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by kjkmr 16 Sep 2010
 * Copyright kjkmr ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    * シンプルな破線を描画するクラス(直線のみ)
    public class Line extends Sprite {
        public function Line() {
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            var line1:DashedLine = new DashedLine( 300 );
            line1.x = 50;
            line1.y = 50;
            addChild( line1 );
            var line2:DashedLine = new DashedLine( 300, 3, 0x5390CD );
            line2.x = 50;
            line2.y = 100;
            addChild( line2 );
            //水色、長さ300px、太さ3px, 線分3px、間隔3px
            var line3:DashedLine = new DashedLine( 300, 3, 0x4CBFDD, 3, 3 );
            line3.x = 50;
            line3.y = 150;
            addChild( line3 );
            //青緑色、長さ300px、太さ3px, 線分6px、間隔3px
            var line4:DashedLine = new DashedLine( 300, 3, 0x34B7AF, 6, 3 );
            line4.x = 50;
            line4.y = 200;
            addChild( line4 );
            //緑色、長さ300px、太さ3px, 線分3px、間隔6px
            var line5:DashedLine = new DashedLine( 300, 3, 0x8FC31F, 3, 6 );
            line5.x = 50;
            line5.y = 250;
            addChild( line5 );
            //斜めの黄色、長さ300px、太さ9px, 線分3px、間隔6px
            var line6:DashedLine = new DashedLine( 300, 9, 0xF4EC2E, 3, 6 );
            line6.x = 50;
            line6.y = 300;
            line6.rotation = 2;
            addChild( line6 );
            //斜めのオレンジ色、長さ300px、太さ9px, 線分3px、間隔6px
            var line7:DashedLine = new DashedLine( 300, 6, 0xFABE00, 3, 6 );
            line7.x = 50;
            line7.y = 350;
            line7.rotation = 4;
            addChild( line7 );
            //縦の黒色、長さ300px、太さ2px, 線分2px、間隔2px
            var line8:DashedLine = new DashedLine( 300, 2, 0, 2, 2 );
            line8.x = 400;
            line8.y = 50;
            line8.rotation = 90;
            addChild( line8 );

import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.BitmapData;

* シンプルな破線を描画するクラス(直線のみ)
class DashedLine extends Shape {
    * プロパティ
    private var _length:Number;
    private var _weight:Number;
    private var _color:uint;
    private var _dash:uint;
    private var _gap:uint;
    private var _bitmapData:BitmapData;
    * コンストラクタ
    public function DashedLine( i_length:Number, i_weight:Number = 0, i_color:uint = 0, i_dash:uint = 1, i_gap:uint = 1 ) {
        _length = i_length;
        _weight = i_weight;
        _color = i_color;
        _dash = i_dash;
        _gap = i_gap;
    * パターンビットマップ生成
    public function makePattern():void {
        _bitmapData = new BitmapData( _dash + _gap, 1, true, 0 );
        var i:uint = 0;
        for ( i=0; i<_dash; i++ ) _bitmapData.setPixel32( i, 0 , 0xff000000 | _color );
    * 描画
    public function draw():void {
        graphics.lineStyle( _weight, 0, 1, true, "normal", "none" );
        graphics.lineBitmapStyle( _bitmapData, null, true, true );
        graphics.moveTo( 0, 0 );
        graphics.lineTo( _length, 0 );
    * lengthプロパティ
    public function get length():uint { return _length; }
    public function set length( i_value:uint ):void {
        _length = i_value;
    * weightプロパティ
    public function get weight():uint { return _weight; }
    public function set weight( i_value:uint ):void {
        _weight = i_value;
    * colorプロパティ
    public function get color():uint { return _color; }
    public function set color( i_value:uint ):void {
        _color = i_value;
    * dashプロパティ
    public function get dash():uint { return _dash; }
    public function set dash( i_value:uint ):void {
        _dash = i_value;
    * gapプロパティ
    public function get gap():uint { return _gap; }
    public function set gap( i_value:uint ):void {
        _gap = i_value;