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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

4-Direction Samegame

Get Adobe Flash player
by Scmiz 09 Apr 2011
 * Copyright Scmiz ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;    
    import flash.utils.escapeMultiByte;

    public class FourDirectionSamegame extends Sprite {
        private var _score:Score;
        private var _restCount:RestCount;
        private var _buttonTwit:ButtonTwit;
        private var _blockContainer:BlockContainer;
        private var _shadow:Sprite;
        public function FourDirectionSamegame() {
            _score = new Score();
            _restCount = new RestCount();
            _restCount.y = 420;
            _buttonTwit = new ButtonTwit();
            _buttonTwit.x = 340;
            _buttonTwit.y = 430;
            _buttonTwit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickTwit);
            _blockContainer = new BlockContainer(_score, _restCount, _buttonTwit);
            _shadow = new Sprite();
  , 0.5);
  , 0, 465, 115);
  , 465 - 116, 465, 116);
  , 115, 115, 234);
  , 115, 116, 234);
            var btnUp:ButtonCompress = new ButtonCompress();
            var btnDown:ButtonCompress = new ButtonCompress();
            var btnLeft:ButtonCompress = new ButtonCompress();
            var btnRight:ButtonCompress = new ButtonCompress();
            btnUp.x    = 232.5;  btnUp.y =     90;     btnUp.rotationZ     = 180;
            btnDown.x  = 232.5;  btnDown.y =   375;    btnDown.rotationZ   = 0;
            btnLeft.x  = 90;     btnLeft.y =   232.5;  btnLeft.rotationZ   = 90;
            btnRight.x = 375;    btnRight.y =  232.5;  btnRight.rotationZ  = -90;
            btnUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickUp);
            btnDown.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickDown);
            btnLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickLeft);
            btnRight.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickRight);
        private function onClickUp(e:MouseEvent):void { _blockContainer.compress(BlockContainer.Dir_Up); }
        private function onClickDown(e:MouseEvent):void { _blockContainer.compress(BlockContainer.Dir_Down); }
        private function onClickLeft(e:MouseEvent):void { _blockContainer.compress(BlockContainer.Dir_Left); }
        private function onClickRight(e:MouseEvent):void { _blockContainer.compress(BlockContainer.Dir_Right); }
        // つぶやく
        private function onClickTwit(e:MouseEvent):void {
            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(""
            + escapeMultiByte("[4D Samegame] Score : "
            + _score.value.toString()
            + " #wonderful #w4ds"));
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;

// 定数
class Constant {
    static public var WIDTH:uint = 21;
    static public var HEIGHT:uint = WIDTH;
    static public var MAX_REST_COUNT:uint = 20;

// 圧縮ボタン
class ButtonCompress extends SimpleButton {
    private var _sprite:Sprite;
    public function ButtonCompress() {
        _sprite = new Sprite();, 0.5);
        var vertexes:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
        vertexes.push(0, -20, -60, 20, 60, 20);;;
        super(_sprite, _sprite, _sprite, _sprite);

// つぶやくボタン
class ButtonTwit extends SimpleButton {
    private var _sprite:Sprite;
    private var _tf:TextField;

    public function ButtonTwit() {
        _sprite = new Sprite();, 0.8);, 0, 120, 30);;
        _tf = new TextField();
        var scale:Number = 1.5;
        _tf.textColor = 0x222222;
        _tf.scaleX = scale;
        _tf.scaleY = scale;
        _tf.selectable = false;
        _tf.text = "post to twitter";
        _tf.x = 8;
        super(_sprite, _sprite, _sprite, _sprite);

// スコア
class Score extends TextField {
    private var _value:uint;
    public function Score() {
        value = 0;
        var scale:Number = 3.0;
        this.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
        this.scaleX = scale;
        this.scaleY = scale;
        this.selectable = false;
        this.width = 465;
        this.height = 16;

    public function get value():uint {
        return _value;

    public function set value(v:uint):void {
        _value = v;
        this.text = "Score : " + _value;

// 残り回数
class RestCount extends TextField {
    private var _value:uint;
    public function RestCount() {
        value = 0;
        var scale:Number = 3.0;
        this.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
        this.scaleX = scale;
        this.scaleY = scale;
        this.selectable = false;
        this.width = 465;
        this.height = 16;

    public function get value():uint {
        return _value;

    public function set value(v:uint):void {
        _value = v;
        this.text = "Rest : " + _value;

