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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: flash on 2010-5-26

Phlashers 2010 AS3 Contest
 * Copyright mohk ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from niong's flash on 2010-5-26
// Phlashers 2010 AS3 Contest

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.BitmapDataChannel;
    import flash.display.GradientType;
    import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
    import flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilterMode;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    import flash.filters.DisplacementMapFilter;
    public class Smoke extends Sprite {
            //Perlin noise settings
        private var   perlinNoiseBitmapData:BitmapData;
        private var   offsets:Array = [ new Point(), new Point() ];
        private const BASE_X:Number = 100;
        private const BASE_Y:Number = 100;
        private const OCTAVES:Number = 3;
        private const SEED:Number = 50;
        private const STITCH:Boolean = false;
        private const FRACTAL:Boolean = false;
        private const CHANNEL_OPTIONS:Number = 10;
        private const GREYSCALE:Boolean = true;
        //constant used to convert from degrees to radioans
        private const TO_RADIANS:Number = Math.PI/180;

        //Displacement map settings
        private var   displacementMapBitmapData:BitmapData;
        private var   dMap:DisplacementMapFilter;
        //bitmap to display final output
        private var bmp:Bitmap;
        private var blurFilter:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter( 20, 20, 1);
        private var s:Shape;
        //container to draw from
        private var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
        //Type of Gradient we will be using
        private var fType:String = GradientType.LINEAR;
        //Colors of our gradient in the form of an array
        private var colors:Array = [  0xffffff, 0xC40076 ];
        //Store the Alpha Values in the form of an array
        private var alphas:Array = [ 1, 1 ];
        //The value defines percentage of the width where the color is sampled at 100%
        private var ratios:Array = [  0, 200 ];
        //radius of circle
        private var r:Number = 30;
        //Create a Matrix instance and assign the Gradient Box
        private var matr:Matrix;
        //SpreadMethod will define how the gradient is spread. Note!!! Flash uses CONSTANTS to represent String literals
        private const SPREAD_METHOD:String = SpreadMethod.PAD;
        public function Smoke() {
        private function init():void{
            matr = GradientMatrix.getGradientBox( r, r, 45*TO_RADIANS, -r * .5, -r * .5 );
            perlinNoiseBitmapData = new BitmapData( 450, 450, false, 0x00  );
            displacementMapBitmapData = perlinNoiseBitmapData.clone();
            //create the container that we will draw into our bitmapdata object and add the circle in tehre
            container = addChild( new Sprite() ) as Sprite;
                //create the shape container where we'll draw our circle
            s = container.addChild( new Shape() ) as Shape;
            s.x = s.y = 450  * .5;
            //apply the displacement map
            dMap = new DisplacementMapFilter( perlinNoiseBitmapData, new Point(), 4, 4, 40, 40, "clamp" );
            bmp  = addChild( new Bitmap( displacementMapBitmapData ) ) as Bitmap;
            bmp.filters = [  dMap ];
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateNoise );
        private function updateNoise( e:Event ):void{
            //apply noise operations
            perlinNoiseBitmapData.perlinNoise( BASE_X, BASE_Y, OCTAVES, SEED, STITCH, FRACTAL, CHANNEL_OPTIONS, GREYSCALE, offsets )
            //draw a circle with a random size
   fType, colors, alphas, ratios, matr, SPREAD_METHOD );
   -r*.5, -r*.5, Math.random()*10 - 5 + r );
            //move the x position of the shape towards the mouse, with an ease
            s.x -= ( s.x - mouseX ) * .33;
            s.y -= ( s.y - mouseY ) * .33;
            //draw container    
            displacementMapBitmapData.draw( container, null, null, "hardlight" );
            //apply a filter
            displacementMapBitmapData.applyFilter( displacementMapBitmapData, displacementMapBitmapData.rect, new Point(), blurFilter );
        // GradientMatrix
    // Fixes the native implementation of Flash's matrix.createGradientBox()
    // which does not work as intended with rotated gradients
    // released under MIT License (X11)
    // Author: Mario Klingemann
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    class GradientMatrix{
        public static function getGradientBox( width:Number, height:Number, rotation:Number, tx:Number, ty:Number ):Matrix{
            var m:Matrix = new Matrix();
            m.createGradientBox( 100, 100 );
            m.translate( -50, -50 );
            m.scale( width / 100, height / 100 );
            m.rotate( rotation );
            m.translate( tx, ty );
            return m;