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Get Adobe Flash player
by Shazypro 15 Sep 2011
package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;

    public class newProject extends Sprite {
        public function newProject () {
            var life :LifeBox = new LifeBox();

// LifeBox Class
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;

internal class LifeBox extends Sprite {
    // Private variables, for use only within LifeBox
    // Public variables for use to the extendee
    public var container :Sprite = new Sprite();
    public function LifeBox() {
        // A simple gradient rectangle
        var container:Sprite = Draw.gradientRect({
            "width"   : 100,
            "height"  : 400,
            "colors"  : [0x3381FF, 0x2154A6],
            "alphas"  : [1, 1],
            "radius"  : 10, 
            "filters" : [new GlowFilter(0x2154A6, 1.0, 10, 10, 2, 5, false, false)] 
        container.x = 50; container.y = 10;
        // A simple progress bar. Still a work in progress -
        // ... for some reason borders (lines) are not
        // working correctly.
        var progress :ProgressBar = new ProgressBar({
            "width"   : 100,
            "height"  : 10,
            "radius"  : 5
            //,"lineThick" : 5       
        }, {"colors" : [0xFFEA00, 0x2154A6]});
        progress.y += 5;
        var button1 :TextButton = Draw.textButton({
            "width"  : 100,
            "height" : 20,
            "text"   : "Testing",
            "textSize" : 11,
            "radius" : 10   
        this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function (event:MouseEvent) :void {
            progress.setProgress("add", 2, 2);

// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// GUI Class
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.GradientType;
import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
import flash.display.InterpolationMethod;              
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.filters.*;

internal class Draw {
    // Private variables
    // Public variables
    public function Draw() {
        throw ("Use a method of GUI instead of calling it directly");       
    public static function replaceObjectWithDefaults (props :Object, f :String = null) :Object {
        if (!f || f === "shape") {
            props.alpha      ||= 1.0;               props.width     ||= 0;
            props.height     ||= 0;                 props.x         ||= 0;
            props.y          ||= 0;                 props.radius    ||= 0;
            props.filters    ||= [];                props.lineThick ||= null;
            props.lineColor  ||= 0x000000;          props.lineAlpha ||= 1.0;
            props.fillColor  ||= 0x000000;          props.fillAlpha ||= 1.0;
            props.colors     ||= null;              props.alphas    ||= [1, 1];
        if (f === "textbutton") {
            props = replaceObjectWithDefaults(props, "shape");
            props.text       ||= null;              props.textColor ||= 0xFFF;
            props.textSize   ||= 10;                props.form      ||= null;
            props.font       ||= "Arial";           props.bold      ||= false;
            props.down       ||= null;              props.over      ||= null;
        return props as Object; 
     * Changes the default values for certain methods to change the theme.
     * <p>This is still a work in progress and currently does not function right now.</p>
     * @param name Name of the theme to use.
    public static function setTheme (name :String) :void {
     * A shortcut to draw a basic rectangle.
     * @return Sprite The rectangle drawn based on the props given.
     * @see basicRectangle
    public static function rect (props :Object) :Sprite {
        return new basicRectangle(props);                                
     * A shortcut to draw a rectangle with a gradient fill.
     * @return Sprite The rectangle drawn based on the props given.
     * @see gradientRectangle
    public static function gradientRect (props :Object) :Sprite {
       return new gradientRectangle(props);        
     * A shortcut to draw a ProgressBar
     * @return ProgressBar The ProgressBar class.
     * @see ProgressBar
    public static function progress (... args) :ProgressBar {
       return new ProgressBar(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);        
     * A shortcut to draw a simple button with text.
     * @return TextButton The TextButton class.
     * @see TextButton
    public static function textButton (props :Object) :TextButton {
       return new TextButton(props);        

import flash.display.Sprite;                
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;

internal class ProgressBar extends Sprite {
    // Private variables
    private static var total          :Number, progress        :Number = 0;
    // Public variables
    public static var backgroundProps :Object, foregroundProps :Object;        
    public static var bgBar           :Sprite, fgMaskBar       :Sprite, fgBar           :Sprite;
    public function ProgressBar (bgProps:Object, fgProps:Object, progress:Number = 0, percentage:Number = 100) {
        // Replace the received Object's props with Defaults
        // if they are not supplied.
        bgProps         = Draw.replaceObjectWithDefaults(bgProps, "shape");
        fgProps         = Draw.replaceObjectWithDefaults(fgProps, "shape");
        // The foreground (the actual "bar") should be
        // the same width and height of the background
        // and should also have the same radius
        fgProps.width   = bgProps.width;
        fgProps.height  = bgProps.height;
        fgProps.radius  = bgProps.radius;
        fgProps.lineThick = bgProps.lineThick;
        // Draw both the foreground and the background
        // then set the given props as our class
        // props... If that makes any sense. ;)
        bgBar           = (bgProps.colors ? Draw.gradientRect(bgProps) : Draw.rect(bgProps));
        backgroundProps = bgProps;
        fgMaskBar       = Draw.rect(bgProps);
        fgBar           = (fgProps.colors ? Draw.gradientRect(fgProps) : Draw.rect(fgProps));
        foregroundProps = fgProps;
        // Add the bars to our extendee
        bgBar.mask      =  fgMaskBar;
        // Set the limit for the progress. Default
        // is set at 100 (100%);
        // Let's set the current progress if we are given
        // any and if not, default is 0.
        setProgress("set", progress);    
    public function setPercentage (p:int = 0) :void {
        if (p !== total) {
            total = p;
            // Only need to change any widths if our
            // progress is greater than 0.    
            if (getProgress() > 0) {
               setProgress("set", progress);    
    // TODO: Introduce animation
    public function setProgress (method:String, amount:Number = 0, time:Number = 1) :void {
        var progressExpression :Number;
        method === "set" ? progress =  amount : null;
        method === "add" ? progress += amount : null;
        method === "min" ? progress -= amount : null;

        progress >=  total ? progress =  total  : null; 
        progress <=  0     ? progress =  0      : null;
        progressExpression = (progress / total) * bgBar.width;
        //Tweener.addTween(fgBar, {"width": (progress / total) * bgBar.width, "time": time, "transition": "easeIn"});
        fgBar.width = progressExpression;               
    public function getProgress () :Number { 
        return progress; 
    public function getMax () :Number { 
        return total;    

