Optimized PNGEncoder with filters
解説 http://ferv.jp/blog/2010/01/08/optimized-pngencoder-with-filters/
@langversion ActionScript 3.0
@playerversion Flash 10.0
@author dsk
@since 2009/12/16
* Copyright minodisk ( http://wonderfl.net/user/minodisk )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/Pbyd
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.GraphicsBitmapFill;
import flash.display.GraphicsEndFill;
import flash.display.IGraphicsData;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
* 解説 http://ferv.jp/blog/2010/01/08/optimized-pngencoder-with-filters/
* @langversion ActionScript 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10.0
* @author dsk
* @since 2009/12/16
[SWF(backgroundColor = '0xFFFFFF', width = '465', height = '465', frameRate = '30')]
public class PNGSample extends Sprite
private const WIDTH:Number = 220;
private const HEIGHT:Number = 68;
private const LENGTH:int = 10;
public function PNGSample()
var stageWidth:int = stage.stageWidth;
var stageHeight:int = stage.stageHeight;
// Build background.
var background:BitmapData = new BitmapData(2, 2, false, 0xFFFFFF);
background.setPixel(0, 0, 0xEEEEEE);
background.setPixel(1, 1, 0xEEEEEE);
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.scale(10, 10);
new GraphicsBitmapFill(background, matrix, true, false),
GraphicsPathUtil.createRect(0, 0, stageWidth, stageHeight),
new GraphicsEndFill()
// Build source bitmap data.
var bitmap:Bitmap, label:Label;
var x:int, y:int;
var hsv:HSV = new HSV();
var opaque:BitmapData = new BitmapData(WIDTH, HEIGHT, false, 0x000000);
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
hsv.saturation = 1 - 1 / HEIGHT * y;
hsv.value = 1 - 1 / HEIGHT * y;
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
hsv.hue = x * 360 / WIDTH;
opaque.setPixel(x, y, hsv.color);
label = new Label('source (opaque)');
bitmap = new Bitmap(opaque, 'auto', true);
bitmap.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 - 5 - WIDTH;
bitmap.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 - HEIGHT * 3 - 25;
var transparent:BitmapData = new BitmapData(WIDTH, HEIGHT, true, 0xFF000000);
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
hsv.hue = x * 360 / WIDTH;
hsv.saturation = 1;
hsv.value = 1;
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
transparent.setPixel32(x, y, (0xFF * (HEIGHT - y) / HEIGHT) << 24 | hsv.color);
label = new Label('source (transparent)');
bitmap = new Bitmap(transparent, 'auto', true);
bitmap.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 + 5;
bitmap.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 - HEIGHT * 3 - 25;
// Encode PNG.
var i:int, time:int,
noneOpaque:ByteArray, noneTransparent:ByteArray,
subOpaque:ByteArray, subTransparent:ByteArray,
upOpaque:ByteArray, upTransparent:ByteArray,
averageOpaque:ByteArray, averageTransparent:ByteArray,
paethOpaque:ByteArray, paethTransparent:ByteArray;
var noneOpaqueTime:int = 0;
var noneTransparentTime:int = 0;
var subOpaqueTime:int = 0;
var subTransparentTime:int = 0;
var upOpaqueTime:int = 0;
var upTransparentTime:int = 0;
var averageOpaqueTime:int = 0;
var averageTransparentTime:int = 0;
var paethOpaqueTime:int = 0;
var paethTransparentTime:int = 0;
for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i ++) {
time = getTimer();
noneOpaque = PNGEncoder.encode(opaque, PNGFilterType.NONE);
noneOpaqueTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
noneTransparent = PNGEncoder.encode(transparent, PNGFilterType.NONE);
noneTransparentTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
subOpaque = PNGEncoder.encode(opaque, PNGFilterType.SUB);
subOpaqueTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
subTransparent = PNGEncoder.encode(transparent, PNGFilterType.SUB);
subTransparentTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
upOpaque = PNGEncoder.encode(opaque, PNGFilterType.UP);
upOpaqueTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
upTransparent = PNGEncoder.encode(transparent, PNGFilterType.UP);
upTransparentTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
averageOpaque = PNGEncoder.encode(opaque, PNGFilterType.AVERAGE);
averageOpaqueTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
averageTransparent = PNGEncoder.encode(transparent, PNGFilterType.AVERAGE);
averageTransparentTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
paethOpaque = PNGEncoder.encode(opaque, PNGFilterType.PAETH);
paethOpaqueTime += getTimer() - time;
time = getTimer();
paethTransparent = PNGEncoder.encode(transparent, PNGFilterType.PAETH);
paethTransparentTime += getTimer() - time;
var loader:Loader;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('none filtered PNG (opaque)\n' + (noneOpaqueTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 - 5 - WIDTH;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 - HEIGHT * 2 - 15;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('none filtered PNG (transparent)\n' + (noneTransparentTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 + 5;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 - HEIGHT * 2 - 15;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('sub filtered PNG (opaque)\n' + (subOpaqueTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 - 5 - WIDTH;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 - HEIGHT * 1 - 5;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('sub filtered PNG (transparent)\n' + (subTransparentTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 + 5;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 - HEIGHT * 1 - 5;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('up filtered PNG (opaque)\n' + (upOpaqueTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 - 5 - WIDTH;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 + HEIGHT * 0 + 5;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('up filtered PNG (transparent)\n' + (upTransparentTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 + 5;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 + HEIGHT * 0 + 5;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('average filtered PNG (opaque)\n' + (averageOpaqueTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 - 5 - WIDTH;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 + HEIGHT * 1 + 15;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('average filtered PNG (transparent)\n' + (averageTransparentTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 + 5;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 + HEIGHT * 1 + 15;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('paeth filtered PNG (opaque)\n' + (paethOpaqueTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 - 5 - WIDTH;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 + HEIGHT * 2 + 25;