// コンテナ
class BlockContainer extends Sprite {
    private var _score:Score;
    private var _restCount:RestCount;
    private var _buttonTwit:ButtonTwit;
    private var _array:Array;
    private var _count:uint;
    private var _combo:uint;
    static public const Dir_Up:uint = 0;
    static public const Dir_Down:uint = 1;
    static public const Dir_Left:uint = 2;
    static public const Dir_Right:uint = 3;
    public function BlockContainer(score:Score, restCount:RestCount, buttonTwit:ButtonTwit) {
        _score = score;
        _restCount = restCount;
        _buttonTwit = buttonTwit;
    public function onDead(x:uint, y:uint, color:uint):void {
        if (x > 0)                   deadIfSameColor(x - 1, y, color);
        if (x < Constant.WIDTH - 1)  deadIfSameColor(x + 1, y, color);
        if (y > 0)                   deadIfSameColor(x, y - 1, color); 
        if (y < Constant.HEIGHT - 1) deadIfSameColor(x, y + 1, color);
    public function addScore():void {
        if (_combo >= 100) _score.value += _combo * 20;
        else if (_combo >= 90) _score.value += _combo * 15;
        else if (_combo >= 80) _score.value += _combo * 12;
        else if (_combo >= 70) _score.value += _combo * 10;
        else if (_combo >= 60) _score.value += _combo * 9;
        else if (_combo >= 50) _score.value += _combo * 8;
        else if (_combo >= 40) _score.value += _combo * 7;
        else if (_combo >= 30) _score.value += _combo * 6;
        else if (_combo >= 20) _score.value += _combo * 5;
        else if (_combo >= 10) _score.value += _combo * 4;
        else if (_combo >= 5) _score.value += _combo * 3;
        else if (_combo >= 3) _score.value += _combo * 2;
        else _score.value += _combo * 1;
        _combo = 0;

    public function compress(dir:uint):void {
        if (_count >= Constant.MAX_REST_COUNT) return;
        // 不要なブロックを削除
        for (var y:uint = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
            for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
                var block:Block = _array[y][x];
                if (block.isDead) {
                    _array[y][x] = null;

        switch (dir) {
            case Dir_Up:
            case Dir_Down:
            case Dir_Left:
            case Dir_Right:
    // クリックされたときに呼ばれる
    public function onClick():void {

