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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Rainbow Worms

Phlashers 2009 AS3 Contest
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by creek23 28 Dec 2009
 * Copyright creek23 ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.geom.Point;
	 * Phlashers 2009 AS3 Contest
	[SWF(width=465, height=465, frameRate=60, backgroundColor=0x000000)]
	public class M extends Sprite {
		private var rSM:SM
		private var oSM:SM
		private var ySM:SM
		private var gSM:SM
		private var bSM:SM
		private var vSM:SM
		public function M():void {
			addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init)
		public static function Mr():Number { return Math.random() }
		private function init(e:Event = null):void {
			removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init)
			rSM = new SM(graphics)
			oSM = new SM(graphics)
			ySM = new SM(graphics)
			gSM = new SM(graphics)
			bSM = new SM(graphics)
			vSM = new SM(graphics)
			var rS:S = new S(new Point(Mr() * stage.stageWidth, Mr() * stage.stageHeight))
			var oS:S = new S(new Point(Mr() * stage.stageWidth, Mr() * stage.stageHeight))
			var yS:S = new S(new Point(Mr() * stage.stageWidth, Mr() * stage.stageHeight))
			var gS:S = new S(new Point(Mr() * stage.stageWidth, Mr() * stage.stageHeight))
			var bS:S = new S(new Point(Mr() * stage.stageWidth, Mr() * stage.stageHeight))
			var vS:S = new S(new Point(Mr() * stage.stageWidth, Mr() * stage.stageHeight))
			rSM.aS(rS); oSM.aS(oS); ySM.aS(yS); gSM.aS(gS); bSM.aS(bS); vSM.aS(vS)
			var i:uint
			for (i = 0; i < 35; i++) {
				rS = new S(new Point(rS.p.x + (Mr() * 5 + 1), rS.p.y + (Mr() * 5) + 1), rS)
					rS.clr = 0xFF0000; rSM.aS(rS)
				oS = new S(new Point(oS.p.x + (Mr() * 5 + 1), oS.p.y + (Mr() * 5) + 1), oS)
					oS.clr = 0xFF9900; oSM.aS(oS)
				yS = new S(new Point(yS.p.x + (Mr() * 5 + 1), yS.p.y + (Mr() * 5) + 1), yS)
					yS.clr = 0xFFFF00; ySM.aS(yS)
				gS = new S(new Point(gS.p.x + (Mr() * 5 + 1), gS.p.y + (Mr() * 5) + 1), gS)
					gS.clr = 0x66FF66; gSM.aS(gS)
				bS = new S(new Point(bS.p.x + (Mr() * 5 + 1), bS.p.y + (Mr() * 5) + 1), bS)
					bS.clr = 0x0000FF; bSM.aS(bS)
				vS = new S(new Point(vS.p.x + (Mr() * 5 + 1), vS.p.y + (Mr() * 5) + 1), vS)
					vS.clr = 0xCC00CC; vSM.aS(vS)
			stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, stage_onMouseMove)
			stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stage_onEnterFrame)
		private function stage_onEnterFrame(e:Event):void {
			rSM.r(); oSM.r(); ySM.r(); gSM.r(); bSM.r(); vSM.r()
			rSM.fS.p = new Point((Mr() * 20 - 10) + rSM.fS.p.x, (Mr() * 20 - 10) + rSM.fS.p.y)
			oSM.fS.p = new Point((Mr() * 20 - 10) + oSM.fS.p.x, (Mr() * 20 - 10) + oSM.fS.p.y)
			ySM.fS.p = new Point((Mr() * 20 - 10) + ySM.fS.p.x, (Mr() * 20 - 10) + ySM.fS.p.y)
			gSM.fS.p = new Point((Mr() * 20 - 10) + gSM.fS.p.x, (Mr() * 20 - 10) + gSM.fS.p.y)
			bSM.fS.p = new Point((Mr() * 20 - 10) + bSM.fS.p.x, (Mr() * 20 - 10) + bSM.fS.p.y)
			vSM.fS.p = new Point((Mr() * 20 - 10) + vSM.fS.p.x, (Mr() * 20 - 10) + vSM.fS.p.y)
		private function stage_onMouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
			var tP:Point = new Point(,
			rSM.fS.p = S.getPt(tP, rSM.fS.p)
			oSM.fS.p = S.getPt(tP, oSM.fS.p)
			ySM.fS.p = S.getPt(tP, ySM.fS.p)
			gSM.fS.p = S.getPt(tP, gSM.fS.p)
			bSM.fS.p = S.getPt(tP, bSM.fS.p)
			vSM.fS.p = S.getPt(tP, vSM.fS.p)

import flash.display.Graphics
import flash.geom.Point

class S {
	private var _p:Point
	public var s:S
	public var a:Number
	public var clr:uint
	public function S(p_p:Point, p_s:S = null) {
		p = p_p; s = p_s; a = 1
	public function get p():Point { return _p }
	public function set p(v:Point):void { _p = new Point(v.x, v.y) }
	public function r(c:Graphics):void {
		c.lineStyle(M.Mr() * 3, clr, a)
		if (s) {
			c.moveTo(s.p.x, s.p.y)
			p = getPt(s.p, p)
		} else {
			c.moveTo(p.x, p.y)
		c.lineTo(p.x, p.y)
	public static function getPt(pt:Point, pc:Point):Point {
		var dp:Point = Point.polar(M.Mr() * Point.distance(pt, pc) + 1, Math.atan2(pc.y - pt.y, pc.x - pt.x))
		return new Point(dp.x + pt.x + ((M.Mr() * 10 > 5) ? 0.0 : -0.0), dp.y + pt.y)

import flash.display.Graphics
class SM {
	public var sL:Array
	public var c:Graphics
	public var a:Number;
	public function SM(pc:Graphics) {
		sL = new Array()
		c = pc; a = 1;
	public function aS(ps:S):void { ps.a = a; a-=0.025; sL.push(ps) }
	public function r():void {
		for (var i:int = 0; i < sL.length; i++) { S(sL[i]).r(c) }
	public function get lS():S {
		return (sL.length > 0) ? S(sL[sL.length-1]) : null
	public function get fS():S {
		return (sL.length > 0) ? S(sL[0]) : null