loader = new Loader();
label = new Label('paeth filtered PNG (transparent)\n' + (paethTransparentTime / LENGTH).toString() + ' ms/execution\n' + loader.contentLoaderInfo.bytesTotal.toString() + ' bytes');
loader.x = label.x = stageWidth / 2 + 5;
loader.y = label.y = stageHeight / 2 + HEIGHT * 2 + 25;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.GraphicsPath;
import flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
* Class that converts BitmapData into a valid PNG.
* @langversion ActionScript 3.0
* @playerversion Flash 10.0
* @author dsk
* @since 2009/12/16
internal class PNGEncoder
private static const SIGNATURE:ByteArray = _createSignature();
private static const CRC_TABLE:Vector.<uint> = Vector.<uint>([
0x000000000, 0x077073096, 0x0EE0E612C, 0x0990951BA, 0x0076DC419, 0x0706AF48F, 0x0E963A535, 0x09E6495A3,
0x00EDB8832, 0x079DCB8A4, 0x0E0D5E91E, 0x097D2D988, 0x009B64C2B, 0x07EB17CBD, 0x0E7B82D07, 0x090BF1D91,
0x01DB71064, 0x06AB020F2, 0x0F3B97148, 0x084BE41DE, 0x01ADAD47D, 0x06DDDE4EB, 0x0F4D4B551, 0x083D385C7,
0x0136C9856, 0x0646BA8C0, 0x0FD62F97A, 0x08A65C9EC, 0x014015C4F, 0x063066CD9, 0x0FA0F3D63, 0x08D080DF5,
0x03B6E20C8, 0x04C69105E, 0x0D56041E4, 0x0A2677172, 0x03C03E4D1, 0x04B04D447, 0x0D20D85FD, 0x0A50AB56B,
0x035B5A8FA, 0x042B2986C, 0x0DBBBC9D6, 0x0ACBCF940, 0x032D86CE3, 0x045DF5C75, 0x0DCD60DCF, 0x0ABD13D59,
0x026D930AC, 0x051DE003A, 0x0C8D75180, 0x0BFD06116, 0x021B4F4B5, 0x056B3C423, 0x0CFBA9599, 0x0B8BDA50F,
0x02802B89E, 0x05F058808, 0x0C60CD9B2, 0x0B10BE924, 0x02F6F7C87, 0x058684C11, 0x0C1611DAB, 0x0B6662D3D,
0x076DC4190, 0x001DB7106, 0x098D220BC, 0x0EFD5102A, 0x071B18589, 0x006B6B51F, 0x09FBFE4A5, 0x0E8B8D433,
0x07807C9A2, 0x00F00F934, 0x09609A88E, 0x0E10E9818, 0x07F6A0DBB, 0x0086D3D2D, 0x091646C97, 0x0E6635C01,
0x06B6B51F4, 0x01C6C6162, 0x0856530D8, 0x0F262004E, 0x06C0695ED, 0x01B01A57B, 0x08208F4C1, 0x0F50FC457,
0x065B0D9C6, 0x012B7E950, 0x08BBEB8EA, 0x0FCB9887C, 0x062DD1DDF, 0x015DA2D49, 0x08CD37CF3, 0x0FBD44C65,
0x04DB26158, 0x03AB551CE, 0x0A3BC0074, 0x0D4BB30E2, 0x04ADFA541, 0x03DD895D7, 0x0A4D1C46D, 0x0D3D6F4FB,
0x04369E96A, 0x0346ED9FC, 0x0AD678846, 0x0DA60B8D0, 0x044042D73, 0x033031DE5, 0x0AA0A4C5F, 0x0DD0D7CC9,
0x05005713C, 0x0270241AA, 0x0BE0B1010, 0x0C90C2086, 0x05768B525, 0x0206F85B3, 0x0B966D409, 0x0CE61E49F,
0x05EDEF90E, 0x029D9C998, 0x0B0D09822, 0x0C7D7A8B4, 0x059B33D17, 0x02EB40D81, 0x0B7BD5C3B, 0x0C0BA6CAD,
0x0EDB88320, 0x09ABFB3B6, 0x003B6E20C, 0x074B1D29A, 0x0EAD54739, 0x09DD277AF, 0x004DB2615, 0x073DC1683,
0x0E3630B12, 0x094643B84, 0x00D6D6A3E, 0x07A6A5AA8, 0x0E40ECF0B, 0x09309FF9D, 0x00A00AE27, 0x07D079EB1,
0x0F00F9344, 0x08708A3D2, 0x01E01F268, 0x06906C2FE, 0x0F762575D, 0x0806567CB, 0x0196C3671, 0x06E6B06E7,
0x0FED41B76, 0x089D32BE0, 0x010DA7A5A, 0x067DD4ACC, 0x0F9B9DF6F, 0x08EBEEFF9, 0x017B7BE43, 0x060B08ED5,
0x0D6D6A3E8, 0x0A1D1937E, 0x038D8C2C4, 0x04FDFF252, 0x0D1BB67F1, 0x0A6BC5767, 0x03FB506DD, 0x048B2364B,
0x0D80D2BDA, 0x0AF0A1B4C, 0x036034AF6, 0x041047A60, 0x0DF60EFC3, 0x0A867DF55, 0x0316E8EEF, 0x04669BE79,
0x0CB61B38C, 0x0BC66831A, 0x0256FD2A0, 0x05268E236, 0x0CC0C7795, 0x0BB0B4703, 0x0220216B9, 0x05505262F,
0x0C5BA3BBE, 0x0B2BD0B28, 0x02BB45A92, 0x05CB36A04, 0x0C2D7FFA7, 0x0B5D0CF31, 0x02CD99E8B, 0x05BDEAE1D,
0x09B64C2B0, 0x0EC63F226, 0x0756AA39C, 0x0026D930A, 0x09C0906A9, 0x0EB0E363F, 0x072076785, 0x005005713,
