* Copyright clockmaker ( http://wonderfl.net/user/clockmaker )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/6Av0
* [BetweenAS3 Custom Easing Generator]
* Please drag control points.
* ベジェ曲線の制御点をドラッグすることで、
* カスタムイージングが作れます。
* @author yasu
* @see http://clockmaker.jp/
package {
import com.bit101.components.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.easing.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.easing.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.tweens.*;
public class BezierGraph extends Sprite {
public static const GRAPH_RECT:Rectangle = new Rectangle(50, 60, 400, 300);
public static const PREVIEW_RECT:Rectangle = new Rectangle(10, 430, 465 - 20, 20);
public static const GRAPH_STEP:Number = 20;
private var _controlA:BezierPoint = new BezierPoint();
private var _controlB:BezierPoint = new BezierPoint();
private var _pointA:BezierPoint = new BezierPoint(_controlA);
private var _pointB:BezierPoint = new BezierPoint(_controlB);
private var _container:Sprite = new Sprite();
private var _canvas:Sprite = new Sprite();
private var _division:Shape = new Shape();
private var _previewShape:Shape = new Shape();
private var _tween:ITween;
public function BezierGraph(){
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
public function loop(event:Event):void {
// control line
drawLine(_pointA.toPoint(), _controlA.toPoint());
drawLine(_controlB.toPoint(), _pointB.toPoint());
// bezier init
_canvas.graphics.moveTo(_pointA.x, _pointA.y);
_canvas.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0xCC0000);
// bezier loop
var bezier:BezierSegment = new BezierSegment(_pointA.toPoint(), _controlA.toPoint(), _controlB.toPoint(), _pointB.toPoint());
for (var t:Number = 0.0; t <= 1.0; t += 0.01){
var pt:Point = bezier.getValue(t);
_canvas.graphics.lineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
// bezier finish
_canvas.graphics.lineTo(_pointB.x, _pointB.y);
// preview current time
t = _tween.position / _tween.duration;
var xx:Number = t * GRAPH_RECT.width + GRAPH_RECT.left;
drawLine(new Point(xx, GRAPH_RECT.bottom), new Point(xx, GRAPH_RECT.top), 0x555555);
* トゥイーンを作成
private function updateEase():void {
if (_tween && _tween.isPlaying)
// カスタムイージングを作成
var ease:IEasing = Custom.func(function(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number {
var bezier:BezierSegment = new BezierSegment(_pointA.toNormalPoint(), _controlA.toNormalPoint(), _controlB.toNormalPoint(), _pointB.toNormalPoint());
return c * bezier.getYForX(t / d) + b;
// トゥイーンを作成
_tween = BetweenAS3.tween(_previewShape, {x: PREVIEW_RECT.right - _previewShape.width}, {x: PREVIEW_RECT.x}, 4, ease);
_tween.stopOnComplete = false;
private function initUI():void {
// BackGround
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 465, 465);
// Label
var l:Label = new Label(this, 5, -5, "BetweenAS3 Custom Easing Generator")
l.scaleX = l.scaleY = 2;
new Label(this, 8, GRAPH_RECT.top - 30, "-- EDITOR --");
new Label(this, 8, PREVIEW_RECT.top - 30, "-- PREVIEW --");
private function initPoints():void {
_pointA.x = GRAPH_RECT.left;
_pointA.y = GRAPH_RECT.bottom;
_controlA.x = 300;
_controlA.y = 350;
_controlB.x = 400;
_controlB.y = 350;
_pointB.x = GRAPH_RECT.right;
_pointB.y = GRAPH_RECT.top;
_pointA.mouseEnabled = false;
_pointB.mouseEnabled = false;
private function drawPreview():void {
_previewShape.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 16, 16);
_previewShape.y = PREVIEW_RECT.y + 2;
_container.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x333333);
_container.graphics.drawRect(PREVIEW_RECT.x, PREVIEW_RECT.y, PREVIEW_RECT.width, PREVIEW_RECT.height);
private function drawLine(p0:Point, p1:Point, color:uint = 0xCCCCCC):void {
_canvas.graphics.lineStyle(1, color);
_canvas.graphics.moveTo(p0.x, p0.y);
_canvas.graphics.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y);
private function drawDivision():void {
