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N-Queen Problem Solver - with GA

"N-Queen Problem Solver - with GA" is Released.
You can find this problem's answer with other algorithms, but genetic algorithm is also works so good.
We don't have to check vertical and horizontal conflict, because of data structure of population(implicitly preclude conflict).
I made one population: not n*n array of 0~1, n vector of 0~n-1. And it does not overlap each other, so we don't have to check vertically and horizontally.
So we do check just diagonally, and computation time is very fast.
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by greentec 26 Sep 2013


    greentec at 26 Sep 2013 19:42
    if the searching speed is slow, add more population and reset. I found the answer of 50-queens problems within 200 generation with 500 population.
    makc3d at 27 Sep 2013 04:22
    code formatting is terrible :)
    greentec at 27 Sep 2013 05:11
    sorry for that. i usually work in flashdevelop and copy code to wonderfl, at that time additional <br> is created. i will fix that in later code.


 * Copyright greentec ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import com.bit101.components.Label;

    import com.bit101.components.NumericStepper;

    import com.bit101.components.PushButton;

    import com.bit101.components.Window;

    import flash.display.Sprite;



    import flash.display.Bitmap;

    import flash.display.BitmapData;

    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;

    import flash.geom.Matrix;

    import com.bit101.charts.LineChart;
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
        public var problemN:int = 12;

        public var fitnessMax:int = problemN * problemN;

        public var prevBestFitness:int = 0;

        public var bestFitness:int = 0;


        public var fitnessLineChart:LineChart;

        public var fitnessLineChartLabel:Label;

        public var chartRefreshCycle:int = 50;

        public var bestFitnessLineChart:LineChart;

        public var bestFitnessLineChartLabel:Label;

        public var bestData:Array = [];


        public var tile_width:int = 30;

        public var tile_height:int = 30;

        public var board_width:int = tile_width * problemN;

        public var queenSize:int = 30;


        public var tileBitmapData:BitmapData;

        public var tileBitmap:Bitmap;

        public var gridSprite:Sprite;


        public var queenBitmapData:BitmapData;

        public var queenBitmap:Bitmap;

        public var queenSprite:Sprite;


        public var generationNo:int = 0;

        public var endGenerationNo:int = 10000;

        public var populationNum:int = 50;

        public var population:Vector.<Vector.<int>>=new Vector.<Vector.<int>>(populationNum);

        public var populationScore:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(populationNum);

        public var selectionExpect:Vector.<int>;


        public var queenGraphic:Sprite;


        public var eliteRate:Number = 0.05;

        public var parentRate:Number = 0.4;

        public var mutationRate:Number = 0.03;


        public var redQueenColt:ColorTransform;


        public var uiWindow:Window;

        public var startButton:PushButton;

        public var stopButton:PushButton;

        public var resetButton:PushButton;

        public var titleLabel:Label;

        public var generationLabel:Label;

        public var fitnessLabel:Label;

        public var nLabel:Label;

        public var nNumericStepper:NumericStepper;

        public var populationLabel:Label;

        public var populationNumericStepper:NumericStepper;

        public var parentLabel:Label;

        public var parentNumericStepper:NumericStepper;

        public var mutationLabel:Label;

        public var mutationNumericStepper:NumericStepper;

        public var boardMaxWidthLabel:Label;

        public var boardMaxWidthNumericStepper:NumericStepper;


        public var graphWindow:Window;

        public function FlashTest() {
            // write as3 code here..
            if (stage) init();

            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        private function init(e:Event = null):void 


            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

            // entry point


            stage.scaleMode = "noScale";

            tileBitmapData = new BitmapData(465, 465, true, 0x00ffffff);

            gridSprite = new Sprite();

            tileBitmap = new Bitmap(tileBitmapData);



            initTileGrid(problemN, problemN);


            initPopulation(populationNum, problemN);


            queenBitmapData = new BitmapData(465, 465, true, 0x00ffffff);

            queenBitmap = new Bitmap(queenBitmapData);



            queenGraphic = new Sprite();

            with (


                lineStyle(0, 0x000000);


                drawCircle(0, -12, 2);

                drawCircle(5, -10, 2);

                drawCircle(10, -8, 2);

                drawCircle(-5, -10, 2);

                drawCircle(-10, -8, 2);

                moveTo( -8, 0);

                lineTo( -10, -8);

                lineTo( -5, 0);

                lineTo( -5, -10);

                lineTo( -2, 0);

                lineTo( 0, -12);

                lineTo( 2, 0);

                lineTo( 5, -10);

                lineTo( 5, 0);