0x095BF4A82, 0x0E2B87A14, 0x07BB12BAE, 0x00CB61B38, 0x092D28E9B, 0x0E5D5BE0D, 0x07CDCEFB7, 0x00BDBDF21,
0x086D3D2D4, 0x0F1D4E242, 0x068DDB3F8, 0x01FDA836E, 0x081BE16CD, 0x0F6B9265B, 0x06FB077E1, 0x018B74777,
0x088085AE6, 0x0FF0F6A70, 0x066063BCA, 0x011010B5C, 0x08F659EFF, 0x0F862AE69, 0x0616BFFD3, 0x0166CCF45,
0x0A00AE278, 0x0D70DD2EE, 0x04E048354, 0x03903B3C2, 0x0A7672661, 0x0D06016F7, 0x04969474D, 0x03E6E77DB,
0x0AED16A4A, 0x0D9D65ADC, 0x040DF0B66, 0x037D83BF0, 0x0A9BCAE53, 0x0DEBB9EC5, 0x047B2CF7F, 0x030B5FFE9,
0x0BDBDF21C, 0x0CABAC28A, 0x053B39330, 0x024B4A3A6, 0x0BAD03605, 0x0CDD70693, 0x054DE5729, 0x023D967BF,
0x0B3667A2E, 0x0C4614AB8, 0x05D681B02, 0x02A6F2B94, 0x0B40BBE37, 0x0C30C8EA1, 0x05A05DF1B, 0x02D02EF8D
private static const IEND_CHUNK:ByteArray = _createChunk(0x49454E44, null);
public static function encode(source:BitmapData, filterType:int = 0):ByteArray
CRC_TABLE.fixed = true
// Create output byte array.
var png:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
// Write PNG file signature.
// Write IHDR chunk.
var header:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
header.writeUnsignedInt((source.transparent)? 0x08060000: 0x08020000);
png.writeBytes(_createChunk(0x49484452, header));
// Write IDAT chunk.
var data:ByteArray;
switch (filterType) {
case PNGFilterType.NONE: data = _createNoneFilteredImageData(source); break;
case PNGFilterType.SUB: data = _createSubFilteredImageData(source); break;
case PNGFilterType.UP: data = _createUpFilteredImageData(source); break;
case PNGFilterType.AVERAGE: data = _createAverageFilteredImageData(source); break;
case PNGFilterType.PAETH: data = _createPaethFilteredImageData(source); break;
default: throw new ArgumentError('The filterType argument must be between 0 and 4; got ' + filterType.toString() + '.'); break;
png.writeBytes(_createChunk(0x49444154, data));
// Write IEND chunk.
return png;
private static function _createSignature():ByteArray
var signature:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
return signature;
private static function _createChunk(type:uint, data:ByteArray):ByteArray
var chunk:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
// Write data length.(4 bytes)
chunk.writeUnsignedInt((data)? data.length: 0);
// Write chunk type.(4 bytes)
// Write chunk data.(data.length bytes)
if (data) chunk.writeBytes(data);
// Keep CRC end position and calculate CRC length.
var crcEnd:uint = chunk.position;
var crcLength:int = crcEnd - 4;
// Write CRC.(4 bytes)
var c:uint = 0xFFFFFFFF;
var i:int;
chunk.position = 4;
for (i = 0; i < crcLength; i ++) {
c = CRC_TABLE[(c ^ chunk.readUnsignedByte()) & 0xFF] ^ c >>> 8;
c ^= 0xFFFFFFFF;
chunk.position = crcEnd;
return chunk;
private static function _createNoneFilteredImageData(source:BitmapData):ByteArray
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
// Keep constants.
const TYPE:int = PNGFilterType.NONE;
const WIDTH:int = source.width;
const HEIGHT:int = source.height;
// Write pixels data.
var x:int, y:int, color:uint;
if (!source.transparent) {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel(x, y);
color >>> 8
color & 0xFF
} else {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel32(x, y);
(color & 0xFFFFFF) << 8
| color >>> 24
return data;
private static function _createSubFilteredImageData(source:BitmapData):ByteArray
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
// Keep constants.