_division.graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x333333);
for (var i:int = 0; i <= GRAPH_RECT.width; i++){
if (i % GRAPH_STEP == 0){
_division.graphics.moveTo(i, 0);
_division.graphics.lineTo(i, GRAPH_RECT.height);
if ((i / GRAPH_RECT.width * 100) % 10 == 0){
new Label(_container, i + GRAPH_RECT.left - 10, GRAPH_RECT.bottom + 10, "t=" + Math.round(i / GRAPH_RECT.width * 10) / 10);
for (var j:int = 0; j <= GRAPH_RECT.height; j++){
if (j % GRAPH_STEP == 0){
_division.graphics.moveTo(0, j);
_division.graphics.lineTo(GRAPH_RECT.width, j);
if ((j / GRAPH_RECT.height * 100) % 10 == 0){
new Label(_container, 10, j + GRAPH_RECT.top - 8, Math.round((1 - j / GRAPH_RECT.height) * 100) + "%");
_division.x = GRAPH_RECT.x;
_division.y = GRAPH_RECT.y;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import org.libspark.betweenas3.core.easing.*;
internal class BezierPoint extends Sprite {
private const COLOR:int = 0xFFFFFF;
private const RADIUS:int = 4;
private var _diffA:Point = new Point();
private var _diffB:Point = new Point();
public var childA:Sprite;
public var childB:Sprite;
public function BezierPoint(childA:Sprite = null):void {
this.childA = childA;
graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, RADIUS);
buttonMode = true;
addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
private function mouseDownHandler(event:*):void {
startDrag(false, BezierGraph.GRAPH_RECT);
if (childA){
_diffA.x = childA.x - x;
_diffA.y = childA.y - y;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
private function mouseMoveHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
if (childA){
childA.x = x + _diffA.x;
childA.y = y + _diffA.y;
private function mouseUpHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
public function toPoint():Point {
return new Point(this.x, this.y);
public function toNormalPoint():Point {
var xx:Number = (this.x - BezierGraph.GRAPH_RECT.left) / BezierGraph.GRAPH_RECT.width;
var yy:Number = (BezierGraph.GRAPH_RECT.height - this.y + BezierGraph.GRAPH_RECT.top) / BezierGraph.GRAPH_RECT.height;
return new Point(xx, yy);
// Flash Professional同梱flパッケージのBezierSegmentクラスをコピペしました
// Adobeさんすみません。まずかったら消しますので (><;
// Copyright ゥ 2007. Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.
* A Bezier segment consists of four Point objects that define a single cubic Bezier curve.
* The BezierSegment class also contains methods to find coordinate values along the curve.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword BezierSegment, Copy Motion as ActionScript
* @see ../../motionXSD.html Motion XML Elements
class BezierSegment {
* The first point of the Bezier curve.
* It is a node, which means it falls directly on the curve.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public var a:Point;
* The second point of the Bezier curve.
* It is a control point, which means the curve moves toward it,
* but usually does not pass through it.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public var b:Point;
* The third point of the Bezier curve.
* It is a control point, which means the curve moves toward it,
* but usually does not pass through it.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public var c:Point;
* The fourth point of the Bezier curve.
* It is a node, which means it falls directly on the curve.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public var d:Point;
* Constructor for BezierSegment instances.
* @param a The first point of the curve, a node.
* @param b The second point of the curve, a control point.
* @param c The third point of the curve, a control point.
* @param d The fourth point of the curve, a node.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
* @see #propertyDetail property details
function BezierSegment(a:Point, b:Point, c:Point, d:Point){
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.c = c;
this.d = d;
* Calculates the location of a two-dimensional cubic Bezier curve at a specific time.
