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guessing you want to keep track of the current move ?
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by YoupSolo 24 Aug 2014


    dannnn at 24 Aug 2014 18:39
    Yes. I want to use "KIFU CSA format" and listed. I am interested in move history.
    YoupSolo at 25 Aug 2014 17:05
    i don't know about this game, is it shogi ? found this when searching "KIFU CSA format" move history is is pretty straight forward, for example we can create a Move class and a array , and push each Move in the onDrop method.
    dannnn at 25 Aug 2014 18:30
    Yes, it is shogi. When player1's koma take player2's koma, this koma recycled....
 * Copyright YoupSolo ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from dannnn's forked from: forked from: forked from: forked from: flash on 2014-8-21
// forked from YoupSolo's forked from: forked from: forked from: flash on 2014-8-21
// forked from dannnn's forked from: forked from: flash on 2014-8-21
// forked from YoupSolo's forked from: flash on 2014-8-21

// guessing you want to keep track of the current move ?

package {
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Shape;    
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;

    [SWF(width = "465", hight = "465", frameRate = "30")]
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite 
        [Embed(systemFont = "sansserif", fontName = "myFont", mimeType = "application/x-font")]
        private static const myFont:Class;
        private var kifu:Kifu;
        public function FlashTest() 

            // you don't need to create a display object (Sprite) for a background and lines

            // same here draw directly on the stage
            var numbers:TextField
            for ( var i: int = 0; i <= Board.TILE_NUM; i++)
                numbers = new TextField();
                numbers.selectable = false;
                numbers.x = Board.MARGIN + 15 + (i * Board.TILE_SIZE); 
                numbers.text = ( (Board.TILE_NUM - i) != 0) ? (Board.TILE_NUM - i).toString() : "";
      *i, Board.MARGIN);
      *i, Board.MARGIN);
      *i, Board.MARGIN + Board.TILE_NUM * Board.TILE_SIZE);

            for ( var j: int = 0; j <= Board.TILE_NUM; j++)
                numbers = new TextField();                
                numbers.selectable = false;
                numbers.x = 400; 
                numbers.y = -5 + (j * Board.TILE_SIZE); 
                numbers.text = ( j == 0) ? "" : j.toString();
      , Board.MARGIN+Board.TILE_SIZE*j);
      , Board.MARGIN+Board.TILE_SIZE*j);
       + Board.TILE_NUM * Board.TILE_SIZE, Board.MARGIN+Board.TILE_SIZE*j);

            // creating the board
            // reseting the counter
            Board.KOMA_NAMES_IDX = 0;            
            fillLine(2, 2);
            addChild( new Koma2(1, 7) );
            addChild( new Koma2(1, 1) ); // create a Koma at 1,1 for player 2            
            fillLine(0, 2);
            // reseting the counter
            Board.KOMA_NAMES_IDX = 0;
            fillLine(6, 1);
            addChild( new Koma1(7, 1) );
            addChild( new Koma1(7, 7) );
            fillLine(8, 1);       
            // creating the Kifu Object and adding it to the display list
            kifu = new Kifu();

            // you can create one listener to handle the whole DnD mechanic
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDrag);
            this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onDrop);

        // fill the @line with pawns for the @player
        private function fillLine(lineNumber:int, player:int):void 
            for (var index:int = 0; index < Board.TILE_NUM; index++) 
                // with addchild add directly the pawn to the display list
                if (player == 1) {
                    addChild( new Koma1(lineNumber, index) );
                }else {
                    addChild( new Koma2(lineNumber, index) );