const TYPE:int = PNGFilterType.SUB;
const WIDTH:int = source.width;
const HEIGHT:int = source.height;
// Write pixels data.
var x:int, y:int, color:uint,
r:uint, g:uint, b:uint, a:uint,
rLeft:uint, gLeft:uint, bLeft:uint, aLeft:uint;
if (!source.transparent) {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
rLeft = 0;
gLeft = 0;
bLeft = 0;
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel(x, y);
r = color >> 16 & 0xFF;
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
b = color & 0xFF;
(r - rLeft + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 8
| g - gLeft + 0x100 & 0xFF
b - bLeft + 0x100 & 0xFF
rLeft = r;
gLeft = g;
bLeft = b;
} else {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
rLeft = 0;
gLeft = 0;
bLeft = 0;
aLeft = 0;
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel32(x, y);
r = color >> 16 & 0xFF;
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
b = color & 0xFF;
a = color >> 24 & 0xFF;
(r - rLeft + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 24
| (g - gLeft + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 16
| (b - bLeft + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 8
| a - aLeft + 0x100 & 0xFF
rLeft = r;
gLeft = g;
bLeft = b;
aLeft = a;
return data;
private static function _createUpFilteredImageData(source:BitmapData):ByteArray
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
// Keep constants.
const TYPE:int = PNGFilterType.UP;
const WIDTH:int = source.width;
const HEIGHT:int = source.height;
// Write pixels data.
var x:int, y:int, color:uint,
r:uint, g:uint, b:uint, a:uint;
var rAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var gAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var bAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var aAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
if (!source.transparent) {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel(x, y);
r = color >> 16 & 0xFF;
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
b = color & 0xFF;
(r - rAboves[x] + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 8
| g - gAboves[x] + 0x100 & 0xFF
b - bAboves[x] + 0x100 & 0xFF
rAboves[x] = r;
gAboves[x] = g;
bAboves[x] = b;
} else {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel32(x, y);
r = color >> 16 & 0xFF;
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
b = color & 0xFF;
a = color >> 24 & 0xFF;
(r - rAboves[x] + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 24
| (g - gAboves[x] + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 16
| (b - bAboves[x] + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 8
| a - aAboves[x] + 0x100 & 0xFF
rAboves[x] = r;
gAboves[x] = g;
bAboves[x] = b;
aAboves[x] = a;
return data;
private static function _createAverageFilteredImageData(source:BitmapData):ByteArray
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
// Keep constants.
const TYPE:int = PNGFilterType.AVERAGE;
const WIDTH:int = source.width;
const HEIGHT:int = source.height;
// Write pixels data.
var x:int, y:int, color:uint,
r:uint, g:uint, b:uint, a:uint,
rLeft:uint, gLeft:uint, bLeft:uint, aLeft:uint;
var rAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var gAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var bAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var aAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
if (!source.transparent) {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
rLeft = 0;
gLeft = 0;
bLeft = 0;
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel(x, y);
r = color >> 16 & 0xFF;
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
b = color & 0xFF;
(r - (rLeft + rAboves[x] >> 1) + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 8
| g - (gLeft + gAboves[x] >> 1) + 0x100 & 0xFF
b - (bLeft + bAboves[x] >> 1) + 0x100 & 0xFF
rLeft = rAboves[x] = r;
gLeft = gAboves[x] = g;
bLeft = bAboves[x] = b;
} else {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
rLeft = 0;
gLeft = 0;
bLeft = 0;
aLeft = 0;
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel32(x, y);
r = color >> 16 & 0xFF;
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
b = color & 0xFF;
a = color >> 24 & 0xFF;
(r - (rLeft + rAboves[x] >> 1) + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 24
| (g - (gLeft + gAboves[x] >> 1) + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 16
| (b - (bLeft + bAboves[x] >> 1) + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 8
| a - (aLeft + aAboves[x] >> 1) + 0x100 & 0xFF
rLeft = rAboves[x] = r;
gLeft = gAboves[x] = g;
bLeft = bAboves[x] = b;
aLeft = aAboves[x] = a;
return data;
private static function _createPaethFilteredImageData(source:BitmapData):ByteArray
var data:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
// Keep constants.
