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click to toggle between collision testing and 3D wireframe view
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by mutantleg 10 Oct 2014
 * Copyright mutantleg ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.StageQuality;
    import flash.geom.Vector3D;
    import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
        public function FlashTest() {
            stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM;
          oct = new xOctTree();
          oct.maxx = 460;      oct.maxy = 460;      oct.maxz = 460;
          var i:int;          var num:int;          var a:xBox;
          num = 32;
          for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
            a = new xBox();
              a.minx = Math.random() * 256;
              a.miny = Math.random() * 256;
              a.minz = Math.random() * 256;
              a.maxx = a.minx + Math.random() * 64;
              a.maxy = a.miny + Math.random() * 64;
              a.maxz = a.minz + Math.random() * 64;
              oct.addBox(a, 8);        
          wire = new xWire();
          wire.g = graphics;
           stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
           stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);
        public function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
        { mode = 1 - mode;}
        public var oct:xOctTree;
        public var wire:xWire;
        public var mode:int = 0;
        public var trans:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
        public function onEnter(e:Event):void
          graphics.lineStyle(2, 0);

          var mx:Number;      var my:Number;
          mx = stage.mouseX;          my = stage.mouseY;

          if (mode == 1) { draw2DMode(); return; } 
         var deg:Number;
         deg = 230 - mx ;
         deg /= 3;
         if (deg < -90) { deg = -90;}
         if (deg > 90) {deg =90;}
           trans.appendRotation(deg, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
           trans.appendRotation(45, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
           wire.mat = trans.rawData; 

        public function draw2DMode():void
          var mx:Number;      var my:Number;
          mx = stage.mouseX;          my = stage.mouseY;
          graphics.drawCircle(mx, my, 8);
          if (oct.isOverXY(mx - 8, my - 8, 16, 16))
            graphics.beginFill(0xFF, 1);
            graphics.drawCircle(mx, my, 8);

import flash.display.Graphics;

internal class xWire
    //transform matrix
    //(default is the identity matrix)
    public var mat:Vector.<Number> = Vector.<Number>([
    1, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 1, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 1]);

    public var scrw:Number = 460/2;
    public var scrh:Number = 460/2;
    public var g:Graphics;

    public function drawProjLine(ax:Number, ay:Number, az:Number,
    bx:Number, by:Number, bz:Number):void
      var rx0:Number;      var ry0:Number;    
      var rx1:Number;      var ry1:Number;    
      var w:Number;
      //hack to rotate it in center
          ax -= scrw; ay -= scrh; az -= 256;
          bx -= scrw; by -= scrh; bz -= 256;
      rx0 = ax * mat[0] + ay * mat[4] + az * mat[8] + mat[12];
      ry0 = ax * mat[1] + ay * mat[5] + az * mat[9] + mat[13];
      w = ax * mat[3] + ay * mat[7] + az * mat[11] + mat[15];
      if (w == 0) { return; }
      rx0 /= w;    ry0 /= w;

      rx1 = bx * mat[0] + by * mat[4] + bz * mat[8] + mat[12];
      ry1 = bx * mat[1] + by * mat[5] + bz * mat[9] + mat[13];
      w = bx * mat[3] + by * mat[7] + bz * mat[11] + mat[15];
      if (w == 0) { return; }
      rx1 /= w;    ry1 /= w;

      g.moveTo(rx0+scrw, ry0+scrh);
      g.lineTo(rx1+scrw, ry1+scrh);

    public function drawBox2(a:xBox):void
        drawBox(a.minx, a.miny, a.minz, a.maxx, a.maxy, a.maxz);
      public function drawBox(minx:Number, miny:Number, minz:Number,
      maxx:Number, maxy:Number, maxz:Number):void
          drawProjLine(minx, miny, minz,   maxx, miny, minz);
          drawProjLine(minx, maxy, minz,   maxx, maxy, minz);
          drawProjLine(minx, miny, maxz,   maxx, miny, maxz);
          drawProjLine(minx, maxy, maxz,   maxx, maxy, maxz);
          drawProjLine(minx, miny, minz,   minx, maxy, minz);
          drawProjLine(maxx, miny, minz,   maxx, maxy, minz);
          drawProjLine(minx, miny, maxz,   minx, maxy, maxz);
          drawProjLine(maxx, miny, maxz,   maxx, maxy, maxz);
          drawProjLine(minx, miny, minz,   minx, miny, maxz);
          drawProjLine(maxx, miny, minz,   maxx, miny, maxz);
          drawProjLine(minx, maxy, minz,   minx, maxy, maxz);
          drawProjLine(maxx, maxy, minz,   maxx, maxy, maxz);


