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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: DrawTriangles Book

drawTriangles を使用し、各頂点座標をそれぞれ動かすことで

ローディング時に Tweener で動かし、


画像は YQL を利用し FlickrAPI から取得したものを使用しています。
Get Adobe Flash player
by tki 09 Sep 2010
 * Copyright tki ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from nanlow's DrawTriangles Book
 * drawTriangles を使用し、各頂点座標をそれぞれ動かすことで
 * ページがめくれるアニメーションを再現しています。
 * 左右から捲れる2パターンの動きを
 * ローディング時に Tweener で動かし、
 * その間の頂点座標をキャッシュしています。
 * 実際に動かすときはキャッシュデータを元に
 * 各フレームへの描画を行います。
 * 画像は YQL を利用し FlickrAPI から取得したものを使用しています。
 * 上にある検索窓から好きなタグのデータを取得することが可能です。
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.system.Security;
	[SWF(width = "465", height = "465", backgroundColor = "0xFFFFFF", frameRate = "60")]
	public class Main extends Sprite
		public static const WIDTH:uint = 444;
		public static const HEGHT:uint = 398;
		public static const SEGMENT_X:uint = 5;
		public static const SEGMENT_Y:uint = 3;
		public static const TAG:String = 'sunset';
		public static const NUM:uint = 20;
		public function Main():void
			if (stage) { _init() } else { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _init) } ;
		private function _init(e:Event = null):void
			removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, _init);
			Security.allowDomain( "*" );
			for (var i:int = 1, len:uint = 5; i <= len; i++)
				Security.loadPolicyFile("http://farm" + i + "");
			new Init(new Context(this), Main.TAG, Main.NUM).start()
import __AS3__.vec.Vector;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import com.bit101.components.FPSMeter;
import com.bit101.components.InputText;
import com.bit101.components.Label;
import com.bit101.components.ProgressBar;
import com.bit101.components.PushButton;
import com.bit101.components.ComboBox;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.utils.ByteArray;
import jp.progression.commands.lists.LoaderList;
class Init 
	private var _isDebug:Boolean = true;
	private var _context:Context, _controller:Controller, _graSh:Shape, _saveTurnOver:MotionSave;
	private var _imgPathList:Vector.<String>;
	private var _loaderList:LoaderList;
	private var _apiLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
	private var _isBuilding:Boolean, _isInit:Boolean = true, _isLoaderListExecuting:Boolean;
	private var _progress:ProgressBar, _comboBox:ComboBox, _tagInput:InputText, _errorLabel:Label, _tagApi:String, _numApi:uint, _header:Sprite;
	public function Init(context:Context, tag:String, num:uint)
		_context = context;
		_tagApi = tag;
		_numApi = num;
		_progress = new ProgressBar(_context.container, 182, 220);
		_graSh = _createGradationShape();
		_errorLabel = new Label(_context.container, 210, 222, "Not Found");
		_errorLabel.visible = false;
	private function _createGradationShape():Shape
		var result:Shape = new Shape();
		var mtx:Matrix = new Matrix()
		mtx.createGradientBox( Main.WIDTH, 0, 0, 0, 0);, [0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0], [0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.3, 0.0], [77, 112, 127, 142, 177], mtx);, 0, Main.WIDTH, Main.HEGHT );
		return result;
	private function _resizeBmd(source:BitmapData):BitmapData
		var result:BitmapData = new BitmapData(Main.WIDTH, Main.HEGHT);
		var n:Number = Math.max(Main.WIDTH / source.width , Main.HEGHT / source.height);
		var mtx:Matrix = new Matrix();
		mtx.createBox(n, n, 0, (Main.WIDTH - source.width * n) * 0.5, (Main.HEGHT - source.height * n) * 0.5);
		result.draw(source, mtx, null, null, null, true);
		return result;
	private function _reset():void
		_errorLabel.visible = false;
		if (_apiLoader.hasEventListener(Event.COMPLETE)) { _apiLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _connectAPIComplete) };