        // on drag behavior
        public function onDrag(e:MouseEvent):void 
            // if we click on a Koma, I put this one on the top of the display list ( the pawn is now over the others )
            if ( is Koma) {
                var targetKoma:Koma = as Koma;
                targetKoma.filters = [Board.DROP_SHADOW]; // added a drop shadow                
                addChild( targetKoma );
                // dragging
                kifu.lastMoveLine = targetKoma.line;
                kifu.lastMoveColumn = targetKoma.column;
                kifu.text =" "+kifu.lastMoveColumn+" "+kifu.lastMoveLine;                

        public function onDrop(e:MouseEvent):void 
            // the koma is centered in the curent Tile
            if ( is Koma) 
                // now, Koma1 and Koma2 inherits from Koma
                var targetKoma:Koma = as Koma;
                targetKoma.filters = [];
                var newX:int = Board.MARGIN + Board.KOMA_OFFSET_X + (int((e.stageX - e.localX) / Board.TILE_SIZE)) * Board.TILE_SIZE;
                var newY:int = Board.MARGIN + Board.KOMA_OFFSET_Y + (int((e.stageY - e.localY) / Board.TILE_SIZE)) * Board.TILE_SIZE;
                // new coordinates
                targetKoma.x = newX;
                targetKoma.y = newY;
                kifu.text =" "+kifu.lastMoveColumn+" "+kifu.lastMoveLine+" > "+targetKoma.column+" "+ targetKoma.line;

import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;

class Kifu extends Sprite
    private var _tf:TextField;
    public var lastMoveLine:int;
    public var lastMoveColumn:int;
    public function Kifu()
        _tf = new TextField()
        //_tf.embedFonts = true;
        _tf.selectable = false;
        _tf.x = 30;
        _tf.y = 400;
        _tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('myFont', 12, 0x0);
        _tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;        
        addChild( _tf );
        // --
        this.text = "waiting...";
    public function set text(str:String):void
        _tf.text = str;

import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
import flash.text.TextFormat;

class Koma extends Sprite
    public var owner:int;
    public const showName:Boolean = true;    
    private var _column:int;
    private var _line:int;
    protected var tf:TextField;
    public function Koma(lineNumer:int, index:int)
        mouseChildren = false;
        mouseEnabled = true; 
        x = Board.MARGIN + Board.KOMA_OFFSET_X + index * Board.TILE_SIZE;
        y = Board.MARGIN + Board.KOMA_OFFSET_Y + lineNumer * Board.TILE_SIZE;
        //name = lineNumer+ "_" + index;        
        name = Board.KOMA_NAMES[Board.KOMA_NAMES_IDX++];

        tf = new TextField();
        tf.embedFonts = true;
        tf.x = 7; // centering the text
        tf.y = 7; // centering the text
        tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('myFont', 10, 0x0);
        tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        tf.text = name;        
        addChild( tf );
        tf.visible = showName;
    public function get line():int
        return 1 + int( y / Board.TILE_SIZE );
    public function get column():int
        return 9 - int( x / Board.TILE_SIZE );
    public function draw():void
        // to override 

class Koma1 extends Koma
    public function Koma1(lineNumber:int, index:int)
        owner = 1;
        super(lineNumber, index);

    override public function draw():void
        graphics.moveTo(15, 0);
        graphics.lineTo(15, 0);
        graphics.lineTo(25, 5);
        graphics.lineTo(30, 30);
        graphics.lineTo(0, 30);
        graphics.lineTo(5, 5); 

class Koma2 extends Koma
    public function Koma2(lineNumber:int, index:int)
        owner = 2;
        super(lineNumber, index);
        tf.rotation = 180;        
        tf.x = 22;
        tf.y = 22;

    override public function draw():void
        graphics.moveTo(15, 30);
        graphics.lineTo(15, 30);
        graphics.lineTo(5, 25);
        graphics.lineTo(0, 0);
        graphics.lineTo(30, 0);
        graphics.lineTo(25, 25); 

// a config object
class Board 
    public static const MARGIN:int = 25;
    public static const TILE_SIZE:int = 40;        
    public static const TILE_NUM:int = 9;
    public static const KOMA_OFFSET_X:int = 5;
    public static const KOMA_OFFSET_Y:int = 5;
    public static const COLOR:int = 0xC2922F;
    public static const KOMA_COLOR:int = 0xE2A22F;
    public static const DROP_SHADOW:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter(5,45,0x0,.5);
    public static const KOMA_NAMES:Array = ["FU","FU","FU","FU","FU","FU","FU","FU","FU","KA","HI","KY","KE","GI","KI","OU","KI","GI","KE","KY"];
    public static var KOMA_NAMES_IDX:int = 0;    
    public function Board() {}