                lineTo( 10, -8);

                lineTo( 8, 0);


                lineTo( 6, 2);

                lineTo( 5, 5);

                lineTo( 8, 10);

                lineTo( -8, 10);

                lineTo( -5, 5);

                lineTo( -6, 2);

                lineTo( -8, 0);



                lineStyle(1, 0xffffff);

                moveTo(-4, 5);

                lineTo(4, 5);

                moveTo( -5, 2);

                lineTo(5, 2);



            redQueenColt = new ColorTransform(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 255, 0, 0, 0);


            uiWindow = new Window(this, 300, 10, "Control");

            uiWindow.width = 150;

            uiWindow.height = 250;

            uiWindow.hasMinimizeButton = true;
            uiWindow.alpha = 0.7;

            startButton = new PushButton(uiWindow, 10, 30, "Start", onStart);

            startButton.width = 43;

            startButton.height = 40;

            stopButton = new PushButton(uiWindow, startButton.x + startButton.width, startButton.y, "Stop", onStop);

            stopButton.width = 43;

            stopButton.height = 40;

            resetButton = new PushButton(uiWindow, stopButton.x + stopButton.width, stopButton.y, "Reset", onReset);

            resetButton.width = 43;

            resetButton.height = 40;

            titleLabel = new Label(uiWindow, 10, startButton.y + startButton.height, "N-Queen Solver - with GA");

            generationLabel = new Label(uiWindow, 10, titleLabel.y + titleLabel.height, "Generation : " + String(generationNo) + " / " + String(endGenerationNo));

            fitnessLabel = new Label(uiWindow, 10, generationLabel.y + generationLabel.height, "Best Fit. : " + String(bestFitness));

            nLabel = new Label(uiWindow, 10, fitnessLabel.y + fitnessLabel.height, "N");

            nNumericStepper = new NumericStepper(uiWindow, uiWindow.width - 90, nLabel.y);

            nNumericStepper.step = 1;

            nNumericStepper.width = 80;

            nNumericStepper.minimum = 2;

            nNumericStepper.maximum = 50;

            nNumericStepper.value = problemN;

            //nNumericStepper.enabled = false;

            populationLabel = new Label(uiWindow, 10, nLabel.y + nLabel.height, "Population");

            populationNumericStepper = new NumericStepper(uiWindow, uiWindow.width - 90, populationLabel.y);

            populationNumericStepper.width = 80;

            populationNumericStepper.value = populationNum;

            populationNumericStepper.step = 50;

            populationNumericStepper.minimum = 50;

            parentLabel = new Label(uiWindow, 10, populationLabel.y + populationLabel.height, "Parent %");

            parentNumericStepper = new NumericStepper(uiWindow, uiWindow.width - 90, parentLabel.y);

            parentNumericStepper.width = 80;

            parentNumericStepper.value = parentRate * 100;

            parentNumericStepper.step = 5;

            parentNumericStepper.minimum = 10;

            mutationLabel = new Label(uiWindow, 10, parentLabel.y + parentLabel.height, "Mutation %");

            mutationNumericStepper = new NumericStepper(uiWindow, uiWindow.width - 90, mutationLabel.y, onChangeValue);

   = "mu";

            mutationNumericStepper.width = 80;

            mutationNumericStepper.value = mutationRate * 100;

            mutationNumericStepper.step = 0.5;

            mutationNumericStepper.minimum = 0;

            boardMaxWidthLabel = new Label(uiWindow, 10, mutationLabel.y + mutationLabel.height, "Board Max");

            boardMaxWidthNumericStepper = new NumericStepper(uiWindow, uiWindow.width - 90, boardMaxWidthLabel.y);

            boardMaxWidthNumericStepper.width = 80;

            boardMaxWidthNumericStepper.value = problemN * tile_width;

            boardMaxWidthNumericStepper.step = 20;

            boardMaxWidthNumericStepper.minimum = 200;

            boardMaxWidthNumericStepper.maximum = 460;


            graphWindow = new Window(this, 5, 300, "Graph");

            graphWindow.width = 455;

            graphWindow.height = 150;

            graphWindow.hasMinimizeButton = true;
            graphWindow.alpha = 0.7;


            fitnessLineChart = new LineChart(graphWindow, 40, 40, null);

            fitnessLineChart.showGrid = true;

            fitnessLineChart.showScaleLabels = true;

            fitnessLineChart.lineColor = 0xff0080;

            fitnessLineChart.width = 170;

            fitnessLineChartLabel = new Label(graphWindow, 10, fitnessLineChart.y - 20, "All Population Fitness");