internal class xBox
  public var minx:Number = 0;    public var miny:Number = 0;    public var minz:Number = 0;
  public var maxx:Number = 0;    public var maxy:Number = 0;    public var maxz:Number = 0;

internal class xOctTree 
    public var minx:Number = 0;    public var miny:Number = 0;    public var minz:Number = 0;
    public var maxx:Number = 0;    public var maxy:Number = 0;    public var maxz:Number = 0;
    public var depth:int = 0;    
    public var vecBox:Vector.<xBox>;
    public var child:Vector.<xOctTree>;
    public function xOctTree()
      depth = 0;      vecBox = new Vector.<xBox>(0, false);
    public function genChild():void
      var sx:Number;      var sy:Number;      var sz:Number;
      var hx:Number;      var hy:Number;      var hz:Number;
      sx = maxx - minx;      sy = maxy - miny;      sz = maxz - minz;
      hx = sx * 0.5; hy = sy * 0.5; hz = sz * 0.5;
      child = new Vector.<xOctTree>(8, false);
      var i:int; var a:xOctTree;
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        a = new xOctTree();
        child[i] = a;
        a.minx = minx; a.miny = miny; a.minz = minz;
        a.maxx = minx+hx; a.maxy = miny+hy; a.maxz = minz+hz;        
        a.depth = depth + 1;
       //child[0] is same as default
         child[1].minx += hx;       child[1].maxx += hx;
         child[2].minz += hz;       child[2].maxz += hz;
         child[3].minx += hx;       child[3].maxx += hx;     
         child[3].minz += hz;       child[3].maxz += hz;
         child[4].miny += hy;       child[4].maxy += hy;
         child[5].minx += hx;       child[5].maxx += hx;      
         child[5].miny += hy;       child[5].maxy += hy;
         child[6].minz += hz;       child[6].maxz += hz;      
         child[6].miny += hy;       child[6].maxy += hy;
         child[7].minx += hx;       child[7].maxx += hx;
         child[7].minz += hz;       child[7].maxz += hz;
         child[7].miny += hy;       child[7].maxy += hy;
    public function addBox(a:xBox, maxd:int=8):Boolean
      ///aabb inside test
        if (a.minx < minx) { return false; }    if (a.minx > maxx) { return false; }
        if (a.miny < miny) { return false; }    if (a.miny > maxy) { return false; }
        if (a.minz < minz) { return false; }    if (a.minz > maxz) { return false; }
        if (a.maxx < minx) { return false; }    if (a.maxx > maxx) { return false; }
        if (a.maxy < miny) { return false; }    if (a.maxy > maxy) { return false; }
        if (a.maxz < minz) { return false; }    if (a.maxz > maxz) { return false; }

     //check if we below max depth
     //if so make children for this node
      if (child == null && depth < maxd) { genChild(); }

      //reached max depth (and box fits)
      if (child == null) { vecBox.push(a); return true; }

      //check if box fits inside a child node  
      var i:int;    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      {  if (child[i].addBox(a, maxd)) { return true; }  }

      //box didnt fit inside any children
      return true;

    public function isOverXY(ax:Number, ay:Number, aw:Number, ah:Number):Boolean
      var i:int;       var num:int;     var a:xOctTree;       var m:xBox;
          if (maxx < ax) { return false; }
          if (maxy < ay ) { return false; }            
          if (ax + aw < minx) { return false; }
          if (ay + ah < miny) { return false; }
       num = vecBox.length;
      for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
        m = vecBox[i];   
          if (m.maxx < ax) { continue; }
          if (m.maxy < ay ) { continue; }            
          if (ax + aw < m.minx) { continue; }
          if (ay + ah < m.miny) { continue; }
        return true;  
      if (child == null) { return false; } 
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)  { a = child[i];  if (a.isOverXY(ax, ay, aw, ah)) { return true; }  }
      return false;
    public function debRenderXY(g:Graphics):void
      var i:int;       var num:int;     var a:xOctTree;       var m:xBox;
      num = vecBox.length;
      g.drawRect(minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny);
      for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
        m = vecBox[i];   
        g.beginFill(0, 0.5);
          g.drawRect(m.minx, m.miny, m.maxx - m.minx, m.maxy - m.miny); 

      if (child == null) { return; } 
      for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)  { a = child[i];  a.debRenderXY(g);  }


    public function debRenderWire(w:xWire):void
        var i:int;       var num:int;     var a:xOctTree;       var m:xBox; 
        num = vecBox.length;
        for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
          m = vecBox[i];   
        if (child == null) { return; } 
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)  { a = child[i];  a.debRenderWire(w);  }

