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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: flash on 2011-12-28

Get Adobe Flash player
by test0729 29 Jul 2014
// forked from kihon's flash on 2011-12-28
    import com.bit101.components.RadioButton;
    import com.bit101.components.Style;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class Main extends Sprite
        private var container:Sprite;
        private var nodeLayer:Sprite;
        private var lineLayer:Sprite;
        private var uiLayer:Sprite;
        private var clickType:String = Node.TYPE_START;
        private var nodeManager:NodeManager;
        private const NODE_WIDTH:int = 22;
        private const NODE_HEIGHT:int = 19;
        private const NODE_SIZE:int = 20;
        public function Main()
            Style.fontName = "";
            Style.embedFonts = false;
            Style.fontSize = 12;
            addChild(container = new Sprite());
            container.x = container.y = 2;
            container.mouseChildren = false;
            container.addChild(nodeLayer = new Sprite());
            container.addChild(lineLayer = new Sprite());
            container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
            addChild(uiLayer = new Sprite());
            uiLayer.x = 20;
            uiLayer.y = 380;
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 5, 10, "スタート地点", true, function(event:Event):void { clickType = Node.TYPE_START; } ).groupName = "0";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 5, 30, "ゴール地点", false, function(event:Event):void { clickType = Node.TYPE_GOAL; } ).groupName = "0";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 100, 10, "壁(移動不可)", false, function(event:Event):void { clickType = Node.TYPE_WALL; } ).groupName = "0";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 100, 30, "フィールド(通常)", false, function(event:Event):void { clickType = Node.TYPE_FIELD; } ).groupName = "0";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 100, 50, "沼(移動時間倍)", false, function(event:Event):void { clickType = Node.TYPE_SWAMP; } ).groupName = "0";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 250, 10, "DFS", true, function(event:Event):void { nodeManager.searchAlgorithm = new DFS(nodeManager); search(); } ).groupName = "1";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 250, 30, "BFS", false, function(event:Event):void { nodeManager.searchAlgorithm = new BFS(nodeManager); search(); } ).groupName = "1";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 250, 50, "DA", false, function(event:Event):void { nodeManager.searchAlgorithm = new Dijkstra(nodeManager); search(); } ).groupName = "1";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 250, 70, "A*", false, function(event:Event):void { nodeManager.searchAlgorithm = new AStar(nodeManager); search(); } ).groupName = "1";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 310, 10, "4方向移動", false, function(event:Event):void { nodeManager.dir = NodeManager.DIR4; search(); } ).groupName = "2";
            new RadioButton(uiLayer, 310, 30, "8方向移動", true, function(event:Event):void { nodeManager.dir = NodeManager.DIR8; search(); } ).groupName = "2";
            var map:Array =
            nodeManager = new NodeManager(NODE_WIDTH, NODE_HEIGHT, NODE_SIZE, nodeLayer);
            container.x = (stage.stageWidth - container.width) / 2;
            nodeManager.searchAlgorithm = new DFS(nodeManager);
            nodeManager.dir = NodeManager.DIR8;
        private function onMouseUp(event:MouseEvent = null):void 
            removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
        private function onMouseDown(event:MouseEvent):void 
            addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
        private function onMouseMove(event:MouseEvent):void 
            var tileX:int = event.localX / nodeManager.size;
            var tileY:int = event.localY / nodeManager.size;
            if (!nodeManager.onBoard(tileX, tileY)) return;
            nodeManager.changeType(tileX, tileY, clickType);
            nodeManager.reset(tileX, tileY);
        private function search():void
            var path:Array = nodeManager.getPath();
            if (path == null) return;
  , 0x0000FF, 0.5);
            for each (var nodes:Array in path[1])
                var prevNode:Node = nodes[0];
                var curNode:Node = nodes[1];

  , 0xA757A8);
            var startNode:Node = path[0][0];
            for each (var node:Node in path[0])

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;

class Node extends Sprite
    public static const TYPE_START:String = "start";
    public static const TYPE_GOAL:String = "goal";
    public static const TYPE_WALL:String = "wall";
    public static const TYPE_FIELD:String = "field";
    public static const TYPE_SWAMP:String = "swamp";
    public var pos:Point;
    public var size:int;
    public var distance:Number;
    public var prev:Node;
    public var type:String = "";
    public var cost:Number = 0.0;
    public var visited:Boolean = false;
    public var g:Number;
    public var h:Number;
    public var f:Number;
    public function Node(size:int)
        this.size = size;
    public function get center():Point
        return new Point(this.pos.x * size + size / 2, this.pos.y * size + size / 2);
    public function getDistance(otherNode:Node):Number
        var dx:Number = Math.abs(this.pos.x - otherNode.pos.x);
        var dy:Number = Math.abs(this.pos.y - otherNode.pos.y);
        return Math.max(dx, dy);
    public function draw(color:int = 0xFFFFFF, alpha:Number = 1.0):void
        graphics.beginFill(color, alpha);
        graphics.drawRect(0, 0, size, size);

