In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


Get Adobe Flash player
by kacchan6 27 Oct 2011
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import flash.utils.Endian;

    [SWF(width=465, height=465, backgroundColor=0xffffff, frameRate=60)]
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite

        public function FlashTest()
            var tf:TextField = new TextField();
            tf.width = 465;
            tf.height = 465;
            tf.multiline = true;

            var bytes:ByteArray = loaderInfo.bytes;
            bytes.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;

            var abcdump:String = "";

            for (var i:int = 8; i < bytes.length; i++)
                if (bytes[i] == 0x44 && bytes[i + 1] == 0x11)
                    bytes.position = i;

            while (true)
                var code:uint = bytes.readUnsignedShort();
                var length:uint = code & 0x3f;
                code >>= 6;

                if (code === 0)

                if (length === 0x3f)
                    length = bytes.readInt();

                if (code === 82)
                    var pos:uint = bytes.position;
                    while (bytes.readByte() !== 0)

                    var newBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                    newBytes.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
                    newBytes.writeBytes(bytes, bytes.position, length - (bytes.position - pos));

                    abcdump += main(newBytes) + "\n";
                    bytes.position += length;

            tf.text = abcdump;

import flash.utils.ByteArray;

const ATTR_final:int = 0x01; // 1=final, 0=virtual

const ATTR_metadata:int = 0x04; // 1=has metadata, 0=no metadata

const ATTR_override:int = 0x02; // 1=override, 0=new

const ATTR_public:int = 0x08; // 1=add public namespace

const CLASS_FLAG_final:int = 0x02;

const CLASS_FLAG_interface:int = 0x04;

const CLASS_FLAG_sealed:int = 0x01;

