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Megasokoban + pathfinding + automatic box movement

next fork: making coffee and ordering pizza :)
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by makc3d 19 Dec 2010
  • Forked from makc3d's Megasokoban + pathfinding
  • Diff: 86
  • Related works: 5
  • Talk

    makc3d at 19 Dec 2010 06:04
    got tired and fucked up 1st "100k moves" level after playing from 3:22 to 4:07 (whole level would therefore take ~ 2 hours and a half) THIS NEEDS "UNDO" FORK!!!


 * Copyright makc3d ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// This fork adds even more automation!
// The game features 16579 levels from
// At the rate of five minutes per level, it
// would take you two months of non-stop playing
// to beat them all :)
// Of course, levels that take 100000 moves to
// complete cannot be solved in anything less
// than several hours, even with automation.
// Controls: 
// - HJKL, WASD or arrows,
// - shift + above keys to move the box automatically
//   until your next decision is required,
// - click free spot to walk there,
// - Numpad +/- to zoom in/out,
// - shift + above keys to control automation speed
// Have fun!
package {
    import com.bit101.components.Label;
    import com.bit101.components.List;
    import com.bit101.components.Panel;
    import com.bit101.components.ProgressBar;
    import com.bit101.components.TextArea;
    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import flash.utils.setTimeout;
    import mx.utils.Base64Decoder;
    public class Sokoban extends Sprite {
        private var T:int = 16;
		private var Tmin:int = 4, Tmax:int = 123;
        private var N:int = 10;
		private var Nmin:int = 1, Nmax:int = 30;
        private var s:Array;
        private var b:Array,f:Array,v:Array,wa:Array;
        private var u:int,w:int;
		private var path:Vector.<Point>, astar:AStar = new AStar;
		private var keepMoving:Boolean;
        private var progress:ProgressBar;
        private var list1:List;
        private var list2:List;
        private var info:TextArea;
        private var zip1:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
        private var zip2:ByteArray = new ByteArray;
        private var skin:BitmapData;
        private var defs:Object;
        private var rows:int;
        private var cols:int;
        private var infoPanel:Panel;
        private var moves:int = 0;
        public function Sokoban () {
            progress = new ProgressBar (this, 100, 300);
            progress.width = 265;

        private function loadSkin():void 
            var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
            loader.dataFormat = "binary";
            loader.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress0);
            loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, skin_complete);
            loader.load(new URLRequest(/*"skin.gif"*/""));
        private function skin_complete(e:Event):void 
            var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
            var ba:ByteArray = ByteArray(;
            ba.position = 2305;
            var zip:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
            ba.readBytes(zip, 0);
            var src:Array = String(zip.readUTFBytes(zip.length)).split(/\[[A-Z]+\]/);
            var lines:Array = src[2].split(/[\r\n]+/);
            defs = { };
            for each(var line:String in lines) {
                var p:Array = line.split(/\s*=\s*/);
                if (p[0].length) defs[p[0]] = parseInt(p[1]);
            var rawImg:String = src[3];
            var dec:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
            ba = dec.toByteArray();
            var img:Loader = new Loader();
            img.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, skin_loaded);
        private function skin_loaded(e:Event):void 
            skin = ( as Bitmap).bitmapData;
        private function loadLevels():void {
            var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
            loader.dataFormat = "binary";
            loader.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress1);
            loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onComplete1);
            loader.load (new URLRequest (/*"levels_1.gif"*/""));
        private function onProgress0 (e:ProgressEvent):void {
            progress.value = 0.33 * e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal;
        private function onProgress1 (e:ProgressEvent):void {
            progress.value = 0.33 * e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal + 0.33;
        private function onProgress2 (e:ProgressEvent):void {
            progress.value = 0.33 * e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal + 0.66;
        private function onComplete1 (e:Event):void {
            var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader (;
            loader.removeEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress1);
            loader.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onComplete1);
            ByteArray ( = 2305;
            ByteArray ( (zip1, 0);
            zip1.uncompress ();

            loader = new URLLoader;
            loader.dataFormat = "binary";
            loader.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress2);
            loader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onComplete2);
            loader.load (new URLRequest (/*"levels_2.gif"*/""));
        private function onComplete2 (e:Event):void {
            var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader (;
            loader.removeEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress2);
            loader.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onComplete2);

            ByteArray ( = 2305;
            ByteArray ( (zip2, 0);
            zip2.uncompress ();

