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Reversi with CPU

Implemented weak CPU
* ** Implemented static evaluation logic
* ** Implemented MinMax method
Get Adobe Flash player
by rso 07 Dec 2009
 * Copyright rso ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from bkzen's Reversi
 * Implemented weak CPU
 * ** Implemented static evaluation logic
 * ** Implemented MinMax method

    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.GradientType;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.system.LoaderContext;
    import flash.text.TextField;
     * リバーシ
     * @mxmlc -o bin/Reversi.swf -load-config+=obj\Alltest3Config.xml
     * @author jc at
    [SWF (backgroundColor = "0xFFFFFF", frameRate = "30", width = "465", height = "465")]
    public class Reversi extends Sprite
        private const phaseInit: int = 0;
        private const phaseStart: int = 1;
        private const phaseTurnInit: int = 5;
        private const phaseTurnWait: int = 6;
        private const phaseTurnStoneMove: int = 7;
        private const phaseTurnChange: int = 8;
        private const phaseResult: int = 50;
        private const phaseEnd: int = 100;
        private const STN_URL: String = "";
        private var phase: int = phaseInit;
        private var board: Board;
        private var boardBase: Shape;
        private var boardView: BitmapData;
        private var cellNavi: Sprite;
        private var cellBtns: Array = [];
        private var cellBtnFirst: CellBtn;
        private var stnRect: Rectangle;
        private var stnPoint: Point;
        private var player1: Player;
        private var player2: Player;
        private var nowTurn: int;
        private var pass: int;
        private var infoTxt: TextField;
        private var stoneBmd: BitmapData;
        private var loader: Loader;
     	private var cpu : abstractCPU;
        public function Reversi() 
            if (stage) init();
            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        private function init(e: Event = null): void 
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            loader = new Loader();
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComp);
            loader.load(new URLRequest(STN_URL), new LoaderContext(true));
         * 石画像読み込み完了
         * @param    e
        private function onComp(e: Event): void 
            loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComp);
            stoneBmd = Bitmap(loader.content).bitmapData;
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
         * 色々作る
        private function make():void
            board = new Board();
            boardBase = new Shape();
            cellNavi = new Sprite();
            var g: Graphics =;
            var m: Matrix = new Matrix();
            m.createGradientBox(SIZE, SIZE, 45 * Math.PI / 180);
            g.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, [0x00CC00, 0x006600], [1, 1], [0x00, 0xFF], m);
            var ix: int, iy: int, beforeBtn: CellBtn;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) 
                ix = (i % 8) * CEL_SIZE;
                iy = (i >> 3) * CEL_SIZE;
                var cellBtn: CellBtn = new CellBtn(ix, iy, i, onClickCell);
                if (beforeBtn == null) cellBtnFirst = beforeBtn = cellBtn;
                else beforeBtn = = cellBtn;
                g.drawRect(ix, iy, CEL_SIZE, CEL_SIZE);
            var bmp: Bitmap = new Bitmap(boardView = new BitmapData(SIZE, SIZE, true, 0x0), "auto", true);
            bmp.x = boardBase.x = cellNavi.x = board.x;
            bmp.y = boardBase.y = cellNavi.y = board.y;
            stnRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, CEL_SIZE, CEL_SIZE);
            stnPoint = new Point();
            infoTxt = new TextField();
            infoTxt.background = infoTxt.border = true;
            infoTxt.width = stage.stageWidth - board.x * 2;
            infoTxt.height = stage.stageHeight - SIZE - board.y * 3;
            infoTxt.x = board.x;
            infoTxt.y = board.y * 2 + SIZE;
            cpu = new MinMaxCPU(STN_W, 2);
         * セルをクリックしたときのイベントハンドラ
         * @param    e
        private function onClickCell(e: MouseEvent):void
            var i: int = CellBtn(;
            var cb: CellBtn = cellBtnFirst;
            do { cb.visible = false; } while (cb =;
            board.put(i, nowTurn);
            phase = phaseTurnStoneMove;
        private function loop(e: Event ): void 
            var c: Cell, cs: Cells, nowColor: String = "", i: int;
            switch (phase)
                case phaseInit:
                     * 初期化
                    boardView.fillRect(boardView.rect, 0x0);
                    c = board.first;
                        if (c.stone != STN_N) 
                            stnPoint.x = c.posX;
                            stnPoint.y = c.posY;
                            stnRect.x = c.frame * CEL_SIZE;
                            boardView.copyPixels(stoneBmd, stnRect, stnPoint);
                    while (c =;
                    phase = phaseStart;
                case phaseStart:
                     * スタート。何かもっとやることあったようなきがしたけど忘れた。
                    nowTurn = STN_B;
                    pass = 0;
                    phase = phaseTurnInit;
                    trace(board.numStnB + " : " + board.numStnW);
                case phaseTurnInit:
                     * ターン開始。
                     * おける場所をハイライトする。
                    nowColor = (nowTurn == STN_B ? "黒" : "白");
                    log(nowColor + "の番です", false);
                    cs = board.canPuts(nowTurn);
                    if (cs.length == 0) 
                        log(nowColor + "は置ける場所がないのでパスします。", false);
                        phase = phaseTurnChange;
                        if (pass == 2)
                            phase = phaseResult;
                        pass = 0;
                        c = cs.first;
                            CellBtn(cellBtns[c.index]).visible = true;
                        while (c =;
                    phase = phaseTurnWait;
                case phaseTurnWait:
                if(nowTurn == STN_W){
                	//cs = board.canPuts(nowTurn);
                    //var idx : int = cs.first.index;
            		var idx :int = cpu.nextStep();   		
                    board.put(idx, nowTurn);
                    var cb: CellBtn = cellBtnFirst;
                    do { cb.visible = false; } while (cb =;
                   // cs.clear();
                    phase = phaseTurnStoneMove;
                    // 待ち
                case phaseTurnStoneMove:
                     * 石を動かす
                    boardView.fillRect(boardView.rect, 0x0);
                    c = board.first;
                        if (c.moveF != 0) 
                            c.frame += c.moveF;
                            if (c.frame == 0 || c.frame == STN_F) c.moveF = 0;
                            else i++
                        if (c.stone != STN_N) 
                            stnPoint.x = c.posX;
                            stnPoint.y = c.posY;
                            stnRect.x = c.frame * CEL_SIZE;
                            boardView.copyPixels(stoneBmd, stnRect, stnPoint);
                    while (c =;
                    if (i == 0) phase = phaseTurnChange;
                case phaseTurnChange:
                     * ターン終了して相手のターンに変える。
                    if (board.numStnB + board.numStnW == LENGTH) 
                        phase = phaseResult;
                    nowTurn = nowTurn ^ 3;
                    phase = phaseTurnInit;
                case phaseResult:
                     * 結果表示
                    log("終了です。", false);
                    log("黒 : 白 = " + board.numStnB + " : " + board.numStnW + " で " + (board.numStnB == board.numStnW ? "引き分けです。" : board.numStnB < board.numStnW ? "白の勝ちです。" : "黒の勝ちです。"));
                    phase = phaseEnd;
         * ログ表示
         * @param    str
         * @param    clear
        private function log(str: String, clear: Boolean = false): void
            if (clear) infoTxt.text = str;
            else infoTxt.appendText(str + "\n");
            infoTxt.scrollV = infoTxt.maxScrollV;
const STN_N: int     = 0;    // 何もなし
const STN_B: int     = 1;    // 黒
const STN_W: int     = 2;    // 白
const STN_F: int     = 6;    // 石のフレーム最後尾(0スタート)
const CEL_SIZE: int     = 50;    // セルのサイズ
const SIZE: int         = CEL_SIZE * 8;    // 盤のサイズ
const LENGTH: int     = 64;    // セルの総数
class Board
    private const DEF_BOARD: Array = [
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    public var first: Cell;
    public var cells: Array;
    private var _numStnB: int;
    private var _numStnW: int;
    public var x: int = 5;
    public var y: int = 5;
    function Board(arr: Array = null)
        if (arr == null) arr = DEF_BOARD.concat();
     * この場所におけるかチェック(多分使わない)
     * @param    index
     * @return
    public function canPut(index: int): Boolean
        return false;
     * 置けるセルを取得
     * @param    stn
     * @return
    public function canPuts(stn: int): Cells
        var c: Cell = first, res: Cell, tmp: Cell, l: int;
        var opp: int = stn ^ 3;
            if (c.stone == STN_N && checkLine(c, stn, opp))
                if (res == null) tmp = res = c.clone();
                else tmp = = c.clone();
        while (c =;
        return new Cells(res, l);
     * index の場所に 石をおく
     * @param    index
     * @param    stn
    public function put(index: int, stn: int): void
        var cell: Cell = cells[index], c: Cell, opp: int = stn ^ 3, i: int = 1, mf: int = stn == STN_B ? -1 : 1;
        cell.frame = stn == STN_B ? 0 : STN_F;
        cell.stone = stn;
        c =; // 左上
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkTL(c, stn)) { do {
            if (c.stone == stn) break;
            c.moveF = mf, i++, c.stone = stn;
        } while (c =; }
        c = cell.t; // 上
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkT(c, stn) ) { do {
            if (c.stone == stn) break;
            c.moveF = mf, i++, c.stone = stn;
        } while (c = c.t); }
        c =; // 右上
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkTR(c, stn)) { do {
            if (c.stone == stn) break;