const CONSTANT_Double:int = 0x06

const CONSTANT_False:int = 0x0A

const CONSTANT_Int:int = 0x03

const CONSTANT_Multiname:int = 0x09 //, ct nsset, ct name

const CONSTANT_MultinameA:int = 0x0E // o.@name, ct attr-name

const CONSTANT_MultinameL:int = 0x1B

const CONSTANT_MultinameLA:int = 0x1C

const CONSTANT_NameL:int = 0x13 // o.[], ns=public implied, rt name

const CONSTANT_NameLA:int = 0x14 // o.@[], ns=public implied, rt attr-name

const CONSTANT_Namespace:int = 0x08

const CONSTANT_NamespaceSet:int = 0x15

const CONSTANT_Null:int = 0x0C

const CONSTANT_PackageInternalNs:int = 0x17

const CONSTANT_PackageNs:int = 0x16

const CONSTANT_PrivateNs:int = 0x05 // non-shared namespace

const CONSTANT_ProtectedNs:int = 0x18

const CONSTANT_Qname:int = 0x07 // o.ns::name, ct ns, ct name

const CONSTANT_QnameA:int = 0x0D // o.@ns::name, ct ns, ct attr-name

const CONSTANT_RTQname:int = 0x0F // o.ns::name, rt ns, ct name

const CONSTANT_RTQnameA:int = 0x10 // o.@ns::name, rt ns, ct attr-name

const CONSTANT_RTQnameL:int = 0x11 // o.ns::[name], rt ns, rt name

const CONSTANT_RTQnameLA:int = 0x12 // o.@ns::[name], rt ns, rt attr-name

const CONSTANT_StaticProtectedNs:int = 0x19

const CONSTANT_StaticProtectedNs2:int = 0x1a

const CONSTANT_True:int = 0x0B

const CONSTANT_TypeName:int = 0x1D

const CONSTANT_UInt:int = 0x04

const CONSTANT_Utf8:int = 0x01

const HAS_OPTIONAL:int = 0x08

const HAS_ParamNames:int = 0x80

const IGNORE_REST:int = 0x10

const NATIVE:int = 0x20

const NEED_ACTIVATION:int = 0x02

const NEED_ARGUMENTS:int = 0x01

const NEED_REST:int = 0x04

const OP_add:int = 0xA0

const OP_add_d:int = 0x9B

const OP_add_i:int = 0xC5

const OP_applytype:int = 0x53

const OP_astype:int = 0x86

const OP_astypelate:int = 0x87

const OP_bitand:int = 0xA8

const OP_bitnot:int = 0x97

const OP_bitor:int = 0xA9

const OP_bitxor:int = 0xAA

const OP_bkpt:int = 0x01

const OP_bkptline:int = 0xF2

const OP_call:int = 0x41

const OP_callinterface:int = 0x4D

const OP_callmethod:int = 0x43

const OP_callproperty:int = 0x46

const OP_callproplex:int = 0x4C

const OP_callpropvoid:int = 0x4F

const OP_callstatic:int = 0x44

const OP_callsuper:int = 0x45

const OP_callsuperid:int = 0x4B

const OP_callsupervoid:int = 0x4E

const OP_coerce:int = 0x80

const OP_coerce_a:int = 0x82

const OP_coerce_b:int = 0x81

const OP_coerce_d:int = 0x84

const OP_coerce_i:int = 0x83

const OP_coerce_o:int = 0x89

const OP_coerce_s:int = 0x85

const OP_coerce_u:int = 0x88

const OP_construct:int = 0x42

const OP_constructprop:int = 0x4A

const OP_constructsuper:int = 0x49

const OP_convert_b:int = 0x76

const OP_convert_d:int = 0x75

const OP_convert_i:int = 0x73

const OP_convert_o:int = 0x77

const OP_convert_s:int = 0x70

const OP_convert_u:int = 0x74

const OP_debug:int = 0xEF

const OP_debugfile:int = 0xF1

const OP_debugline:int = 0xF0

const OP_declocal:int = 0x94

const OP_declocal_i:int = 0xC3

const OP_decrement:int = 0x93

const OP_decrement_i:int = 0xC1

const OP_deleteproperty:int = 0x6A

const OP_deletepropertylate:int = 0x6B

const OP_divide:int = 0xA3

const OP_dup:int = 0x2A

const OP_dxns:int = 0x06

const OP_dxnslate:int = 0x07

const OP_equals:int = 0xAB

const OP_esc_xattr:int = 0x72

const OP_esc_xelem:int = 0x71

const OP_finddef:int = 0x5F

const OP_findproperty:int = 0x5E

const OP_findpropstrict:int = 0x5D

const OP_getdescendants:int = 0x59

const OP_getglobalscope:int = 0x64

const OP_getglobalslot:int = 0x6E

const OP_getlex:int = 0x60

const OP_getlocal:int = 0x62

const OP_getlocal0:int = 0xD0

const OP_getlocal1:int = 0xD1

const OP_getlocal2:int = 0xD2

const OP_getlocal3:int = 0xD3

const OP_getouterscope:int = 0x67

const OP_getproperty:int = 0x66

const OP_getscopeobject:int = 0x65

const OP_getslot:int = 0x6C

const OP_getsuper:int = 0x04

const OP_greaterequals:int = 0xB0

const OP_greaterthan:int = 0xAF

const OP_hasnext:int = 0x1F

const OP_hasnext2:int = 0x32

const OP_ifeq:int = 0x13

const OP_iffalse:int = 0x12

const OP_ifge:int = 0x18

const OP_ifgt:int = 0x17

const OP_ifle:int = 0x16

const OP_iflt:int = 0x15

const OP_ifne:int = 0x14

const OP_ifnge:int = 0x0F

const OP_ifngt:int = 0x0E

const OP_ifnle:int = 0x0D

const OP_ifnlt:int = 0x0C

const OP_ifstricteq:int = 0x19

const OP_ifstrictne:int = 0x1A

const OP_iftrue:int = 0x11

const OP_in:int = 0xB4

const OP_inclocal:int = 0x92

const OP_inclocal_i:int = 0xC2

const OP_increment:int = 0x91

const OP_increment_i:int = 0xC0

const OP_initproperty:int = 0x68

const OP_instanceof:int = 0xB1

const OP_istype:int = 0xB2

const OP_istypelate:int = 0xB3

const OP_jump:int = 0x10

const OP_kill:int = 0x08

const OP_label:int = 0x09

const OP_lessequals:int = 0xAE

const OP_lessthan:int = 0xAD

const OP_lf32:int = 0x38

const OP_lf64:int = 0x39

const OP_li16:int = 0x36

const OP_li32:int = 0x37

const OP_li8:int = 0x35

const OP_lookupswitch:int = 0x1B

const OP_lshift:int = 0xA5

const OP_modulo:int = 0xA4

const OP_multiply:int = 0xA2

const OP_multiply_i:int = 0xC7

const OP_negate:int = 0x90

const OP_negate_i:int = 0xC4

const OP_newactivation:int = 0x57

const OP_newarray:int = 0x56

const OP_newcatch:int = 0x5A

const OP_newclass:int = 0x58

const OP_newfunction:int = 0x40

const OP_newobject:int = 0x55

const OP_nextname:int = 0x1E

const OP_nextvalue:int = 0x23

const OP_nop:int = 0x02

const OP_not:int = 0x96

const OP_pop:int = 0x29

const OP_popscope:int = 0x1D

const OP_pushbyte:int = 0x24

const OP_pushconstant:int = 0x22

const OP_pushdouble:int = 0x2F

const OP_pushfalse:int = 0x27

const OP_pushint:int = 0x2D

const OP_pushnamespace:int = 0x31

const OP_pushnan:int = 0x28

const OP_pushnull:int = 0x20

const OP_pushscope:int = 0x30

const OP_pushshort:int = 0x25

const OP_pushstring:int = 0x2C

const OP_pushtrue:int = 0x26

const OP_pushuint:int = 0x2E

const OP_pushundefined:int = 0x21

const OP_pushwith:int = 0x1C

const OP_returnvalue:int = 0x48

const OP_returnvoid:int = 0x47

const OP_rshift:int = 0xA6