		if (_apiLoader.hasEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR)) { _apiLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _error) };
	public function start():void
	public function connect():void
		Tweener.addTween(_progress, { _autoAlpha:1.0, transition:'linear', time:0.2 } );
	//load images
	private function _connectAPI():void
		var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest('');
		var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
		variables = new URLVariables();
		variables['q'] = "SELECT * FROM" + _numApi + ") WHERE tags='" + _tagApi + "'";
		variables['format'] = 'xml'; = variables;
		_apiLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _connectAPIComplete);
		_apiLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _error);
	private function _connectAPIComplete(e:Event):void
		_header.visible = true;
		_apiLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _connectAPIComplete);
		_apiLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _error);
		var xml:XML = new XML(;
		_imgPathList = new Vector.<String>();
		for (var i:int = 0, len:uint =; i < len; i++)
			var node:XML =[i] as XML;
			_imgPathList.push("http://farm" + node.@farm + "" + node.@server + "/" + node.@id + "_" + node.@secret + ".jpg");
		_progress.value += 0.025;
		len = _imgPathList.length;
		if (len < 1)
		_loaderList = new LoaderList();
		for ( i = 0; i < _imgPathList.length; i++ )
			_loaderList.addCommand(new LoadBitmapData(new URLRequest(_imgPathList[i]), { cacheAsResource:false } ));
		_loaderList.onProgress = function():void 
			_progress.value = this.percent * 0.01 * ((_isInit) ? 0.9 : 0.95) + 0.045;
		_loaderList.onComplete = function():void
			for ( var i:int = 0, len:uint =; i < len; i++ )
			_isLoaderListExecuting = false;
			_progress.value += 0.025;
			_isInit ? _motionSaveStart() : _finish()
		_isLoaderListExecuting = true;
	private function _error(e:* = null):void
		_header.visible = true;
		if (_apiLoader.hasEventListener(Event.COMPLETE)) { _apiLoader.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _connectAPIComplete) };
		if (_apiLoader.hasEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR)) { _apiLoader.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, _error) };
		_errorLabel.visible = true;
		Tweener.addTween(_progress, { _autoAlpha:0.0 } );
	//save motion
	private function _motionSaveStart():void
		_isBuilding = true;
		var dammyBmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(1, 1, false);
		_saveTurnOver = new MotionSave(dammyBmd, dammyBmd, Main.SEGMENT_X, Main.SEGMENT_Y);
		_saveTurnOver.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _fromLeftMotionComplete);
	private function _fromLeftMotionComplete(e:Event):void
		_saveTurnOver.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _fromLeftMotionComplete);
		_context.fromLeft =;
		_progress.value += 0.025;
		_saveTurnOver.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _fromRightMotionComplete);
	private function _fromRightMotionComplete(e:Event):void
		_saveTurnOver.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _fromRightMotionComplete);
		_context.fromRight =;
		_progress.value += 0.025;
		_saveTurnOver = null;
		_isBuilding = false;
	private function _build():void
		_header = new Sprite();
		_context.container.addChild(_header).visible = false;;
		new FPSMeter(_header, 10, 7);
		new Label(_header, 124, 7, 'num : ');
		_comboBox = new ComboBox(_header, 154, 7);
		_comboBox.width = 50;
		for (var i:int = 1; i <= 10; i++)
			_comboBox.addItem( { label:String(i * 10), data:i * 10 } );
		_comboBox.selectedIndex = Math.floor(_numApi / 10) - 1;
		new Label(_header, 215, 7, 'tag : ');
		_tagInput = new InputText(_header, 242, 9, _tagApi);
		_tagInput.width = 100;
		new PushButton(_header, 355, 7, 'search', function():void
