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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

SeparatingAxisTheorem 1.0.7

Get Adobe Flash player
by WLAD 03 Oct 2015
 * Copyright WLAD ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

/// @mxmlc -o bin/SeparatingAxisTheorem.swf -swf-version 20
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    /** @author */
    [SWF( width="800", height="800", backgroundColor="#000000", frameRate="60" )]
    public class SeparatingAxisTheorem extends Sprite 
        public function SeparatingAxisTheorem() 
            // STAGE INIT 
            stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
            stage.align = "tl";
            stage.color = 0x0;

            // VARS
            var mp:Vec = new Vec(0,0); // mouse point
            var mo:Vec = new Vec(0,0); // old mouse point
            var dm:Vec = new Vec(0, 0); // delta mouse 
            var sz:Vec = new Vec(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); // stage zise 
            var sz2:Vec = new Vec(sz.x>>1,sz.y>>1); // half stage zise 
            var N:Vec; // Rectangle 1 mid point ( position )
            var M:Vec; // Rectangle 2 mid point ( position )
            var NM:Vec; // vetor position to position
            var rmp:Vec; // Vec between rectangles mid points
            var A:Vec, B:Vec, C:Vec, D:Vec, E:Vec, F:Vec, G:Vec, H:Vec;// rectangle edges by order 
            var Ax:Vec, Bx:Vec, Cx:Vec, Dx:Vec, Ex:Vec, Fx:Vec, Gx:Vec, Hx:Vec;// rectangle edges projected on x axis 
            var Ay:Vec, By:Vec, Cy:Vec, Dy:Vec, Ey:Vec, Fy:Vec, Gy:Vec, Hy:Vec;// rectangle edges projected on y axis 
            var ld:Boolean = false; // left mouse down
            var rd:Boolean = false; // right mouse down
            var sd:Boolean = false; // shift key down
            var cd:Boolean = false; // ctrl key down
            var axisX:Vec; // temp x axis 
            var axisY:Vec; // temp y axis 
            // DISPLAY
            var r1:Rect = new Rect( 150, 180, 45 );
            var r2:Rect = new Rect( 100, 200, 0 );
            addChild( r1 ); r1.x = 100; r1.y = 250;
            addChild( r2 ); r2.x = 280; r2.y = 300;
            Draw.init( this );
            // UI
            var tp:Vec = new Vec();
            var out:Function = function(s:String,c:uint=0x494949):void {
                 var ts:int = Draw.textSize+4;
                Draw.altTarget = graphics; Draw.textCenter = false; 
                Draw.text(s,tp,c); tp.y += ts;
                Draw.altTarget = null; Draw.textCenter = true; 
            out('SeparatingAxisTheorem 1.0.7');
            out('Use left or/and right mouse to move objects');
            out('Holding Shift & L/R mouse will scale object');
            out('Holding Ctrl & L/R mouse will rotate object');
            out('Middle mouse to enter fullscreen');
            // EVENTS 
            var mouse:Function = function( e:* ):void {
                if ( e.type == 'middleMouseDown' ) stage.displayState = 'fullScreen';
                else if ( e.type == 'mouseDown' ) ld = true;
                else if ( e.type == 'mouseUp' ) ld = false;
                else if ( e.type == 'rightMouseDown' ) rd = true;
                else if ( e.type == 'rightMouseUp' ) rd = false;
                sd = e.shiftKey;cd = e.ctrlKey;
            };stage.addEventListener('mouseDown', mouse ); 
            stage.addEventListener('mouseUp', mouse ); 
            stage.addEventListener('rightMouseUp', mouse ); 
            stage.addEventListener('rightMouseDown', mouse ); 
            stage.addEventListener('middleMouseDown', mouse );
            stage.addEventListener('enterFrame', function( e:* ):void {
                dm = new Vec( mouseX - mp.x, mouseY - mp.y );
                mo = mp.clone();
                mp = new Vec( mouseX, mouseY );
                if ( ld ) {
                    if ( cd ) r1.rotation += mp.clone().subtract(N).degrees - mo.clone().subtract(N).degrees;
                    else if ( sd ) r1.grow(dm.x, dm.y);
                    else r1.offset( dm.x, dm.y );
                if ( rd ) {
                    if ( cd ) r2.rotation += mp.clone().subtract(M).degrees - mo.clone().subtract(M).degrees;
                    else if ( sd ) r2.grow(dm.x, dm.y);
                    else r2.offset( dm.x, dm.y );
                // READ VALUES
                var collision:Boolean = true;
                N = r1.pos;        M = r2.pos;
                A = r1.UL;        B = r1.UR;
                C = r1.LR;        D = r1.LL;
                E = r2.UL;        F = r2.UR;
                G = r2.LR;        H = r2.LL;
                var V1:Vector.<Vec> = new <Vec>[ A,B,C,D ];
                var V2:Vector.<Vec> = new <Vec>[ E,F,G,H ];
                // SeparatingAxisTheorem BEGIN