const OP_setglobalslot:int = 0x6F

const OP_setlocal:int = 0x63

const OP_setlocal0:int = 0xD4

const OP_setlocal1:int = 0xD5

const OP_setlocal2:int = 0xD6

const OP_setlocal3:int = 0xD7

const OP_setproperty:int = 0x61

const OP_setpropertylate:int = 0x69

const OP_setslot:int = 0x6D

const OP_setsuper:int = 0x05

const OP_sf32:int = 0x3D

const OP_sf64:int = 0x3E

const OP_si16:int = 0x3B

const OP_si32:int = 0x3C

const OP_si8:int = 0x3A

const OP_strictequals:int = 0xAC

const OP_subtract:int = 0xA1

const OP_subtract_i:int = 0xC6

const OP_swap:int = 0x2B

const OP_sxi1:int = 0x50

const OP_sxi16:int = 0x52

const OP_sxi8:int = 0x51

const OP_throw:int = 0x03

const OP_typeof:int = 0x95

const OP_urshift:int = 0xA7

const TAB:String = "  "

const TRAIT_Class:int = 0x04

const TRAIT_Const:int = 0x06

const TRAIT_Function:int = 0x05

const TRAIT_Getter:int = 0x02

const TRAIT_Method:int = 0x01

const TRAIT_Setter:int = 0x03

const TRAIT_Slot:int = 0x00

var buf:Array = [];

const constantKinds:Array = ["0", "utf8", "2",
    "int", "uint", "private", "double", "qname", "namespace",
    "multiname", "false", "true", "null", "@qname", "@multiname", "rtqname",
    "@rtqname", "[qname]", "@[qname]", "[name]", "@[name]", "nsset"]

const opNames:Array = ["OP_0x00       ", "bkpt          ", "nop           ", "throw         ", "getsuper      ", "setsuper      ", "dxns          ", "dxnslate      ",
    "kill          ", "label         ", "OP_0x0A       ", "OP_0x0B       ", "ifnlt         ", "ifnle         ", "ifngt         ", "ifnge         ",
    "jump          ", "iftrue        ", "iffalse       ", "ifeq          ", "ifne          ", "iflt          ", "ifle          ", "ifgt          ",
    "ifge          ", "ifstricteq    ", "ifstrictne    ", "lookupswitch  ", "pushwith      ", "popscope      ", "nextname      ", "hasnext       ",
    "pushnull      ", "pushundefined ", "pushconstant  ", "nextvalue     ", "pushbyte      ", "pushshort     ", "pushtrue      ", "pushfalse     ",
    "pushnan       ", "pop           ", "dup           ", "swap          ", "pushstring    ", "pushint       ", "pushuint      ", "pushdouble    ",
    "pushscope     ", "pushnamespace ", "hasnext2      ", "OP_0x33       ", "OP_0x34       ", "li8           ", "li16          ", "li32          ",
    "lf32          ", "lf64          ", "si8           ", "si16          ", "si32          ", "sf32          ", "sf64          ", "OP_0x3F       ",
    "newfunction   ", "call          ", "construct     ", "callmethod    ", "callstatic    ", "callsuper     ", "callproperty  ", "returnvoid    ",
    "returnvalue   ", "constructsuper", "constructprop ", "callsuperid   ", "callproplex   ", "callinterface ", "callsupervoid ", "callpropvoid  ",
    "sxi1          ", "sxi8          ", "sxi16         ", "applytype     ", "OP_0x54       ", "newobject     ", "newarray      ", "newactivation ",
    "newclass      ", "getdescendants", "newcatch      ", "OP_0x5B       ", "OP_0x5C       ", "findpropstrict", "findproperty  ", "finddef       ",
    "getlex        ", "setproperty   ", "getlocal      ", "setlocal      ", "getglobalscope", "getscopeobject", "getproperty   ", "getouterscope ",
    "initproperty  ", "OP_0x69       ", "deleteproperty", "OP_0x6B       ", "getslot       ", "setslot       ", "getglobalslot ", "setglobalslot ",
    "convert_s     ", "esc_xelem     ", "esc_xattr     ", "convert_i     ", "convert_u     ", "convert_d     ", "convert_b     ", "convert_o     ",
    "checkfilter   ", "OP_0x79       ", "OP_0x7A       ", "OP_0x7B       ", "OP_0x7C       ", "OP_0x7D       ", "OP_0x7E       ", "OP_0x7F       ",
    "coerce        ", "coerce_b      ", "coerce_a      ", "coerce_i      ", "coerce_d      ", "coerce_s      ", "astype        ", "astypelate    ",
    "coerce_u      ", "coerce_o      ", "OP_0x8A       ", "OP_0x8B       ", "OP_0x8C       ", "OP_0x8D       ", "OP_0x8E       ", "OP_0x8F       ",
    "negate        ", "increment     ", "inclocal      ", "decrement     ", "declocal      ", "typeof        ", "not           ", "bitnot        ",
    "OP_0x98       ", "OP_0x99       ", "OP_0x9A       ", "add_d         ", "OP_0x9C       ", "OP_0x9D       ", "OP_0x9E       ", "OP_0x9F       ",
    "add           ", "subtract      ", "multiply      ", "divide        ", "modulo        ", "lshift        ", "rshift        ", "urshift       ",
    "bitand        ", "bitor         ", "bitxor        ", "equals        ", "strictequals  ", "lessthan      ", "lessequals    ", "greaterthan   ",
    "greaterequals ", "instanceof    ", "istype        ", "istypelate    ", "in            ", "OP_0xB5       ", "OP_0xB6       ", "OP_0xB7       ",
    "OP_0xB8       ", "OP_0xB9       ", "OP_0xBA       ", "OP_0xBB       ", "OP_0xBC       ", "OP_0xBD       ", "OP_0xBE       ", "OP_0xBF       ",
    "increment_i   ", "decrement_i   ", "inclocal_i    ", "declocal_i    ", "negate_i      ", "add_i         ", "subtract_i    ", "multiply_i    ",
    "OP_0xC8       ", "OP_0xC9       ", "OP_0xCA       ", "OP_0xCB       ", "OP_0xCC       ", "OP_0xCD       ", "OP_0xCE       ", "OP_0xCF       ",
    "getlocal0     ", "getlocal1     ", "getlocal2     ", "getlocal3     ", "setlocal0     ", "setlocal1     ", "setlocal2     ", "setlocal3     ",
    "OP_0xD8       ", "OP_0xD9       ", "OP_0xDA       ", "OP_0xDB       ", "OP_0xDC       ", "OP_0xDD       ", "OP_0xDE       ", "OP_0xDF       ",
    "OP_0xE0       ", "OP_0xE1       ", "OP_0xE2       ", "OP_0xE3       ", "OP_0xE4       ", "OP_0xE5       ", "OP_0xE6       ", "OP_0xE7       ",
    "OP_0xE8       ", "OP_0xE9       ", "OP_0xEA       ", "OP_0xEB       ", "OP_0xEC       ", "OP_0xED       ", "OP_0xEE       ", "debug         ",
    "debugline     ", "debugfile     ", "bkptline      ", "timestamp     ", "OP_0xF4       ", "OP_0xF5       ", "OP_0xF6       ", "OP_0xF7       ",
    "OP_0xF8       ", "OP_0xF9       ", "OP_0xFA       ", "OP_0xFB       ", "OP_0xFC       ", "OP_0xFD       ", "OP_0xFE       ", "OP_0xFF       "];

