Experiment with flupie, fontloader,
tweener and filters
kinda messy but fun clicking!
@author Tjoen
* Copyright tjoen ( http://wonderfl.net/user/tjoen )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/4bJy
* Experiment with flupie, fontloader,
* tweener and filters
* kinda messy but fun clicking!
* @author Tjoen
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.utils.setTimeout;
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash.filters.BitmapFilterQuality;
import flash.events.Event;
import flupie.textanim.*;
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import caurina.transitions.properties.*;
import net.wonderfl.utils.FontLoader;
[SWF(width = '465', height = '465', backgroundColor = '0xffffff', frameRate = '60')]
public class TASequence extends Sprite
//if you want to embed your own font, use this in flashdevelop
//[Embed(source='../bin/YourTtf.ttf', fontFamily='YourTtf',fontWeight="normal", mimeType='application/x-font', embedAsCFF='false')]
//public static var YourTtf:Class;
public var _sequence:Array;
public var _tf:TextField;
public var _tf2:TextField;
public var _fm:TextFormat;
public var _fm2:TextFormat;
public var _ta:TextAnim;
public var _i:int = 0;
public var i:uint;
public var sp:Sprite;
public var sp2:Sprite;
public var circle_r:uint = 100;
private var _canvas:Sprite;
private var _canvasWidth:int;
private var _canvasHeight:int;
public var _c:int = 1;
public function TASequence()
_canvas = new Sprite();
_canvasWidth = stage.stageWidth;
_canvasHeight = stage.stageHeight;
_canvas.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, _canvasWidth, _canvasHeight);
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
Wonderfl.capture_delay( 600 );
var fl :FontLoader = new FontLoader;
fl.load( "Mona" );
fl.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, function(ev :Event) :void
_fm = new TextFormat("Mona", 26, Math.random() * 0xffffff, true); //0xCACF43
_fm.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
_fm2 = new TextFormat("Mona", 18, Math.random() * 0xffffff, true); //0xCACF43
_fm2.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
_tf2 = new TextField();
_tf2.autoSize = "center";
_tf2.multiline = true;
_tf2.embedFonts = true;
_tf2.defaultTextFormat = _fm2;
_tf2.y = stage.stageHeight - 40;
_tf2.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
_tf2.text = "Click on canvas to shoot stars";
_tf = new TextField();
_tf.autoSize = "left";
_tf.multiline = true;
_tf.embedFonts = true;
_tf.defaultTextFormat = _fm;
var outline:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();
outline.blurX = outline.blurY = 2;
outline.color = 0x000000;
outline.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH;
outline.strength = 50;
var bf:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter(4,4,3);
var ds:DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter( 2, 45, 0X000000, 1, 2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1);
var filterArray:Array = new Array();
_tf.filters = filterArray;
_tf2.filters = [ds, outline];
var sp:Sprite=new Sprite();
drawStar(sp.graphics, 0, 0, Math.random() * 100, Math.random() * 60, Math.random() * 360 - Math.random() * 360);
drawStar(sp.graphics, 0, 0, Math.random() * 90, Math.random() * 50, Math.random() * 360 - Math.random() * 360);
drawStar(sp.graphics, 0, 0, Math.random() * 80, Math.random() * 40, Math.random() * 360 - Math.random() * 360);
sp.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
sp.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
sp.filters = filterArray;
Tweener.addTween(sp, { time:40, rotation: -2160, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:2});
Tweener.addTween(sp, { time:30, _color:Math.random()*0xFFFFFF, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:2});
Tweener.addTween(sp, { time:10, _color:null, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:22});
addChildAt(sp, getChildIndex(_canvas)+1);
var sp2:Sprite=new Sprite();
sp2.graphics.beginFill(0, 0);
sp2.graphics.lineStyle(20, Math.random()*0xFFFFFF);
sp2.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 45);
drawStar(sp2.graphics, 0, 0, Math.random() * 81 + 70, Math.random() * 41 +60, Math.random() * 360 - Math.random() * 360);
sp2.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
sp2.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
sp2.filters = [bf];
sp2.alpha = 0.8;
Tweener.addTween(sp2, { time:50, rotation: +2160, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:2});
Tweener.addTween(sp2, { time:10, _color:Math.random()*0xFFFFFF, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:2});
Tweener.addTween(sp2, { time:10, _color:Math.random()*0xFFFFFF, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:12});
Tweener.addTween(sp2, { time:10, _color:Math.random()*0xFFFFFF, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:22});
Tweener.addTween(sp2, { time:10, _color:null, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:32});
addChildAt(sp2, getChildIndex(_canvas)+1);
_ta = new TextAnim(_tf);
_sequence = [
{htmlText:"<font size=\"+20\"><b>TEXTANIM AS3</b></font>\nOPEN SOURCE LIBRARY", interval:50, effects:[effect1In, effect1Out], next:5},
{htmlText:"FOR <font color=\"#d6156c\">DYNAMIC TEXT</font>\nANIMATION IN FLASH", interval:50, mode:"lastToFirst", effects:[effect2In, effect2Out], next:6},
{htmlText:"IT'S EVENTS BASED AND TWEEN\n<font size=\"+20\">ENGINE <font color=\"#FCF8BC\">INDEPENDENT</font></font>", interval:30, mode:"random", effects:[effect2In, effect3Out], next:6},
