forked from: forked from: CircleCycle
Destroy circles and avoid incoming bullets.
My ship extends every 200 points.
Movement : Mouse
Zoom & Slow: Click
* Copyright ABA ( )
* MIT License ( )
* Downloaded from:
// forked from ABA's forked from: CircleCycle
// Destroy circles and avoid incoming bullets.
// My ship extends every 200 points.
// <Operation>
// Movement : Mouse
// Zoom & Slow: Click
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
[SWF(width="465", height="465", backgroundColor="0x000000", frameRate="30")]
public class CircleCycle extends Sprite { public function CircleCycle() { main = this; initialize(); } }
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.text.*;
const SCREEN_WIDTH:int = 465, SCREEN_HEIGHT:int = 465;
var main:Sprite, screen:BitmapData = new BitmapData(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, false, 0);
var scoreField:TextField = new TextField, messageField:TextField = new TextField;
var score:int, extendScore:int, rank:Number = 0.0, stage:int = 0, targetCircleCount:int;
var ticks:int, isMousePressed:Boolean;
// Initialize UIs.
function initialize():void {
main.addChild(new Bitmap(screen));
main.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, function(e:Event):void { isMousePressed = true; } );
main.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP , function(e:Event):void { isMousePressed = false; } );
scoreField = createTextField(SCREEN_WIDTH - 100, 0, 100, 24, 0xff6666, TextFormatAlign.RIGHT);
messageField = createTextField(SCREEN_WIDTH - 256, 0, 256, 36, 0xff6666);
main.addChild(scoreField); main.addChild(messageField);
main.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
// Update the game frame.
function update(event:Event):void {
screen.fillRect(screen.rect, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
var i:int, spl:int = sparks.length, shl:int = shots.length, bnl:int = bonuses.length;
for (i = 0; i < spl; i++) if (!sparks[i].update()) { sparks.splice(i, 1); i--; spl--; }
for (i = 0; i < shl; i++) if (!shots[i].update()) { shots.splice(i, 1); i--; shl--; }
for (i = 0; i < bnl; i++) if (!bonuses[i].update()) { bonuses.splice(i, 1); i--; bnl--; }
if (targetCircleCount <= 0) addNextTarget();
if (ticks % 50 == 0)
addBackgroundCircles((rand() - 0.5) * Field.size.x * 1.5,
20.0 / (1.0 + rank), 5.0 + rand() * 2.0 + rand() * 2.0);
targetCircleCount = 0;
for each (var c:Circle in circles) c.update();
var cl:int = circles.length;
for (i = 0; i < cl; i++) if (!circles[i].exists) { circles.splice(i, 1); i--; cl--; }
if (gameOverTicks < 0) Player.update();
var bl:int = bullets.length;
for (i = 0; i < bl; i++) if (!bullets[i].update()) { bullets.splice(i, 1); i--; bl--; }
if (gameOverTicks >= 0) {
gameOverTicks++; Player.zoom += (1.0 - Player.zoom) * 0.2;
if (gameOverTicks == GAME_OVER_DURATION) startTitle();
if (isMousePressed && gameOverTicks > BLOCK_GAME_START_DURATION) startGame();
function addNextTarget():void {
if (rand() < 0.5) addTargetCircles(0, 1, 40.0 / (1 + rank), MIDS);
else if (rand() < 0.5)
addTargetCircles((rand() - 0.5) * Field.size.x * 0.7, 1, 20.0 / (1.0 + rank), MID_2);
addTargetCircles((rand() - 0.5) * Field.size.x, 2, 10.0 / (1.0 + rank), BIG);
rank += 1.0; stage++; if (stage % 10 == 0) rank -= 5.0;
// Game actor base class.
class Actor {
public var pos:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
class VelocityActor extends Actor {
public var vel:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
public var ticks:int, disappearTicks:int = 300;
public function update():Boolean {
if (!Field.contains(pos) || ticks > disappearTicks) return false;
return true;
// Player.
