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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: 辺がぼよよんってなる四角 2

// forked from a24's 辺がぼよよんってなる四角
// 更に_curveの値をマイナスにして、ちょっとだけ角丸をつけてやる
// それを45度ずらして重ねると、結晶っぽくなる
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
	import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
        [ SWF( width = "465" , height = "465" , backgroundColor = "0x000000" , frameRate = "60" ) ]
	public class  Main extends Sprite
		public function Main()
			stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE , create );
		private function create( e:MouseEvent ):void 
			var _cr:CurveRect = new CurveRect();
			_cr.rotation = Math.random() * 45;
			_cr.alpha = 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5;
			_cr.x = stage.mouseX;
			_cr.y = stage.mouseY;
			_cr.scaleX = _cr.scaleY = 0.2 + Math.random() * 0.6;
			_cr.lineStyle( 1.0 , 0xFFFFFF , 0 );
			_cr.beginFill( 0xFFFFFF , 1.0 );
			_cr._width = 20;
			_cr._height = 20;
			_cr._round = 2; // 角丸値
			_cr._curve = -20; // 辺のカーブ値
			_cr.draw( true ); //基準点をセンターで描画
			_cr.filters = [ new GlowFilter( 0xFFFFFF , 0.8 , 16 , 16 , 1.5 ) ];
			var _cr2:CurveRect = new CurveRect();
			_cr2.rotation = 45;
			_cr2.scaleX = _cr2.scaleY =  0.7;
			_cr2.lineStyle( 1.0 , 0xFFFFFF , 0 );
			_cr2.beginFill( 0xFFFFFF , 1.0 );
			_cr2._width = 20;
			_cr2._height = 20;
			_cr2._round = 2; // 角丸値
			_cr2._curve = -20; // 辺のカーブ値
			_cr2.draw( true ); //基準点をセンターで描画
			_cr.addChild( _cr2 );
			addChild( _cr );
			Tweener.addTween( _cr , { 
				y:_cr.y + 200 * Math.random() ,
				alpha:0 ,
				rotation:Math.random() * 360 ,
				time:Math.random() + 0.2 ,
				transition:"easeInQuad" ,
				onComplete:function():void{ removeChild( _cr ); }
				} );

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Graphics;

class CurveRect extends Sprite
	private var _g:Graphics;
	private var _lineStyle:Array;
	private var _beginFill:Array;
	public var _round:Number;
	public var _curve:Number;
	public var _width:Number;
	public var _height:Number;
	public function CurveRect()
		_g =;
		_lineStyle = [ 1 , 0x000000 , 1.0 ];
		_beginFill = [ 0xFFFFFF , 1.0 ];
		_round = 0;
		_curve = 0;
	public function lineStyle( _thickness:Number , _color:uint , _alpha:Number ):void
		_lineStyle = [ _thickness , _color , _alpha ];
	public function beginFill( _color:uint , _alpha:Number ):void
		_beginFill = [ _color , _alpha ];
	public function draw( _center:Boolean = false  ):void
		var _posX:Number = ( _center ) ?   _width/2 : 0;
		var _posY:Number = ( _center ) ? _height/2 : 0;
		_g.lineStyle( _lineStyle[0] , _lineStyle[1] , _lineStyle[2] );
		_g.beginFill ( _beginFill[0] , _beginFill[1] );
		_g.moveTo  ( 0 - _posX , _round - _posY );
		_g.curveTo ( 0 - _posX , 0 - _posY , _round - _posX , 0 -_posY );
		_g.curveTo ( _width/2 - _posX , -_curve - _posY , _width -_round - _posX , 0 - _posY );
		_g.curveTo ( _width - _posX , 0 - _posY , _width - _posX , _round - _posY );
		_g.curveTo ( _width + _curve - _posX , _height/2 - _posY , _width - _posX , _height -_round - _posY );
		_g.curveTo ( _width - _posX , _height - _posY , _width - _round - _posX , _height - _posY );
		_g.curveTo ( _width/2 - _posX , _height + _curve - _posY , _round - _posX , _height - _posY );
		_g.curveTo ( 0 - _posX , _height - _posY , 0 - _posX , _height - _round - _posY );
		_g.curveTo ( -_curve - _posX , _height/2 - _posY , 0 - _posX , _round - _posY );