            // merge
            zip2.readBytes (zip1, zip1.length);

            // parse
            setTimeout (parse, 123);
        private function parse ():void {
            var lines:Array = zip1.toString ().split (/[\n\r]+/);
            var items:Array = [];
            var collection:LevelCollection = new LevelCollection;
            for (var i:int = 6; i < lines.length; i++) {
                // start parsing collection
                var line:String = String (lines [i]);
                if (line == "") line = ";";
                if (line.charAt (0) == ";") {
                    var line1:String = line.substr (1);
                    if (collection.label == "")
                        collection.label = line1;
                    collection.description += line1 + "\n";
                } else {
                    // this is 1st line of level 1
                    while (line.charAt (0) != "<") {
                        var level:Level = new Level;
                        while (line.charAt (0) != ";") {
                            if (line != "")
                            i++; line = String (lines [i]);
                        level.label = line.substr (1);
                        collection.levels.push (level);
                        while (line.charAt (0) == ";") {
                            // skip other ;-ed lines
                            i++; line = String (lines [i]);
                    items.push (collection);
                    collection = new LevelCollection;
                    // skip to next html, if any
                    i += 8;

            // set up basic ui
            removeChild (progress);
            list1 = new List (this, 0, 365);
            list2 = new List (this, list1.width, 365);
            info = new TextArea (this, list1.width * 2, 365);
            info.editable = false; info.width = 465 - info.x;

            list1.items = items;

            list1.addEventListener (Event.SELECT, onSelect1);
            list2.addEventListener (Event.SELECT, onSelect2);

            stage.addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
			stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
			stage.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, automate);
        private function onSelect1 (e:Event):void {
            // show collection info
            info.text = LevelCollection (list1.selectedItem).description;
            // show levels list
            list2.items = LevelCollection (list1.selectedItem).levels;
        private function onSelect2 (e:Event):void {
            if (infoPanel) { removeChild(infoPanel); infoPanel = null; }
            moves = 0; path = null;
            s = Level (list2.selectedItem).map;
            b = []; f = []; 
            rows = s.length;
            cols = 0;
            for (var j:int = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
                b[j] = [];
                f[j] = [];
                var l:String = s[j];
                if (cols < l.length) cols = l.length;
                for (var i:int = 0; i < l.length; ++i) {
                    switch (l.charAt(i)) {
                    case '#':
                        b[j][i] = 1;
                    case '.':
                        b[j][i] = 2;
                    case '$':
                        f[j][i] = 3;
                    case '@':
                        f[j][i] = 4;
                        u = i;
                        w = j;
                    case '*':
                        b[j][i] = 2;
                        f[j][i] = 3;
                    case '+':
                        b[j][i] = 2;
                        f[j][i] = 4;
                        u = i;
                        w = j;
            updateAStarMap (true);
            var cpt:int = 0;
            wa = [];
            for (j = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
                wa[j] = [];
                for (i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
                    if (b[j][i] != 1) continue;
                    var n:int = 0;
                    if (j > 0 && b[j - 1][i] == 1) n = 1;
                    if (b[j][i + 1] == 1) n += 2;
                    if (j < rows - 1 && b[j + 1][i] == 1) n += 4;
                    if (i > 0 && b[j][i - 1] == 1) n += 8;
                    wa[j][i] = n.toString(16).toUpperCase();
            T = int(Math.min (25, Math.min(365 / rows, 465 / cols)));
        private function onKeyDown (e:KeyboardEvent):void {
            if (userInputNotAllowed ()) return;
                v = null;
                switch (e.keyCode) {
                case 72: // H
                case 37: // left
                case 65: // A
                    v = [-1,0];
					keepMoving = e.shiftKey && (f[w+v[1]][u+v[0]]==3);
                case 74: // J
                case 40: // down
                case 83: // S
                    v = [0,1];
					keepMoving = e.shiftKey && (f[w+v[1]][u+v[0]]==3);
                case 75: // K
                case 38: // up
                case 87: // W
                    v = [0,-1];
					keepMoving = e.shiftKey && (f[w+v[1]][u+v[0]]==3);
                case 76: // L
                case 39: // right
                case 68: // D
                    v = [1,0];
					keepMoving = e.shiftKey && (f[w+v[1]][u+v[0]]==3);
                case 107: // +
					if (e.shiftKey) {
						if (N < Nmax) N++;
					} else {
						if (T < Tmax) T++;
                case 109: // -
					if (e.shiftKey) {
						if (N > Nmin) N--;
					} else {
						if (T > Tmin) T--;
				processMoveCommand (v);