            fitnessLineChartLabel.x = fitnessLineChart.x;

            fitnessLineChart.autoScale = false;

            fitnessLineChart.maximum = fitnessMax;

            fitnessLineChart.minimum = -1 * fitnessMax;


            bestFitnessLineChart = new LineChart(graphWindow, fitnessLineChart.x + fitnessLineChart.width + 50 + 5, fitnessLineChart.y, null);

            bestFitnessLineChart.showGrid = true;

            bestFitnessLineChart.showScaleLabels = true;

            bestFitnessLineChart.lineColor = 0x00ff00;

            bestFitnessLineChart.width = 170;

            bestFitnessLineChartLabel = new Label(graphWindow, 10, bestFitnessLineChart.y - 20, "Best Population Fitness");

            bestFitnessLineChartLabel.x = bestFitnessLineChart.x;

            bestFitnessLineChart.autoScale = false;

            bestFitnessLineChart.maximum = fitnessMax;

            bestFitnessLineChart.minimum = 0;





        private function onChangeValue(e:Event):void




                case "mu": //mutation

                    mutationRate = / 100;






        private function onStart(e:Event):void


            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);

            startButton.enabled = false;

            stopButton.enabled = true;

            resetButton.enabled = false;


            nNumericStepper.enabled = false;

            populationNumericStepper.enabled = false;

            parentNumericStepper.enabled = false;



        private function onStop(e:Event):void


            removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);

            stopButton.enabled = false;

            startButton.enabled = true;

            resetButton.enabled = true;


            nNumericStepper.enabled = true;

            populationNumericStepper.enabled = true;

            parentNumericStepper.enabled = true;



        private function onReset(e:Event):void


            problemN = nNumericStepper.value;

            fitnessMax = problemN * problemN;

            board_width = boardMaxWidthNumericStepper.value;

            tile_width = board_width / problemN;

            tile_height = tile_width;


            initTileGrid(problemN, problemN);


            generationNo = 0;

            populationNum = populationNumericStepper.value;

            initPopulation(populationNum, problemN);



            bestFitness = evalPopulation(population[0]);




            fitnessLineChart.maximum = fitnessMax;

            fitnessLineChart.minimum = -1 * fitnessMax;

            bestFitnessLineChart.maximum = fitnessMax;

            bestFitnessLineChart.minimum = 0;


            bestData = [];



        private function onLoop(e:Event):void


            var i:int;

            var j:int;

            var temp:int;





            var selectionSum:int = 0;

            selectionExpect = new Vector.<int>(populationNum * parentRate);

            for (i = 0; i < populationNum * parentRate ; i += 1)


                selectionExpect[i] = Math.max(1, populationScore[i]);

                selectionSum += selectionExpect[i];







            for (i = populationNum * eliteRate; i < populationNum; i += 1) //i = pop * elite => elite preserve; not elite => new pop


                var firstParent:int = Math.random() * selectionSum;

                var secondParent:int = Math.random() * selectionSum;


                for (j = 0; j < selectionExpect.length; j += 1)


                    if (firstParent < selectionExpect[j])


                        firstParent = j;




                    firstParent -= selectionExpect[j];



                for (j = 0; j < selectionExpect.length; j += 1)


                    if (secondParent < selectionExpect[j])


                        secondParent = j;




                    secondParent -= selectionExpect[j];



                if (firstParent == secondParent) //same parent - reSelect


                    i -= 1;




                else //find crossover point


                    for (var k:int = 0; k < problemN; k += 1)


                        population[i][k] = population[firstParent][k];



                    var crossOverPoint1:int = Math.random() * (problemN - 1);

                    var crossOverPoint2:int = int( Math.random() * (problemN - crossOverPoint1) ) + crossOverPoint1;

                    //trace(crossOverPoint1, crossOverPoint2);


                    for (k = crossOverPoint1; k < crossOverPoint2; k += 1)


                        if (population[i][k] != population[secondParent][k])


                            for (var l:int = 0; l < problemN; l += 1)


                                if (population[i][l] == population[secondParent][k] && l != k) 


                                    temp = population[i][l];

                                    population[i][l] = population[i][k];

                                    population[i][k] = temp;







                            population[i][k] = population[secondParent][k];









            for (i = populationNum * eliteRate; i < populationNum; i += 1) //not elite => mutation


                for (j = 0; j < problemN; j += 1)


                    if (Math.random() < mutationRate)


                        var second:int = Math.random() * problemN;

                        while (second == j)


                            second = Math.random() * problemN; //trace("HI" + j);



                        temp = population[i][j];

                        population[i][j] = population[i][second];