var opSizes:Array = new Array(256);

var totalSize:int;

const traitKinds:Array = ["var", "function", "function get", "function set", "class", "function", "const"];

function dumpPrint(s:String):void

function infoPrint(s:String):void
    print("// " + s);

function main(bytes:ByteArray):String
    buf = [];
    totalSize = 0;
    new Abc(bytes).dump();

    return buf.join("\n");

function print(s:String):void
    buf[buf.length] = s;

class Multiname

    public var name:String

    public var nsset:Array

    public function Multiname(nsset:Array, name:String)
        this.nsset = nsset; = name;

    public function toString():String
        return name;

class TypeName
    public var name:*;

    public var types:Array;

    public function TypeName(name:*, types:Array)
    { = name;
        this.types = types;

    public function toString():String
        var s:String = name.toString();
        s += ".<";
        for (var i:int = 0; i < types.length; ++i)
            s += types[i] != null ? types[i].toString() : "*" + " ";
        s += ">";
        return s;

dynamic class MetaData

    public var name:String;

    public function toString():String
        var last:String;
        var s:String = last = '[' + name + '(';
        var n:String;
        for (n in this)
            s = (last = s + n + "=" + '"' + this[n] + '"') + ',';

        return last + ')]'

class MemberInfo

    public var id:int;

    public var kind:int;

    public var metadata:Array;

    public var name:*;

dynamic class LabelInfo

    public var count:int;

    public function labelFor(target:int):String
        if (target in this)
            return this[target];
        return this[target] = "L" + (++count);

class MethodInfo extends MemberInfo
    public var activation:Traits;

    public var code:ByteArray;

    public var code_length:uint;

    public var debugName:*;

    public var dumped:Boolean;

    public var flags:int;

    public var local_count:int;

    public var max_scope:int;

    public var max_stack:int;

    public var method_id:int;

    public var optionalValues:Array;

    public var paramTypes:Array;

    public var returnType:*;

    public function dump(abc:Abc, indent:String, attr:String = ""):void
        dumped = true;

        if (metadata)
            for each (var md:MetaData in metadata)
                dumpPrint(indent + md);

        var s:String = ""
        if (flags & NATIVE)
            s = "native "
        s += traitKinds[kind] + " ";