class Player {
private static const COLLISION_SIZE:Number = 5.0;
public static var pos:Vector3D = new Vector3D, prevPos:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
public static var fireTicks:int, invincibleTicks:int, left:int;
public static var zoom:Number = 1.0;
public static function start():void {
pos.x = 0; pos.y = Field.size.y * 0.5; invincibleTicks = 0; left = 0; zoom = 1.0;
public static function update():void {
prevPos.x = pos.x; prevPos.y = pos.y;
var tx:Number = (main.stage.mouseX - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) * 1.5;
var ty:Number = main.stage.mouseY - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
pos.x += (tx - pos.x) * 0.3; pos.y += (ty - pos.y) * 0.3;
if (pos.x < -SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) pos.x = -SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
if (pos.x > SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) pos.x = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
Field.offsetX = pos.x * 0.33;
if (isMousePressed) zoom += (2.0 - zoom) * 0.1;
else zoom += (1.0 - zoom) * 0.2;
if (score >= extendScore) {
if (left < 2) left++;
extendScore += 200;
if (invincibleTicks <= 0 || (invincibleTicks % 6) > 3) {
drawCircle(pos, 15, 7, 0x008800, 0.5);
addBlur(pos.x, pos.y, 20, 20, 100, 200, 100);
if (invincibleTicks > 0) return;
if (fireTicks <= 0 && shots.length <= 14) {
fireTicks = 2;
var s:Shot;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 7; i++) {
s = new Shot;
s.pos.x = pos.x; s.pos.y = pos.y;
var a:Number = (i - 3) * 0.1;
s.vel.x = sin(a) * 24.0; s.vel.y = -cos(a) * 24.0;
p.x = (pos.x + prevPos.x) / 2; p.y = (pos.y + prevPos.y) / 2;
for each (var b:Bullet in bullets) {
if (Vector3D.distance(pos, b.pos) <= COLLISION_SIZE ||
Vector3D.distance(prevPos, b.pos) <= COLLISION_SIZE ||
Vector3D.distance(p, b.pos) <= COLLISION_SIZE) {
addSparks(100, Player.pos.x, Player.pos.y, 30.0, 15.0, 200, 100, 100);
left--; if (left < 0) { startGameOver(); return; }
invincibleTicks = 30;
bullets = null; bullets = new Vector.<Bullet>;
public static function drawLeft():void {
p.x = 15; p.y = 20;
for (var i:int = 0; i < left; i++) {
drawCircleWithoutOffset(p, 15, 7, 0x008800, 0.5);
p.x += 30;
// Player's shots.
var shots:Vector.<Shot>;
class Shot extends VelocityActor
override public function update():Boolean {
for each (var c:Circle in circles) if (checkHit(c)) return false;
addBlur(pos.x, pos.y, 20, 15, 50, 150, 100);
return super.update();
private function checkHit(c:Circle):Boolean {
for each (var cc:Circle in c.children) if (cc.exists && checkHit(cc)) return true;
if (c.exists && c.hasCollision && Vector3D.distance(pos, c.pos) < c.spec.visualRadius + 20.0) {
addSparks(1, pos.x, pos.y, 20.0, 5.0, 50, 150, 100);
c.damage(); return true;
return false;
// Circles.