                axisX = B.copy.subtract( A );
                axisY = D.copy.subtract( A );
                if ( areAxisSeparated( V1, V2, axisX ) ) collision = false;
                if ( areAxisSeparated( V1, V2, axisY ) ) collision = false;
                axisX = F.clone().subtract( E );
                axisY = H.clone().subtract( E );
                if ( areAxisSeparated( V1, V2, axisX ) ) collision = false;
                if ( areAxisSeparated( V1, V2, axisY ) ) collision = false;
                // SeparatingAxisTheorem END
                // DRAW CALCULATION 
                rmp = Vec.P2V( 
                axisX = B.copy.subtract( A );
                axisY = D.copy.subtract( A );
                Ex = axisX.projection( E.copy.subtract( A ) );
                Fx = axisX.projection( F.copy.subtract( A ) );
                Gx = axisX.projection( G.copy.subtract( A ) );
                Hx = axisX.projection( H.copy.subtract( A ) );
                Ey = axisY.projection( E.copy.subtract( A ) );
                Fy = axisY.projection( F.copy.subtract( A ) );
                Gy = axisY.projection( G.copy.subtract( A ) );
                Hy = axisY.projection( H.copy.subtract( A ) );
                axisX = F.clone().subtract( E );
                axisY = H.clone().subtract( E );
                Ax = axisX.projection( A.copy.subtract( E ) );
                Bx = axisX.projection( B.copy.subtract( E ) );
                Cx = axisX.projection( C.copy.subtract( E ) );
                Dx = axisX.projection( D.copy.subtract( E ) );
                Ay = axisY.projection( A.copy.subtract( E ) );
                By = axisY.projection( B.copy.subtract( E ) );
                Cy = axisY.projection( C.copy.subtract( E ) );
                Dy = axisY.projection( D.copy.subtract( E ) );
                Draw.line( A, B, 0x484A49, 2 );
                Draw.line( A, D, 0x484A49, 2 );
                Draw.line( E, F, 0x484A49, 2 );
                Draw.line( E, H, 0x484A49, 2 );
                Draw.point( Ex.copy.add( A ), 0xFA1CFF, 2 );
                Draw.point( Fx.copy.add( A ), 0xFA1CFF, 2 );
                Draw.point( Gx.copy.add( A ), 0xFA1CFF, 2 );
                Draw.point( Hx.copy.add( A ), 0xFA1CFF, 2 );
                Draw.point( Ey.copy.add( A ), 0xFA1CFF, 2 );
                Draw.point( Fy.copy.add( A ), 0xFA1CFF, 2 );
                Draw.point( Gy.copy.add( A ), 0xFA1CFF, 2 );
                Draw.point( Hy.copy.add( A ), 0xFA1CFF, 2 );
                Draw.point( Ax.copy.add( E ), 0xFAFF1C, 2 );
                Draw.point( Bx.copy.add( E ), 0xFAFF1C, 2 );
                Draw.point( Cx.copy.add( E ), 0xFAFF1C, 2 );
                Draw.point( Dx.copy.add( E ), 0xFAFF1C, 2 );
                Draw.point( Ay.copy.add( E ), 0xFAFF1C, 2 );
                Draw.point( By.copy.add( E ), 0xFAFF1C, 2 );
                Draw.point( Cy.copy.add( E ), 0xFAFF1C, 2 );
                Draw.point( Dy.copy.add( E ), 0xFAFF1C, 2 );
                Draw.text( "A", A, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFAFF1C );
                Draw.text( "B", B, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFAFF1C );
                Draw.text( "C", C, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFAFF1C );
                Draw.text( "D", D, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFAFF1C );
                Draw.text( "E", E, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFA1CFF );
                Draw.text( "F", F, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFA1CFF );
                Draw.text( "G", G, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFA1CFF );
                Draw.text( "H", H, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0xFA1CFF );
                Draw.text( "N", N, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0x6AD8E3 );
                Draw.text( "M", M, collision ? 0xFF0000 : 0x6AD8E3 );
                Draw.point( rmp, 0x1E79E8 );
        /// return vec were vec.x is Min and vec.y is Max
        static public function vvMM( vv:Vector.<Vec>, axis:Vec ):Vec
            var minProj:Number = vv[0].dot(axis);         var minDot:int = 1;
            var maxProj:Number = vv[0].dot(axis);         var maxDot:int = 1;
            for ( var i:int = 1; i < 4; i++ ) 
                var proj:Number = vv[ i ].dot(axis);
                if (minProj > proj) {    minProj = proj;    minDot = i;    }
                if (maxProj < proj) {    maxProj = proj;    maxDot = i;    }
            return new Vec( minProj, maxProj );
        static public function areAxisSeparated( v1:Vector.<Vec>, v2:Vector.<Vec>, axis:Vec ):Boolean
            var V1:Vec = vvMM( v1, axis );
            var V2:Vec = vvMM( v2, axis );
            return V2.y < V1.x || V1.y < V2.x;