        dumpPrint(indent + attr + s + format());
        if (code)
            dumpPrint(indent + "{");
            var oldindent:String = indent;
            indent += TAB;
            if (flags & NEED_ACTIVATION)
                dumpPrint(indent + "activation {");
                activation.dump(abc, indent + TAB, "");
                dumpPrint(indent + "}");
            dumpPrint(indent + "// local_count=" + local_count + " max_scope=" + max_scope + " max_stack=" + max_stack + " code_len=" + code.length);

            if (code.length === 145)

            code.position = 0;
            var labels:LabelInfo = new LabelInfo();
            while (code.bytesAvailable > 0)
                var start:int = code.position;
                s = indent + start;
                while (s.length < 12)
                    s += ' ';
                var opcode:uint = code.readUnsignedByte();

                if (opcode == OP_label || ((code.position - 1) in labels))
                    dumpPrint(indent + labels.labelFor(code.position - 1) + ": ");

                s += opNames[opcode];
                s += opNames[opcode].length < 8 ? "\t\t" : "\t";

                switch (opcode)
                    case OP_debugfile:
                    case OP_pushstring:
                        s += '"' + abc.strings[readU32()].replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\t/g, "\\t") + '"';
                    case OP_pushnamespace:
                        s += abc.namespaces[readU32()];
                    case OP_pushint:
                        var i:int = abc.ints[readU32()];
                        s += i + "\t// 0x" + i.toString(16);
                    case OP_pushuint:
                        var u:uint = abc.uints[readU32()];
                        s += u + "\t// 0x" + u.toString(16);
                    case OP_pushdouble:
                        s += abc.doubles[readU32()];
                    case OP_getsuper:
                    case OP_setsuper:
                    case OP_getproperty:
                    case OP_initproperty:
                    case OP_setproperty:
                    case OP_getlex:
                    case OP_findpropstrict:
                    case OP_findproperty:
                    case OP_finddef:
                    case OP_deleteproperty:
                    case OP_istype:
                    case OP_coerce:
                    case OP_astype:
                    case OP_getdescendants:
                        s += abc.names[readU32()];
                    case OP_constructprop:
                    case OP_callproperty:
                    case OP_callproplex:
                    case OP_callsuper:
                    case OP_callsupervoid:
                    case OP_callpropvoid:
                        s += abc.names[readU32()];
                        s += " (" + readU32() + ")";
                    case OP_newfunction:
                        var method_id:uint = readU32();
                        s += abc.methods[method_id];
                    case OP_callstatic:
                        s += abc.methods[readU32()];
                        s += " (" + readU32() + ")";
                    case OP_newclass:
                        s += abc.instances[readU32()];
                    case OP_lookupswitch:
                        var pos:int = code.position - 1;
                        var target:int = pos + readS24();
                        var maxindex:uint = readU32();
                        s += "default:" + labels.labelFor(target); // target + "("+(target-pos)+")"
                        s += " maxcase:" + maxindex;
                        for (i = 0; i <= maxindex; i++)
                            target = pos + readS24();
                            s += " " + labels.labelFor(target); // target + "("+(target-pos)+")"
                    case OP_jump:
                    case OP_iftrue:
                    case OP_iffalse:
                    case OP_ifeq:
                    case OP_ifne:
                    case OP_ifge:
                    case OP_ifnge:
                    case OP_ifgt:
                    case OP_ifngt:
                    case OP_ifle:
                    case OP_ifnle:
                    case OP_iflt:
                    case OP_ifnlt:
                    case OP_ifstricteq:
                    case OP_ifstrictne:
                        var offset:int = readS24();
                        target = code.position + offset;
                        //s += target + " ("+offset+")"
                        s += labels.labelFor(target);
                        if (!((code.position) in labels))
                            s += "\n";
                    case OP_inclocal:
                    case OP_declocal:
                    case OP_inclocal_i:
                    case OP_declocal_i:
                    case OP_getlocal:
                    case OP_kill:
                    case OP_setlocal:
                    case OP_debugline:
                    case OP_getglobalslot:
                    case OP_getslot:
                    case OP_setglobalslot:
                    case OP_setslot:
                    case OP_pushshort:
                    case OP_newcatch:
                        s += readU32();
                    case OP_debug:
                        s += code.readUnsignedByte();
                        s += " " + readU32();
                        s += " " + code.readUnsignedByte();
                        s += " " + readU32();
                    case OP_newobject:
                        s += "{" + readU32() + "}";
                    case OP_newarray:
                        s += "[" + readU32() + "]";
                    case OP_call:
                    case OP_construct:
                    case OP_constructsuper:
                    case OP_applytype:
                        s += "(" + readU32() + ")";
                    case OP_pushbyte:
                    case OP_getscopeobject:
                        s += code.readByte();
                    case OP_hasnext2:
                        s += readU32() + " " + readU32();
                        /*if (opNames[opcode] == ("0x"+opcode.toString(16).toUpperCase()))
                        s += " UNKNOWN OPCODE"*/
                var size:int = code.position - start;
                totalSize += size;
                opSizes[opcode] = int(opSizes[opcode]) + size;
            dumpPrint(oldindent + "}\n");