var circles:Vector.<Circle>;
class Circle extends Actor {
public var children:Vector.<Circle> = null;
public var isTop:Boolean, exists:Boolean = true;
public var spec:CircleSpec;
public var bulletSpeedRatio:Number = 1.0;
public var rollAngle:Number = 0, fireAngle:Number = 0, fireSpeed:Number, angleInterval:Number;
public var baseAngle:Number = 0, lastFireAngle:Number = 0;
public var ticks:int, shield:int;
public var hasCollision:Boolean, isTarget:Boolean, isDamaged:Boolean;
public var speed:Number, targetY:Number = Field.size.y * 2;
public var xReverse:Number = 1.0;
public var circleWidth:Number = 5.0, color:int;
public function start():void {
color = (int)(spec.r / 2) * 0x10000 + int(spec.g / 2) * 0x100 + int(spec.b / 2);
shield = spec.shield;
public function update():void {
var vr:Number = spec.visualRadius;
if (spec.fireInterval > 0) vr *= ((ticks % spec.fireInterval) / spec.fireInterval * 0.5 + 1.0);
drawCircle(pos, vr, circleWidth, color);
var i:int;
if (isDamaged) {
isDamaged = false;
var da:Number = ticks * 0.1, sr:Number = spec.visualRadius, bc:int = sr * 0.5;
for (i = 0; i < bc; i++) {
addBlur(pos.x + sr * sin(da), pos.y + sr * cos(da),
9 + rand() * 7, 9 + rand() * 7, rand() * 128 + 64, rand() * 128 + 127, 64);
da += PI * 2 / bc;
if (spec.isAimingBaseAngle) lastFireAngle = atan2(Player.pos.x - pos.x, Player.pos.y - pos.y);
else lastFireAngle = baseAngle * xReverse;
lastFireAngle += rollAngle + fireAngle;
if (spec.fireInterval > 0 && ticks % spec.fireInterval == 0 && pos.y < 0 &&
pos.x - Field.offsetX > -Field.size.x + Field.SIDE_BOARD_WIDTH &&
pos.x - Field.offsetX < Field.size.x - Field.SIDE_BOARD_WIDTH &&
(!spec.isAimingBaseAngle || Vector3D.distance(pos, Player.pos) > 120)) {
var srv:Number = spec.bulletSpeedWhipVel * 2 / spec.bulletCount;
var fd:int = 0;
var pc:Circle = null; if (spec.hasFireParent) pc = this;
for (i = 0; i < spec.bulletCount; i++) {
fire(lastFireAngle, 1.0 - spec.bulletSpeedWhipVel + srv * i, fd, pc);
fd += spec.fireWhipDelay;
if (isTop) {
if (pos.y < targetY) pos.y += speed;
else pos.y += speed * 0.3;
if (isTarget && pos.y > 0) pos.y += speed * 0.5;
if (pos.y > Field.size.y + spec.radius) remove();
if (isTarget) targetCircleCount++;
if (children == null) return;
rollAngle = spec.rollAngle.getValue(ticks);
fireAngle = spec.fireAngle.getValue(ticks);
fireSpeed = spec.fireSpeed.getValue(ticks);
angleInterval = spec.angleInterval.getValue(ticks);
if (spec.isAimingRollAngle) rollAngle += atan2(Player.pos.x - pos.x, Player.pos.y - pos.y) * xReverse;
var a:Number = rollAngle - angleInterval * (children.length - 1) / 2 - angleInterval;
for each (var c:Circle in children) {
a += angleInterval;
if (!c.exists) continue;
c.pos.x = pos.x + sin(a) * spec.radius * xReverse;
c.pos.y = pos.y + cos(a) * spec.radius;
c.baseAngle = a + fireAngle;
private function fire(a:Number, sr:Number, delay:int, parentCircle:Circle):void {
var b:Bullet = new Bullet;
b.pos.x = pos.x; b.pos.y = pos.y;
var bs:Number = spec.bulletSpeed * bulletSpeedRatio * sr;
b.baseVel.x = sin(a) * bs; b.baseVel.y = cos(a) * bs; b.speed = bs;
b.delayTicks = delay; b.parentCircle = parentCircle;
b.size = spec.bulletSize; = spec.r; = spec.g; = spec.b;
b.color = int( / 4) * 0x10000 + int( / 4) * 0x100 + int( / 4);
public function damage():void {
