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Hexagonal Gird - still fixing...

This is a new approach to store hexagonal gird as a tree node. Each hex have 3 coordinates x,y & z. The sum of all the coordinates must equal to zero (x+y+z=0).

To populate the gird I used a recursive function that will call itself twice until it had reached the required radius/size


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by WLAD 22 Jun 2014
 * Copyright WLAD ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

	import flash.display.Shape;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	public class FlashTest extends Sprite
		private var gird:Gird;
		private var convas:Sprite;
		public function FlashTest()
			// write as3 code here..
			var sx:Number = stage.stageWidth / 2;
			var sy:Number = stage.stageHeight / 2;
			gird = new Gird(20);
			convas = new Sprite();, 0xFF0000, 0.5);
			convas.x = sx;
			convas.y = sy;
			gird.draw(convas, 3);
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;

class Hexagon
	private var _x:int;
	private var _y:int;
	private var _z:int;
	public var neighbors:Vector.<Hexagon>;
	public function Hexagon(x:int = 0, y:int = 0, z:int = 0)
		_x = x;
		_y = y;
		_z = z;
		neighbors = new Vector.<Hexagon>();
	public function connect(neighbor:Hexagon):void
	public function add( h:Hexagon ):void
		_x += h.x;
		_y += h.y;
		_z += h.z;
	public function clone():Hexagon 
		return new Hexagon( _x, _y, _z );
	public function get x():int 
		return _x;
	public function set x(value:int):void 
		_x = value;
	public function get y():int 
		return _y;
	public function set y(value:int):void 
		_y = value;
	public function get z():int {return _z;}
	public function set z(value:int):void 
		_z = value;

class Gird
	private var _flat:Boolean;
	private var _size:Number = 0;
	public function Gird(size:Number, flat:Boolean = true)
		_flat = flat;
		_size = size;
	private var _width:Number = 0;public function get width():Number
		if (_width == 0)
			_width = _flat ? _size * 2 : 0;
		return _width;
	private var _height:Number = 0;public function get height():Number
		if (_height == 0)
			_height = _flat ? Math.sqrt(3) / 2 * width : 0;
		return _width;
	private var _distH:Number = 0;public function get distH():Number
		if (_distH == 0)
			_distH = _flat ? 3 / 4 * width : 0;
		return _distH;
	private var _distV:Number = 0;public function get distV():Number
		if (_distV == 0)
			_distV = _flat ? height : 0;
		return _distV;
	public function draw(s:Sprite, radius:uint):void
		/// Zero
		var origin:Hexagon = new Hexagon(); 
		drawHexagon( s, origin );
		var drawOnNewHex:Function = 
		function( h:Hexagon ):void {
			drawHexagon( s, h );
		// Populate the X axis
		populate( 2, radius, origin, drawOnNewHex );
		// Populate the Y axis
		populate( 4, radius, origin, drawOnNewHex );
		// Populate the Z axis
		populate( 6, radius, origin, drawOnNewHex );
	public function populate( direction:uint, ttl:int = 1, origin:Hexagon = null, onNew:Function = null):void //, populateLeft:int = 1, populateRight:int = 0):void
		// Prevent stack overflow
		if ( ttl <= 0 ) return;
		var o:Hexagon = origin.clone();
		o.add( this.direction( direction ) );
		//o.connect( origin );
		//if( leftConnect ) if( o is most left ) o.connect( leftConnect )
		if ( onNew != null ) onNew( o );
		populate( direction, ttl - 1, o, onNew);
		// if( populateLeft > 0 ) ...
		o = origin.clone();
		o.add( this.direction( direction - 1 ) );
		if ( onNew != null ) onNew( o );
		populate( direction - 1, ttl - 1, o, onNew);
	public function hex2cartesian( h:Hexagon ):Point
		var p:Point = new Point();
		p.x = (h.x + h.y / 2) * (_size * 3/2);
		p.y = (Math.sqrt(3) * h.y / 2 ) * distV;
		// convert cube to axial
		var q:int = h.x;
		var r:int = h.z + (h.x + ( h.x & 1 ) ) / 2;
		p.x = _size * 3/2 * q
		p.y = _size * Math.sqrt( 3 ) * ( r + q / 2 )
		//p.x = width * h.x;
		//p.y = _size * h.x + ( -2 + _size ) * h.y;
		//p.y = ( 2 * h.x - 1 * h.y ) * ( Math.sqrt( 3 ) * 1 );
		//p.y = 0;
		return p;
	public function direction(dir:uint):Hexagon
		while ( dir > 5 ) dir -= 6;		while ( dir < 0 ) dir += 6;
		switch( dir )
			case 0:		return new Hexagon(  0, -1,  1 );	break;
			case 1:		return new Hexagon(  1, -1,  0 );	break;
			case 2:		return new Hexagon(  1,  0, -1 );	break;
			case 3:		return new Hexagon(  0,  1, -1 );	break;
			case 4:		return new Hexagon( -1,  1,  0 );	break;
			case 5:		return new Hexagon( -1,  0,  1 );	break;
		// imposible return
		return null;
	private function drawHexagon(s:Sprite, h:Hexagon):void
		var p:Point = hex2cartesian( h );
		//p.x = h.x * distH;
		//var y:Number = 
		var t:T = new T( h.x + "," + h.y + "," + h.z , p.x, p.y );
		s.addChild( t );
		//, p.y, 2);
		var v:Vec = new Vec(_size, 0);
		var a:Number = Math.PI / 3; + v.x, p.y + v.y);
		var n:int = 6;
		while (n-- > 0)
			v.radians += a; + v.x, p.y + v.y);

class Vec
	 * @author
	public var x:Number, y:Number;
	public function Vec(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0)
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;
	public function get lenght():Number
		return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
	public function set lenght(value:Number):void
		if (lenght == 0)
			scale(value / lenght);
	public function set degrees(value:Number):void
		radians = value * Math.PI / 180;
	public function get degrees():Number
		return radians * 180 / Math.PI;
	public function set radians(value:Number):void
		var f:Number = lenght;
		x = Math.cos(value) * f;
		y = Math.sin(value) * f;
	public function scale(n:Number):void
		x *= n;
		y *= n;
	public function get radians():Number
		return Math.atan2(y, x);


class T extends TextField
	public function T(txt:String = "Text", x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0)
		var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat("_sans", 12, 0x000000);
		this.defaultTextFormat = tf;
		this.autoSize = 'left';
		this.text = txt;
		this.selectable = this.wordWrap = this.multiline = this.mouseEnabled = false;
		this.x = x - this.width / 2;
		this.y = y - this.height / 2;