    public function format():String
        var name:String = ? : "function";
        return name + "(" + paramTypes + "):" + returnType + "\t/* disp_id=" + id + " method_id=" + method_id + " */";

    public function readS24():int
        var b:int = code.readUnsignedByte();
        b |= code.readUnsignedByte() << 8;
        b |= code.readByte() << 16;
        return b;

    public function readU32():int
        var result:int = code.readUnsignedByte();
        if (!(result & 0x00000080))
            return result;
        result = result & 0x0000007f | code.readUnsignedByte() << 7;
        if (!(result & 0x00004000))
            return result;
        result = result & 0x00003fff | code.readUnsignedByte() << 14;
        if (!(result & 0x00200000))
            return result;
        result = result & 0x001fffff | code.readUnsignedByte() << 21;
        if (!(result & 0x10000000))
            return result;

        return result & 0x0fffffff | code.readUnsignedByte() << 28;

    public function toString():String
        return format();

class SlotInfo extends MemberInfo
    public var type:*;

    public var value:*;

    public function dump(abc:Abc, indent:String, attr:String = ""):void
        var md:MetaData;
        if (kind == TRAIT_Const || kind == TRAIT_Slot)
            if (metadata)
                for each (md in metadata)
                    dumpPrint(indent + md);
            dumpPrint(indent + attr + format());

        // else, class

        var ct:Traits = value;
        var it:Traits = ct.itraits;
        if (metadata)
            for each (md in metadata)
                dumpPrint(indent + md);
        var def:String;
        if (it.flags & CLASS_FLAG_interface)
            def = "interface";
            def = "class";
            if (!(it.flags & CLASS_FLAG_sealed))
                def = "dynamic " + def;
            if (it.flags & CLASS_FLAG_final)
                def = "final " + def;

        dumpPrint(indent + attr + def + " " + name + " extends " + it.base);
        var oldindent:* = indent;
        indent += TAB;
        if (it.interfaces.length > 0)
            dumpPrint(indent + "implements " + it.interfaces);
        dumpPrint(oldindent + "{");
        it.init.dump(abc, indent);
        it.dump(abc, indent);
        ct.dump(abc, indent, "static ");
        ct.init.dump(abc, indent, "static ");
        dumpPrint(oldindent + "}\n");

    public function format():String
        return traitKinds[kind] + " " + name + ":" + type + (value !== undefined ? (" = " + (value is String ? ('"' + value + '"') : value)) : "") + "\t/* slot_id " + id + " */";

class Traits
    public var base:*;

    public var flags:int;

    public var init:MethodInfo;

    public const interfaces:Array = [];

    public var itraits:Traits;

    public const members:Array = [];

    public const methods:Array = [];

    public var name:*;

    public const names:Object = {};

    public var protectedNs:Namespace;

    public const slots:Array = [];

    public function dump(abc:Abc, indent:String, attr:String = ""):void
        for each (var m:* in members)
            m.dump(abc, indent, attr);

    public function toString():String
        return String(name);

class Abc
    public var anyNs:Namespace = new Namespace("*");

    public var classes:Array;

    public var defaults:Array = new Array(constantKinds.length)

    public var doubles:Array;

    public var instances:Array;

    public var ints:Array;

    public var magic:int;

    public var major:int;

    public var metadata:Array;

    public var methods:Array;

    public var minor:int;

    public var names:Array;

    public var namespaces:Array;

    public var nssets:Array;

    public var publicNs:Namespace = new Namespace("");

    public var scripts:Array;

    public var strings:Array;

    public var uints:Array;

    private var data:ByteArray;

    public function Abc(data:ByteArray)
        data.position = 0; = data;
        magic = data.readInt();

        infoPrint("magic " + magic.toString(16));

        if (magic != (46 << 16 | 14) && magic != (46 << 16 | 15) && magic != (46 << 16 | 16))
            throw new Error("not an abc file.  magic=" + magic.toString(16));


        defaults[CONSTANT_Utf8] = strings;
        defaults[CONSTANT_Int] = ints;
        defaults[CONSTANT_UInt] = uints;
        defaults[CONSTANT_Double] = doubles;
        defaults[CONSTANT_Int] = ints;
        defaults[CONSTANT_False] = {10: false};
        defaults[CONSTANT_True] = {11: true};
        defaults[CONSTANT_Namespace] = namespaces;
        defaults[CONSTANT_PrivateNs] = namespaces;
        defaults[CONSTANT_PackageNs] = namespaces;
        defaults[CONSTANT_PackageInternalNs] = namespaces;
        defaults[CONSTANT_ProtectedNs] = namespaces;
        defaults[CONSTANT_StaticProtectedNs] = namespaces;
        defaults[CONSTANT_StaticProtectedNs2] = namespaces;
        defaults[CONSTANT_Null] = {12: null};


    public function dump(indent:String = ""):void
        for each (var t:* in scripts)
            dumpPrint("// " + indent +;
            t.dump(this, indent);
            t.init.dump(this, indent);

