In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

cloud effect

simple cloud effect
scrolling bitmapdata + perlinNoise
 * Copyright flashisobar ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
        private var cloud1:Cloud;
        private var cloud2:Cloud;
        public function FlashTest() {
            // write as3 code here..
            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
            cloud1 = new Cloud(465,465,2,3,false);
            cloud2 = new Cloud(465,465,1,1,true,0x2255AA);
            cloud1.alpha = .4;

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.display.Shape;

class ScrollingPerlinNoise extends Sprite
    public var numOctaves:int;
    public var skyColor:uint;
    public var cloudsHeight:int;
    public var cloudsWidth:int;
    public var periodX:Number;
    public var periodY:Number;
    public var scrollAmountX:int;
    public var scrollAmountY:int;
    public var cloudsBitmapData:BitmapData;
    private var cloudsBitmap:Bitmap;
    private var cmf:ColorMatrixFilter;
    private var colorBackground:Shape;
    private var displayWidth:Number;
    private var displayHeight:Number;
    private var seed:int;
    private var sliceDataH:BitmapData;
    private var sliceDataV:BitmapData;
    private var sliceDataCorner:BitmapData;
    private var horizCutRect:Rectangle;
    private var vertCutRect:Rectangle;
    private var cornerCutRect:Rectangle;
    private var horizPastePoint:Point;
    private var vertPastePoint:Point;
    private var cornerPastePoint:Point;
    private var origin:Point;
    private var cloudsMask:Shape;
    private var grayScale:Boolean;
    public function ScrollingPerlinNoise(w:int = 300, h:int = 200, scrollX:int = 0, scrollY:int = -4, useBG:Boolean = true, col:uint = 0x000000, nOctaves:Number = 5, perlinPeriodX:Number = 150, perlinPeriodY:Number = 150, gray:Boolean = true)
        displayWidth = w;
        displayHeight = h;
        //the code can be modified so that the clouds are bigger than the display
        cloudsWidth = displayWidth;
        cloudsHeight = displayHeight;
        periodX = perlinPeriodX;
        periodY = perlinPeriodY;
        scrollAmountX = scrollX;
        scrollAmountY = scrollY;
        grayScale = gray;
        numOctaves = nOctaves;
        skyColor = col;
        cloudsBitmapData = new BitmapData(cloudsWidth, cloudsHeight, true);
        cloudsBitmap = new Bitmap(cloudsBitmapData);
        origin = new Point(0, 0);
        if (useBG)
            colorBackground = new Shape();
  , 0, displayWidth, displayHeight);
    public function startScroll():void
        this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);
    public function stopScroll():void
        this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);
    private function setRectangles():void
        if (scrollAmountX != 0)
            sliceDataV = new BitmapData(Math.abs(scrollAmountX), cloudsHeight - Math.abs(scrollAmountY), true);
        if (scrollAmountY != 0)
            sliceDataH = new BitmapData(cloudsWidth, Math.abs(scrollAmountY), true);
        if ((scrollAmountX != 0) && (scrollAmountY != 0))
            sliceDataCorner = new BitmapData(Math.abs(scrollAmountX), Math.abs(scrollAmountY), true);
        horizCutRect = new Rectangle(0, cloudsHeight - scrollAmountY, cloudsWidth - Math.abs(scrollAmountX), Math.abs(scrollAmountY));
        vertCutRect = new Rectangle(cloudsWidth - scrollAmountX, 0, Math.abs(scrollAmountX), cloudsHeight - Math.abs(scrollAmountY));
        cornerCutRect = new Rectangle(cloudsWidth - scrollAmountX, cloudsHeight - scrollAmountY, Math.abs(scrollAmountX), Math.abs(scrollAmountY));
        horizPastePoint = new Point(scrollAmountX, 0);
        vertPastePoint = new Point(0, scrollAmountY);
        cornerPastePoint = new Point(0, 0);
        if (scrollAmountX < 0)
            cornerCutRect.x = vertCutRect.x = 0;
            cornerPastePoint.x = vertPastePoint.x = cloudsWidth + scrollAmountX;
            horizCutRect.x = -scrollAmountX;
            horizPastePoint.x = 0;
        if (scrollAmountY < 0)
            cornerCutRect.y = horizCutRect.y = 0;
            cornerPastePoint.y = horizPastePoint.y = cloudsHeight + scrollAmountY;
            vertCutRect.y = -scrollAmountY;
            vertPastePoint.y = 0;
    public function makeClouds():void
        seed = int(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF);
        //draw clouds
        if (grayScale)
            cloudsBitmapData.perlinNoise(periodX, periodY, numOctaves, seed, true, true, 1, true);
            cloudsBitmapData.perlinNoise(periodX, periodY, numOctaves, seed, true, true, 7, false);
    //alpha adjust
    protected function alphaAdjust():void 


    // color adjust
    protected function colorAdjust():void 
    private function onEnter(evt:Event):void
        //copy to buffers the part that will be cut off
        if (scrollAmountX != 0)
            sliceDataV.copyPixels(cloudsBitmapData, vertCutRect, origin);
        if (scrollAmountY != 0)
            sliceDataH.copyPixels(cloudsBitmapData, horizCutRect, origin);
        if ((scrollAmountX != 0) && (scrollAmountY != 0))
            sliceDataCorner.copyPixels(cloudsBitmapData, cornerCutRect, origin);
        cloudsBitmapData.scroll(scrollAmountX, scrollAmountY);
        //draw the buffers on the opposite sides
        if (scrollAmountX != 0)
            cloudsBitmapData.copyPixels(sliceDataV, sliceDataV.rect, vertPastePoint);
        if (scrollAmountY != 0)
            cloudsBitmapData.copyPixels(sliceDataH, sliceDataH.rect, horizPastePoint);
        if ((scrollAmountX != 0) && (scrollAmountY != 0))
            cloudsBitmapData.copyPixels(sliceDataCorner, sliceDataCorner.rect, cornerPastePoint);


class Cloud extends ScrollingPerlinNoise
    public function Cloud(w:int = 300, h:int = 200, scrollX:int = 0, scrollY:int = -4, useBG:Boolean = true, col:uint = 0x000000, nOctaves:Number = 5, perlinPeriodX:Number = 150, perlinPeriodY:Number = 150, gray:Boolean = true)
        super(w, h, scrollX, scrollY, useBG, col, nOctaves, perlinPeriodX, perlinPeriodY, gray);
    override protected function colorAdjust():void
        var cmf:ColorMatrixFilter = new ColorMatrixFilter(
        cloudsBitmapData.applyFilter(cloudsBitmapData, cloudsBitmapData.rect, new Point(), cmf);