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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

yet another tree

An unoptimized experiment with infinite detail
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by yonatan 02 Mar 2012
  • Related works: 10
  • Talk

    makc3d at 03 Mar 2012 02:58
    yes but when you zoom in, back branches still do not disappear, right
    yonatan at 03 Mar 2012 03:26
    i'm not sure what you mean. branches should disappear if after the 2D projection they are either under a certain thickness (line 41) or out of the viewport (line 36, which is not 100% right).
    yonatan at 03 Mar 2012 03:28
    so back branches should be rendered with less detail than front ones
    makc3d at 03 Mar 2012 12:43
    I mean if you move closer, more and more branches from far side will be visible. and if the tree is dense enough, you will not be able to maintain fps.
    yonatan at 04 Mar 2012 06:07
    yeah, there's no framerate guarantee there... might be possible with breadth-first traversal and a time or line count limit.
 * Copyright yonatan ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import flash.utils.*;

    [SWF(width="465", height="465")]
    public class main extends Sprite {
        private const MIN_THICKNESS:Number = 1;
        private const LINE_WIDTH:Number = 80;
        private const BRANCH_SCALE:Number = 0.75;
        private const VS:Number = 300; // viewport size
        private const HVS:Number = VS/2;
        private const SS:Number = 465; // stage size
        private var sigl:SiGLCore = new SiGLCore;

        public function main() {
            x = y = SS/2;
            sigl.fieldOfView = 45;
            sigl.setZRange(-10, 10);
            addEventListener("enterFrame", onEnterFrame);

        private function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
  , 0.3, Math.sin(getTimer()/1234)-0.66).r(getTimer()/100, Vector3D.Y_AXIS).r(Math.sin(getTimer()/567)*20, Vector3D.Z_AXIS);
            graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xff8080);
            graphics.drawRect(-HVS, -HVS, VS, VS);

        private var p1:Vector3D = new Vector3D, p2:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
        private function render(size:Number):void {
            p1 = Utils3D.projectVector(sigl.projectionMatrix, sigl.matrix.position);
            if(p1.x > -1 && p1.x < 1 && p1.y > -1 && p1.y < 1 && p1.z > -1 && p1.z < 1) {
                size *= BRANCH_SCALE;
                sigl.t(0, -size, 0);
                p2 = Utils3D.projectVector(sigl.projectionMatrix, sigl.matrix.position);
                var thickness:Number = size * LINE_WIDTH / ((p1.w+p2.w)/2);
                if(thickness > MIN_THICKNESS) {
                    graphics.lineStyle(thickness, 0, (thickness-MIN_THICKNESS)/2, false, "normal", "none");
                    graphics.moveTo(p1.x * HVS, p1.y * HVS);
                    graphics.lineTo(p2.x * HVS, p2.y * HVS);
                    sigl.r(120, Vector3D.Y_AXIS).r(-30, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
                    sigl.r(70, Vector3D.X_AXIS);

import flash.geom.*;

// useful stuff by keim_at_Si (i think i copied it from the boolean crystals demo)