* @param t The <code>time</code> or degree of progress along the curve, as a decimal value between <code>0</code> and <code>1</code>.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>t</code> parameter does not necessarily move along the curve at a uniform speed. For example, a <code>t</code> value of <code>0.5</code> does not always produce a value halfway along the curve.</p>
* @return A point object containing the x and y coordinates of the Bezier curve at the specified time.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public function getValue(t:Number):Point {
var ax:Number = this.a.x;
var x:Number = (t * t * (this.d.x - ax) + 3 * (1 - t) * (t * (this.c.x - ax) + (1 - t) * (this.b.x - ax))) * t + ax;
var ay:Number = this.a.y;
var y:Number = (t * t * (this.d.y - ay) + 3 * (1 - t) * (t * (this.c.y - ay) + (1 - t) * (this.b.y - ay))) * t + ay;
return new Point(x, y);
* Calculates the value of a one-dimensional cubic Bezier equation at a specific time.
* By contrast, a Bezier curve is usually two-dimensional
* and uses two of these equations, one for the x coordinate and one for the y coordinate.
* @param t The <code>time</code> or degree of progress along the curve, as a decimal value between <code>0</code> and <code>1</code>.
* <p><strong>Note:</strong> The <code>t</code> parameter does not necessarily move along the curve at a uniform speed. For example, a <code>t</code> value of <code>0.5</code> does not always produce a value halfway along the curve.</p>
* @param a The first value of the Bezier equation.
* @param b The second value of the Bezier equation.
* @param c The third value of the Bezier equation.
* @param d The fourth value of the Bezier equation.
* @return The value of the Bezier equation at the specified time.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public static function getSingleValue(t:Number, a:Number = 0, b:Number = 0, c:Number = 0, d:Number = 0):Number {
return (t * t * (d - a) + 3 * (1 - t) * (t * (c - a) + (1 - t) * (b - a))) * t + a;
* Finds the <code>y</code> value of a cubic Bezier curve at a given x coordinate.
* Some Bezier curves overlap themselves horizontally,
* resulting in more than one <code>y</code> value for a given <code>x</code> value.
* In that case, this method will return whichever value is most logical.
* Used by CustomEase and BezierEase interpolation.
* @param x An x coordinate that lies between the first and last point, inclusive.
* @param coefficients An optional array of number values that represent the polynomial
* coefficients for the Bezier. This array can be used to optimize performance by precalculating
* values that are the same everywhere on the curve and do not need to be recalculated for each iteration.
* @return The <code>y</code> value of the cubic Bezier curve at the given x coordinate.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public function getYForX(x:Number, coefficients:Array = null):Number {
// Clamp to range between end points.
// The padding with the small decimal value is necessary to avoid bugs
// that result from reaching the limits of decimal precision in calculations.
// We have tests that demonstrate this.
if (this.a.x < this.d.x){
if (x <= this.a.x + 0.0000000000000001)
return this.a.y;
if (x >= this.d.x - 0.0000000000000001)
return this.d.y;
} else {
if (x >= this.a.x + 0.0000000000000001)
return this.a.y;
if (x <= this.d.x - 0.0000000000000001)
return this.d.y;
if (!coefficients){
coefficients = getCubicCoefficients(this.a.x, this.b.x, this.c.x, this.d.x);
// x(t) = a*t^3 + b*t^2 + c*t + d
var roots:Array = getCubicRoots(coefficients[0], coefficients[1], coefficients[2], coefficients[3] - x);
var time:Number = NaN;
if (roots.length == 0)
time = 0;
else if (roots.length == 1)
time = roots[0];
else {
for each (var root:Number in roots){
if (0 <= root && root <= 1){
time = root;
if (isNaN(time))
return NaN;
var y:Number = getSingleValue(time, this.a.y, this.b.y, this.c.y, this.d.y);
return y;
* Calculates the coefficients for a cubic polynomial equation,
* given the values of the corresponding cubic Bezier equation.
* @param a The first value of the Bezier equation.
* @param b The second value of the Bezier equation.
* @param c The third value of the Bezier equation.
* @param d The fourth value of the Bezier equation.
