In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: forked from: flash on 2009-12-9

 * Copyright Aksor.Al ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from yonatan's forked from: flash on 2009-12-9
// forked from psyark's flash on 2009-12-9
package {
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import flash.system.Capabilities;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;
     * バンプマップのテスト
    public class Test30 extends Sprite {
        private static const SEA_HEIGHT:uint = 0x70;
        private var vertices:Vector.<Number>  = new Vector.<Number>(0, false);
        private var projected:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>(0, false);
        private var indices:Vector.<int>      = new Vector.<int>(0, false);
        private var uvtData:Vector.<Number>   = new Vector.<Number>(0, false);
        private var projection:PerspectiveProjection = new PerspectiveProjection();
        private var heightMap:BitmapData;
        private var normalMap:BitmapData;
        private var texture:BitmapData;
        private var tmp1:BitmapData = new BitmapData(512, 512, false, 0);
        private var tmp2:BitmapData = new BitmapData(512, 512, false, 0);
        private var world:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
        private var viewport:Shape = new Shape();
        public function Test30() {
            heightMap = createHeightMap(512, 512);
            //heightMap.fillRect(new Rectangle(0, 0, 512, 256), 0xFF000000);
            normalMap = createNormalMap(heightMap, 25);
            texture = createTexture(heightMap);
            //addChild(new Bitmap(createSpace(465, 465)));
            viewport.x = viewport.y = 465 / 2;
            projection.fieldOfView = 60;
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame);
            show(new Bitmap(heightMap), {width:115, height:115, x:30, y:30});
            show(new Bitmap(normalMap), {width:115, height:115, x:30, y:175});
            show(new Bitmap(texture), {width:115, height:115, x:30, y:320});
            show(new Bitmap(tmp1), {width:115, height:115, x:320, y:30});
            show(new Bitmap(tmp2), {width:115, height:115, x:320, y:175});
            function show(item:DisplayObject, param:Object):void {
                for (var i:String in param) {
                    item[i] = param[i];
         * ハイトマップを作成
        private static function createHeightMap(width:uint, height:uint):BitmapData {
            var heightMap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false, 0);
            heightMap.perlinNoise(80, 120, 10, Math.random() * 100, true, true, 0, true);
            //heightMap.colorTransform(heightMap.rect, new ColorTransform(.9,.9,.9,.9));
            return heightMap;
         * ハイトマップからノーマルマップを作成
        private static function createNormalMap(heightMap:BitmapData, multiplier:Number):BitmapData {
            var normalMap:BitmapData = new BitmapData(heightMap.width, heightMap.height, false);
            var vec:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
            var mtx:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
            for (var y:int=0; y<heightMap.height; y++) {
                for (var x:int=0; x<heightMap.width; x++) {
                    var height:uint = heightMap.getPixel(x, y) & 0xFF;
                    if (height >= SEA_HEIGHT) {
                        vec.x = (height - (heightMap.getPixel((x + 1) % heightMap.width, y) & 0xFF)) / 0xFF * multiplier;
                        vec.y = (height - (heightMap.getPixel(x, (y + 1) % heightMap.height) & 0xFF)) / 0xFF * multiplier;
                    } else {
                        vec.x = vec.y = 0;
                    vec.y *= -1;
                    vec.z = 0;
                    if (vec.lengthSquared > 1) {
                    } else {
                        vec.z = Math.sqrt(1 - vec.lengthSquared);
                    mtx.appendRotation(y / heightMap.height * 180 - 90, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
                    mtx.appendRotation(x / heightMap.width * 360, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
                    vec = mtx.transformVector(vec);
                    normalMap.setPixel(x, y,
                        (vec.x * 0x7F + 0x80) << 16 |
                        (vec.y * 0x7F + 0x80) << 8 |
                        (vec.z * 0x7F + 0x80)
            return normalMap;
         * ハイトマップからテクスチャを作成
