* Copyright tvalentius ( http://wonderfl.net/user/tvalentius )
* GNU General Public License, v3 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/ZQa2
// forked from zlaper's Dungeon Building Algorithm
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.clearInterval;
import flash.utils.setInterval;
[SWF( frameRate="30", width="400", height="400" )]
public class DungeonGeneration extends Sprite
// Size
private static const COLS:int = 80;
private static const ROWS:int = 80;
// Types
private static const DIRT:int = 0;
private static const FLOOR:int = 1;
private static const WALL:int = 2;
private static const DOOR:int = 3;
// Consts
private const FEATURES:int = 50;
private const NEW_FEATURE_TRIES:int = 200;
private const MIN_CORRIDOR:int = 10;
private const MAX_CORRIDOR:int = 20;
private const MIN_ROOM:int = 6;
private const MAX_ROOM:int = 14;
// Dungeon container
private var grid:Vector.<Vector.<int>>;
private var random:PM_PRNG;
private var roomInterv:uint;
private var currFeature:int;
private var screen:BitmapData;
private var drawTile:Rectangle = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 10, 10 );
public function DungeonGeneration()
this.addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init );
private function init( event:Event ):void
this.removeEventListener( Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, init );
grid = new Vector.<Vector.<int>>();
for ( var i:int = 0; i < COLS; i++ )
grid[ i ] = new Vector.<int>();
for ( var j:int = 0; j < ROWS; j++ )
grid[ i ][ j ] = DIRT;
random = new PM_PRNG( 12345 );
screen = new BitmapData( 400, 400, false, 0x000000 );
addChild( new Bitmap( screen ));
stage.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, update );
private function update( event:Event ):void
screen.fillRect( screen.rect, 0x000000 );
// Draw tiles
for ( var i:int = 0; i < COLS; i++ )
for ( var j:int = 0; j < ROWS; j++ )
drawTile.x = i * 5;
drawTile.y = j * 5;
switch ( grid[ i ][ j ])
case DIRT:
screen.fillRect( drawTile, 0x000000 );
case FLOOR:
screen.fillRect( drawTile, 0x2B2121 );
case WALL:
screen.fillRect( drawTile, 0x3D3C37 );
case DOOR:
screen.fillRect( drawTile, 0x733F12 );
private function createFirstRoom():void
var fw:int = random.nextIntRange( 6, 12 );
var fh:int = random.nextIntRange( 6, 12 );
createRoom(( COLS * .5 ) - ( fw * .5 ), ( ROWS * .5 ) - ( fh * .5 ), fw, fh );
currFeature = FEATURES;
roomInterv = setInterval( createFeature, 200 );
private function createFeature():void
trace( currFeature );
if ( currFeature-- == 0 )
clearInterval( roomInterv );
var i:int, j:int;
var giveUp:int = 0;
var tx:int = -1;
var ty:int = -1;
var tt:int, tb:int, tl:int, tr:int;
var dir:int = -1;
i = random.nextIntRange( 2, COLS - 2 );
j = random.nextIntRange( 2, ROWS - 2 );
trace( i, j );
if ( grid[ i ][ j ] == WALL )
tt = grid[ i ][ j - 1 ];
tb = grid[ i ][ j + 1 ];
tl = grid[ i - 1 ][ j ];
tr = grid[ i + 1 ][ j ];
if ( tt == DIRT && ( tl == WALL && tr == WALL ))
tx = i;
ty = j - 1;
dir = 0;
else if ( tb == DIRT && ( tl == WALL && tr == WALL ))
tx = i;
ty = j + 1;
dir = 1;
else if ( tl == DIRT && ( tt == WALL && tb == WALL ))
tx = i - 1;
ty = j;
dir = 2;
else if ( tr == DIRT && ( tt == WALL && tb == WALL ))
tx = i + 1;
ty = j;
dir = 3;
} while ( dir == -1 && giveUp++ < NEW_FEATURE_TRIES )
if ( dir != -1 )
var w:int, h:int;
var sx:int, sy:int;
var feature:Number = Math.random();
// Two features for now
if ( feature < .3 )
// Corridor
if ( dir == 0 || dir == 1 )
sx = tx - 1;
w = 3;
h = random.nextIntRange( MIN_CORRIDOR, MAX_CORRIDOR );
