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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


Get Adobe Flash player
by gokiburi 01 Jul 2013
 * Copyright gokiburi ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.StageQuality;
    [SWF(width=1600, height=900, frameRate=60)]
    public class compi extends Sprite {
        public static const degToRad : Number = Math.PI / 180;
        public static const totalDepths : uint = 8;
        public var canvas : Sprite = new Sprite();
        public var lye : LyeShape = new LyeShape();
        public var lyeList : DSLL = new DSLL();
        public static var centerX : Number;
        public static var centerY : Number;
        public static var backgroundSwatch : Swatch;
        public static var canvasWidth : Number = 1600;
        public static var canvasHeight : Number = 900;
        public static function randomN( magnitude : Number ) : Number
            return Math.random() * magnitude * 2 - magnitude;
        public static function randomP( magnitude : Number ) : Number
            return Math.random() * magnitude;
        public function addLyeShape() : void
            var lye : LyeShape = new LyeShape();
	    lye.x = canvasWidth / 2;
	    lye.y = canvasHeight / 2;
	    lye.depth = Math.floor(randomP(totalDepths));
	    lye.color.blendSwatch( backgroundSwatch, 1-lye.depth/(totalDepths-1) );
	    lyeList.addNode( lye , lye.depth );
        public function compi() {
            backgroundSwatch = new Swatch();
            backgroundSwatch.setRGBA( 0, 0, 0, 1.0 );
            stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM;
            stage.addEventListener("enterFrame", step );
        public function step( e:Event ) : void {
   backgroundSwatch.getColor(), backgroundSwatch.a );
   0, 0, canvasWidth , canvasHeight );
	    var _next : DSLLNode = lyeList._first;
	    while( _next != null )
                var _nlye : LyeShape = _next as LyeShape;
		if ( _nlye .isAlive )
		    _nlye .update();
		    _nlye .render( );
		    if ( !_nlye .isAlive ){
			lyeList.removeNode( _next );
		_next = _next._next;

internal class Swatch
    public var r : uint;
    public var g : uint;
    public var b : uint;
    public var a : Number;
    function Swatch()
        r = 0;
        g = 0;
        b = 0;
        a = 1.0;
    public function setRGBA( r : uint, g: uint, b: uint, a:Number ) : void
        this.r = r;
        this.g = g;
        this.b = b;
        this.a = a;
    public function getColor() : uint
        return ( this.r << 16 | this.g << 8 | this.b );
    public function getColorA() : uint
        return ( this.r << 24 | this.g << 16 | this.b << 8 | this.a );
    public function blend( r : uint, g : uint, b : uint, a:Number, percent:Number ) : void
        this.r += (r - this.r) * percent;
        this.g += (g - this.g) * percent;
        this.b += (b - this.b) * percent;
        this.a += (a - this.a) * percent;
    public function blendSwatch( $swatch : Swatch, percent : Number ) : void
        this.r += ($swatch.r - this.r) * percent;
        this.g += ($swatch.g - this.g) * percent;
        this.b += ($swatch.b - this.b) * percent;
        this.a += ($swatch.a - this.a) * percent;

internal class DSLLNode
    public var _next : DSLLNode;
    public var _prev : DSLLNode;
    public var _depth : Number;

internal class DSLL
    public var _first : DSLLNode;
    public var _last : DSLLNode;
    public function addNode( $dsllNode : DSLLNode, depth : Number ) : void
        $dsllNode._depth = depth;
	if ( this._first == null )
		this._first = $dsllNode;
		this._last = $dsllNode;
	} else if ( this._first == this._last ){
		if  ( $dsllNode._depth < this._first._depth )
			this._first._prev = $dsllNode;
			$dsllNode._next = this._first;
			this._first = $dsllNode;
		} else {
			this._first._next = $dsllNode;
			$dsllNode._prev = this._first;
			this._last = $dsllNode;
	} else {
		var _current : DSLLNode = this._first;
		while ( _current != null && $dsllNode._depth > _current._depth )
			_current = _current._next;
		if ( _current == this._first )
			$dsllNode._next = this._first;
			this._first._prev = $dsllNode;
			this._first = $dsllNode;
		} else if ( _current == null )
			$dsllNode._prev = this._last;
			this._last._next = $dsllNode;
			this._last = $dsllNode;
		}  else {
			$dsllNode._next = _current;
			$dsllNode._prev = _current._prev;
			_current._prev._next = $dsllNode;
			_current._prev = $dsllNode;
    public function removeNode( $dsllNode:DSLLNode ) : void
	if ( this._first == $dsllNode)
			this._first = $dsllNode._next;
			this._first._prev = null;
	} else if ( this._last == $dsllNode){
			this._last = $dsllNode._prev;
			this._last._next = null;
	} else {
		var _next : DSLLNode = $dsllNode._next;
		var _prev : DSLLNode = $dsllNode._prev;
		_prev._next = _next;
		_next._prev = _prev;

import flash.display.Graphics;
internal class LyeShape extends DSLLNode
    public var x : Number;
    public var y : Number;
    public var vx : Number;
    public var vy : Number;
    public var color : Swatch;
    public var sides : Number;
    public var radius : Number;
    public var rotation : Number;
    public var lifeTime : Number;
    public var isAlive : Boolean;
    public var depth : Number;
    public var vs : Number;
    function LyeShape()
        this.x = 0;
        this.y = 0;
        this.vx = compi.randomN(5);
        this.vy = compi.randomN(5);
        this.color = new Swatch()
        this.color.setRGBA( 128, 128, 128, 1.0 );
        this.sides = 4;
        this.radius  = compi.randomP(56) + 8;
        this.rotation = compi.randomP(360);
        this.lifeTime  = 512;
        this.isAlive = true;
        this.depth = 0;
        this.vs = this.radius / this.lifeTime;
    private function die() : void 
        this.isAlive = false;
    public function update() : void
        if ( isInsideCanvas() )
	    if ( this.lifeTime > 0 )
                this.vx *= .995;
	        this.vy *= .995;
	        this.x += this.vx;
	        this.y += this.vy;
	        this.radius -= this.vs;
	        this.rotation += this.vx;
	    } else {
        } else {
    public function pointInRectValuesCollisionCheck( px : Number, py : Number, rx : Number, ry : Number, rw : Number, rh : Number ) : Boolean
	var hw : Number = rw * 0.5;
	var hh : Number = rh * 0.5;
	rx += hw;
	ry += hh;
	var px : Number = hw - Math.abs(rx - px);
	if ( px > 0 )
		var py : Number = hh - Math.abs(ry - py);
		if ( py > 0 )
			return true;
	return false;
    public function isInsideCanvas() : Boolean
        return pointInRectValuesCollisionCheck( this.x, this.y,  -this.radius,  -this.radius, compi.canvasWidth + this.radius * 2, compi.canvasHeight + this.radius * 2 );
    public function render( graphics : Graphics ) : void
        var shapeAngle : Number = 360 / this.sides * compi.degToRad;
	var selfAngle : Number = this.rotation * compi.degToRad;
            graphics.beginFill( this.color.getColor(), this.color.a );
            for ( var i : uint = 0; i < this.sides; i++ )
	        if ( i == 0 ){
		    graphics.moveTo( this.x + Math.cos( shapeAngle * i + selfAngle ) * this.radius, this.y + Math.sin( shapeAngle * i + selfAngle ) * this.radius );
	        } else {
		    graphics.lineTo( this.x + Math.cos( shapeAngle * i + selfAngle ) * this.radius, this.y + Math.sin( shapeAngle * i + selfAngle ) * this.radius );