/** SiGLCore provides basic matrix operations. */
class SiGLCore {
    // variables ----------------------------------------
    public var modelViewMatrix:SiGLMatrix = new SiGLMatrix(), projectionMatrix:SiGLMatrix = new SiGLMatrix();
    public var viewWidth:Number, viewHeight:Number, pointSpriteFieldScale:Point = new Point();
    public var defaultCameraMatrix:SiGLMatrix = new SiGLMatrix(), matrix:SiGLMatrix = modelViewMatrix;
    private var _mvpMatrix:SiGLMatrix = new SiGLMatrix(), _mvpdir:Boolean, _2d:Number, _2r:Number;
    private var _mag:Number, _zNear:Number, _zFar:Number, _fieldOfView:Number, _alignTopLeft:Boolean = false;
    // properties ----------------------------------------
    public function get modelViewProjectionMatrix() : SiGLMatrix {
        if (_mvpdir) {
            _mvpdir = false;
        return _mvpMatrix;
    public function get align() : String { return (_alignTopLeft) ? "topLeft" : "center"; }
    public function set align(mode:String) : void { _alignTopLeft = (mode == "topLeft"); _updateProjectionMatrix(); }
    public function get matrixMode() : String { return (matrix === projectionMatrix) ? "projection" : "modelView"; }
    public function set matrixMode(mode:String) : void { matrix = (mode == "projection") ? projectionMatrix : modelViewMatrix; }
    public function get angleMode() : String { return (_2r == 1) ? "radian" : "degree"; }
    public function set angleMode(mode:String) : void { _2d = (mode == "radian") ? 57.29577951308232 : 1; _2r = (mode == "radian") ? 1 : 0.017453292519943295; }
    public function get fieldOfView() : Number { return _fieldOfView / _2r; }
    public function set fieldOfView(fov:Number) : void { _fieldOfView = fov * _2r; _updateProjectionMatrix(); }
    public function get magnification() : Number { return _mag; }
    public function set magnification(mag:Number) : void { _mag = mag; _updateProjectionMatrix(); }
    // constructor ----------------------------------------
    function SiGLCore(width:Number=1, height:Number=1) {
        viewWidth = width; viewHeight = height;
        angleMode = "degree"; _mag = 1;
        _zNear = -1000; _zFar = 200;
        _mvpdir = true;
        this.fieldOfView = 60;
    // matrix operations ----------------------------------------
    public function forceUpdateMatrix() : SiGLCore { _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function setZRange(zNear:Number=-100, zFar:Number=100) : SiGLCore { _zNear = zNear; _zFar = zFar; _updateProjectionMatrix(); return this; }
    public function clear() : SiGLCore { matrix.clear(); _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function id() : SiGLCore {; _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function push() : SiGLCore { matrix.push(); return this; }
    public function pop() : SiGLCore { matrix.pop(); _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function rem() : SiGLCore { matrix.rem(); _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function r(a:Number, axis:Vector3D, pivot:Vector3D = null) : SiGLCore { matrix.prependRotation(a*_2d, axis, pivot); matrix._invdir = _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function s(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number=1) : SiGLCore { matrix.prependScale(x, y, z); matrix._invdir = _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function t(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number=0) : SiGLCore { matrix.prependTranslation(x, y, z); matrix._invdir = _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function m(mat:Matrix3D) : SiGLCore { matrix.prepend(mat); matrix._invdir = _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function re(x:Number, y:Number, z:Number) : SiGLCore { matrix.prependRotationXYZ(x*_2r, y*_2r, z*_2r); _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    public function setCameraMatrix(mat:Matrix3D=null) : SiGLCore { projectionMatrix.rem().prepend(mat || defaultCameraMatrix); _mvpdir = true; return this; }
    private function _updateProjectionMatrix() : void {
        var wh:Number = viewWidth / viewHeight, rev:Number = (_alignTopLeft)?-1:1,
            fl:Number = (viewHeight * 0.5) / Math.tan(_fieldOfView * 0.5);
        if (_zNear <= -fl) _zNear = -fl + 0.001;
        projectionMatrix.clear().perspectiveFieldOfView(_fieldOfView, wh, _zNear+fl, _zFar+fl, -1);
        pointSpriteFieldScale.setTo(projectionMatrix.rawData[0] * fl, projectionMatrix.rawData[5] * fl);
        defaultCameraMatrix.prependTranslation(0, 0, -fl);
        if (_alignTopLeft) defaultCameraMatrix.prependTranslation(viewWidth* 0.5, -viewHeight * 0.5, 0);
        defaultCameraMatrix.prependScale(_mag, _mag * rev, _mag * rev);

