Weird.. If I copy and paste what's here into a local file, it seems to work fine... Perhaps some flash player weirdness.. Guess I'll forsake Wonderfl and just write a blog post tomorrow.. thanks for checking it out...
Very nice, still into deformations :p
Copied/pasted as well.... Still doesnt work, while providing my 'version' of - perhaps this is the only changing factor?
..finally managed to compile it locally thx to rect's suggestion :-) Used version of AGALMiniAssembler and compiled.
Compiled version with fur 1024 texture:
To be honest, I had no idea there were various versions of the AGALMiniAssembler floating around (don't even remember where I downloaded my local one from). Can anyone point out where to download the version currently supported by Wonderfl so I can rewrite this and make it work?
And thank you all for the comments that got to the source of the problem (And to Hasufel for coming up with another example to show I'm not crazy.. :) )
wonderfl uses swc compiled from ht tp:// (ht tp:// official adobe's version with latest fixes is at ht tps://
all right.. just patched to xyzw rather than rgba as makc3d suggested.. getting closer, but still not working as expected.. Thanks to suggestions and help, all.
Bam... turns out the loaded image wasn't the original size - just had to draw it into a bitmapdata with a matrix to the texture to 512x512.. Like pulling freaking teeth...
Devon, if you fancy a thumbnail showing up and do justice to your code/rendering,
you can switch off the 'auto mode' in the preview in the code edit mode,
add a private var sc:BitmapData = new BitmapData(465, 465, false); in your main vars declaration, disable capture in main's instance with Wonderfl.disable_capture();
and then add the bitmap as addChild(new Bitmap(sc)); just after that,
then add before context3D.present() a context3D.drawToBitmapData(sc);
and take the capture manually - then uncomment those lines : wonderfl can capture only from regular stage.
Did it on
- better than a blank thumb ;)