				if (_isBuilding) return;
				if (_controller) { _controller.close() };
				_tagApi = _tagInput.text;
				_numApi =;
				_progress.value = 0;
	private function _finish():void
		_progress.value = 1;
		if (_isInit)
			_controller = new Controller(_context);
			_isInit = false;
		Tweener.addTween(_progress, { _autoAlpha:0.0, transition:'linear', time:0.2 } );
class Context 
	public var fromLeft:PointListData, fromRight:PointListData, container:DisplayObjectContainer
	public var bmdList:Vector.<BitmapData>;
	public function Context(container:DisplayObjectContainer)
		this.container = container;
	public function reset():void
		bmdList = new Vector.<BitmapData>();
class Controller 
	private var _context:Context, _book:Book;
	public function Controller(context:Context)
		_context = context;
		_book = new Book(Main.WIDTH, Main.HEGHT, _context.fromLeft, _context.fromRight);
	public function build(list:Vector.<BitmapData>):void
		var dammy:BitmapData = new BitmapData(1,1, false, 0x0);
		for (var i:int = 0, len:uint = list.length; i < len; i++)
	public function start():void
		Tweener.addTween(_book, { _autoAlpha:1.0, transition:'easeOutCubic', time:0.6, delay:0.2 } );
	public function close():void
		Tweener.addTween(_book, { _autoAlpha:0.0 } );
class Book extends Sprite
	private var  _pageWidth:uint, _pageHeight:uint, _fromLeftData:PointListData, _fromRightData:PointListData, _viewCount:int = -1, _isNextTurning:Boolean, _isPrevTurning:Boolean, _isLock:Boolean;
	private var _bmdList:Vector.<BitmapData> = new Vector.<BitmapData>(), _motionList:Vector.<Piece> = new Vector.<Piece>();
	public function Book(pageWidth:uint, pageHeight:uint, fromLeftData:PointListData, fromRightData:PointListData)
		_pageWidth = pageWidth;
		_pageHeight = pageHeight;
		_fromLeftData = fromLeftData;
		_fromRightData = fromRightData;
		alpha = 0;
		x = 10;
		y = 34;
		new PushButton(this,    0, 405, 'prev', function():void { prev() } );
		new PushButton(this, 345, 405, 'next', function():void { next() } );
		_bmdList = new Vector.<BitmapData>();
		_motionList = new Vector.<Piece>();
	public function reset():void
		if (_viewCount + 1 <= _motionList.length - 1)
			Piece(_motionList[_viewCount + 1]).hide();
		_bmdList = new Vector.<BitmapData>();
		_motionList = new Vector.<Piece>();
		_viewCount = 0;
	private function _divisionBmd(src:BitmapData, rect:Rectangle):BitmapData
		var result:BitmapData = new BitmapData(rect.width, rect.height, true, 0xFF000000);
		result.draw(src, new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -rect.x, -rect.y));
		return result;
	public function addPage(bmd:BitmapData):void
	public function addDoublePage(bmd:BitmapData):void
		var w:Number = bmd.width * 0.5, h:Number = bmd.height;
		_bmdList.push(_divisionBmd(bmd, new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h)), _divisionBmd(bmd, new Rectangle(w, 0, w, h)));
	public function build():void
		for (var i:int = 0, len:uint = (_bmdList.length>>1); i < len; i++)
			_motionList.push(new Piece(this, i, _bmdList[i * 2], _bmdList[i * 2 + 1], _fromLeftData, _fromRightData))
	public function next():void
		if (_isLock || _isPrevTurning || _viewCount >= _motionList.length -2) { return };
		var waitPiece:Piece = _motionList[_viewCount + 1];
		var turnPiece:Piece = _motionList[_viewCount];
		turnPiece.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onNextCompleteHandler);
		turnPiece.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, _onHalfTurnHandler);
		_isNextTurning = true;
		_isLock = true;
	public function prev():void
		if (_isLock || _isNextTurning || _viewCount <= 0) { return };
		var waitPiece:Piece = _motionList[_viewCount];
		var turnPiece:Piece = _motionList[_viewCount + 1];
		turnPiece.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onPrevCompleteHandler);
