package {
import flash.display.*;
* There's a nice site that collects
* images with one pixel for every RGB color.
* Typical allRGB image is 4096x4096 pixels to
* hold 256³ colors. To fit wonderfl 465x465
* size standard, I propose this "mini" version
* of the game: fit 60³ colors. It takes almost
* all of 465x465, except 225 (or 15²) blank
* pixels. You are free to leave these pixels
* in any image area you want, of course. To
* play the game, fork this and change create()
* method into something creative :)
public class allRGBMini extends Sprite {
* Replace me :)
* @param bd Empty locked 465x465 BitmapData.
public function create (bd:BitmapData):void {
var k:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 31; i++)
for (var j:int = 0; j < 31; j++) {
if ((i == 0) && (j == 0)) continue;
var u:int = k % 4;
var v:int = (k / 4) % 4;
var w:int = (k / 16);
for (var p:int = 0; p < 15; p++)
for (var q:int = 0; q < 15; q++) {
bd.setPixel (i * 15 + p, j * 15 + q,
rgb (15 * u + p, 15 * v + q, w)
* Makes normal color out of 60x60x60 cube
* for rendering purposes.
public function rgb (r:uint, g:uint, b:uint):uint {
var R:uint = r * 4.323;
var G:uint = g * 4.323;
var B:uint = b * 4.323;
return (R << 16) + (G << 8) + B;
public function allRGBMini () {
var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData (465, 465, false, 0);
bd.lock (); create (bd); bd.unlock (); addChild (new Bitmap (bd));