var r2d:Number = 180 / Math.PI;
var d2r:Number = Math.PI / 180

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;

class Vec {
    // Example:
    static public function PerpendicularProjection( V:Vec, U:Vec ):Vec
    {return U.clone().subtract( V.projection( U ) );}
    // Convert a line between two points into a vector
    static public function PP2V(a:Vec, b:Vec):Vec{return new Vec(b.x - a.x, b.y - a.y);}
    // Conver point to vector 
    static public function P2V(p:Point):Vec{return new Vec(p.x,p.y);}
    // Angle between two vectors in radians
    static public function RadiansBetween( A:Vec, B:Vec):Number{return Math.acos( A.clone().normalise().dot( B.clone().normalise() ) );}
    static public function zero():Vec{return new Vec();}
    // @author
    public var x:Number, y:Number;
    public function Vec(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0){this.x = x;this.y = y;}
    public function get length():Number{return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);}
    public function set length(value:Number):void{length == 0 ? scale(0) : scale(value / length);}
    public function set degrees(value:Number):void{radians = value * d2r;}
    public function get degrees():Number{return radians * r2d;}
    public function set radians(value:Number):void{var f:Number = length;x = Math.cos(value) * f;y = Math.sin(value) * f;}
    public function scale(n:Number):Vec { x *= n; y *= n; return this; }
    public function clone():Vec { return new Vec(x, y); }
    public function get copy():Vec { return clone(); }
    public function get radians():Number { return Math.atan2(y, x); }
    public function dot( v:Vec ):Number { return x * v.x + y * v.y; }
    public function get point():Vec { return new Vec(x, y); }
    //Projection method credits:
    public function projection( u:Vec ):Vec{var l:Number = length;return clone().scale( this ) / (l * l) );}
    public function normalise():Vec{scale(1);return this;}
    //public function distToVec( p:Vec ):Number {return p.length * Math.sin( Vec.RadiansBetween( this, Vec.P2V(p) ) );}
    public function render( g:Graphics, o:Vec = null, color:uint = 0xFF0000, thikness:uint = 3 ):void
    {if (o == null) o = new Vec(); g.beginFill( color ); g.lineStyle( thikness, color); g.moveTo( o.x, o.y); var B:Vec = new Vec(o.x + x, o.y + y); g.lineTo( B.x, B.y);
    var v:Vec = Vec.PP2V( o, B );v.length = 7;v.degrees -= 45 + 180;g.lineTo( B.x + v.x, B.y + v.y );
    v.degrees += 90;g.lineTo( B.x + v.x, B.y + v.y );g.lineTo( B.x, B.y );g.endFill();}
    public function add( V:Vec ):Vec{this.x += V.x;this.y += V.y;return this;}
    public function subtract(V:Vec):Vec { this.x -= V.x; this.y -= V.y; return this; }
    public function toString():String{return "["+x.toFixed(2)+","+y.toFixed(2)+"]";}
    public function toPoint():Point{return new Point(x, y);}
    public function rotate(rad:Number):Vec { radians += rad; return this; }
    public function invert():Vec { var t:Number = x; x = -y; y = -t; return this; }