        for each (var m:* in methods)
            if (!m.dumped)
                m.dump(this, indent);

        infoPrint("OPCODE\tSIZE\t% OF " + totalSize)
        var done:Array = [];
        for (; ; )
            var max:int = -1;
            var maxsize:int = 0;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < 256; i++)
                if (opSizes[i] > maxsize && !done[i])
                    max = i;
                    maxsize = opSizes[i];
            if (max == -1)
            done[max] = 1;
            infoPrint(opNames[max] + "\t" + int(opSizes[max]) + "\t" + int(100 * opSizes[max] / totalSize) + "%");

    public function parseClassInfos():void
        var start:int = data.position;
        var count:int = instances.length;
        classes = [];
        for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++)
            var t:Traits = classes[i] = new Traits();
            t.init = methods[readU32()];
            t.base = "Class";
            t.itraits = instances[i];
   = + "$";
   = + "$cinit";
            t.init.kind = TRAIT_Method;
        infoPrint("ClassInfo count " + count + " size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + "%");

    public function parseCpool():void
        var i:int, j:int;
        var n:int;
        var kind:int;

        var start:int = data.position;

        // ints
        n = readU32();
        ints = [0];
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            ints[i] = readU32();

        // uints
        n = readU32();
        uints = [0];
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            uints[i] = uint(readU32());

        // doubles
        n = readU32();
        doubles = [NaN];
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            doubles[i] = data.readDouble();

        infoPrint("Cpool numbers size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %");
        start = data.position;

        // strings
        n = readU32();
        strings = [""];
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            strings[i] = data.readUTFBytes(readU32());

        infoPrint("Cpool strings count " + n + " size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %");
        start = data.position;

        // namespaces
        n = readU32();
        namespaces = [publicNs];
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            switch (data.readByte())
                case CONSTANT_Namespace:
                case CONSTANT_PackageNs:
                case CONSTANT_PackageInternalNs:
                case CONSTANT_ProtectedNs:
                case CONSTANT_StaticProtectedNs:
                case CONSTANT_StaticProtectedNs2:
                    namespaces[i] = new Namespace(strings[readU32()]);
                    // todo mark kind of namespace.
                case CONSTANT_PrivateNs:
                    namespaces[i] = new Namespace(null, "private");

        infoPrint("Cpool namespaces count " + n + " size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %");
        start = data.position;

        // namespace sets
        n = readU32();
        nssets = [null];
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            var count:int = readU32();
            var nsset:Array = nssets[i] = [];
            for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
                nsset[j] = namespaces[readU32()];

        infoPrint("Cpool nssets count " + n + " size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %");
        start = data.position;

        // multinames
        n = readU32();
        names = [null];
        namespaces[0] = anyNs;
        strings[0] = "*"; // any name
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            switch (data.readByte())
                case CONSTANT_Qname:
                case CONSTANT_QnameA:
                    names[i] = new QName(namespaces[readU32()], strings[readU32()]);

                case CONSTANT_RTQname:
                case CONSTANT_RTQnameA:
                    names[i] = new QName(strings[readU32()]);

                case CONSTANT_RTQnameL:
                case CONSTANT_RTQnameLA:
                    names[i] = null;

                case CONSTANT_NameL:
                case CONSTANT_NameLA:
                    names[i] = new QName(new Namespace(""), null);

                case CONSTANT_Multiname:
                case CONSTANT_MultinameA:
                    var name:* = strings[readU32()];
                    names[i] = new Multiname(nssets[readU32()], name);

                case CONSTANT_MultinameL:
                case CONSTANT_MultinameLA:
                    names[i] = new Multiname(nssets[readU32()], null);

                case CONSTANT_TypeName:
                    name = names[readU32()];
                    count = readU32();
                    var types:* = [];
                    for (var t:int = 0; t < count; ++t)
                    names[i] = new TypeName(name, types);

                    throw new Error("invalid kind " + data[data.position - 1]);

        infoPrint("Cpool names count " + n + " size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %");
        start = data.position;

        namespaces[0] = publicNs;
        strings[0] = "*";

    public function parseInstanceInfos():void
        var start:int = data.position;
        var count:int = readU32();
        instances = [];
        for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++)
            var t:* = instances[i] = new Traits();
   = names[readU32()];
            t.base = names[readU32()];
            t.flags = data.readByte();
            if (t.flags & 8)
                t.protectedNs = namespaces[readU32()]
            var interface_count:* = readU32();
            for (var j:int = 0; j < interface_count; j++)
                t.interfaces[j] = names[readU32()];
            var m:* = t.init = methods[readU32()];
            m.kind = TRAIT_Method;
   = -1;
        infoPrint("InstanceInfo count " + count + " size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %");

    public function parseMetadataInfos():void
        var count:int = readU32();
        metadata = [];
        for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++)
            // MetadataInfo
            var m:* = metadata[i] = new MetaData();
   = strings[readU32()];
            var values_count:int = readU32();
            var names:Array = [];
            var q:int;
            for (q = 0; q < values_count; ++q)
                names[q] = strings[readU32()]; // name 
            for (q = 0; q < values_count; ++q)
                m[names[q]] = strings[readU32()]; // value