const TYPE:int = PNGFilterType.PAETH;
const WIDTH:int = source.width;
const HEIGHT:int = source.height;
// Write pixels data.
var x:int, y:int, color:uint,
r:uint, g:uint, b:uint, a:uint,
rLeft:uint, gLeft:uint, bLeft:uint, aLeft:uint,
rLeftAbove:uint, gLeftAbove:uint, bLeftAbove:uint, aLeftAbove:uint,
p0:int, p1:int, p2:int,
rPrediction:uint, gPrediction:uint, bPrediction:uint, aPrediction:uint;
var rAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var gAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var bAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
var aAboves:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>(WIDTH, true);
if (!source.transparent) {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
rLeft = gLeft = bLeft = rLeftAbove = gLeftAbove = bLeftAbove = 0;
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel(x, y);
r = color >> 16 & 0xFF;
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
b = color & 0xFF;
p0 = (rAboves[x] > rLeftAbove)? rAboves[x] - rLeftAbove: rLeftAbove - rAboves[x];
p1 = (rLeft > rLeftAbove)? rLeft - rLeftAbove: rLeftAbove - rLeft;
p2 = (rAboves[x] + rLeft > (rLeftAbove << 1))? rAboves[x] + rLeft - (rLeftAbove << 1): (rLeftAbove << 1) - rAboves[x] - rLeft;
rPrediction = (p0 <= p1 && p0 <= p2)? rLeft: (p1 <= p2)? rAboves[x]: rLeftAbove;
p0 = (gAboves[x] > gLeftAbove)? gAboves[x] - gLeftAbove: gLeftAbove - gAboves[x];
p1 = (gLeft > gLeftAbove)? gLeft - gLeftAbove: gLeftAbove - gLeft;
p2 = (gAboves[x] + gLeft > (gLeftAbove << 1))? gAboves[x] + gLeft - (gLeftAbove << 1): (gLeftAbove << 1) - gAboves[x] - gLeft;
gPrediction = (p0 <= p1 && p0 <= p2)? gLeft: (p1 <= p2)? gAboves[x]: gLeftAbove;
p0 = (bAboves[x] > bLeftAbove)? bAboves[x] - bLeftAbove: bLeftAbove - bAboves[x];
p1 = (bLeft > bLeftAbove)? bLeft - bLeftAbove: bLeftAbove - bLeft;
p2 = (bAboves[x] + bLeft > (bLeftAbove << 1))? bAboves[x] + bLeft - (bLeftAbove << 1): (bLeftAbove << 1) - bAboves[x] - bLeft;
bPrediction = (p0 <= p1 && p0 <= p2)? bLeft: (p1 <= p2)? bAboves[x]: bLeftAbove;
(r - rPrediction + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 8
| g - gPrediction + 0x100 & 0xFF
b - bPrediction + 0x100 & 0xFF
rLeftAbove = rAboves[x];
gLeftAbove = gAboves[x];
bLeftAbove = bAboves[x];
rLeft = rAboves[x] = r;
gLeft = gAboves[x] = g;
bLeft = bAboves[x] = b;
} else {
for (y = 0; y < HEIGHT; y ++) {
rLeft = gLeft = bLeft = aLeft = rLeftAbove = gLeftAbove = bLeftAbove = aLeftAbove = 0;
for (x = 0; x < WIDTH; x ++) {
color = source.getPixel32(x, y);
r = color >> 16 & 0xFF;
g = color >> 8 & 0xFF;
b = color & 0xFF;
a = color >> 24 & 0xFF;
p0 = (rAboves[x] > rLeftAbove)? rAboves[x] - rLeftAbove: rLeftAbove - rAboves[x];
p1 = (rLeft > rLeftAbove)? rLeft - rLeftAbove: rLeftAbove - rLeft;
p2 = (rAboves[x] + rLeft > (rLeftAbove << 1))? rAboves[x] + rLeft - (rLeftAbove << 1): (rLeftAbove << 1) - rAboves[x] - rLeft;
rPrediction = (p0 <= p1 && p0 <= p2)? rLeft: (p1 <= p2)? rAboves[x]: rLeftAbove;
p0 = (gAboves[x] > gLeftAbove)? gAboves[x] - gLeftAbove: gLeftAbove - gAboves[x];
p1 = (gLeft > gLeftAbove)? gLeft - gLeftAbove: gLeftAbove - gLeft;
p2 = (gAboves[x] + gLeft > (gLeftAbove << 1))? gAboves[x] + gLeft - (gLeftAbove << 1): (gLeftAbove << 1) - gAboves[x] - gLeft;