		private function processMoveCommand (v:Array):void {
                if (v) {
                    var s:String="";
                    for(var i:int=u,j:int=w;0<=j&&j<b.length&&0<=i&&i<b[j].length;i+=v[0],j+=v[1])
                    if ([02]/)==1)
                    if ([02]/)==1){
                        f[w + v[1]][u + v[0]] = 3;

        private function move(v:Array):void {
            f[w][u] = 0;
            u += v[0];
            w += v[1];
            f[w][u] = 4;
            moves ++;

		private function userInputNotAllowed ():Boolean {
			return (list2.selectedItem == null) || (path != null) || keepMoving;

		private function isFreeToGo (mX:int, mY:int, includePlayer:Boolean):Boolean {
			if (mY < rows) {
				if (mX < cols) {
					// is there any rule to this...
					if (((b[mY][mX] == 2) && (f[mY][mX] == undefined)) ||
						((b[mY][mX] == undefined) && (f[mY][mX] == 0)) ||
						((b[mY][mX] == 2) && (f[mY][mX] == 0)) ||
						((b[mY][mX] == 0) && (f[mY][mX] == 0)) ||
						(includePlayer    && (f[mY][mX] == 4))) {
						// this may be free spot
						return true;
			return false;

		private function getMoveOptionsWE (mX:int, mY:int, oX:int, oY:int):int {
			var ops:int = 0;
			// check if west-to-east direction is free
			var w:Boolean = isFreeToGo (mX - 1, mY, true) || ((mX - 1 == oX) && (mY == oY));
			var e:Boolean = isFreeToGo (mX + 1, mY, true) || ((mX + 1 == oX) && (mY == oY));
			if (w && e) ops++;
			return ops;

		private function getMoveOptionsNS (mX:int, mY:int, oX:int, oY:int):int {
			var ops:int = 0;
			// check if north-to-south direction is free
			var n:Boolean = isFreeToGo (mX, mY - 1, true) || ((mX == oX) && (mY - 1 == oY));
			var s:Boolean = isFreeToGo (mX, mY + 1, true) || ((mX == oX) && (mY + 1 == oY));
			if (n && s) ops++;
			return ops;

		private function updateAStarMap (recreate:Boolean):void {
			if (recreate) = [];
			for (var _y:int = 0; _y < rows; _y++) {
				if (recreate) [_y] = [];
				for (var _x:int = 0; _x < cols; _x++) { [_y] [_x] = isFreeToGo (_x, _y, true) ? 1 : 0;

        private function onClick (e:MouseEvent):void {
            if (userInputNotAllowed ()) return;

			var mX:int = mouseX / T;
			var mY:int = mouseY / T;
			if (isFreeToGo (mX, mY, false)) {
				// update
				updateAStarMap (false);
				// find path
				path = astar.findPath (new Point (u, w), new Point (mX, mY));

		private function automate (e:Event):void {
			var needRedraw:Boolean, n:int = N;
			while (n-->0) {
				if (path) {
					if (path.length > 0) {
						var pt:Point = path.shift ();
						processMoveCommand (v = [pt.x - u, pt.y - w]);
						needRedraw = true;
					} else {
						path = null;
				else if (keepMoving) {
					// ideally, we should check a change for surrounding boxes options too
					if (isFreeToGo (u + 2 * v[0], w + 2 * v[1], false) &&
						(getMoveOptionsWE (u + 1*v[0], w + 1*v[1], u + 1*v[0], w + 1*v[1]) ==
						 getMoveOptionsWE (u + 2*v[0], w + 2*v[1], u + 1*v[0], w + 1*v[1])) &&
						(getMoveOptionsNS (u + 1*v[0], w + 1*v[1], u + 1*v[0], w + 1*v[1]) ==
						 getMoveOptionsNS (u + 2*v[0], w + 2*v[1], u + 1*v[0], w + 1*v[1]))) {
						// keep moving the box
						processMoveCommand (v);
						needRedraw = true;
					} else {
						// done, now think on your own :)
						keepMoving = false;

			if (needRedraw) redraw ();