            c.moveF = mf, i++, c.stone = stn;
        } while (c =; }
        c = cell.l; // 左
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkL(c, stn) ) { do {
            if (c.stone == stn) break;
            c.moveF = mf, i++, c.stone = stn;
        } while (c = c.l); }
        c = cell.r; // 右
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkR(c, stn) ) { do {
            if (c.stone == stn) break;
            c.moveF = mf, i++, c.stone = stn;
        } while (c = c.r); }
        c =; // 左下
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkBL(c, stn)) { do {
            if (c.stone == stn) break;
            c.moveF = mf, i++, c.stone = stn;
        } while (c =; }
        c = cell.b; // 下
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkB(c, stn) ) { do {
            if (c.stone == stn) break;
            c.moveF = mf, i++, c.stone = stn;
        } while (c = c.b); }
        c =; // 右下
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkBR(c, stn)) { do {
            if (c.stone == stn) break;
            c.moveF = mf, i++, c.stone = stn;
        } while (c =; }
        if (stn == STN_B) 
            _numStnB += i;
            _numStnW -= i - 1;
            _numStnW += i;
            _numStnB -= i - 1;
     * どこかのラインが取れるかチェック
     * @param    cell
     * @param    stn
     * @param    opp
     * @return
    private function checkLine(cell: Cell, stn: int, opp: int): Boolean
        var c: Cell;
        c =; // 左上
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkTL(c, stn)) return true;
        c = cell.t; // 上
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkT(c, stn) ) return true;
        c =; // 右上
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkTR(c, stn)) return true;
        c = cell.l; // 左
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkL(c, stn) ) return true;
        c = cell.r; // 右
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkR(c, stn) ) return true;
        c =; // 左下
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkBL(c, stn)) return true;
        c = cell.b; // 下
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkB(c, stn) ) return true;
        c =; // 左下
        if (c && c.stone == opp && checkBR(c, stn)) return true;
        return false;
    // その方向に取れるのがあるかどうかをチェックする。TL(左上), T(上), TR(右上), L(左), R(右), BL(左下), B(下), BR(右)
    private function checkTL(c: Cell, stn: int): Boolean 
    do {
    	 if (c.stone == stn) return true;
    	  else if (c.stone == STN_N) return false;
    	   } while (c =;
    	    return false; }
    private function checkT( c: Cell, stn: int): Boolean { do { if (c.stone == stn) return true; else if (c.stone == STN_N) return false; } while (c = c.t ); return false; }
    private function checkTR(c: Cell, stn: int): Boolean { do { if (c.stone == stn) return true; else if (c.stone == STN_N) return false; } while (c =; return false; }
    private function checkL( c: Cell, stn: int): Boolean { do { if (c.stone == stn) return true; else if (c.stone == STN_N) return false; } while (c = c.l ); return false; }
    private function checkR( c: Cell, stn: int): Boolean { do { if (c.stone == stn) return true; else if (c.stone == STN_N) return false; } while (c = c.r ); return false; }
    private function checkBL(c: Cell, stn: int): Boolean { do { if (c.stone == stn) return true; else if (c.stone == STN_N) return false; } while (c =; return false; }
    private function checkB( c: Cell, stn: int): Boolean { do { if (c.stone == stn) return true; else if (c.stone == STN_N) return false; } while (c = c.b ); return false; }
    private function checkBR(c: Cell, stn: int): Boolean { do { if (c.stone == stn) return true; else if (c.stone == STN_N) return false; } while (c =; return false; }
     * ボードの初期化
     * @param    arr
    private function makeBoard(arr: Array):void
        var i: int, n: int = arr.length, c: Cell, tmp: Array = [], s: int;
        tmp.push(first = c = new Cell(i, arr[i]));
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++) 
            tmp.push( = c = new Cell(i, s = arr[i]));
            if (s == STN_B) _numStnB ++;
            else if (s == STN_W) _numStnW ++; 
        i = 0, c = first;
            if (i % 8)
                if (i >> 3) = tmp[i - 9];
                if (63 - i >> 3) = tmp[i + 7];
                c.l = tmp[i - 1];
            if (i % 8 != 7)
                if (i >> 3) = tmp[i - 7];
                if (63 - i >> 3) = tmp[i + 9];
                c.r = tmp[i + 1];
            if (i >> 3) c.t = tmp[i - 8];
            if (63 - i >> 3) c.b = tmp[i + 8];
        while (c =;
        cells = tmp;
     * 何かに使うかもってことでとりあえず作った str から Array に変える
     * @param    str
     * @return
    public function dataToArray(str: String): Array
        return str.split(":");
     * 現在のマップをStringに変える。
     * @return
    public function toData(): String
        var c: Cell, res: String = "";
        c = first;
            res += c.stone + ":";
        while (c =;
        return res.slice(0, res.length - 1);
     * 黒の数
    public function get numStnB(): int { return _numStnB; }
     * 白の数
    public function get numStnW(): int { return _numStnW; }