gPrediction = (p0 <= p1 && p0 <= p2)? gLeft: (p1 <= p2)? gAboves[x]: gLeftAbove;
p0 = (bAboves[x] > bLeftAbove)? bAboves[x] - bLeftAbove: bLeftAbove - bAboves[x];
p1 = (bLeft > bLeftAbove)? bLeft - bLeftAbove: bLeftAbove - bLeft;
p2 = (bAboves[x] + bLeft > (bLeftAbove << 1))? bAboves[x] + bLeft - (bLeftAbove << 1): (bLeftAbove << 1) - bAboves[x] - bLeft;
bPrediction = (p0 <= p1 && p0 <= p2)? bLeft: (p1 <= p2)? bAboves[x]: bLeftAbove;
p0 = (aAboves[x] > aLeftAbove)? aAboves[x] - aLeftAbove: aLeftAbove - aAboves[x];
p1 = (aLeft > aLeftAbove)? aLeft - aLeftAbove: aLeftAbove - aLeft;
p2 = (aAboves[x] + aLeft > (aLeftAbove << 1))? aAboves[x] + aLeft - (aLeftAbove << 1): (aLeftAbove << 1) - aAboves[x] - aLeft;
aPrediction = (p0 <= p1 && p0 <= p2)? aLeft: (p1 <= p2)? aAboves[x]: aLeftAbove;
(r - rPrediction + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 24
| (g - gPrediction + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 16
| (b - bPrediction + 0x100 & 0xFF) << 8
| a - aPrediction + 0x100 & 0xFF
rLeftAbove = rAboves[x];
gLeftAbove = gAboves[x];
bLeftAbove = bAboves[x];
aLeftAbove = aAboves[x];
rLeft = rAboves[x] = r;
gLeft = gAboves[x] = g;
bLeft = bAboves[x] = b;
aLeft = aAboves[x] = a;
return data;
internal class PNGFilterType
public static const NONE:int = 0;
public static const SUB:int = 1;
public static const UP:int = 2;
public static const AVERAGE:int = 3;
public static const PAETH:int = 4;
internal class Label extends TextField
public function Label(str:String)
defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('_sans', 12, 0x000000, true);
autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
text = str;
filters = [new GlowFilter(0xFFFFFF, 0.5, 2, 2, 20, 1)];
internal class HSV
private var _color:uint;
private var _hue:Number;
private var _saturation:Number;
private var _value:Number;
public function get color():uint { return _color; }
public function set color(value:uint):void
_color = value;
public function get hue():Number { return _hue; }
public function set hue(value:Number):void
_hue = value;
public function get saturation():Number { return _saturation; }
public function set saturation(value:Number):void
_saturation = value;
public function get value():Number { return _value; }
public function set value(value:Number):void
_value = value;
public function HSV(color:uint = 0x000000)
_color = color;
public static function constructWithRGB(rgb:RGB):HSV
return new HSV(rgb.color);
public function clone():HSV
return new HSV(_color);
public function toString():String
return '[HSV' +
' color=' + _color.toString(16) +
' hue=' + _hue.toString() +
' saturation=' + _saturation.toString() +
' value=' + _value.toString() + ']';
public function hex(length:int = 6):String
var hex:String = _color.toString(16);
while (hex.length < length) hex = '0' + hex;
return '0x' + hex;
private function _updateHSV():void
var rgb:RGB = new RGB(_color);
var ratioR:Number = rgb.red / 0xFF;
var ratioG:Number = rgb.green / 0xFF;
var ratioB:Number = rgb.blue / 0xFF;
var h:Number, s:Number, v:Number;
var max:Number = Math.max(ratioR, ratioG, ratioB);
var min:Number = Math.min(ratioR, ratioG, ratioB);