        _restCount.value = Constant.MAX_REST_COUNT - _count;
        if (_count >= Constant.MAX_REST_COUNT) {
            for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
                for (var y:int = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
                    _array[y][x].mouseEnabled = false;
            _buttonTwit.visible = true;
    // 各方向に圧縮
    private function compressUp():void {
        for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
            for (var y:int = Constant.HEIGHT - 1; y >= 0; --y) {
                if (_array[y][x] == null) {
                    var block:Block = null;
                    for (var index:int = y; index >= 0; --index) {
                        if (_array[index][x] != null) {
                            block = _array[index][x];
                            _array[index][x] = null;
                    if (block != null) {
                        _array[y][x] = block;
                        _array[y][x].move(x, y);
    private function compressDown():void {
        for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
            for (var y:int = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
                if (_array[y][x] == null) {
                    var block:Block = null;
                    for (var index:int = y; index < Constant.HEIGHT; ++index) {
                        if (_array[index][x] != null) {
                            block = _array[index][x];
                            _array[index][x] = null;
                    if (block != null) {
                        _array[y][x] = block;
                        _array[y][x].move(x, y);
    private function compressLeft():void {
        for (var y:uint = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
            for (var x:int = Constant.WIDTH - 1; x >= 0; --x) {
                if (_array[y][x] == null) {
                    var block:Block = null;
                    for (var index:int = x; index >= 0; --index) {
                        if (_array[y][index] != null) {
                            block = _array[y][index];
                            _array[y][index] = null;
                    if (block != null) {
                        _array[y][x] = block;
                        _array[y][x].move(x, y);
    private function compressRight():void {
        for (var y:uint = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
            for (var x:int = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
                if (_array[y][x] == null) {
                    var block:Block = null;
                    for (var index:int = x; index < Constant.WIDTH; ++index) {
                        if (_array[y][index] != null) {
                            block = _array[y][index];
                            _array[y][index] = null;
                    if (block != null) {
                        _array[y][x] = block;
                        _array[y][x].move(x, y);
    // 空きを埋める
    private function fillUp():void {
        for (var y:uint = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
            var stock:uint = 0;
            for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
                if (_array[y][x] != null) continue;
                var block:Block = new Block(this, x, y, Math.random() * Block.Color_Num);
                block.x = -28 + (26 * x);
                block.y = -28 - (26 * stock);
                _array[y][x] = block;
                block.move(x, y);
    private function fillDown():void {
        for (var y:uint = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
            var stock:uint = 0;
            for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
                if (_array[y][x] != null) continue;
                var block:Block = new Block(this, x, y, Math.random() * Block.Color_Num);
                block.x = -28 + (26 * x);
                block.y = 465 + 28 + (26 * stock);
                _array[y][x] = block;
                block.move(x, y);
    private function fillLeft():void {
        for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
            var stock:uint = 0;
            for (var y:uint = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
                if (_array[y][x] != null) continue;
                var block:Block = new Block(this, x, y, Math.random() * Block.Color_Num);
                block.x = -28 - (26 * stock);
                block.y = -28 + (26 * y);
                _array[y][x] = block;
                block.move(x, y);
    private function fillRight():void {
        for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
            var stock:uint = 0;
            for (var y:uint = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
                if (_array[y][x] != null) continue;
                var block:Block = new Block(this, x, y, Math.random() * Block.Color_Num);
                block.x = 465 + 28 + (26 * stock);
                block.y = -28 + (26 * y);
                _array[y][x] = block;
                block.move(x, y);
    // 同じ色なら消滅
    private function deadIfSameColor(x:uint, y:uint, color:uint):void {
        var block:Block = _array[y][x];
        if (block.color == color) {
    // 初期化
    private function init():void {
        _score.value = 0;
        _restCount.value = Constant.MAX_REST_COUNT;
        _buttonTwit.visible = false;
        _array = new Array();
        _count = 0;
        _combo = 0;
        for (var y:uint = 0; y < Constant.HEIGHT; ++y) {
            _array.push(new Array());
            for (var x:uint = 0; x < Constant.WIDTH; ++x) {
                var block:Block = new Block(this, x, y, Math.random() * Block.Color_Num);
                block.x = -28 + (26 * x);
                block.y = -28 + (26 * y);

// ブロックひとつ
class Block extends SimpleButton {
    static private const Color_Red:uint    = 0;
    static private const Color_Green:uint  = 1;
    static private const Color_Blue:uint   = 2;
    static public const Color_Num:uint     = 3;
    private var _container:BlockContainer;
    private var _x:uint;
    private var _y:uint;
    private var _color:uint;
    private var _sprite:Sprite;
    private var _isDead:Boolean;
    public function Block(container:BlockContainer, x:uint, y:uint, color:uint) {
        _container = container;
        _x = x;
        _y = y;
        _sprite = new Sprite();
        _color = color;
        _isDead = false;
        var fillColor:uint = 0;
        switch (_color) {
            case Color_Red:   fillColor = 0xFF2020; break;
            case Color_Green: fillColor = 0x20DF20; break;
            case Color_Blue:  fillColor = 0x2020FF; break;
        };, -12, 24, 24, 4);;

        super(_sprite, _sprite, _sprite, _sprite);
        this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
    // 死亡挙動
    public function dead():void {
        if (_isDead) return;
        _isDead = true;
        this.mouseEnabled = false;
        _container.onDead(_x, _y, color);
        Tweener.addTween(this, {scaleX:1.10, scaleY:1.10, delay:0, time:4, useFrames:true});
        Tweener.addTween(this, {scaleX:0.01, scaleY:0.01, delay:4, time:10, useFrames:true, onComplete:onDeadEnd});
    // 移動挙動
    public function move(x:uint, y:uint):void {
        _x = x;
        _y = y;
        Tweener.addTween(this, {x:(-28 + (26 * _x)), y:(-28 + (26 * _y)), delay:0, time:20, useFrames:true});
    // アクセサ
    public function get color():uint { return _color; }
    public function get isDead():Boolean { return _isDead; }
    // クリック時の処理
    private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
    // 死亡完了コールバック
    private function onDeadEnd():void {