class Search 
    public var nodeManager:NodeManager;
    public function Search(nodeManager:NodeManager) 
        this.nodeManager = nodeManager;
    public function execute(dir:Array):Array
        throw new Error();

class NodeManager 
    public var nodes:Array;
    public var width:int;
    public var height:int;
    public var nodeContainer:Sprite;
    public var size:int;
    public var startNode:Node;
    public var goalNode:Node;
    public var search:Search;
    public var dir:Array;
    public static const COLOR_START:Array = [0x009AD6, 1.0];
    public static const COLOR_GOAL:Array = [0xED1A3D, 1.0];
    public static const COLOR_WALL:Array = [0x50160B, 1.0];
    public static const COLOR_FIELD:Array = [0xFFFFFF, 0.0];
    public static const COLOR_SWAMP:Array = [0xF1BB93, 0.7];
    public static const DIR4:Array = [[ -1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1]];
    public static const DIR8:Array = [[ -1, -1], [ -1, 0], [ -1, 1], [0, -1], [0, 1], [1, -1], [1, 0], [1, 1]];
    public function NodeManager(width:int, height:int, size:int, nodeContainer:Sprite) 
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.size = size;
        this.nodeContainer = nodeContainer;
        startNode = nodes[1][2];
        goalNode = nodes[1][1];
        startNode.type = Node.TYPE_START;
        goalNode.type = Node.TYPE_GOAL;
    public function createNodeMap():void
        nodes = [];
        for (var y:int = 0; y < height; y++)
            nodes[y] = []
            for (var x:int = 0; x < width; x++)
                var node:Node = new Node(size);
                node.x = x * size;
                node.y = y * size;
                node.type = Node.TYPE_FIELD;
                node.pos = new Point(x, y);
                nodeContainer.addChildAt(node, 0);
                nodes[y][x] = node;
    public function setNodeMap(map:Array):void
        for (var y:int = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x:int = 0; x < width; x++)
                switch (map[y].charAt(x))
                    case "s":
                        changeType(x, y, Node.TYPE_START);
                    case "g":
                        changeType(x, y, Node.TYPE_GOAL);
                    case "_":
                        changeType(x, y, Node.TYPE_FIELD);
                    case "+":
                        changeType(x, y, Node.TYPE_SWAMP);
                    case "*":
                        changeType(x, y, Node.TYPE_WALL);
                        throw new Error();
    public function reset(x:int, y:int):void
        var node:Node = nodes[y][x];
        changeType(x, y, node.type);
        node.visited = false;
        node.distance = int.MAX_VALUE;
        node.prev = null;
        node.g = node.h = node.f = 0.0;
        switch (node.type)
            case Node.TYPE_START:
                node.draw(COLOR_START[0], COLOR_START[1]);
            case Node.TYPE_GOAL:
                node.draw(COLOR_GOAL[0], COLOR_GOAL[1]);
            case Node.TYPE_WALL:
                node.draw(COLOR_WALL[0], COLOR_WALL[1]);
            case Node.TYPE_FIELD:
                node.draw(COLOR_FIELD[0], COLOR_FIELD[1]);
            case Node.TYPE_SWAMP:
                node.draw(COLOR_SWAMP[0], COLOR_SWAMP[1]);
    public function resetAll():void
        for (var y:int = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (var x:int = 0; x < width; x++)
                reset(x, y);
    public function onBoard(x:int, y:int):Boolean
        return 0 <= x && x < width && 0 <= y && y < height;
    public function getPath():Array
        return search.execute(dir);
    public function set searchAlgorithm(value:Search):void
        search = value;
    public function changeType(x:int, y:int, type:String):void
        var node:Node = nodes[y][x];
        if (node == startNode || node == goalNode) return;
        switch (type)
            case Node.TYPE_START:
                startNode.type = Node.TYPE_FIELD;
                startNode = node;
                node.cost = 1.0;
            case Node.TYPE_GOAL:
                goalNode.type = Node.TYPE_FIELD;
                goalNode = node;
                node.cost = 1.0;
            case Node.TYPE_WALL:
            case Node.TYPE_FIELD:
                node.cost = 1.0;
            case Node.TYPE_SWAMP:
                node.cost = 2.0;
        node.type = type;

class DFS extends Search
    public function DFS(nodeManager:NodeManager):void
    override public function execute(dir:Array):Array
        var history:Array = [];
        var stack:Array = [[nodeManager.startNode, nodeManager.startNode]];
        while (stack.length > 0)
            var path:Array = stack.pop();
            var curNode:Node = path[path.length - 1];
            if (curNode.visited || curNode.type == Node.TYPE_WALL) continue;
            curNode.visited = true;
            var prevNode:Node = path[path.length - 2];
            history.push([prevNode, curNode]);
            if (curNode == nodeManager.goalNode)
                return [path, history];
            for (var i:int = 0; i < dir.length; i++)
                var yy:int = dir[i][0];
                var xx:int = dir[i][1];
                var next:Point = new Point(curNode.pos.x + xx, curNode.pos.y + yy);
                if (!nodeManager.onBoard(next.x, next.y)) continue;
                var nextNode:Node = nodeManager.nodes[next.y][next.x];
                if (!nextNode.visited && nextNode.type != Node.TYPE_WALL)
        return null;

