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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

[■]: HardStir

SPH - Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics



高速化 by shohei909

① 画面を縦横39分割して、隣り合う領域にある分子のみを判定する。
② stage.quality = "low";
③ int→uint
④  neighborの単方向化


Quasimondo: I replaced the vectors that store the particles and neighbors with linked lists
also changed the drawing routine from bitmap access to vector access.
Get Adobe Flash player
by bradsedito 16 Apr 2012
 * Copyright bradsedito ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.text.*;
    import flash.filters.*;
    import flash.geom.*;
    import flash.display.*;
    [SWF(frameRate = 60)]
    final public class SPH extends Sprite {
        public static const GRAVITY:Number = 0.0;
        public static const RANGE:Number = 36;//影響半径
        public static const RANGE2:Number = RANGE * RANGE;//影響半径の二乗
        public static const DENSITY:Number = 0.3;//流体の密度
        public static const PRESSURE:Number = 2;//圧力係数
        public static const VISCOSITY:Number = 0.08;
        public static const DIV:uint = Math.ceil(465 / RANGE ); //横方向の分割数
        public static const DIV2:uint = DIV * DIV;
        private var map:Vector.<Vector.<Particle>>;
        private var imgIn:BitmapData;
        private var imgOut:BitmapData;
        private var first:Particle;
        private var last:Particle;
        private var mouseParticle:Particle;
        private var lastX:int;
        private var lastY:int;
        private var brush:BitmapData;
        private var dsp:BitmapData;
        private var tmp:BitmapData;
        private var imgVec:Vector.<uint>;
        //private var numParticles:uint;
       private const blur1:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(6,6,2);
        //private const ct:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(7,7,16);
        //private const blur2:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(4, 4, 2);
        //private var count:int;
        private var press:Boolean;
        private var dmf:DisplacementMapFilter;
        //private var text:Label;
        private const origin:Point = new Point();
        private var rect:Rectangle;
        private var vecSize:int;
        public function SPH() {
            addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, initialize );
        private function initialize( e:Event ):void {
            opaqueBackground = 0;
            scrollRect = new Rectangle(0,0,465,465);
            imgIn = new BitmapData(465, 465, false, 0);
            imgIn.perlinNoise(120,120,3,0xbada55 * Math.random(),false,true,5,true);
            brush = new BitmapData(32,32,true,0);
            brush.fillRect( new Rectangle(8,8,16,16),0xffffffff);
            brush.applyFilter( brush,brush.rect,origin,new BlurFilter(6,6,2));
           imgOut = new BitmapData(465, 465, true, 0);
            rect = imgOut.rect;
           // dmf = new DisplacementMapFilter(dsp, origin,1,2,-256,-256,"clamp");
            //imgVec = new Vector.<uint>() 
            addChild( new Bitmap(imgIn) ).opaqueBackground = 0;
            //addChild( new Bitmap(brush) );
           // vecSize = img.width * img.height;
            //addChild( new Bitmap(dsp) ).blendMode = "difference";
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function(e:MouseEvent):void {press = true;});
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function(e:MouseEvent):void {press = false;});
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frame);
            stage.tabChildren = false;
            stage.mouseChildren = false;
            //stage.quality = "low";
            //stage.addChild( new Stats ).opaqueBackground = 0;
            //text = new Label( stage, 75, 0, "numParticles: " + numParticles );
            map = new Vector.<Vector.<Particle>>(DIV2,true);
            for(var i:int = DIV2; --i>-1; ) map[i] = new Vector.<Particle>();
            mouseParticle = new Particle( mouseX, mouseY);
            mouseParticle.density = SPH.DENSITY * 0.4;
            mouseParticle.pressure = 1;

        private function frame(e:Event):void {
          //  imgVec.length = 0;
           // imgVec.length = vecSize;
           // if(press)
            //    pour();
            //tmp.setVector( rect, imgVec );
           // dsp.applyFilter( dsp,rect,origin,blur1);
            //imgOut.applyFilter( imgOut, rect, origin, blur1);
            img.colorTransform( rect, ct );
            img.applyFilter( img, rect, origin, blur2);
            this.filters = [blur1]
        private function onMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):void
            mouseParticle.x = mouseX;
            mouseParticle.y = mouseY;
            mouseParticle.vx = mouseX - lastX;
            mouseParticle.vy = mouseY - lastY;
            lastX = mouseX;
            lastY = mouseY;