var difference:Number = max - min;
if (max == ratioR) {
h = 60 * (ratioG - ratioB) / difference;
} else if (max == ratioG) {
h = 60 * ((ratioB - ratioR) / difference + 2);
} else {
h = 60 * ((ratioR - ratioG) / difference + 4);
if (h < 0) {
h += 360;
s = difference / max;
v = max;
_hue = h;
_saturation = s;
_value = v;
private function _updateColor():void
var h:Number = _hue;
var s:Number = _saturation;
var v:Number = _value;
var ratioR:Number, ratioG:Number, ratioB:Number;
h %= 360;
h += (h < 0)? 360: 0;
if (s != 0) {
var hi:Number = Math.floor(h / 60) % 6;
var f:Number = h / 60 - hi;
var p:Number = v * (1 - s);
var q:Number = v * (1 - f * s);
var t:Number = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
switch (hi) {
case 0: ratioR = v; ratioG = t; ratioB = p; break;
case 1: ratioR = q; ratioG = v; ratioB = p; break;
case 2: ratioR = p; ratioG = v; ratioB = t; break;
case 3: ratioR = p; ratioG = q; ratioB = v; break;
case 4: ratioR = t; ratioG = p; ratioB = v; break;
case 5: ratioR = v; ratioG = p; ratioB = q; break;
} else {
ratioR = ratioG = ratioB = v;
_color = Math.round(0xFF * ratioR) << 16 | Math.round(0xFF * ratioG) << 8 | Math.round(0xFF * ratioB);
internal class RGB
private var _color:uint;
private var _red:uint;
private var _green:uint;
private var _blue:uint;
public function get color():uint { return _color; }
public function set color(value:uint):void
_color = value;
public function get red():uint { return _red; }
public function set red(value:uint):void
_red = value;
public function get green():uint { return _green; }
public function set green(value:uint):void
_green = value;
public function get blue():uint { return _blue; }
public function set blue(value:uint):void
_blue = value;
public function RGB(color:uint = 0x000000)
_color = color;
public static function constructWithRGB(hsv:HSV):RGB
return new RGB(hsv.color);
public function clone():RGB
return new RGB(_color);
public function toString():String
return '[RGB' +
' color=' + _color.toString(16) +
' red=' + _red.toString() +
' green=' + _green.toString() +
' blue=' + _blue.toString() + ']';
public function toHex(length:int = 6):String
var hex:String = _color.toString(16);
while (hex.length < length) hex = '0' + hex;
return '0x' + hex;
private function _updateRGB():void
_red = (_color & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
_green = (_color & 0xFF00) >> 8;
_blue = _color & 0xFF;
private function _updateColor():void
_color = _red << 16 | _green << 8 | _blue;
internal class GraphicsPathUtil
public static function createRect(x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number):GraphicsPath
return createPolygon(Vector.<Point>([new Point(x, y), new Point(x + width, y), new Point(x + width, y + height), new Point(x, y + height)]));
public static function createPolygon(points:Vector.<Point>):GraphicsPath
var commands:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
var data:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
var i:int, point:Point;
var length:int = points.length;
for (i = 0; i < length + 1; i ++) {
point = points[i % length];
data.push(point.x, point.y);
commands[0] = GraphicsPathCommand.MOVE_TO;
return new GraphicsPath(commands, data);