{htmlText:"<font size =\"22\">HAS NO READY-MADE ANIMATION</font>", interval:200, mode:"lastToFirst", split:"words", effects:[effect4In, effect4Out], next:5},
{htmlText:"YOU CAN MAKE <font color=\"#d6156c\">WHATEVER</font>", interval:50, mode:"edgesToCenter", effects:[effect5In, effect5Out], next:6},
{htmlText:"<font size=\"80\">TEXTANIM<br></font><font size=\"100\" color=\"#d6156c\"><b>AS3</b></font><br><font size=\"100\" color=\"#ffff00\">;)</font>", interval:100, mode:"centerToEdges", effects:[effect6In, effect5Out], next:22}
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,0);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerListener);
function timerListener (e:TimerEvent):void{
trace("Timer is Triggered");
dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK, true));
_c = 1;
public function playNext():void
_ta.mode = _sequence[_i].mode || "";
_ta.split = _sequence[_i].split || "";
_ta.effects = _sequence[_i].effects;
_ta.interval = _sequence[_i].interval;
_ta.htmlText = _sequence[_i].htmlText;
_ta.blocksVisible = false;
_ta.x = (stage.stageWidth/2) - (_ta.width/2);
_ta.y = (stage.stageHeight/2) - (_ta.height/2);
if ( _i == _sequence.length-1) {
_i = 0;
setTimeout(playNext, _sequence[_i].next * 1700);
else {
setTimeout(playNext, _sequence[_i].next * 1200);
_i ++;
public function drawStar(g:Graphics, _x:Number=0, _y:Number=0, outer:Number=50, inner:Number=20, rot:Number=0):void
var angle:Number = rot+Math.PI/2;
var px:Number = _x+Math.cos(angle)*outer;
var py:Number = _y+Math.sin(angle)*outer;
for(var i:int=0; i<5; i++)
angle += Math.PI/5;
px = _x+Math.cos(angle)*inner;
py = _y+Math.sin(angle)*inner;
angle += Math.PI/5;
px = _x+Math.cos(angle)*outer;
py = _y+Math.sin(angle)*outer;
public static function init():void
public function movePos():void {
var sp3:Sprite=new Sprite();
sp3.graphics.beginFill(0, 0);
sp3.graphics.lineStyle(Math.random()*8, Math.random()*0xFFFFFF);
sp3.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 20);
drawStar(sp3.graphics, 0, 0, Math.random() *50, Math.random() *50, Math.random() * 360 - Math.random() * 360);
if ( _c == 1){
sp3.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
sp3.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
_c = 0;
else {
sp3.y = mouseY;
sp3.x = mouseX;
var outline2:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();
outline2.blurX = outline2.blurY = 4;
outline2.color = 0x000000;
outline2.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH;
outline2.strength = 4;
var highest_depth: int = this.numChildren;
sp3.filters = [outline2];
this.addChildAt( sp3, highest_depth-1 );
Tweener.addTween(sp3, { x:stage.stageWidth / 2, rotation: +2160, time:7, transition:"easeOutElastic" } );
Tweener.addTween(sp3, { y:stage.stageHeight / 2, time:6, transition:"easeOutElastic"});
Tweener.addTween(sp3, { alpha:0, time:1.2, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:4 } );
Tweener.addTween(sp3, { scaleX: 5, scaleY: 5, time:4, transition:"easeoutBounce", delay:1});
Tweener.addTween(_canvas, { _color:Math.random()*0xFFFFFF, time:4, transition:"easeoutBounce", delay:1});
public function onClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
// add extra events if you like
public static function effect1In(b:TextAnimBlock):void
b.alpha = 0;
b.rotation = 20;
b.x = b.posX + 30;
Tweener.addTween(b, {x:b.posX, rotation:0, time:.3, transition:"easeoutback"});
Tweener.addTween(b, {alpha:1, time:.3, transition:"easeoutquart"});
public static function effect1Out(b:TextAnimBlock):void
Tweener.addTween(b, {_Blur_blurY:20, _Blur_blurX:20, time:1, transition:"easeinoutquart", delay:2});
Tweener.addTween(b, {y:-(10 - Math.random()*20), rotation:Math.random()*30, time:1, transition:"easeinback", delay:2});
Tweener.addTween(b, {alpha:0, time:.5, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:2.7});
public static function effect2In(b:TextAnimBlock):void
b.alpha = 0;
b.scaleX = b.scaleY = 3;
Tweener.addTween(b, {alpha:1, _scale:1, time:1, transition:"easeoutquart"});
public static function effect2Out(b:TextAnimBlock):void
Tweener.addTween(b, {x:b.posX + 60, time:1, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:3});
Tweener.addTween(b, {_scale:0, time:.5, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:3.2});
public static function effect3Out(b:TextAnimBlock):void
Tweener.addTween(b, {rotation:45 - Math.random() * 90, y:b.posY + (10 + Math.random()*30), time:1, transition:"easeinback", delay:3});
Tweener.addTween(b, {alpha:0, time:.3, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:3.8});
public static function effect4In(b:TextAnimBlock):void
b.alpha = 0;
b.x = b.posX - 100;
Tweener.addTween(b, {alpha:1, x:b.posX, time:.5, transition:"easeoutback"});
public static function effect4Out(b:TextAnimBlock):void
Tweener.addTween(b, {_color:0xFFFFFF, time:.5, transition:"easeoutquart", delay:2.2});
Tweener.addTween(b, {_scale:3, alpha:0, rotationY:90, time:1, transition:"easeinoutquint", delay:2.3});
public static function effect5In(b:TextAnimBlock):void
b.alpha = 0;
b.y = b.posY - 100;
Tweener.addTween(b, {alpha:1, y:b.posY, time:1, transition:"easeoutbounce"});
public static function effect5Out(b:TextAnimBlock):void
Tweener.addTween(b, {y:b.posY+100, alpha:0, time:.5, transition:"easeinback", delay:4.3});
public static function effect6In(b:TextAnimBlock):void
b.scaleX = b.scaleY = 0;
Tweener.addTween(b, {_scale:1, time:6, transition:"easeoutbounce"});