if ( dir == 0 )
// Up
sy = ty - h;
if ( sy < 1 )
// Down
sy = ty + 1;
if ( ty + h > ROWS - 1 )
sy = ty - 1;
w = random.nextIntRange( MIN_CORRIDOR, MAX_CORRIDOR );
h = 3;
if ( dir == 2 )
// Left
sx = tx - w;
if ( sx < 1 )
// Right
sx = tx + 1;
if ( tx + w > ROWS - 1 )
// Room
if ( dir == 0 || dir == 1 )
w = random.nextIntRange( MIN_ROOM, MAX_ROOM );
h = random.nextIntRange( MIN_ROOM, MAX_ROOM );
sx = tx - int( w * .5 );
if ( sx < 1 || ( sx + w ) > COLS - 1 )
if ( dir == 0 )
// Up
sy = ty - h;
if ( sy < 1 )
// Down
sy = ty + 1;
if ( ty + h > ROWS - 1 )
w = random.nextIntRange( MIN_ROOM, MAX_ROOM );
h = random.nextIntRange( MIN_ROOM, MAX_ROOM );
sy = ty - int( h * .5 );
if ( sy < 1 || ( sy + h ) > ROWS - 1 )
if ( dir == 2 )
// Left
sx = tx - w;
if ( sx < 1 )
// Right
sx = tx + 1;
if ( tx + w > ROWS - 1 )
// Check Bounds
if ( sx < 1 )
sx = 2;
if ( sx + w > COLS - 2 )
w = sx - COLS - 2;
if ( sy < 1 )
sy = 1;
if ( sy + h > ROWS - 2 )
h = sy - ROWS - 2;
// Attempt to create
if ( createRoom( sx, sy, w, h ))
grid[ tx ][ ty ] = DOOR;
case 0:
grid[tx][ty+1] = FLOOR;
case 1:
grid[tx][ty-1] = FLOOR;
case 2:
grid[tx+1][ty] = FLOOR;
case 3:
grid[tx-1][ty] = FLOOR;
} while ( giveUp++ < NEW_FEATURE_TRIES )
private function createRoom( s:int, e:int, w:int, h:int ):Boolean
w += s;
h += e;
if ( checkArea( s, e, w, h ) && (s != w && e != h))
for ( var i:int = s; i <= w; i++ )
for ( var j:int = e; j <= h; j++ )
if ( i == s || i == w || j == e || j == h )
grid[ i ][ j ] = WALL;
grid[ i ][ j ] = FLOOR;
return true;
return false;
private function checkArea( s:int, e:int, w:int, h:int ):Boolean
for ( var i:int = s; i <= w; i++ )
for ( var j:int = e; j <= h; j++ )
if ( grid[ i ][ j ] != DIRT )
return false;
return true;
* Implementation of the Park Miller (1988) "minimal standard" linear
* congruential pseudo-random number generator.
* For a full explanation visit: http://www.firstpr.com.au/dsp/rand31/
* The generator uses a modulus constant (m) of 2^31 - 1 which is a
* Mersenne Prime number and a full-period-multiplier of 16807.
* Output is a 31 bit unsigned integer. The range of values output is
* 1 to 2,147,483,646 (2^31-1) and the seed must be in this range too.
* David G. Carta's optimisation which needs only 32 bit integer math,
* and no division is actually *slower* in flash (both AS2 & AS3) so
* it's better to use the double-precision floating point version.
* @author Michael Baczynski, www.polygonal.de
class PM_PRNG
* set seed with a 31 bit unsigned integer
* between 1 and 0X7FFFFFFE inclusive. don't use 0!
public var seed:uint;
public function PM_PRNG( _seed:uint = 1 )
seed = _seed;
* provides the next pseudorandom number
* as an unsigned integer (31 bits)
public function nextInt():uint
return gen();
* provides the next pseudorandom number
* as a float between nearly 0 and nearly 1.0.
public function nextDouble():Number
return ( gen() / 2147483647 );
* provides the next pseudorandom number
* as an unsigned integer (31 bits) betweeen
* a given range.
public function nextIntRange( min:Number, max:Number ):uint
min -= .4999;
max += .4999;
return Math.round( min + (( max - min ) * nextDouble()));
* provides the next pseudorandom number
* as a float between a given range.
public function nextDoubleRange( min:Number, max:Number ):Number
return min + (( max - min ) * nextDouble());
* generator:
* new-value = (old-value * 16807) mod (2^31 - 1)
private function gen():uint
//integer version 1, for max int 2^46 - 1 or larger.
return seed = ( seed * 16807 ) % 2147483647;