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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: forked from: forked from: 向心力

@author 9re
// forked from 9re's forked from: forked from: 向心力
// forked from 9re's forked from: 向心力
// forked from 9re's 向心力
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.display.Shape;
	 * ...
	 * @author 9re
	public class CircularMotion extends MovieClip
		private const KX:Number = 0.05;
                private const KY:Number = 0.07;
                private const C:Number = 0.008;
		private const R:Number = 150;
		private var _shp:Shape;
               private var _vx:Number = 0;
               private var _vy:Number = 0;
               private var _x:Number = R;
               private var _y:Number = R;
               private var _cx:int;
               private var _cy:int;
		public function CircularMotion() 
			_shp = new Shape();;, 0, 15);;
                        _cx = stage.stageWidth / 2;
                        _cy = stage.stageHeight / 2;
			_shp.x = _cx + R;
			_shp.y = _cy + R;
			graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xff0000, 0.3);
			graphics.moveTo(_shp.x, _shp.y);
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
		private function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void 
                        _vx -= (_shp.x - _cx) * KX + C * _x;
                        _x += _vx;
                        _vy -= (_shp.y - _cy) * KY + C * _y;
                        _y += _vy;
                        _shp.x = _cx + _x;
                        _shp.y = _cy + _y;
			//_shp.y += (_shp.x - stage.stageWidth / 2) * K;
			graphics.lineTo(_shp.x, _shp.y);