    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.GradientType;
    import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
    import flash.display.InterpolationMethod;              
    import flash.geom.Matrix;

    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;

    internal class TextButton extends SimpleButton {
        public function TextButton (props :Object) {
            props     = Draw.replaceObjectWithDefaults(props, "textbutton");
            upState   = makeFace(props,      "up");
            overState = makeFace(props.over, "over");
            downState = makeFace(props.down, "down");
            hitTestState = upState;
        protected function makeFace (props :Object, fr :String) :Sprite {
            var face  :Sprite    = new Sprite();
            var labell :TextField = new TextField();
            if (fr !== "up") {
                //props[f0r] = props;
                //props[f0r].fillColor = ColorMod.lighten(props.fillColor, 0.5);        

            if (props.color) {
                face = Draw.gradientRect(props);
            } else {
                face = Draw.rect(props);

            // If we are given any text
            if (props.text) {
                labell.textColor = props.textColor;
                labell.width = face.width;
                labell.height = face.height;
                if (props.form) {
                    labell.defaultTextFormat = props.form;
                } else {
                    labell.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(props.font, props.textSize, props.color, props.bold);
                labell.text = props.text;
                labell.mouseEnabled = false;
                labell.x = face.width/2  - labell.textWidth/2 - 2;
                labell.y = face.height/2 - labell.textHeight/2 - 3;
            return face;        

    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.GradientType;
    import flash.display.SpreadMethod;
    import flash.display.InterpolationMethod;              
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.filters.*;

    internal class gradientRectangle extends Sprite {
        public function gradientRectangle (props :Object) {
            var temp   :Sprite = new Sprite(),
                matrix :Matrix = new Matrix();
            props = Draw.replaceObjectWithDefaults(props);
            // If we are given a line thickness, then proceed to give
            // the new sprite a border.    
            if (props.lineThick) {
      , props.lineColor, props.lineAlpha);
            matrix = new Matrix();
            matrix.createGradientBox(props.width, props.height, Math.PI/2);
  , props.colors, props.alphas, [0, 255], matrix, 
            SpreadMethod.PAD, InterpolationMethod.LINEAR_RGB);
  , props.y, props.width, props.height, props.radius);
            temp.filters = props.filters;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filters.*;

    internal class basicRectangle extends Sprite {
        public function basicRectangle (props :Object) {
            var temp :Sprite = new Sprite();

            props = Draw.replaceObjectWithDefaults(props);
            // If we are given a line thickness, then proceed to give
            // the new sprite a border.    
            if (props.lineThick) {
      , props.lineColor, props.lineAlpha);

  , props.fillAlpha);            
  , props.y, props.width, props.height, props.radius);
            temp.alpha   = props.alpha;
            temp.filters = props.filters;

    internal class ColorMod {
        public function ColorMod () {
            throw ("ColorMod is a static class so no need to call it directly.");
         // Convert Hex (uint) to RGB (array or object)
        public static function hex2rgb (hex :uint, returnObject :Boolean = false) :* {
            var rgb:Array = [(hex >> 16) & 0xFF, (hex >> 8) & 0xFF, hex & 0xFF];
            if (returnObject) {
                return {
                    "r"    : rgb[0],
                    "g"    : rgb[1],
                    "b"    : rgb[2]
                } as Object;
            return rgb as Array;
        // Convert RGB (r,g,b, or "r,g,b" or [r, g, b]) to hex (uint)
        public static function rgb2dec (props :*, g:uint = NaN, b:uint = NaN) :uint {
            var rgb :Array;
            if (props is String) {
                rgb = props.split(",");
            } else if (props is Array) {
                rgb = props;
            } else if (props is uint) {
                rgb = [props, g, b];
            return uint((rgb[0] << 16) | (rgb[1] << 8) | rgb[2]);
        // Just about the same as rgb2dec but prepends a "0x" to the number.
        public static function rgb2hex (... args) :uint {
            return uint("0x" + Number(rgb2dec(args)).toString(16).toUpperCase());
        // lighten up the color
        public static function lighten (originalColor :uint, percent: Number = 0.5) :uint {
            var rgb :Array = hex2rgb(originalColor);
            for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                rgb[i] = Math.round(rgb[i] * percent) + Math.round(255 * (1-percent));                
                rgb[i] = rgb[i] > 255 ? 255 : rgb[i];
            return rgb2dec(rgb);
        // darken down the color
        public static function darken (originalColor :uint, percent: Number = -0.5) :uint {
            var rgb :Array = hex2rgb(originalColor);
            for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                rgb[i] = Math.round(rgb[i] * (percent - (percent*2))) + Math.round(0 * (1-(percent - (percent*2))));                
                rgb[i] = rgb[i] > 255 ? 255 : rgb[i];
            return rgb2dec(rgb);