isDamaged = true;
if (shield <= 0) remove(true);
public function remove(isDestroyed:Boolean = false):void {
for each (var c:Circle in children) if (c.exists) c.remove();
children = null;
exists = false;
if (!isDestroyed) return;
var sa:Number = ticks * 0.1, sr:Number = spec.visualRadius, sc:int = sr * 0.5, i:int;
for (i = 0; i < sc; i++) {
addSparks(1, pos.x + sr * sin(sa), pos.y + sr * cos(sa), 10.0, 10.0, spec.r, spec.g, spec.b);
sa += PI * 2 / sc;
addBonuses(sr * sr * 2 / (abs(pos.y - Player.pos.y) + 30.0), pos.x, pos.y, 10.0);
public function setXReverse():void {
xReverse = -1.0;
for each (var c:Circle in children) c.setXReverse();
class CircleSpec {
public static const FIX:int = 0, WEDGE:int = 1;
public var radius:Number, visualRadius:Number;
public var isRound:Boolean;
public var rollAngle:Waveform = new Waveform;
public var isAimingRollAngle:Boolean, isAimingBaseAngle:Boolean;
public var fireAngle:Waveform = new Waveform, fireSpeed:Waveform = new Waveform;
public var fireInterval:int = -1;
public var angleInterval:Waveform = new Waveform;
public var bulletSpeed:Number = 7.0, bulletSize:Number = 15.0;
public var bulletSpeedFanType:int, bulletSpeedFanVel:Number = 0;
public var fireDelayType:int, fireDelayVel:Number = 0;
public var bulletCount:int = 1;
public var bulletSpeedWhipVel:Number = 0, fireWhipDelay:int = 0, hasFireParent:Boolean;
public var r:int, g:int, b:int;
public var childrenCount:int;
public var shield:int;
public function set(childrenCount:int, radius:Number, childRadius:Number):void {
this.childrenCount = childrenCount;
this.radius = radius; visualRadius = radius + childRadius;
shield = radius;
rollAngle.width = (0.5 + rand() * 0.5) * ((int)(rand() * 2) * 2 - 1);
isRound = (rand() < 0.25);
if (isRound) {
rollAngle.type = Waveform.MONOTONE;
rollAngle.interval = 60 + rand() * 60;
if (rand() < 0.4) fireAngle.type = Waveform.MONOTONE;
fireAngle.width = (2.0 + rand() * 2.0) * ((int)(rand() * 2) * 2 - 1);
fireAngle.interval = 90 + rand() * 90;
if (rand() < 0.3) = rand() * PI * 2; = PI * 2 / childrenCount;
} else {
isAimingRollAngle = true;
if (rand() < 0.3) rollAngle.type = Waveform.SIN;
rollAngle.interval = 120 + rand() * 90;
if (rand() < 0.3) angleInterval.type = Waveform.SIN; = ((2.0 + rand() * 2.0) / childrenCount) * ((int)(rand() * 2) * 2 - 1);
angleInterval.width = * (0.3 + rand() * 0.3);
angleInterval.interval = 60 + rand() * 60;
if (rand() < 0.5) bulletSpeedFanType = WEDGE;
if (rand() < 0.5) bulletSpeedFanVel = (0.3 + rand() * 0.2) * ((int)(rand() * 2) * 2 - 1);
if (rand() < 0.5) fireDelayType = WEDGE;
if (rand() < 0.5) fireDelayVel = (8.0 + rand() * 6.0) * ((int)(rand() * 2) * 2 - 1);
class Waveform {
public static const FIX:int = 0, MONOTONE:int = 1, SIN:int = 2;
public var type:int = FIX, center:Number = 0, width:Number = 0, interval:int = 1;
public function getValue(ticks:int):Number {
switch (type) {
case FIX: return center;
case MONOTONE: return center + width * ticks * 2 / interval;
case SIN: return center + width * sin(PI * 2 * ticks / interval);
return 0;
const BIG:int = 0, MID_2:int = 1, MIDS:int = 2;
function addTargetCircles(x:Number, depth:int, fireIntervalRatio:Number, type:int):void {
var bulletSpeed:Number = 5.0 + rand() * 2.0 + rand() * 2.0;
var radius:Number = (20 + rand() * 20) * depth;
