wrote a lot of comments about how does the onclick function work (it's where the string order is managed)
* Copyright www0z0k ( http://wonderfl.net/user/www0z0k )
* MIT License ( http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/3cHE
package {
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class FlashTest extends Sprite {
private var tf:TextField;
private var tf2:TextField;
private var maxHeight:int = 250;
private var maxWidth:int = 100;
public function FlashTest() {
private function init():void{
tf = new TextField();
tf.multiline = true;
tf.height = maxHeight;
tf.width = maxWidth;
tf.background = true;
tf.backgroundColor = 0xaaaaaa;
var borderShape:Shape = new Shape();
tf.mask = borderShape;
tf2 = new TextField();
tf2.multiline = true;
tf2.height = maxHeight;
tf2.width = maxWidth;
tf2.background = true;
tf2.backgroundColor = 0xaaaaaa;
tf2.x = maxWidth * 2;
var borderShape2:Shape = new Shape();
borderShape2.x = tf2.x;
tf2.mask = borderShape2;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onclick);
private function onclick(e:MouseEvent):void{
var currStamp:int = getTimer();//saving time for current strings
var str1:String = tf2.text; //saving contents of the right TF
if (tf2.textHeight >= maxHeight) {/*check if it's too high. check for this TF is not so hard
because it's one string higher - but it has to scroll every time a word is added to reveal the bottom line*/
str1 = (tf2.text.split('\r').splice(1, tf2.numLines - 1) as Array).join('\r');/*so here we realize that
our saved string is too long - so we've to remove the most ancient record from the very top:
just break (split) the text into array using carriage return symbol as a delimiter, then we use splice
(it removes elements from an array and returns them, first argument is the index of the first element
removed, second is a number of elements to be removed) - so splice returns us all our original chat strings
[the very first is missing, though], but flex sdk doesn't recognize it as an array, so we have to use
coercion. so at this point we have an array of strings that we need - we only have to join it back into a
string - of course, using a carriage return character as a separetor*/
tf2.text = str1 + ((str1.length == 0 ? '#' : '\r#') + currStamp);/*then we take our resulting string,
check if it's empty, if yes - we just add '#' before our current record, else we first add a carriage return symbol */
tf2.y = maxHeight - tf2.textHeight < 0 ? 0 : maxHeight - tf2.textHeight;/*tf2 adjusts its' vertical position
but anyway keeps it above zero*/
tf2.scrollV = tf2.maxScrollV;//we scroll to the very bottom to reveal our current entry
var str:String = tf.text; //this part is the same but without scrolling because it's 1 string shorter
if(tf.textHeight >= maxHeight - tf.textHeight/tf.numLines) {
str = (tf.text.split('\r').splice(1, tf.numLines - 1) as Array).join('\r');
tf.text = str + ((str.length == 0 ? '#' : '\r#') + currStamp);
tf.y = maxHeight - tf.textHeight < 0 ? 0 : maxHeight - tf.textHeight;