forked from: forked from: Grass Effect
Copyright © YoAmbulante (
You may modify or sell this code, you can do
whatever you want with it, I don't mind. Just don't
forget to contribute with a beer thru the website.
Visit to clarify any
doubt with this code. Note that donators have
priority on information enquiries.
* Copyright zinnguyen ( )
* MIT License ( )
* Downloaded from:
// forked from freewebstyle's forked from: Grass Effect
// forked from felixpaq's Grass Effect
/* Copyright © YoAmbulante ( */
/* */
/* You may modify or sell this code, you can do */
/* whatever you want with it, I don't mind. Just don't */
/* forget to contribute with a beer thru the website. */
/* */
/* Visit to clarify any */
/* doubt with this code. Note that donators have */
/* priority on information enquiries. */
/* */
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
[SWF(width="800", height="300", frameRate="30", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF")]
public class GrassMain extends Sprite {
private var a:Array;
private var mouse_down:Boolean = false;
private var drawing:Boolean = false;
private var blur_rect:Rectangle;
private var blur_mx:Matrix;
private var gradient_bg:Sprite;
function GrassMain():void {
//-------------- gradient background ------------------
gradient_bg = new Sprite();
var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
m.createGradientBox(800, 100, (Math.PI / 180) * 90, 0, 0);"linear", [0x9ED0F1, 0xD6EDF5], [1, 1], [0,130], m);, 0, 800, 100);
gradient_bg.cacheAsBitmap = true;
//-------------- gradient background ------------------
//-------------- grass layers ------------------
var grass_areas:Array = new Array();
var i:int;
var sp:Sprite;
var blur_fac:int = 2;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
sp = new Sprite();
sp.mouseEnabled = false;
sp.mouseChildren = false;
if (i != 1){
var blur_eff:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(blur_fac, blur_fac, 1);
blur_fac *= 2;
sp.filters = [blur_eff];
sp.x = 4;
sp.y = 20;
//add mask for each
var grass_mask:Shape = new Shape();, 1);
grass_mask.x = 6;, 0, 800, 100);
sp.mask = grass_mask;
//-------------- grass layers ------------------
//-------------- grass leaves ------------------
var max_size:int = 0;
a = new Array();
for (i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
var dp:int = int(i / 167);
sp = grass_areas[dp];
var len:int = Grass.rand(100) + 50;
if (len > max_size) {
max_size = len;
var g:Grass = new Grass(Grass.rand(800), 0, len, (Grass.rand(100) / 100) * 1, 60, Grass.rand(40) - 20, (Grass.rand(100) / 100) * 1);
if (dp == 0) {
g.y += 15;
g.scaleX = .75;
g.scaleY = g.scaleX;
} else if (dp == 2) {
g.y -= 10;
g.scaleX = 1.7;
g.scaleY = g.scaleX;
sp.addChild(g);, true);
//-------------- grass leaves ------------------
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mDown);
public function mDown (e:MouseEvent):void {
mouse_down = true;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mUp);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mUp);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mUp);
public function mUp (e:MouseEvent):void {
mouse_down = false;
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mUp);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mUp);
this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mUp);
public function enterFrame (e:Event):void {
if (drawing || mouse_down){
drawing = false;
for (var i:int = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var wind:Number = 0;
if (mouse_down){
var diff:Number = Grass(a[i]).x - stage.mouseX;
if (Math.abs(diff) < 100) {
wind = (1 - Math.abs(diff / 100)) * 50 * (diff < 0 ? -1 : 1);
if (Grass(a[i]).next(wind, false)) {
drawing = true;
class Grass extends flash.display.Shape {
private var size:Number; /* pixels length */
private var stiffness:Number; /* 0..1 how flexible it should be */
private var springiness:Number; /* max limit applyed by the wind */
private var wind_force:Number; //used for moving the whole body, is like his actual position.
private var zero_force:Number; //is the position when it is stopped.
private var shadow_width:Number;
private var shadow_color:Number;
private var grass_color:Number;
private var px:Number; //x position
private var py:Number; //y position
//using in drawing function.
private var st_mov:Number; //depending of its position, ending point will be lower.
private var tension:Number; //constant value, see object creation
private var tension2:Number; //constant value, see object creation
private var redraw:Boolean;
//vars used in animation.
private var vel:Number = 0; //velocity applyed during animation.
private var fact_friction:Number;
private var fact_acc:Number;
private var last_wf:Number;
private var returning:Boolean;
private var shadow_green:uint;
private var grass_green:uint;
private var status:uint;
//colors during animation.
public static var GRASS_GREEN:uint = 120;
public static var SHADOW_GREEN:uint = 60;
public static var GRASS_RED:uint = 0x66;
public static var SHADOW_RED:uint = 0x33;
function Grass(newx:Number, newy:Number, len:Number, st:Number, sp:Number, zf:Number, sw:Number) {
status = 0;
redraw = true;
returning = false;
x = newx;
y = newy;
px = 0;
py = 170;
size = len;
stiffness = st;
st_mov = .8 + (1 - stiffness) * .2;
springiness = sp;
zero_force = zf;
shadow_width = sw;
shadow_green = rand(40);
grass_green = rand(40);
shadow_color = RGBtoNum(SHADOW_RED, SHADOW_GREEN + shadow_green, 0x00);
grass_color = RGBtoNum(GRASS_RED, GRASS_GREEN + grass_green, 0x00);
tension = this.size / 4;
tension2 = tension / 16;
fact_friction = .95 + (stiffness * .025);
public static function rand(n:uint):uint {
return int(Math.random() * n);
public static function RGBtoNum(i_r:int,i_g:int,i_b:int):Number{
return i_r<<16 | i_g<<8 | i_b;
public function resetSpeed():void {
fact_acc = 0;
vel = 0;
private function applyAnimation(limit:Number):Boolean {
var diff:Number = limit-wind_force;
if (fact_acc == 0){
fact_acc = 0.5 * (diff < 0 ? -1 : 1);
fact_acc += (stiffness * .45)
} else if ((diff > 0 && fact_acc < 0) || (diff < 0 && fact_acc > 0)){
fact_acc *= -1;
var old_vel:Number = vel;
vel = (vel+fact_acc)*fact_friction;
if ((vel > 0 && old_vel < 0) || (vel < 0 && old_vel > 0)){
fact_acc *= .7;
if (Math.abs(diff) <= 0.65){
return false;
vel = 0;
wind_force += vel;
return true;
public function next(wf:Number, refresh_color:Boolean = false):Boolean {
if (wf != 0){
if (status != 1) {
status = 1;
if (last_wf != wf) {
last_wf = wf;
if (fact_acc < .5) {
fact_acc += .5;
returning = true;
redraw = true;
applyAnimation(zero_force + wf);
} else if (returning) {
if (status != 2) {
status = 2;
redraw = true;
returning = applyAnimation(zero_force);
} else {
wind_force = zero_force;
status = 0;
if (redraw || refresh_color) {
if (refresh_color) {
shadow_color = RGBtoNum(SHADOW_RED, SHADOW_GREEN + shadow_green, 0x00);
grass_color = RGBtoNum(GRASS_RED, GRASS_GREEN + grass_green, 0x00);
var canvas:flash.display.Graphics =;
var end_x:Number = px+wind_force;
var end_y:Number = py - size + (Math.abs(wind_force) * Math.abs(wind_force/springiness)*.3);
var control_y:Number = tension*stiffness+tension;
redraw = wind_force != zero_force;
return redraw;
return false;