var c:Circle = new Circle;
if (type == MIDS) x = (rand() - 0.5) * Field.size.x;
var rw:Number = 0;
if (type == MID_2) rw = (rand() * 0.1 + 0.1) * Field.size.x;
var cy:Number = -Field.size.y * (1.0 + rand() * 2.0) - radius;
c.pos.x = x - rw; c.pos.y = cy;
c.isTop = true; c.hasCollision = true; c.isTarget = true;
var spd:Number, ty:Number;
if (type != MIDS) {
spd = 5.0 + rand() * 2.0; ty = -Field.size.y * (0.5 + rand() * 0.2);
} else {
spd = 3.5 + rand(); ty = Field.size.y * 2;
c.speed = spd; c.targetY = ty;
var r:int, g:int, b:int;
r = 127 + rand() * 128; g = 127 + rand() * 128; b = 127 + rand() * 128;
var sps:Vector.<CircleSpec> = new Vector.<CircleSpec>;
var turretCount:int = createCircleSpecs(sps, radius, depth, r, g, b);
var sp:CircleSpec;
for each (sp in sps) if (sp.isRound) turretCount *= 0.75;
sp = sps[0];
sp.fireInterval = turretCount * fireIntervalRatio + 1;
sp.bulletSpeed = bulletSpeed; sp.bulletSize = 12.0 + depth * 2;
addCircleChildren(c, sps.length - 1, sps, 1.0, 0);
if (type == MID_2) {
c = new Circle;
c.pos.x = x + rw; c.pos.y = cy;
c.isTop = true; c.hasCollision = true; c.isTarget = true;
c.speed = spd; c.targetY = ty;
addCircleChildren(c, sps.length - 1, sps, 1.0, 0);
} else if (type == MIDS) {
for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++) {
c = new Circle;
c.pos.x = (rand() - 0.5) * Field.size.x;
c.pos.y = -Field.size.y * (1.0 + rand()) - radius;
c.isTop = true; c.hasCollision = true; c.isTarget = true;
c.speed = spd;
addCircleChildren(c, sps.length - 1, sps, 1.0, 0);
if (rand() < 0.5) c.setXReverse();
function addBackgroundCircles(x:Number, fireIntervalRatio:Number, bulletSpeed:Number):void {
var radius:Number = (60 + rand() * 60);
var c:Circle = new Circle;
c.pos.x = x; c.pos.y = -Field.size.y - radius;
c.isTop = true; c.speed = 3.0;
c.circleWidth = 3.0;
var csp:CircleSpec = new CircleSpec;
csp.radius = 0; csp.visualRadius = 15.0; csp.childrenCount = 0;
csp.shield = 3;
csp.isAimingBaseAngle = true;
csp.bulletSpeed = bulletSpeed;
csp.r = csp.g = csp.b = 200;
var sp:CircleSpec = new CircleSpec;
sp.r = sp.g = sp.b = 300;
if (rand() < 0.5) {
sp.radius = sp.visualRadius = radius;
c.spec = sp; c.start();
circles.push(c); return;
sp.childrenCount = 3 + rand() * 7;
csp.fireInterval = sp.childrenCount * fireIntervalRatio + 1;
sp.radius = radius; sp.visualRadius = radius - csp.visualRadius;
sp.rollAngle.width = (0.5 + rand() * 0.5) * ((int)(rand() * 2) * 2 - 1);
sp.rollAngle.type = Waveform.MONOTONE;
sp.rollAngle.interval = 60 + rand() * 60; = ((2.0 + rand() * 2.0) / sp.childrenCount);
if (rand() < 0.5) sp.fireDelayVel = (8.0 + rand() * 6.0) * ((int)(rand() * 2) * 2 - 1);
c.children = new Vector.<Circle>;
var cct:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i < sp.childrenCount; i++) {
var cc:Circle = new Circle;
cc.hasCollision = true;
cc.spec = csp; cc.start();
cc.ticks = cct; cct += sp.fireDelayVel;
c.spec = sp; c.start();
function createCircleSpecs(sps:Vector.<CircleSpec>, radius:Number, depth:int, r:int, g:int, b:int):int {
var sp:CircleSpec = new CircleSpec;
sp.r = r; sp.g = g; sp.b = b;
var turretCount:int;
if (depth == 0) {
sp.radius = 0; sp.visualRadius = radius; sp.childrenCount = 0;
if (rand() < 0.6) {
sp.bulletCount = 2 + rand() * 5;