        private function redraw():void {
            var s:Number = T / skin.height;
            var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
            var finished:Boolean = true;
            for (var j:int = 0; j < rows; ++j) {
                for (var i:int = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
                    var tex:String = null;
                    switch (f[j][i]?f[j][i]:b[j][i]) {
                    case 1:
                        tex = "Wall_" + wa[j][i];
                    case 2:
                        tex = "Goal";
                    case 3:
                        tex = b[j][i] == 2 ? "Pack_Goal" : "Pack";
                        if (tex == "Pack") finished = false;
                    case 4:
                        tex = b[j][i] == 2 ? "Man_Goal" : "Man";
                    default: tex = "Floor";
                    if (!(tex in defs)) tex = "Floor";
                    var idx:int = defs[tex];
                    var cx:int = i * T;
                    var cy:int = j * T;
                    m.identity(); m.scale(s, s); 
                    m.translate(cx - idx * T, cy);
                    graphics.beginBitmapFill(skin, m, false, true);
                    graphics.drawRect(cx, cy, T, T);
            if (finished && !infoPanel)
                infoPanel = new Panel(this, 100, 150);
                infoPanel.setSize(265, 65);
                var l:Label = new Label(infoPanel, 20, 25, "Congratulations, you solved it in " + moves + " moves!");
                l.x = (265 - l.width) / 2;
                setTimeout(function ():void { infoPanel.visible = false; }, 3000);

class Level {
    public var label:String = "";
    public var map:Array = [];

class LevelCollection {
    public var label:String = "";
    public var levels:Array = [];
    public var description:String = "";

import flash.geom.Point;

 * Dijkstra A*経路探索
 * Code stolen from
 * @author svartalf
class AStar 
	private var startNode:Node;
	private var goalNode:Node;
	private var openList:Array;
	private var closeList:Array;
	private var dir4:Array = [[0, -1], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]];

	 * 1 free, 0 obstacle.
	public var map:Array =    [[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1],
	private var nodeMap:Array;

	 * Assumes map is already set.
	 * @param	from
	 * @param	to
	public function findPath (from:Point, to:Point):Vector.<Point> 
		startNode = new Node(from.x,from.y,0,null)
		goalNode = new Node(to.x,to.y,0,null);
		openList = [startNode];
		closeList = [];
		return searchMap();
	 * mapからnodeMapを作成
	private function makeNodeMap():void
		nodeMap = [];
		for (var y:int = 0; y < map.length; y++ )
			nodeMap[y] = [];
			for (var x:int = 0; x < map[0].length; x++)
				nodeMap[y][x] = new Node(x,y,0,null);//配列だとxyが逆になるので注意!
	 * A*経路探索
	private function searchMap():Vector.<Point>
		var totalCost:int = 0;
		while (openList.length != 0)
			openList.sortOn(["cost"], Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);
			var cnode:Node = openList.pop();
			if (cnode.x == goalNode.x && cnode.y == goalNode.y)
				return prevNodeSearch();
			var diffX:int;
			var diffY:int;
			var posX:int;
			var posY:int;
			var targetNode:Node;
			for (var i:int = 0; i < dir4.length; i++ )
				diffX = dir4[i][0];
				diffY = dir4[i][1];
				posX = cnode.x + diffX;
				posY = cnode.y + diffY;
				if ( posX >= 0 && posX < map[0].length && posY >= 0 && posY < map.length)
					targetNode = nodeMap[posY][posX];
					if ( targetNode.cost == 0 && map[posY][posX] == 1)
						targetNode.cost = Math.sqrt( Math.pow((goalNode.x - targetNode.x), 2) + Math.pow((goalNode.y - targetNode.y), 2)) + totalCost;
						targetNode.prevNode = cnode;
						nodeMap[posY][posX] = targetNode;

		// if here, we did not find shit :(
		return null;
	 * 結果出力
	private function prevNodeSearch():Vector.<Point>
		var result:Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>;
		var node:Node = closeList.pop ();
		while (node.prevNode != null)
			result.unshift (new Point (node.x, node.y));
			node = node.prevNode;

		// maybe returning Node would be better idea?
		return result;

 * ノードクラス
class Node
	private var _x:int;
	public function get x():int
		return _x;
	private var _y:int;
	public function get y():int
		return _y;
	private var _cost:Number;
	public function get cost():Number
		return _cost;
	public function set cost(value:Number):void
		_cost = value;
	private var _prevNode:Node;
	public function get prevNode():Node
		return _prevNode;
	public function set prevNode(value:Node):void
		_prevNode = value;
	public function Node(x:int, y:int, cost:Number = 0, prevNode:Node = null):void
		_x = x;
		_y = y;
		_cost = cost;
		_prevNode = prevNode;