* @return An array containing four number values,
* which are the coefficients for a cubic polynomial.
* The coefficients are ordered from the highest degree to the lowest,
* so the first number in the array would be multiplied by t^3, the second by t^2, and so on.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
* @see #getCubicRoots()
public static function getCubicCoefficients(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Array {
return [-a + 3 * b - 3 * c + d, 3 * a - 6 * b + 3 * c, -3 * a + 3 * b, a];
* Finds the real solutions, if they exist, to a cubic polynomial equation of the form: at^3 + bt^2 + ct + d.
* This method is used to evaluate custom easing curves.
* @param a The first coefficient of the cubic equation, which is multiplied by the cubed variable (t^3).
* @param b The second coefficient of the cubic equation, which is multiplied by the squared variable (t^2).
* @param c The third coefficient of the cubic equation, which is multiplied by the linear variable (t).
* @param d The fourth coefficient of the cubic equation, which is the constant.
* @return An array of number values, indicating the real roots of the equation.
* There may be no roots, or as many as three.
* Imaginary or complex roots are ignored.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public static function getCubicRoots(a:Number = 0, b:Number = 0, c:Number = 0, d:Number = 0):Array {
// make sure we really have a cubic
if (!a)
return BezierSegment.getQuadraticRoots(b, c, d);
// normalize the coefficients so the cubed term is 1 and we can ignore it hereafter
if (a != 1){
b /= a;
c /= a;
d /= a;
var q:Number = (b * b - 3 * c) / 9; // won't change over course of curve
var qCubed:Number = q * q * q; // won't change over course of curve
var r:Number = (2 * b * b * b - 9 * b * c + 27 * d) / 54; // will change because d changes
// but parts with b and c won't change
// determine if there are 1 or 3 real roots using r and q
var diff:Number = qCubed - r * r; // will change
if (diff >= 0){
// avoid division by zero
if (!q)
return [0];
// three real roots
var theta:Number = Math.acos(r / Math.sqrt(qCubed)); // will change because r changes
var qSqrt:Number = Math.sqrt(q); // won't change
var root1:Number = -2 * qSqrt * Math.cos(theta / 3) - b / 3;
var root2:Number = -2 * qSqrt * Math.cos((theta + 2 * Math.PI) / 3) - b / 3;
var root3:Number = -2 * qSqrt * Math.cos((theta + 4 * Math.PI) / 3) - b / 3;
return [root1, root2, root3];
} else {
// one real root
var tmp:Number = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(-diff) + Math.abs(r), 1 / 3);
var rSign:int = (r > 0) ? 1 : r < 0 ? -1 : 0;
var root:Number = -rSign * (tmp + q / tmp) - b / 3;
return [root];
return [];
* Finds the real solutions, if they exist, to a quadratic equation of the form: at^2 + bt + c.
* @param a The first coefficient of the quadratic equation, which is multiplied by the squared variable (t^2).
* @param b The second coefficient of the quadratic equation, which is multiplied by the linear variable (t).
* @param c The third coefficient of the quadratic equation, which is the constant.
* @return An array of number values, indicating the real roots of the equation.
* There may be no roots, or as many as two.
* Imaginary or complex roots are ignored.
* @playerversion Flash
* @playerversion AIR 1.0
* @productversion Flash CS3
* @langversion 3.0
* @keyword Bezier curve, node, Copy Motion as ActionScript
public static function getQuadraticRoots(a:Number, b:Number, c:Number):Array {
var roots:Array = [];
// make sure we have a quadratic
if (!a){
if (!b)
return [];
roots[0] = -c / b;
return roots;
var q:Number = b * b - 4 * a * c;
var signQ:int = (q > 0) ? 1 : q < 0 ? -1 : 0;
if (signQ < 0){
return [];
} else if (!signQ){
roots[0] = -b / (2 * a);
} else {
roots[0] = roots[1] = -b / (2 * a);
var tmp:Number = Math.sqrt(q) / (2 * a);
roots[0] -= tmp;
roots[1] += tmp;
return roots;