;  s2[j] = n * hamm[j];
                    j += 512;  s3[j] = n * hamm[j];
                a = amp[index];
                f = frm[index];
                for (i=0; i<256; i++) { // from 86Hz to 5.6kHz
                    n = Math.log(a[i+4]*scale);
                    f[i] = int(((n<0) ? 0 : (n>1) ? 1 : n) * 255);
                s3 = s2;
                s2 = s1;
                s1 = s0;
                s0 = src[index];