		turnPiece.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, _onHalfTurnHandler);
		_isPrevTurning = true;
		_isLock = true;
	private function _onHalfTurnHandler(e:Event):void 
	{, _onHalfTurnHandler);
		_isLock = false;
	public function open(num:uint):void
		_motionList[num + 1].frontWait();
		_viewCount = num;
	private function _onNextCompleteHandler(e:Event):void 
		_isNextTurning = false;
		Piece(, _onNextCompleteHandler);
		var target:Piece = _motionList[Piece( - 1];
		if (target != null) { target.hide() };
	private function _onPrevCompleteHandler(e:Event):void 
		_isPrevTurning = false;
		Piece(, _onPrevCompleteHandler);
		var target:Piece = _motionList[Piece( + 1];
		if (target != null) { target.hide() };
class Piece extends EventDispatcher
	private var _id:uint, _fromLeft:MotionLoad, _fromRight:MotionLoad, _container:DisplayObjectContainer;
	public function Piece(container:DisplayObjectContainer, id:uint, frontBmd:BitmapData, backBmd:BitmapData, fromLeftData:PointListData, fromRightData:PointListData)
		_id = id;
		_fromLeft = new MotionLoad(container, frontBmd, _reverse(backBmd), fromLeftData);
		_fromRight = new MotionLoad(container, backBmd, _reverse(frontBmd), fromRightData);
		_fromLeft.x = (Main.WIDTH>>1);
	private function _reverse(source:BitmapData):BitmapData
		var result:BitmapData = new BitmapData(source.width, source.height, true, 0);
		result.draw(source, new Matrix( -1, 0, 0, 1, source.width, 0));
		return result;
	private function _removeListener():void
		if (_fromLeft.hasEventListener(Event.COMPLETE)) { _fromLeft.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onLeftCompleteHandler) };
		if (_fromRight.hasEventListener(Event.COMPLETE)) { _fromRight.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onRightCompleteHandler) };
	public function next(delayTime:Number = 0.0):void
		_fromRight.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, _onHalfTurnHandler);
		_fromRight.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onRightCompleteHandler);
	public function prev(delayTime:Number = 0.0):void
		_fromLeft.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, _onHalfTurnHandler);
		_fromLeft.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onLeftCompleteHandler);
	private function _onHalfTurnHandler(e:Event):void 
	{, _onHalfTurnHandler);
	public function backWait():void
	public function frontWait():void
	public function hide():void
	private function _onLeftCompleteHandler(e:Event):void 
		_fromLeft.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, _onLeftCompleteHandler)
	private function _onRightCompleteHandler(e:Event):void 
	public function get id():uint { return _id };
class MotionSave extends Shape
	public static const LEFT:String = 'left';
	public static const RIGHT:String = 'right';
	private var _isLayout:Boolean = false;
	private var _angle:String;;
	private var _speed:Number =  0.0035;
	private var _delay:Number = 0.001;
	private var _gap:Number = 0.05;
	private var _turnTransition:String = 'easeInOutSine';
	private var _gapTransition:String = 'easeInOutSine';
	private var _sp:SegmentPoint, _sourceW:uint, _sourceH:uint, _isRendering:Boolean = false;
	private var _data:PointListData, _count:uint, _isHalfTurn:Boolean;
	public function MotionSave(flontSource:BitmapData, backSource:BitmapData = null, segmentX:uint = 1, segmentY:uint = 1)
		_sp = new SegmentPoint(false, graphics, flontSource, backSource, segmentX, segmentY);
		_sourceW = flontSource.width;
		_sourceH = flontSource.height;
		_data = new PointListData(segmentX, segmentY);
	private function _layout(angle:String):void
		_angle = angle;
		for (var i:int = 0, len:uint = _sp.points.length; i < len; i++)
			_setPosition(_sp.points[i], _sp.defaultPoints[i], angle);
	private function _setPosition(pt:Point, defPt:Point, angle:String):void