sp.bulletSpeedWhipVel = 0.2 + rand() * 0.2;
if (rand() < 0.7) sp.fireWhipDelay = 2 + rand() * 4;
if (rand() < 0.7) sp.hasFireParent = true;
turretCount = sp.bulletCount * 0.75;
else turretCount = 1;
} else {
sp.childrenCount = 1 + rand() * 7;
var cr:Number = radius * (0.33 + rand() * 0.1);
sp.set(sp.childrenCount, radius, cr);
turretCount = createCircleSpecs(sps, cr, depth - 1, r, g, b) * sp.childrenCount;
return turretCount;
function addCircleChildren(c:Circle, index:int, sps:Vector.<CircleSpec>,
bulletSpeedRatio:Number, fireDelay:Number):void {
var sp:CircleSpec = sps[index];
var bsv:Number = -sp.bulletSpeedFanVel * 2 / sp.childrenCount;
var fdv:Number = -sp.fireDelayVel * 2 / sp.childrenCount;
if (sp.bulletSpeedFanType == CircleSpec.WEDGE) bsv *= 2;
if (sp.fireDelayType == CircleSpec.WEDGE) fdv *= 2;
if (sp.childrenCount > 0) c.children = new Vector.<Circle>;
for (var i:int = 0; i < sp.childrenCount; i++) {
var cc:Circle = new Circle;
var bsr:Number;
if (sp.bulletSpeedFanType == CircleSpec.FIX ||
i < sp.childrenCount / 2) bsr = 1.0 + sp.bulletSpeedFanVel + bsv * i;
else bsr = 1.0 + sp.bulletSpeedFanVel + bsv * (sp.childrenCount - 1 - i);
var fd:Number;
if (sp.fireDelayType == CircleSpec.FIX || i < sp.childrenCount / 2) fd = sp.fireDelayVel + fdv * i;
else fd = sp.fireDelayVel + fdv * (sp.childrenCount - 1 - i);
addCircleChildren(cc, index - 1, sps, bsr * bulletSpeedRatio, fireDelay + fd);
c.bulletSpeedRatio = bulletSpeedRatio;
c.ticks = fireDelay;
c.spec = sp; c.start();
// Circles' bullets.
var bullets:Vector.<Bullet>;
class Bullet extends VelocityActor {
public var baseVel:Vector3D = new Vector3D, speed:Number;
public var parentCircle:Circle, delayTicks:int = 0;
public var color:int, br:int, bg:int, bb:int, size:int;
override public function update():Boolean {
if (delayTicks > 0) {
if (delayTicks <= 0 && parentCircle != null) {
pos.x = parentCircle.pos.x; pos.y = parentCircle.pos.y;
baseVel.x = sin(parentCircle.lastFireAngle) * speed;
baseVel.y = cos(parentCircle.lastFireAngle) * speed;
parentCircle = null;
return true;
var sz:Number = 1.5 + Math.sin(ticks * 0.2) * 0.4;
var a:Number = 0.8 + Math.sin(ticks * 0.45) * 0.2;
drawBox(pos.x, pos.y, size, size, color, sz, br * a, bg * a, bb * a);
if (ticks <= 15) {
vel.x = baseVel.x * (ticks + 15) / 30.0; vel.y = baseVel.y * (ticks + 15) / 30.0;
} else {
vel.x = baseVel.x; vel.y = baseVel.y;
if (isMousePressed) vel.scaleBy(0.5);
return super.update();
// Sparks.
var sparks:Vector.<Spark>;
class Spark extends VelocityActor {
public var size:Number;
public var r:int, g:int, b:int;
override public function update():Boolean {
size *= 0.95;
var cr:Number = rand() + 0.5;
var br:int = r * cr, bg:int = g * cr, bb:int = b * cr;
if (br > 255) br = 255;
if (bg > 255) bg = 255;
if (bb > 255) bb = 255;
drawBox(pos.x, pos.y, size, size, r * 0x10000 + g * 0x100 + b, 1.5, br, bg, bb);
return super.update();
function addSparks(count:int, x:Number, y:Number, speed:Number, size:Number, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++) {
var s:Spark = new Spark;
s.pos.x = x; s.pos.y = y;
var a:Number = rand() * PI * 2, sp:Number = speed * (0.5 + rand());
s.vel.x = Math.sin(a) * sp; s.vel.y = Math.cos(a) * sp;
s.size = size;
s.r = r; s.g = g; s.b = b;
s.disappearTicks = 15 + 15 * rand();
// Bonus items.