/** SiGLMatrix is extention of Matrix3D with push/pop operation */
class SiGLMatrix extends Matrix3D {
    internal var _invdir:Boolean = false, _inv:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D(), _stac:Vector.<Matrix3D> = new Vector.<Matrix3D>();
    static private var _tv:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(16, true), _tm:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
    static private var _in:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(4, true), _out:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(4, true);
    public function get inverted() : Matrix3D { if (_invdir) { _inv.copyFrom(this); _inv.invert(); _invdir = false; } return _inv; }
    public function forceUpdateInvertedMatrix() : SiGLMatrix { _invdir=true; return this; }
    public function clear() : SiGLMatrix { _stac.length=0; return id(); }
    public function id() : SiGLMatrix { identity(); _inv.identity(); return this; }
    public function push() : SiGLMatrix { _stac.push(this.clone()); return this; }
    public function pop() : SiGLMatrix { this.copyFrom(_stac.pop()); _invdir=true; return this; }
    public function rem() : SiGLMatrix { this.copyFrom(_stac[_stac.length-1]); _invdir=true; return this; }
    public function prependRotationXYZ(rx:Number, ry:Number, rz:Number) : SiGLMatrix {
        var sx:Number = Math.sin(rx), sy:Number = Math.sin(ry), sz:Number = Math.sin(rz), 
        cx:Number = Math.cos(rx), cy:Number = Math.cos(ry), cz:Number = Math.cos(rz);
        _tv[0] = cz*cy; _tv[1] = sz*cy; _tv[2] = -sy; _tv[4] = -sz*cx+cz*sy*sx; _tv[5] = cz*cx+sz*sy*sx;
        _tv[6] = cy*sx; _tv[8] = sz*sx+cz*sy*cx; _tv[9] = -cz*sx+sz*sy*cx;
        _tv[10] = cy*cx; _tv[14] = _tv[13] = _tv[12] = _tv[11] = _tv[7] = _tv[3] = 0; _tv[15] = 1;
        _tm.copyRawDataFrom(_tv); prepend(_tm); _invdir=true;
        return this;
    public function lookAt(cx:Number, cy:Number, cz:Number, tx:Number=0, ty:Number=0, tz:Number=0, ux:Number=0, uy:Number=1, uz:Number=0, w:Number=0) : SiGLMatrix {
        var dx:Number=tx-cx, dy:Number=ty-cy, dz:Number=tz-cz, dl:Number=-1/Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz), 
        rx:Number=dy*uz-dz*uy, ry:Number=dz*ux-dx*uz, rz:Number=dx*uy-dy*ux, rl:Number= 1/Math.sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz);
        _tv[0]  = (rx*=rl); _tv[4]  = (ry*=rl); _tv[8]  = (rz*=rl); _tv[12] = -(cx*rx+cy*ry+cz*rz) * w;
        _tv[2]  = (dx*=dl); _tv[6]  = (dy*=dl); _tv[10] = (dz*=dl); _tv[14] = -(cx*dx+cy*dy+cz*dz) * w;
        _tv[1]  = (ux=dy*rz-dz*ry); _tv[5]  = (uy=dz*rx-dx*rz); _tv[9]  = (uz=dx*ry-dy*rx); _tv[13] = -(cx*ux+cy*uy+cz*uz) * w;
        _tv[3] = _tv[7] = _tv[11] = 0; _tv[15] = 1; copyRawDataFrom(_tv); _invdir=true;
        return this;
    public function perspectiveFieldOfView(fieldOfViewY:Number, aspectRatio:Number, zNear:Number, zFar:Number, lh:Number=1.0) : void {
        var yScale:Number = 1.0 / Math.tan(fieldOfViewY * 0.5), xScale:Number = yScale / aspectRatio;
    public function transform(vector:Vector3D) : Vector3D {
        _in[0] = vector.x; _in[1] = vector.y; _in[2] = vector.z; _in[3] = vector.w;
        transformVectors(_in, _out); vector.setTo(_out[0], _out[1], _out[2]); vector.w = _out[3];
        return vector;