		if (angle == MotionSave.RIGHT)
			pt.x = _sourceW * 2 - defPt.x;
			pt.y = defPt.y;
		}else if (angle == MotionSave.LEFT)
			pt.x = -defPt.x;
			pt.y = defPt.y;
	private function _setTween(pt:Point, defPt:Point, angle:String):Number
		var time:Number, curvePath:Array = [];
		if (angle == MotionSave.RIGHT)
			time = ((1 - defPt.x / _sourceW) * _speed +defPt.y / _sourceH * _delay) * 100;
			curvePath = [ { y:(defPt.y/_sourceH + _gap)* _sourceH } ];
			Tweener.addTween(pt, { x:defPt.x,									time:time,	transition:_turnTransition } );
			Tweener.addTween(pt, { y:defPt.y, _bezier:curvePath,		time:time,	transition:_gapTransition } );
		}else if (angle == MotionSave.LEFT)
			time = (defPt.x / _sourceW * _speed + defPt.y / _sourceH * _delay) * 100;
			curvePath = [ { y:(defPt.y / _sourceH - _gap) * _sourceH } ];
			Tweener.addTween(pt, { x:defPt.x,									time:time,	transition:_turnTransition } );
			Tweener.addTween(pt, { y:defPt.y, _bezier:curvePath,		time:time,	transition:_gapTransition } );
		return time;
	private function _changeAngle(angle:String):void
		_sp.ascent = (angle == MotionSave.RIGHT) ? false : true;
		_angle = angle;
	private function _removeTweens():void
		for (var i:int = 0, len:uint = _sp.points.length; i < len; i++)
	private function _startRendering():void
		_count = 0;
		if (_isRendering) { return };
		addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrameHandler);
		_isRendering = true;
	private function _stopRendering():void
		if (!_isRendering) { return };
		removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrameHandler);
		_isRendering = false;
	public function initLayout(angle:String):void
		if (_isRendering) { _removeTweens() };
		_isLayout = true;	
	public function turn(angle:String):void
		if (angle != null) { _changeAngle(angle) };
		if (_isRendering) { _removeTweens() };
		if (!_isLayout || _angle != angle) { _layout(angle) };
		var maxTime:Number = 0, time:Number;
		_isHalfTurn = false;
		for (var i:int = 0, len:uint = _sp.points.length; i < len; i++)
			time = _setTween(_sp.points[i], _sp.defaultPoints[i], angle);
			if (time > maxTime) { maxTime = time };
		Tweener.addTween(this, { delay:maxTime, onComplete:_onCompleteTween } );
		_isLayout = false;
	private function _onCompleteTween():void
		dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
	private function _onEnterFrameHandler(e:Event = null):void 
		_data.frontIndices[_count] = _sp.indicesFront;
		_data.backIndices[_count] = _sp.indicesBack;
		_data.vertices[_count] = _sp.vertices;
		if (!_isHalfTurn) { _checkHalfTurn() };
	private function _checkHalfTurn():void
		for (var i:int = 0, len:uint = _sp.points.length; i < len; i++)
			if ((_angle == MotionSave.LEFT && _sp.points[i].x < 0) || (_angle == MotionSave.RIGHT && _sourceW < _sp.points[i].x)) { return };
		_isHalfTurn = true;
		_data.halfTurnId = _count;
	public function get data():PointListData { return _data };
class MotionLoad extends Shape
	private var _isRendering:Boolean = false, _isShow:Boolean = false, _container:DisplayObjectContainer, _count:uint, _maxCount:uint, _sp:SegmentPoint, _data:PointListData;
	public function MotionLoad(container:DisplayObjectContainer, flontSource:BitmapData, backSource:BitmapData, data:PointListData)
		_container = container;
		_data = data.clone();
		_data.vertices = _adjustVertices(_data.vertices, flontSource.width, flontSource.height);
		_maxCount = _data.frontIndices.length;
		_sp = new SegmentPoint(true, graphics, flontSource, backSource, _data.segmentX, _data.segmentY);
	private function _startRendering():void
		if (_isRendering) { return };
		addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrameHandler);
		_isRendering = true;
	private function _stopRendering():void
		if (!_isRendering) { return };
		removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrameHandler);
		dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
		_container.setChildIndex(this, 0);
		_isRendering = false;
	private function _adjustVertices(vertices:Vector.<Vector.<Number>>, w:Number, h:Number):Vector.<Vector.<Number>>
		var num:Number, result:Vector.<Vector.<Number>> = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>();
		for (var j:int = 0; j < vertices.length; j++)
			var list:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
			for (var i:int = 0; i < vertices[j].length; i++)
				num = vertices[j][i];
				list[i] = (i % 2 == 0) ? num * w : num * h;
			result[j] = list;
		return result;
	public function move(delayTime:Number = 0.0):void
		_count = 0;
		if (_isRendering) { Tweener.removeTweens(this) };
		if (0 < delayTime) { _onEnterFrameHandler() };
		Tweener.addTween(this, { delay:delayTime, onComplete:_startRendering } );
	public function wait():void
		_count = _maxCount -1;
	public function show(depth:Number = NaN):void
		if (_isShow) { return };
		if (isNaN(depth))
			_container.addChildAt(this, depth);
		_isShow = true;
	public function hide():void
		if (!_isShow) { return };
		_isShow = false;
	public function setDepth(num:uint):void
		_container.setChildIndex(this, num);
	private function _onEnterFrameHandler(e:Event = null):void 
		if (_count < _maxCount)
			_sp.loadDraw(_data.vertices[_count], _data.frontIndices[_count], _data.backIndices[_count]);
			if (_count == (_data.halfTurnId -4))
				dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
 class PointListData 
	public var segmentX:uint, segmentY:uint, halfTurnId:uint;
	public var frontIndices:Vector.<Vector.<int>> = new Vector.<Vector.<int>>();
	public var backIndices:Vector.<Vector.<int>> = new Vector.<Vector.<int>>();
	public var vertices:Vector.<Vector.<Number>> = new Vector.<Vector.<Number>>();
	public function PointListData(segmentX:uint, segmentY:uint):void
		this.segmentX = segmentX
		this.segmentY = segmentY;
	private function _deepCopy(list:*):*
		var result:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
		result.position = 0;
	public function clone():PointListData
		var result:PointListData = new PointListData(segmentX, segmentY);
		result.frontIndices = Vector.<Vector.<int>>(_deepCopy(frontIndices));
		result.backIndices = Vector.<Vector.<int>>(_deepCopy(backIndices));
		result.vertices = Vector.<Vector.<Number>>(_deepCopy(vertices));
		result.halfTurnId = halfTurnId;
		return result
class SegmentPoint
	protected var _frontSource:BitmapData, _backSource:BitmapData;
	private var _graphics:Graphics, _divisionW:Number, _divisionH:Number, _sourceW:Number, _sourceH:Number, _loadMode:Boolean, _isAscent:Boolean = true;
	private var _points:Vector.<Point>, _defaultPoints:Vector.<Point>, _indices:Vector.<int>, _uvtData:Vector.<Number>, _vertices:Vector.<Number>, _indicesFront:Vector.<int>, _indicesBack:Vector.<int>;
	public function SegmentPoint(loadMode:Boolean, graphics:Graphics = null, flontSource:BitmapData = null, backSource:BitmapData = null, segmentX:uint = 1, segmentY:uint = 1 )
		_loadMode = loadMode;
		_graphics = graphics;
		_frontSource = flontSource;
		_backSource = backSource;
		_sourceW = _frontSource.width;
		_sourceH = _frontSource.height;
		_divisionW = _frontSource.width / segmentX;
		_divisionH = _frontSource.height / segmentY;
		if (_loadMode)
			_uvtData = new Vector.<Number>((segmentX + 1) * (segmentY + 1) * 2, true);
			var baseCount:uint = (segmentX + 1) * (segmentY + 1);
			_uvtData = new Vector.<Number>(baseCount * 2, true);
			_points = new Vector.<Point>(baseCount, true);
		for (var yy:int = 0; yy <= segmentY; yy++)
			for (var xx:int = 0; xx <= segmentX; xx++)
				_uvSave(xx, yy, segmentX, segmentY);
				if (!_loadMode)
					var id:uint = xx + yy * (segmentX + 1);