var bonuses:Vector.<Bonus>;
class Bonus extends VelocityActor {
public var isInhaled:Boolean;
override public function update():Boolean {
var a:Number = ticks * 0.1;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 4; i++) {
drawBox(pos.x + sin(a) * 10 - 5, pos.y + cos(a) * 10 - 5, 8, 8, 0x6688aa, 1.0, 150, 200, 150);
a += PI / 2;
if (isInhaled && gameOverTicks < 0) {
vel.x += (Player.pos.x - pos.x) * 0.05; vel.y += (Player.pos.y - pos.y) * 0.05;
else vel.y += 0.5;
var d:Number = Vector3D.distance(pos, Player.pos);
if (isInhaled && d < 40.0 && gameOverTicks < 0) {
scoreField.text = String(score++); return false;
else if (d < 120.0 && vel.length < 5.0) isInhaled = true;
return super.update();
function addBonuses(count:int, x:Number, y:Number, speed:Number):void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < count; i++) {
var b:Bonus = new Bonus;
b.pos.x = x; b.pos.y = y;
var a:Number = rand() * PI * 2, sp:Number = speed * (0.5 + rand());
b.vel.x = Math.sin(a) * sp; b.vel.y = Math.cos(a) * sp;
// Game field.
class Field {
public static const SIDE_BOARD_WIDTH:Number = SCREEN_WIDTH / 6;
public static var size:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
public static var offsetX:Number = 0;
public static function initialize():void {
size.x = SCREEN_WIDTH * 1.1 / 2; size.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT * 1.1 / 2;
public static function drawSideBoard():void {
rect.width = SIDE_BOARD_WIDTH; rect.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT; rect.y = 0;
rect.x = 0; screen.fillRect(rect, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
rect.x = SCREEN_WIDTH - rect.width; screen.fillRect(rect, BACKGROUND_COLOR);
public static function contains(p:Vector3D):Boolean {
return (p.x >= -size.x && p.x <= size.x && p.y >= -size.y && p.y <= size.y);
// Blur effect.
const BLUR_MAX_COUNT:int = 512, BLUR_HISTORY_COUNT:int = 6;
var blurs:Vector.<Vector.<Blur>> = new Vector.<Vector.<Blur>>(BLUR_HISTORY_COUNT, true);
var blurCounts:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>(BLUR_HISTORY_COUNT, true);
var blurIndex:int;
class Blur {
public var pos:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
public var width:Number, height:Number;
public var r:int, g:int, b:int;
public function update():void {
if (Player.zoom < 1.1) {
rect.x = pos.x - width / 2 + SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - Field.offsetX;
rect.y = pos.y - height / 2 + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
rect.width = width; rect.height = height;
} else {
rect.width = width * Player.zoom; rect.height = height * Player.zoom;
rect.x = (pos.x - Player.pos.x) * Player.zoom + Player.pos.x - rect.width / 2 +
SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - Field.offsetX;
rect.y = (pos.y - Player.pos.y) * Player.zoom + Player.pos.y - rect.height / 2 + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
screen.fillRect(rect, r * 0x10000 + g * 0x100 + b);
width *= 1.2; height *= 1.2;
function drawBox(x:Number, y:Number, w:int, h:int, color:int, blurSizeRatio:Number, br:int, bg:int, bb:int):void {
if (Player.zoom < 1.1) {
rect.x = x - w / 2 + SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - Field.offsetX;
rect.y = y - h / 2 + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
rect.width = w; rect.height = h;
} else {
var sx:Number = (x - Player.pos.x) * Player.zoom + Player.pos.x;
var sy:Number = (y - Player.pos.y) * Player.zoom + Player.pos.y;
rect.x = sx - w / 2 + SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - Field.offsetX;
rect.y = sy - h / 2 + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