        private static function createTexture(heightMap:BitmapData):BitmapData {
            var texture:BitmapData = new BitmapData(heightMap.width, heightMap.height, false, 0x229900);
            var paletteR:Array = [];
            var paletteG:Array = [];
            var paletteB:Array = [];
            var r:Number;
            for (var i:uint=0; i<256; i++) {
                if (i >= SEA_HEIGHT) {
                    r = (i - SEA_HEIGHT) / (256 - SEA_HEIGHT);
                    if (r > 0.7) {
                        paletteR[i] = (0x99 + 0x66 * (r - 0.7) / (1 - 0.7)) << 16;
                        paletteG[i] = (0x66 + 0x99 * (r - 0.7) / (1 - 0.7)) << 8;
                        paletteB[i] = (0x00 + 0xFF * (r - 0.7) / (1 - 0.7));
                    } else if (r > 0.15) {
                        paletteR[i] = (0x00 + 0x99 * (r - 0.15) / (0.7 - 0.15)) << 16;
                        paletteG[i] = (0xCC - 0x66 * (r - 0.15) / (0.7 - 0.15)) << 8;
                        paletteB[i] = (0x00 + 0x00 * (r - 0.15) / (0.7 - 0.15));
                    } else {
                        paletteR[i] = (0xCC - 0xCC * r / 0.15) << 16;
                        paletteG[i] = (0x99 + 0x33 * r / 0.15) << 8;
                        paletteB[i] = (0x33 - 0x33 * r / 0.15);
                } else {
                    r = i / SEA_HEIGHT;
                    paletteR[i] = 0;
                    paletteG[i] = Math.pow(r, 5) * 0x66 << 8;
                    paletteB[i] = (r * 0.5 + 0.5) * 0xFF;
            texture.paletteMap(heightMap, texture.rect, texture.rect.topLeft, paletteR, paletteG, paletteB);
            return texture;
        private function createGeometry():void {
            var radius:Number = 300;
            var xDiv:uint = 24;
            var yDiv:uint = 16;
            for (var y:uint=0; y<=yDiv; y++) {
                var yr:Number = y / yDiv;
                var cy:Number = Math.cos(yr * Math.PI);
                var sy:Number = Math.sin(yr * Math.PI);
                for (var x:uint=0; x<=xDiv; x++) {
                    var xr:Number = x / xDiv;
                    var cx:Number = Math.cos(xr * Math.PI * 2);
                    var sx:Number = Math.sin(xr * Math.PI * 2);
                    vertices.push(cx * sy * radius, -cy * radius, sx * sy * radius);
                    uvtData.push(xr, yr, 0);
                    if (x < xDiv && y < yDiv) {
                        var i1:uint =  y      * (xDiv + 1) + x;
                        var i2:uint = (y + 1) * (xDiv + 1) + x;
                        indices.push(i1, i2, i1 + 1, i1 + 1, i2, i2 + 1);
        private function enterFrame(event:Event):void {
            var light:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
            light.x = +viewport.mouseX / (465 / 2) / Math.SQRT2;
            light.y = -viewport.mouseY / (465 / 2) / Math.SQRT2;
            light.z = Math.sqrt(1 - light.x * light.x - light.y * light.y);
            world.appendRotation(getTimer() * -0.02, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
            light = world.transformVector(light);
            world.appendRotation(23.4, Vector3D.Z_AXIS);
            world.appendRotation(60, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
            world.appendTranslation(0, 0, 900);
            Utils3D.projectVectors(world, vertices, projected, uvtData);
            var lighting:ColorMatrixFilter = new ColorMatrixFilter([
                2 * light.x, 2 * light.y, 2 * light.z, 0, (light.x + light.y + light.z) * -0xFF,
                2 * light.x, 2 * light.y, 2 * light.z, 0, (light.x + light.y + light.z) * -0xFF,
                2 * light.x, 2 * light.y, 2 * light.z, 0, (light.x + light.y + light.z) * -0xFF,
                0,           0,           0,           1, 0
            tmp1.applyFilter(normalMap, normalMap.rect, normalMap.rect.topLeft, lighting);
            tmp2.copyPixels(texture, texture.rect, texture.rect.topLeft);
            tmp2.draw(tmp1, null, null, BlendMode.MULTIPLY);
  , null, false, true);
  , indices, uvtData, TriangleCulling.POSITIVE);
        private static function createSpace(width:uint, height:uint):BitmapData {
            var space:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height, false);
            space.noise(Math.random() * 256, 0, 255, 7, true);
            var a:Number = 20.4;
            var b:Number = 0xFF * -20;
            space.colorTransform(space.rect, new ColorTransform(a, a, a, 1, b, b, b));
            return space;