        private function addParticles( count:int ):void {
                if ( last == null )
                    first = new Particle(465 * Math.random(), 465 * Math.random());
                    last = first;
                } else {
                    last = = new Particle(465 * Math.random(), 465 * Math.random());
                while ( count-- > 0 )
                    last = = new Particle(465 * Math.random(), 465 * Math.random());
              //  text.text = "numParticles: " + numParticles;

       private function setNeighbors():void 
            var mp:Vector.<Vector.<Particle>> = map;
            var a:int, b:int, i:int, j:int;
            var m1:Vector.<Particle>, m2:Vector.<Particle>;
            for(  i = DIV2; --i >-1; ) 
                m1 = mp[i];
                for ( a = m1.length; --a > 0;   )
                    if ( press ) m1[a].addNeighbor(mouseParticle);
                    for ( b = a; --b > -1;  )
            for( i = 0; i < DIV - 1; i++) 
                for( j = 0; j < DIV; j++)
                    m1 = mp[int(j*DIV+i)];
                    m2 = mp[int(j*DIV+i+1)];
                    for ( a = m1.length; --a > -1;   )
                        for ( b = m2.length; --b > -1;  )
            for(  i= 0; i < DIV; i++) 
                for( j = 0; j < DIV-1; j++)
                    m1 = mp[int(j*DIV+i)];
                    m2 = mp[int((j+1)*DIV+i)];
                    for ( a = m1.length; --a > -1;   )
                        for ( b = m2.length; --b > -1;  )
            for( i = 0; i < DIV - 1; i++) 
                for( j = 0; j < DIV -1; j++)
                    m1 = mp[int(j*DIV+i)];
                    m2 = mp[int((j+1)*DIV+i+1)];
                    for ( a = m1.length; --a > -1;   )
                        for ( b = m2.length; --b > -1;  )
                    m1 = mp[int(j*DIV+i+1)];
                    m2 = mp[int((j+1)*DIV+i)];
                    for ( a = m1.length; --a > -1;   )
                        for ( b = m2.length; --b > -1;  )
        private function setDensity():void{
            var p:Particle = first;
            while ( p != null )
                p =;
        private function setForce():void{
            var p:Particle = first;
            while ( p != null )
                p =;

        private function move():void 
            //const img:BitmapData = this.img;
            var p:Particle = first;
            while ( p != null )
                p.moveMap( map );
                p.draw( imgIn, imgOut, brush );
                p =;

import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.display.BitmapData;

final class Neighbor {
    public var next:Neighbor;
    public var particle:Particle;
    private static var reuse:Vector.<Neighbor> = new Vector.<Neighbor>();
    private static var count:int = 0;
    public static function getNeighbor( p:Particle ):Neighbor
        var n:Neighbor;
        if ( count > 0 )
            n = reuse[int(--count)];
            n = new Neighbor();
        n.particle = p; = null;
        return n;
    public static function recycleNeighbors( list:Neighbor ):void
        while ( list != null )
            reuse[int(count++)] = list;
            list =;

    public function Neighbor()