class Rect extends Sprite
    private var w:Number = 0;
    private var h:Number = 0;
    private var w2:Number = 0;
    private var h2:Number = 0;
    private var _rect:Rectangle;
    public function Rect( w:Number, h:Number, r:Number ):void
        rotation = r;
        grow( w, h );
    public function grow( dw:Number, dh:Number ):void
        w += dw;
        h += dh;
        w2 = w * .5;
        h2 = h * .5;
    public function offset( dx:Number, dy:Number ):void
        x += dx;
        y += dy;
    private function render():void
        graphics.lineStyle(5, 0x7E7E7E, 1 , true);
        graphics.drawRect( -w / 2, -h / 2, w, h );
    public function get pos():Vec { return new Vec( x, y ); }
    public function get points():Vector.<Vec>
        return Vector.<Vec>([ LL, LR, UL, UR ]);
    public function get angle():Number { return rotation * d2r; }
    public function get UL():Vec { return new Vec( -w2, -h2 ).rotate( angle ).add( pos ); }
    public function get LL():Vec { return new Vec( -w2, h2 ).rotate( angle ).add( pos ); }
    public function get UR():Vec { return new Vec( w2, -h2 ).rotate( angle ).add( pos ); }
    public function get LR():Vec { return new Vec( w2, h2 ).rotate( angle ).add( pos ); }

class Draw 
    static public var textCenter:Boolean = true;
    static public var altTarget:Graphics = null;
    static public var textSize:int = 18;
    static public var canvas:Shape;
    static public function get g():Graphics { return altTarget ? altTarget :; }
    static private var tf:TextField;
    static public function init( s:Sprite ):void
        tf = new TextField(); 
        tf.autoSize = 'left'; 
        tf.multiline = false; 
        tf.wordWrap = false;  
        tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('Arial', textSize, false); 
        canvas = new Shape();
        s.addChild( canvas );
    static public function clear():void { g.clear(); }
    static public function circle( p:Vec, radius:Number, color:uint = 0xFF0000, thikness:Number = 1 ):void
        g.lineStyle( thikness, color );
        g.drawCircle( p.x, p.y, radius );
    static public function point( p:Vec, color:uint = 0xFF0000, size:Number = 5 ):void
        g.beginFill( color );
        g.drawCircle( p.x, p.y , size );
    static public function points( v:Vector.<Vec>, color:uint = 0xFF0000, size:Number = 5 ):void
        for ( var i:int = 0; i < v.length; i++) point( v[i], color, size );
    static public function line( a:Vec, b:Vec, color:uint = 0xFF0000, thikness:Number = 1 ):void
        g.lineStyle( thikness, color );
        var l:Vec = b.copy.subtract( a );
        l.length = 2000 ;
        g.moveTo( a.x - l.x, a.y - l.y );
        g.lineTo( a.x + l.x, a.y + l.y );
    static public function lineH( y:Number, color:uint = 0xFF0000, thikness:Number = 1 ):void
        g.lineStyle( thikness, color );
        g.moveTo( -1000, y );
        g.lineTo( 1000, y );
    static public function lineV( x:Number, color:uint = 0xFF0000, thikness:Number = 1 ):void
        g.lineStyle( thikness, color );
        g.moveTo( x, -1000 );
        g.lineTo( x, 1000 );
    static public function text( s:String, p:Vec, color:uint = 0xFFFFFF ):void
        tf.htmlText = "<font color='#" + color.toString(16).toUpperCase() + "' >" + s + "</font>";
        var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(tf.width, tf.height, false, 0xFF000000);bd.draw(tf);
        var q:Vec = textCenter ? p.clone().subtract( new Vec( tf.width / 2, tf.height / 2 ) ) : p;
        g.beginBitmapFill(bd,new Matrix(1,0,0,1,q.x,q.y));
        g.drawRect(q.x, q.y, tf.width, tf.height);