	public function clone() : Board{
		var newbd:Board = new Board(dataToArray(toData()));
		return newbd;
	public function clear():void{
		first = null;
 * 1マス
class Cell
    public var next: Cell;
    public var tl: Cell, t: Cell, tr: Cell, l: Cell, r: Cell, bl: Cell, b: Cell, br: Cell;
    public var index: int;
    public var stone: int;
    public var data1: Cell;
    public var data2: int;
    public var frame: int;
    public var moveF: int;
    public var posX: int, posY: int;
    function Cell(i: int, s: int)
        index = i;
        stone = s;
        frame = s == STN_W ? STN_F : 0;
        posX = (index % 8) * CEL_SIZE;
        posY = (index >> 3) * CEL_SIZE;
    public function clone(): Cell
        var c: Cell = new Cell(index, stone); = tl, c.t = t, = tr, c.l = l, c.r = r, = bl, c.b = b, = br;
        return c;
     * Cloneしたときはこれで消さないと GC対象にならないので注意。
    public function clear(): void
        tl = t = tr = l = r = bl = b = br = next = data1 = null;
 * マスの塊。
class Cells
    public var first: Cell;
    public var length: int;
    function Cells(f: Cell, l: int)
        first = f;
        length = l;
    public function clear(): void
        var c: Cell = first, next: Cell;
        if (c == null) return;
            next =;
        while ((c = next));
        first = null;
    public function getCell( i :int): Cell{
    	var ret : Cell = first;
    	while(i > 0){
    		ret =;
    	return ret;
import flash.display.Sprite;
 * ボタン。ユーザーが取れる位置のボタン。
class CellBtn extends Sprite
    public var next: CellBtn;
    private var _index: int;
    function CellBtn(ix: int, iy: int, i: int, handler: Function)
        x = ix, y = iy, _index = i;
        graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF, 0.5);
        graphics.drawRect(0, 0, CEL_SIZE, CEL_SIZE);
        buttonMode = true, visible = false;
        addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handler);
    public function get index(): int { return _index; }
 * プレイヤー
class Player
    protected var _stone: int;
    function Player(s: int) { _stone = s; }
    public function get stone(): int { return _stone; }