final class Particle {
    public var next:Particle;
    public var nextInZone:Particle;
    public var x:Number;    //x方向の位置
    public var y:Number;    //y方向の位置
    private var mapX:uint;    //x方向の位置
    private var mapY:uint;    //y方向の位置
    public var vx:Number;    //vx方向の位置
    public var vy:Number;    //vy方向の位置
    private var fx:Number; //x方向の加速度
    private var fy:Number; //y方向の加速
    public var density:Number; //周辺のパーティクル密度
    public var pressure:Number; //パーティクルにかかる圧力
    private var color:uint;
    private var rect:Rectangle;
    private var targetPoint:Point;
    private var brushPoint:Point;
    public var firstNeighbor:Neighbor;
    public var lastNeighbor:Neighbor;
    public function Particle(x:Number, y:Number) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        vx = fx = fy = 0;
        vy = 0;//5 * Math.random();
       mapX = uint(-1);
        var clr:int = 0xa0 + Math.random() * 0x40;
        color = 0xff000000 | (clr<<16) | (clr << 8) | clr;
        rect = new Rectangle(0,0,32,32);
        targetPoint = new Point();
        brushPoint = new Point(0,0);
        //color = 0xeeffff;
    public function addNeighbor( p:Particle ):void
        const dx:Number = x - p.x;
        const dy:Number = y - p.y;
        if( dx * dx + dy * dy < SPH.RANGE2) {
            if ( lastNeighbor == null )
                lastNeighbor = firstNeighbor = Neighbor.getNeighbor(p);
            } else {
                lastNeighbor = = Neighbor.getNeighbor(p);
            if ( p.lastNeighbor == null )
                p.lastNeighbor = p.firstNeighbor = Neighbor.getNeighbor(this);
            } else {
                p.lastNeighbor = = Neighbor.getNeighbor(this);
    public function setDensity():void{
        const px:Number = x;
        const py:Number = y;
        var rg:Number = SPH.RANGE;
        var d:Number = 0;
        var n:Neighbor = firstNeighbor;
        while ( n != null )
            const pj:Particle = n.particle;
            const dx:Number = px - pj.x;
            const dy:Number = py - pj.y;
            const weight:Number = 1 - Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / rg;
            d += weight * weight;
           // pj.density += weight2;
            n =;
        if( d < SPH.DENSITY) d = SPH.DENSITY;
        density = d;
        pressure = density - SPH.DENSITY;
    public function setForce():void{
        const px:Number = this.x;
        const py:Number = this.y;
        const pvx:Number = this.vx;
        const pvy:Number = this.vy;
        const pressure:Number = this.pressure;
        const density:Number = this.density;
        var weight:Number, pw:Number, vw:Number, pj:Particle, dx:Number, dy:Number, dist:Number; 
        var pr:Number = SPH.PRESSURE;
        var vs:Number = SPH.VISCOSITY;
        var rg:Number = SPH.RANGE;
        var ffx:Number = 0;
        var ffy:Number = 0;
        var n:Neighbor = firstNeighbor;
        while ( n != null )
            pj = n.particle;
            dx = px - pj.x;
            dy = py - pj.y;
            dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            if ( dist == 0 )
                dx = 0.001 * (Math.random() - 0.5);
                dy = 0.001 * (Math.random() - 0.5);
                dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

            weight = 1 - dist / rg;
            pw = weight * (pressure + pj.pressure) / (2 * pr * pj.density);
            vw = weight / pj.density * vs;
            dist = 1 / dist;
            ffx += dx * dist * pw - (pvx - pj.vx) * vw;
            ffy += dy * dist * pw - (pvy - pj.vy) * vw;
           n =;       
        fx = ffx;
        fy = ffy;
        Neighbor.recycleNeighbors( firstNeighbor );
        lastNeighbor =  firstNeighbor = null;
    public function move():void {
        x += vx += fx;
        y += vy += fy + SPH.GRAVITY;
      //  vx *= 0.99;
      //  vy *= 0.99;
        if(x < 0){ vx = -vx; x = 0 }
        else if(x > 463){ vx = -vx; x = 463 }
        //while(x < 0){ x += 464 }
        //while(x > 464){ x -= 464 }
        if(y < 0){ vy = -vy; y = 0 }
        else if(y > 463){ vy = - vy; y = 463 }    
       // mapX = x / SPH.RANGE;
       // mapY = y / SPH.RANGE;    
    public function moveMap( map:Vector.<Vector.<Particle>> ):void {
        const mx:int = this.x / SPH.RANGE;
        const my:int = this.y / SPH.RANGE;
        const pmx:int = this.mapX;
        const pmy:int = this.mapY;
        if( mx != pmx || my != pmy )
            if ( pmx != -1 )
                var m:Vector.<Particle> = map[ int(pmx * SPH.DIV + pmy) ];
                m.splice( m.indexOf(this),1);
            map[ int(mx * SPH.DIV + my) ].push( this );
            this.mapY = my; this.mapX = mx;
    public function draw( imgIn:BitmapData, imgOut:BitmapData, brush:BitmapData ):void{ 
       //var idx:int = int(x)
       rect.x = int( x - 16 - vx);
       rect.y = int(y - 16 - vy);
       targetPoint.x = int(x) -16;
       targetPoint.y = int(y) -16;
       //imgOut.copyPixels( imgIn, rect, targetPoint, brush, brushPoint, true );
       imgOut.copyPixels( imgIn, rect, targetPoint);
      // imgVec[idx] = imgVec[int(idx+1)] = imgVec[int(idx+w)] = imgVec[int(idx+w+1)] = 0xff000000 | ((vx+129)<<16) | ((vy+129)<<8);
        //  imgVec[idx] = color;