In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

flash on 2011-10-28

    import com.bit101.components.HUISlider;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class Main extends Sprite
        private var vehicles:Vector.<SteeredVehicle> = new Vector.<SteeredVehicle>();
        private var distSlider:HUISlider;
        private var radiusSlider:HUISlider;
        public function Main()
            distSlider = new HUISlider(this, 0, 400, "Distance", distSliderHandler);
            radiusSlider = new HUISlider(this, 0, 420, "Radius", radiusSliderHandler);
            distSlider.minimum = 0.0, distSlider.maximum = 200.0, distSlider.value = 50.0;
            radiusSlider.minimum = 0.0, radiusSlider.maximum = 100.0, radiusSlider.value = 25.0;
            vehicles.push(addChild(new SteeredVehicle(230, 230)));
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
        private function distSliderHandler(event:Event):void 
            for each (var vehicle:SteeredVehicle in vehicles)
                vehicle.wanderDist = distSlider.value;
        private function radiusSliderHandler(event:Event):void 
            for each (var vehicle:SteeredVehicle in vehicles)
                vehicle.wanderRadius = radiusSlider.value;
        private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void 
            for each (var vehicle:SteeredVehicle in vehicles)

class Vector2D
    public var x:Number;
    public var y:Number;

    public function Vector2D(x:Number, y:Number)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public static function get ZERO():Vector2D
        return new Vector2D(0, 0);

    public function add(vec:Vector2D):Vector2D
        this.x += vec.x;
        this.y += vec.y;

        return this;

    public function subtract(vec:Vector2D):Vector2D
        this.x -= vec.x;
        this.y -= vec.y;

        return this;

    public function multiply(value:Number):Vector2D
        this.x *= value;
        this.y *= value;

        return this;

    public function divide(value:Number):Vector2D
        this.x /= value;
        this.y /= value;

        return this;

    public function get length():Number
        return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);

    public function set length(value:Number):void
        var a:Number = angle;
        x = Math.cos(a) * value;
        y = Math.sin(a) * value;

    public function dot(vec:Vector2D):Number
        return this.x * vec.x + this.y * vec.y;
    public function normalize(thickness:Number = 1.0):Vector2D
        if (length == 0)
            this.x = 1.0;
            return this;

        var scale:Number = thickness / length;
        this.x *= scale;
        this.y *= scale;

        return this;

    public function distance(vec:Vector2D):Number
        return Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(vec));

    public function distanceSquared(vec:Vector2D):Number
        var tx:Number = this.x - vec.x;
        var ty:Number = this.y - vec.y;

        return tx * tx + ty * ty;

    public function truncate(max:Number):Vector2D
        length = Math.min(length, max);

        return this;

    public function clone():Vector2D
        return new Vector2D(x, y);
    public function get angle():Number
        return Math.atan2(y, x);

    public function set angle(radian:Number):void
        var len:Number = length;
        x = Math.cos(radian) * len;
        y = Math.sin(radian) * len;

import flash.display.Sprite;

class Vehicle extends Sprite
    public static const WRAP:String = "wrap";
    public static const BOUNCE:String = "bounce";
    public var edgeBehavior:String = WRAP;
    public var velocity:Vector2D;
    public var maxSpeed:Number = 10.0;
    public var mass:Number = 1.0;

    public function Vehicle(x:Number, y:Number) 
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        velocity = Vector2D.ZERO;

    public function update():void
        this.x += velocity.x;
        this.y += velocity.y;
        if (edgeBehavior == WRAP) wrap();
        else if (edgeBehavior == BOUNCE) bounce();

        rotation = velocity.angle * 180 / Math.PI;
    private function wrap():void
        if (this.x < 0)
            this.x = stage.stageWidth - 1;
        else if (stage.stageWidth <= this.x)
            this.x = 0;
        if (this.y < 0)
            this.y = stage.stageHeight - 1;
        else if (stage.stageHeight <= this.y)
            this.y = 0;
    private function bounce():void
        if (this.x < 0)
            velocity.x = -velocity.x;
            this.x = 0;
        else if (stage.stageWidth <= this.x)
            velocity.x = -velocity.x;
            this.x = stage.stageWidth - 1;
        if (this.y < 0)
            velocity.y = -velocity.y;
            this.y = 0;
        else if (stage.stageHeight <= this.y)
            velocity.y = -velocity.y;
            this.y = stage.stageHeight - 1;

    public function get position():Vector2D
        return new Vector2D(x, y);

    protected function draw():void 
        graphics.lineStyle(2.0, 0x0);
        graphics.moveTo(5, 0);
        graphics.lineTo(-10, -5);
        graphics.lineTo(-10, 5);
        graphics.lineTo(5, 0);

class SteeredVehicle extends Vehicle 
    public var force:Vector2D;
    public var maxForce:Number = 1.0;
    public var arriveDist:Number = 100.0;
    public var wanderDist:Number = 50.0;
    public var wanderRadius:Number = 20.0;
    public var wanderAngle:Number = 0.0;
    public var wanderAngleRange:Number = 0.5;

    public function SteeredVehicle(x:Number, y:Number) 
        super(x, y);
        force = Vector2D.ZERO;

    public function seek(target:Vector2D):void
        var desiredVelocity:Vector2D = target.subtract(position);
    public function flee(target:Vector2D):void
        var desiredVelocity:Vector2D = target.subtract(position);
    public function arrive(target:Vector2D):void
        var desiredVelocity:Vector2D = target.subtract(position);
        var dist:Number = desiredVelocity.length;
        if (dist < arriveDist) desiredVelocity.multiply(dist / arriveDist);
    public function pursue(target:Vehicle):void
        var frame:Number = target.position.distance(position) / maxSpeed;
        var predictedTarget:Vector2D = target.position.clone().add(target.velocity.clone().multiply(frame));
    public function evade(target:Vehicle):void
        var frame:Number = target.position.distance(position) / maxSpeed;
        var predictedTarget:Vector2D = target.position.clone().add(target.velocity.clone().multiply(frame));
    public function wander():void
        var center:Vector2D = velocity.clone().normalize().multiply(wanderDist);
        var offset:Vector2D = Vector2D.ZERO;
        offset.length = wanderRadius;
        offset.angle = wanderAngle;
        wanderAngle += Math.random() * wanderAngleRange - wanderAngleRange / 2;

    override public function update():void 
        force = Vector2D.ZERO;
    override protected function draw():void 
        var center:Vector2D = velocity.clone().normalize().multiply(wanderDist);
        center.angle -= velocity.angle;
        graphics.drawCircle(center.x, center.y, wanderRadius);
        var offset:Vector2D = Vector2D.ZERO;
        offset.length = wanderRadius;
        offset.angle = wanderAngle;
        graphics.drawCircle(center.x, center.y, 5);