 * CPUの思考ルーチンとなる親クラス
 * 形式的に抽象クラスとして使う
class abstractCPU
	protected var stone :int;
	protected var board:Board	
	public function abstractCPU(_stone:int) : void{ stone = _stone}
	public function putBoard(_board : Board){ board = _board}
	public function nextStep() : int{
		throw new Error("抽象クラスのため直接インスタンス化は不可");
	protected function eval(board : Board) : int{ return 0;}
	public var msr: String;

class weakCPU extends abstractCPU
	private const EVAL_MAP: Array = [
        150, -40, 20,  5,  5, 20, -40, 150,
        -40, -80, -1, -1, -1, -1, -80, -40,
         20,  -1,  5,  1,  1,  5,  -1,  20,
          5,  -1,  1,  0,  0,  1,  -1,   5,
          5,  -1,  1,  0,  0,  1,  -1,   5,
         20,  -1,  5,  1,  1,  5,  -1,  20,
        -40, -80, -1, -1, -1, -1, -80, -40,
        150, -40, 20,  5,  5, 20, -40, 150,
    public function weakCPU(_stone : int){
    public override function nextStep() : int {
    	var canputs :Cells = board.canPuts(stone);
    	var eval_values : Array = new Array();
    	if(canputs.length == 0){
    		throw new Error("置ける場所無し");
    	var cell : Cell  = canputs.first;
    		var tmpboard : Board = board.clone();
    		tmpboard.put(cell.index, stone);
    		var val : int = eval(tmpboard);
    	}while(cell =;
    	//msr = board.toData();
    	msr = eval(board).toString();
    	return canputs.getCell(Util.max(eval_values)).index;

    protected override function eval(board : Board) : int{
    	var ret:int = 0;
    	for(var i:int = 0;i < EVAL_MAP.length;i++){
    		if(board.cells[i].stone	== stone){
    			ret += EVAL_MAP[i];
    		else if(board.cells[i] == (stone ^ 3)){
    			ret -= EVAL_MAP[i];
    	return ret;

 * MinMax法で考えるCPU
 * */
class MinMaxCPU extends abstractCPU

	private const EVAL_MAP: Array = [
        150, -40, 20,  5,  5, 20, -40, 150,
        -40, -80, -1, -1, -1, -1, -80, -40,
         20,  -1,  5,  1,  1,  5,  -1,  20,
          5,  -1,  1,  0,  0,  1,  -1,   5,
          5,  -1,  1,  0,  0,  1,  -1,   5,
         20,  -1,  5,  1,  1,  5,  -1,  20,
        -40, -80, -1, -1, -1, -1, -80, -40,
        150, -40, 20,  5,  5, 20, -40, 150,
    private const  MIN : int = 0;
    private const  MAX : int = 1;
    private var depth : int;
    public function MinMaxCPU(_stone : int, _depth : int){
		depth = _depth;
    public override function nextStep() : int {
    	var eCell : Eval_Cell  = calcNextStep(depth, MAX, board);
    	return eCell.index;
    private function calcNextStep(dep : int, algo : int, bd : Board) : Eval_Cell {
    	var tmpStone : int = stone;
    	if(algo == MIN){
    		tmpStone ^= 3; 
    	var canputs :Cells = bd.canPuts(tmpStone);
    	var eval_values : Array = new Array();
    	if(canputs.length == 0){
    		//throw new Error("置ける場所無し");
    		return new Eval_Cell(int.MIN_VALUE, -1);
    	var cell : Cell  = canputs.first;
    		var tmpboard : Board = bd.clone();
    		tmpboard.put(cell.index, tmpStone);
    		var val : int;
    		if(dep == 0){
    			val = eval(tmpboard);
    			val = calcNextStep(dep - 1, algo ^ 1, tmpboard).score;
    	}while(cell =;
    	//msr = board.toData();
    	//msr = eval(bd).toString();
    	var idx : int = Util.min(eval_values);
    	if(algo == MAX){
    		idx = Util.max(eval_values);
    	return new Eval_Cell(eval_values[idx], canputs.getCell(idx).index);

    protected override function eval(board : Board) : int{
    	var ret:int = 0;
    	for(var i:int = 0;i < EVAL_MAP.length;i++){
    		if(board.cells[i].stone	== stone){
    			ret += EVAL_MAP[i];
    		else if(board.cells[i] == (stone ^ 3)){
    			ret -= EVAL_MAP[i];
    	return ret;

 * セル評価用のクラス
 * スコアとインデックスのセット

 class Eval_Cell{
	public var score : int;
	public var index : int;
	public function Eval_Cell(_score : int, _index : int){
		score = _score, index = _index;
class Util
	public static function max(a:Array) : int{
		if(a == null || a.length == 0 ){throw new Error("error");}
		var val :int = a[0], ret :int = 0;
		for(var i:int=1;i < a.length;i++){
			if(val < a[i]){
				val = a[i];
				ret = i;
		return ret;
	public static function min(a:Array) : int{
		if(a == null || a.length == 0 ){throw new Error("error");}
		var val :int = a[0], ret :int = 0;
		for(var i:int=1;i < a.length;i++){
			if(val > a[i]){
				val = a[i];
				ret = i;
		return ret;