class BFS extends Search
    public function BFS(nodeManager:NodeManager):void
    override public function execute(dir:Array):Array
        var history:Array = [];
        var queue:Array = [[nodeManager.startNode, nodeManager.startNode]];
        while (queue.length > 0)
            var path:Array = queue.shift();
            var curNode:Node = path[path.length - 1];
            if (curNode.visited) continue;
            curNode.visited = true;
            var prevNode:Node = path[path.length - 2];
            history.push([prevNode, curNode]);
            if (curNode == nodeManager.goalNode)
                return [path, history];
            for (var i:int = 0; i < dir.length; i++)
                var yy:int = dir[i][0];
                var xx:int = dir[i][1];
                var next:Point = new Point(curNode.pos.x + xx, curNode.pos.y + yy);
                if (!nodeManager.onBoard(next.x, next.y)) continue;
                var nextNode:Node = nodeManager.nodes[next.y][next.x];
                if (!nextNode.visited && nextNode.type != Node.TYPE_WALL)
        return null;

class Dijkstra extends Search
    public function Dijkstra(nodeManager:NodeManager):void
    override public function execute(dir:Array):Array
        var curNode:Node = nodeManager.startNode;
        curNode.distance = 0;
        var goalNode:Node;
        var node:Node, x:int, y:int;
        while (true)
            if (curNode == nodeManager.goalNode)
                goalNode = curNode;
            curNode.visited = true;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < dir.length; i++)
                var yy:int = dir[i][0];
                var xx:int = dir[i][1];
                if (xx == 0 && yy == 0) continue;
                if (!nodeManager.onBoard(curNode.pos.x + xx, curNode.pos.y + yy)) continue;
                node = nodeManager.nodes[curNode.pos.y + yy][curNode.pos.x + xx];
                if (node.visited) continue;
                if (node.type == Node.TYPE_WALL) continue;
                var newDistance:Number = curNode.distance + node.cost;
                if (newDistance < node.distance)
                    node.distance = newDistance;
                    node.prev = curNode;
            var nextNode:Node = null;
            for (y = 0; y < nodeManager.height; y++)
                for (x = 0; x < nodeManager.width; x++)
                    node = nodeManager.nodes[y][x];
                    if (node.visited) continue;
                    if (node.type == Node.TYPE_WALL) continue;
                    if (nextNode == null)
                        nextNode = node;
                    else if (node.distance < nextNode.distance)
                        nextNode = node;
            if (nextNode == null) break;
                curNode = nextNode;
        if (goalNode == null) return null;
        var path:Array = [goalNode];
        while (goalNode.prev != null)
            goalNode = goalNode.prev;
        var history:Array = [];
        for (y = 0; y < nodeManager.height; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < nodeManager.width; x++)
                node = nodeManager.nodes[y][x];
                if (node.prev == null) continue;
                history.push([node, node.prev]);
        return [path, history];

class AStar extends Search
    public function AStar(nodeManager:NodeManager):void
    override public function execute(dir:Array):Array
        var curNode:Node = nodeManager.startNode;
        curNode.g = 0;
        curNode.f = curNode.h = curNode.getDistance(nodeManager.goalNode);
        var goalNode:Node;
        var node:Node, x:int, y:int;
        var open:Array = [curNode];
        var close:Array = [];
        while (open.length > 0)
            open.sortOn("f", Array.NUMERIC);
            curNode = open.shift();
            curNode.visited = true;
            if (curNode == nodeManager.goalNode)
                goalNode = curNode;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < dir.length; i++)
                var yy:int = dir[i][0];
                var xx:int = dir[i][1];
                if (xx == 0 && yy == 0) continue;
                if (!nodeManager.onBoard(curNode.pos.x + xx, curNode.pos.y + yy)) continue;
                node = nodeManager.nodes[curNode.pos.y + yy][curNode.pos.x + xx];
                if (node.type == Node.TYPE_WALL) continue;
                if (close.indexOf(node) != -1) continue;
                var g:Number = curNode.g + node.cost;
                var updateFlag:Boolean = false;
                if (open.indexOf(node) == -1)
                    updateFlag = true;
                else if (g < node.g)
                    updateFlag = true;
                if (updateFlag)
                    node.prev = curNode;
                    node.g = g;
                    node.h = node.getDistance(nodeManager.goalNode);
                    node.f = node.g + node.h;
        if (goalNode == null) return null;
        var path:Array = [goalNode];
        while (goalNode.prev != null)
            goalNode = goalNode.prev;
        var history:Array = [];
        for (y = 0; y < nodeManager.height; y++)
            for (x = 0; x < nodeManager.width; x++)
                node = nodeManager.nodes[y][x];
                if (node.prev == null) continue;
                if (!node.visited) continue;
                history.push([node, node.prev]);
        return [path, history];