					_points[id] = new Point(xx * _divisionW, yy * _divisionH);
		if (!_loadMode)
			baseCount = (segmentX + 1) * (segmentY + 1);
			_defaultPoints = new Vector.<Point>(baseCount, true);
			_indices  = new Vector.<int>(baseCount * 6, true);	
			for (yy = 0; yy < segmentY; yy++)
				for (xx = 0; xx <= segmentX; xx++)
					_indicesSave(xx, yy, segmentX, segmentY);
			_defaultPoints = _pointlistCopy(_points);		
	public function saveDraw():void
		var len:uint = _points.length;
		var trianglePointList:Vector.<Point>;
		_vertices = new Vector.<Number>(len * 2, true);
		_indicesFront = new Vector.<int>();
		_indicesBack = new Vector.<int>();
		for (var k:int = 0; k < len; k++)
			var pt:Point = _points[k] as Point;
			_vertices[k * 2] = pt.x;
			_vertices[k * 2 + 1] = pt.y;
		if (!_backSource)
			_indicesFront = _indices;
			len = _indices.length / 3;
			for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
				trianglePointList = new Vector.<Point>(3, true);
				for (var j:int = 0; j < 3; j++)
					var id:uint = _indices[ i * 3 + j];
					trianglePointList[j] = new Point(_vertices[id * 2], _vertices[id * 2 + 1]);
				var flag:Boolean = _frontCheck(trianglePointList);
				if ((_isAscent) ? flag : !flag)
					_indicesFront.push(_indices[i*3], _indices[i*3 + 1], _indices[i*3 + 2]);
					_indicesBack.push(_indices[i*3], _indices[i*3 + 1], _indices[i*3 + 2]);
	public function loadDraw(vertices:Vector.<Number>, frontIndices:Vector.<int>, backIndices:Vector.<int>):void
		if (frontIndices.length)
			_graphics.beginBitmapFill(_frontSource, null, false, true);
			_graphics.drawTriangles(vertices, frontIndices, _uvtData);
		if (backIndices.length)
			_graphics.beginBitmapFill(_backSource, null, false, true);
			_graphics.drawTriangles(vertices, backIndices, _uvtData);
	private function _uvSave(xx:uint, yy:uint, segmentX:uint, segmentY:uint):void
		var id:uint = xx + yy * (segmentX + 1);
		_uvtData[id * 2] = xx / segmentX;
		_uvtData[id * 2 + 1] = yy / segmentY;
	private function _conversionToUnitVector(vertices:Vector.<Number>):Vector.<Number>
		var len:uint = vertices.length;
		var num:Number;
		var result:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(len, true);
		for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
			num = vertices[i];
			result[i] = (i % 2 == 0) ? num / _sourceW : num / _sourceH;
		return result;
	private function _indicesSave(xx:uint, yy:uint, segmentX:uint, segmentY:uint):void
		if (xx < segmentX)
			var i:uint = xx + yy * (segmentX + 1);
			var id:uint = (i - yy) * 6;
			_indices[id] = i;
			_indices[id + 1] = i + 1;
			_indices[id + 2] = i + segmentX + 1;
			_indices[id + 3] = i + 1;
			_indices[id + 4] = i + segmentX + 2;
			_indices[id + 5] = i + segmentX + 1;
	private function _pointlistCopy(list:Vector.<Point>):Vector.<Point>
		var result:Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>();
		var len:uint = list.length;
		for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
			result[i] = Point(list[i]).clone();
		return result
	private function _frontCheck(list:Vector.<Point>):Boolean
		var num:Number = (list[0].x - list[2].x) * (list[1].y - list[2].y) - (list[0].y - list[2].y) * (list[1].x - list[2].x);
		return (0 < num) ? true : false;
	public function get points():Vector.<Point> { return _points };
	public function get defaultPoints():Vector.<Point> { return _defaultPoints };
	public function get ascent():Boolean { return _isAscent };
	public function set ascent(value:Boolean):void
		if (_isAscent == value) { return };
		_isAscent = value;
	public function get vertices():Vector.<Number> { return _conversionToUnitVector(_vertices) };
	public function get indicesFront():Vector.<int> { return _indicesFront };
	public function get indicesBack():Vector.<int> { return _indicesBack };