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Smoke Effect

A way to draw smoke. The method used here is to have a buffer that doesn't clear itself, draw particles that move on top of it and then apply an blur filter. 

Another fun thing is to add other filters on top of the blur filter, it creates some interesting results.
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by sauronzdev 30 Nov 2012
 * Copyright sauronzdev ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.utils.getTimer;
     * Website:
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     * FlashGameLicense:
     * @author SaUrOnZ
    public class Main extends Sprite 
        public static const SMOKE_SIZE:uint = 4;
        public static const SMOKE_COLOR:uint = 0xFFCCCCCC;
        public static const SMOKE_DECAY_AMOUNT:uint = 16;
        public static const SMOKE_SPAWN_AMOUNT:uint = 1;
        public static const SMOKE_ASCEND_AMOUNT:Number = 0.4;
        public static const SMOKE_ASCEND_MAXIMUM :Number = 4;
        public static const SMOKE_TURB_AMOUNT:uint = 4;
        public static const SMOKE_TURB_H_AMOUNT:uint = 2;
        public static const SMOKE_MOVE_X_AMOUNT:uint = 4;
        public static const SMOKE_MOVE_XH_AMOUNT:uint = 2;
        public static const SMOKE_MOVE_Y_AMOUNT:uint = 8;
        public static const SMOKE_MOVE_YH_AMOUNT:uint = 4;
        private var _smokeBuffer:BitmapData;
        private var _smokeBufferContainer:Bitmap;
        private var _smokeGraphic:SmokeGraphic;
        private var _smokeEffects:Vector.<SmokeEffect>;
        private var _frames:uint;
        private var _startTime:uint;
        private var _currentTime:uint;
        private var _infoTextField:TextField;
        private var _mouseDown:Boolean = false;
        private var _screenRect:Rectangle;
        private var _screenPosition:Point;
        public function Main():void 
            _smokeBuffer = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight,
            true, 0x00000000);
            _smokeBufferContainer = new Bitmap(_smokeBuffer);
            _screenRect = _smokeBuffer.rect;
            _screenPosition = new Point(0, 0);
            _smokeGraphic = new SmokeGraphic(SMOKE_SIZE, SMOKE_COLOR);
            _smokeEffects = new Vector.<SmokeEffect>();
            _infoTextField = new TextField();
            _infoTextField.selectable = false;
            _infoTextField.width = stage.stageWidth;
            _infoTextField.height = stage.stageHeight;
            _infoTextField.x = 5;
            _infoTextField.y = 5;
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, handleMouseUp, false, 0, true);
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, handleMouseDown, false, 0, true);
            stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, handleEnterFrame, false, 0, true);
        private function handleMouseUp(e:MouseEvent):void { _mouseDown = false; }
        private function handleMouseDown(e:MouseEvent):void { _mouseDown = true; }
        private function handleEnterFrame(e:Event):void 
            if (_mouseDown)
                for (var j:uint = 0; j < SMOKE_SPAWN_AMOUNT; j++)
                    var sE:SmokeEffect = new SmokeEffect(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY);
            for (var i:uint = 0; i < _smokeEffects.length; i++)
      , _smokeGraphic.clipping);
                if (_smokeEffects[i].position.y < -50)
                    _smokeEffects[i] = null, _smokeEffects.splice(i, 1), i--;
            _smokeBuffer.applyFilter(_smokeBuffer, _screenRect, _screenPosition, new BlurFilter(SMOKE_DECAY_AMOUNT, SMOKE_DECAY_AMOUNT));
            _currentTime = getTimer();
            if (_currentTime - _startTime >= 1000)
                _infoTextField.text = "FPS: " + _frames + "\n" + 
                "PARTICLES: " + _smokeEffects.length;
                _frames = 0;
                _startTime = _currentTime;

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
class SmokeEffect
    private var _position:Point;
    public function get position():Point { return _position; }
    private var _velocityY:Number = 0.0;
    private var _velocityX:Number = 0.0;
    public function SmokeEffect(tx:int, ty:int)
        _position = new Point(tx, ty);
        _velocityX = Math.random() * Main.SMOKE_MOVE_X_AMOUNT - Main.SMOKE_MOVE_XH_AMOUNT;
        _velocityY = Math.random() * Main.SMOKE_MOVE_Y_AMOUNT - Main.SMOKE_MOVE_YH_AMOUNT;
    public function update():void
        _velocityX = Math.random() * Main.SMOKE_TURB_AMOUNT - Main.SMOKE_TURB_H_AMOUNT;
        if(_velocityY > -Main.SMOKE_ASCEND_MAXIMUM)
            _velocityY -= Main.SMOKE_ASCEND_AMOUNT;
        _position.x += _velocityX;
        _position.y += _velocityY;
    public function draw(tbuffer:BitmapData, tgraphics:BitmapData, tclipping:Rectangle):void
        tbuffer.copyPixels(tgraphics, tclipping, _position, null, null, true);

class SmokeGraphic
    private var _graphics:BitmapData;
    public function get graphics():BitmapData { return _graphics; }
    private var _clipping:Rectangle;
    public function get clipping():Rectangle { return _clipping; }
    public function SmokeGraphic(tsize:uint, tcolor:uint) 
        _graphics = new BitmapData(tsize, tsize, true, tcolor);        
        _clipping = _graphics.rect;