    public function parseMethodBodies():void
        var start:int = data.position;
        var count:int = readU32();
        for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++)
            var m:* = methods[readU32()];
            m.max_stack = readU32();
            m.local_count = readU32();
            var initScopeDepth:* = readU32();
            var maxScopeDepth:* = readU32();
            m.max_scope = maxScopeDepth - initScopeDepth;
            var code_length:* = readU32();
            m.code = new ByteArray();
            m.code.endian = "littleEndian";
            if (code_length > 0)
                data.readBytes(m.code, 0, code_length);
            var ex_count:* = readU32()
            for (var j:int = 0; j < ex_count; j++)
                var from:* = readU32();
                var to:* = readU32();
                var target:* = readU32();
                var type:* = names[readU32()];
                //print("magic " + magic.toString(16))
                //if (magic >= (46<<16|16))
                var name:* = names[readU32()];
            parseTraits(m.activation = new Traits);
        infoPrint("MethodBodies count " + count + " size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %");

    public function parseMethodInfos():void
        var start:int = data.position;
        names[0] = new QName(publicNs, "*");
        var method_count:int = readU32();
        methods = [];
        for (var i:int = 0; i < method_count; i++)
            var m:* = methods[i] = new MethodInfo();
            m.method_id = i;
            var param_count:int = readU32();
            m.returnType = names[readU32()];
            m.paramTypes = [];
            var k:int;
            for (var j:int = 0; j < param_count; j++)
                m.paramTypes[j] = names[readU32()];
            m.debugName = strings[readU32()];
            m.flags = data.readByte();
            if (m.flags & HAS_OPTIONAL)
                // has_optional
                var optional_count:int = readU32();
                m.optionalValues = [];
                for (k = param_count - optional_count; k < param_count; ++k)
                    var index:* = readU32(); // optional value index
                    var kind:int = data.readByte(); // kind byte for each default value
                    if (index == 0)
                        // kind is ignored, default value is based on type
                        m.optionalValues[k] = undefined;
                        if (!defaults[kind])
                            print("ERROR kind=" + kind + " method_id " + i);
                            m.optionalValues[k] = defaults[kind][index];
            if (m.flags & HAS_ParamNames)
                // has_paramnames
                for (k = 0; k < param_count; ++k)
        infoPrint("MethodInfo count " + method_count + " size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %")

    public function parseScriptInfos():void
        var start:int = data.position;
        var count:int = readU32();
        scripts = [];
        for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++)
            var t:Traits = new Traits();
            scripts[i] = t;
   = "script" + i;
            t.base = names[0];
            t.init = methods[readU32()];
   = + "$init";
            t.init.kind = TRAIT_Method;
        infoPrint("ScriptInfo size " + (data.position - start) + " " + int(100 * (data.position - start) / data.length) + " %");

    public function parseTraits(t:Traits):void
        var namecount:* = readU32();
        for (var i:int = 0; i < namecount; i++)
            var name:* = names[readU32()];
            var tag:* = data.readByte();
            var kind:* = tag & 0xf;
            var member:*;
            switch (kind)
                case TRAIT_Slot:
                case TRAIT_Const:
                case TRAIT_Class:
                    var slot:* = member = new SlotInfo();
           = readU32();
                    t.slots[] = slot;
                    if (kind == TRAIT_Slot || kind == TRAIT_Const)
                        slot.type = names[readU32()];
                        var index:* = readU32();
                        if (index)
                            slot.value = defaults[data.readByte()][index];
                    else // (kind == TRAIT_Class)
                        slot.value = classes[readU32()];
                case TRAIT_Method:
                case TRAIT_Getter:
                case TRAIT_Setter:
                    var disp_id:* = readU32();
                    var method:* = member = methods[readU32()];
                    t.methods[disp_id] = method;
           = disp_id;
                    //print("\t",traitKinds[kind],name,disp_id,method,"// disp_id", disp_id)
            if (!member)
                print("error trait kind " + kind)
            member.kind = kind;
   = name;
            t.names[String(name)] = t.members[i] = member;

            if ((tag >> 4) & ATTR_metadata)
                member.metadata = [];
                for (var j:int = 0, mdCount:int = readU32(); j < mdCount; ++j)
                    member.metadata[j] = metadata[readU32()]

    public function readU32():int
        var result:int = data.readUnsignedByte();
        if (!(result & 0x00000080))
            return result;
        result = result & 0x0000007f | data.readUnsignedByte() << 7;
        if (!(result & 0x00004000))
            return result;
        result = result & 0x00003fff | data.readUnsignedByte() << 14;
        if (!(result & 0x00200000))
            return result;
        result = result & 0x001fffff | data.readUnsignedByte() << 21;
        if (!(result & 0x10000000))
            return result;
        return result & 0x0fffffff | data.readUnsignedByte() << 28;