rect.width = w * Player.zoom; rect.height = h * Player.zoom;
screen.fillRect(rect, color);
if (blurSizeRatio > 0) addBlur(x, y, w * blurSizeRatio, h * blurSizeRatio, br, bg, bb);
function addBlur(x:Number, y:Number, w:Number, h:Number, r:int, g:int, b:int):void {
if (blurCounts[blurIndex] >= BLUR_MAX_COUNT) return;
var bl:Blur = blurs[blurIndex][blurCounts[blurIndex]];
bl.pos.x = x; bl.pos.y = y;
bl.width = w; bl.height = h;
bl.r = r; bl.g = g; bl.b = b;
function updateBlurs():void {
var bi:int = blurIndex + 1;
for (var i:int = 0; i < BLUR_HISTORY_COUNT; i++) {
if (bi >= BLUR_HISTORY_COUNT) bi = 0;
for (var j:int = 0; j < blurCounts[bi]; j++) blurs[bi][j].update();
if (blurIndex >= BLUR_HISTORY_COUNT) blurIndex = 0;
blurCounts[blurIndex] = 0;
function initializeBlurs():void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < BLUR_HISTORY_COUNT; i++) {
var bs:Vector.<Blur> = new Vector.<Blur>(BLUR_MAX_COUNT, true);
for (var j:int = 0; j < BLUR_MAX_COUNT; j++) bs[j] = new Blur;
blurs[i] = bs; blurCounts[i] = 0;
blurIndex = 0;
// Handle the game lifecycle.
var gameOverTicks:int;
function startTitle():void {
messageField.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 3 * 2; messageField.text = "CircleCycle";
function startGame():void {
gameOverTicks = -1;
clearActors(); Player.start();
messageField.text = ""; scoreField.text = String(score = 0);
extendScore = 200; rank = 0.0; stage = 0;
function startGameOver():void {
gameOverTicks = 0; isMousePressed = false;
messageField.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2; messageField.text = "GAME OVER";
function clearActors():void {
shots = null; bullets = null; sparks = null; bonuses = null; circles = null;
shots = new Vector.<Shot>; bullets = new Vector.<Bullet>; sparks = new Vector.<Spark>; bonuses = new Vector.<Bonus>;
circles = new Vector.<Circle>; targetCircleCount = 0;
// Utility classes, functions and variables.
var p:Vector3D = new Vector3D, offset:Vector3D = new Vector3D;
var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle;
var rand:Function = Math.random, abs:Function = Math.abs;
var sin:Function = Math.sin, cos:Function = Math.cos, atan2:Function = Math.atan2;
var PI:Number = Math.PI;
function createTextField(x:int, y:int, width:int, size:int, color:int,
align:String = TextFormatAlign.LEFT):TextField {
var fm:TextFormat = new TextFormat;
fm.font = "_typewriter"; fm.bold = true;
fm.size = size; fm.color = color; fm.align = align;
var fi:TextField = new TextField;
fi.defaultTextFormat = fm;
fi.x = x; fi.y = y; fi.width = width; fi.selectable = false;
return fi;
function drawCircle(pos:Vector3D, radius:Number, width:Number, color:int, xRatio:Number = 1.0):void {
if (Player.zoom < 1.1) {
p.x = pos.x + SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - Field.offsetX;
p.y = pos.y + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
} else {
p.x = (pos.x - Player.pos.x) * Player.zoom + Player.pos.x + SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - Field.offsetX;
p.y = (pos.y - Player.pos.y) * Player.zoom + Player.pos.y + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
drawCircleWithoutOffset(p, radius * Player.zoom, width, color, xRatio);
function drawCircleWithoutOffset(p:Vector3D, radius:Number, width:Number, color:int, xRatio:Number = 1.0):void {
var c:int = radius * 1.5;
var a:Number = 0, oa:Number = PI * 2 / c;
rect.width = rect.height = width;
for (var i:int = 0; i < c; i++) {
rect.x = p.x + sin(a) * radius * xRatio - width / 2;
rect.y = p.y + cos(a) * radius - width / 2;
screen.fillRect(rect, color);
a += oa;