                        population[i][second] = temp;





            prevBestFitness = bestFitness;

            var bestPopulationIndex:int = 0;


            for (i = 0; i < populationNum; i += 1)


                populationScore[i] = evalPopulation(population[i]);

                if (Math.max(bestFitness, populationScore[i]) != bestFitness)


                    bestFitness = Math.max(bestFitness, populationScore[i]);

                    bestPopulationIndex = i;




            generationNo += 1;


            //draw Route & bestChart



            if(prevBestFitness != bestFitness)








            if (generationNo >= endGenerationNo || evalPopulation(population[bestPopulationIndex]) == fitnessMax)






                onStop(new Event(MouseEvent.CLICK));

                //removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);





        private function drawBestChart():void


   = bestData;





        private function drawChart(sw:Boolean):void


            if (generationNo % chartRefreshCycle == 2 || sw == true)


                var dataArray:Array = [];

                for (var i:int = 0; i < populationScore.length; i += 1)




       = dataArray;

                fitnessLineChart.minimum = 0;






        private function drawUI():void


            generationLabel.text = "Generation : " + String(generationNo) + " / " + String(endGenerationNo);

            fitnessLabel.text = "Best Fit. : " + String(bestFitness);



        private function drawBestPosition(pop:Vector.<int>):void


            queenBitmapData.fillRect(queenBitmapData.rect, 0x00ffffff);

            var mat:Matrix;

            var redArray:Array = [];

            for (var j:int = 0; j < pop.length; j += 1)





            for (var i:int = 0; i < pop.length - 1; i += 1) //diagonal check - left down, right down


                for (j = i + 1; j < pop.length; j += 1)


                    if (Math.abs(pop[i] - pop[j]) == Math.abs(i - j))


                        redArray[i] = 1;

                        redArray[j] = 1;





            for (i = 0; i < pop.length; i += 1)


                mat = new Matrix();

                if (tile_width < queenSize)


                    mat.scale(tile_width / queenSize, tile_width / queenSize);



                mat.translate((pop[i]+1) * tile_width, (i+1) * tile_height);

                mat.translate( -1 * tile_width / 2, -1 * tile_height / 2);



                if (redArray[i] == 0)


                    queenBitmapData.draw(queenGraphic, mat);


                else //draw Red Queen


                    queenBitmapData.draw(queenGraphic, mat, redQueenColt);








        private function sortDescending():void


            var temp:Array = [];

            var obj:Object;


            for (var i:int = 0; i < population.length; i += 1)


                obj = new Object();

                obj.population = population[i];

                obj.score = populationScore[i];




            temp.sortOn("score", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING);


            for (i = 0; i < population.length; i += 1)


                population[i] = temp[i].population;

                populationScore[i] = temp[i].score;







        private function initTileGrid(tileNum_X:int, tileNum_Y:int):void


            tileBitmapData.fillRect(tileBitmapData.rect, 0x00ffffff);


            //print Tile Grid


  , 0xffffff, 1);

  , 1);

  , 0, tileNum_X * tile_width, tileNum_Y * tile_height);


            for (var i:int = 0; i < tileNum_X; i += 1)


       * tile_width, 0);

       * tile_width, tileNum_Y * tile_height);


            for (i = 0; i < tileNum_Y; i += 1)


      , i * tile_height);

       * tile_width, i * tile_height);








        private function initPopulation(populationNum:int, randomNum:int):void


            for (var i:int = 0; i < populationNum; i += 1)


                var onePopulation:Array = printRandomNumber(randomNum, randomNum);

                population[i] = new Vector.<int>(randomNum);


                for (var j:int = 0; j < randomNum; j += 1)


                    population[i][j] = onePopulation[j];




                //init Score

                populationScore[i] = evalPopulation(population[i]);

                //trace("population: ", population[i], "score: ", populationScore[i]);



            generationNo += 1;



        private function evalPopulation(pop:Vector.<int>):int


            var score:int = problemN * problemN;


            for (var i:int = 0; i < pop.length - 1; i += 1) //diagonal check - left down, right down


                for (var j:int = i + 1; j < pop.length; j += 1)


                    if (Math.abs(pop[i] - pop[j]) == Math.abs(i - j))


                        score -= problemN;





            return score;




        private function printRandomNumber(n:int, k:int) : Array


            var original:Array=[];

            var result:Array=[];

            var i:int;

            var randInt:int;

            var temp:Object;









                randInt = Math.random()*(n-i) + i;

                temp = original[i];

                original[i] = original[randInt];

                original[randInt] = temp;




            return result;
