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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Infinity loop function simulation

This is a blueprint made for one of the projects im working on right now

Mouse click - toogle slow motion effect

Link to plotted graph:*%20pi%20*%202%20%29%20*%205&eqn2_color=2&eqn2_eqn=sin%28%20x%20*%20pi%20*%204%20%29%20*%202&eqn3_color=3&eqn3_eqn=&eqn4_color=4&eqn4_eqn=&eqn5_color=5&eqn5_eqn=&eqn6_color=6&eqn6_eqn=&x_min=-.25&x_max=1.25&y_min=-5&y_max=5&x_tick=.25&y_tick=1&x_label_freq=1&y_label_freq=1&do_grid=0&do_grid=1&bold_labeled_lines=0&bold_labeled_lines=1&line_width=4&image_w=850&image_h=525
 * Copyright WLAD ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Graphics;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filters.BitmapFilter;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    public class Main extends Sprite
        private var xAxisGraph:Bitmap;
        private var yAxisGraph:Bitmap;
        private var data:BitmapData;
        private var cont:Sprite;
        private var circleShape:Shape;
        private var stats:Shape;
        private var sw:int;
        private var sh:int;
        private var stageRect:Rectangle;
        private var origin:Point;
        public function Main():void
            if (stage)
                addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        private function init(e:Event = null):void
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            // entry point
            sw = stage.stageWidth;
            sh = stage.stageHeight;
            stageRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, sw, sh);
            data = new BitmapData(sw, sh, true, 0xFF000000);
            var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(data);
            cont = new Sprite();
            px = sw / 2;
            py = sh / 2 + 20;
            origin = new Point( px , py );
            circleShape = new Shape();
            xAxisGraph = new Bitmap(new BitmapData( 200, 80, false, 0xFF000000));
            xAxisGraph.x = 10;
            xAxisGraph.y = 0;
            yAxisGraph = new Bitmap(new BitmapData( 200, 80, false, 0xFF000000));
            yAxisGraph.x = 250;
            yAxisGraph.y = 0;
            stats = new Shape();
            stats.x = origin.x;
            stats.y = origin.y;
            cont.addChild( stats );
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
            stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:*):void
                slow = !slow;
                stage.frameRate = slow ? 5 : 60;
        private var slow:Boolean = false;
        private var time:Number = 0;
        private var cycle:Number = 12.5;
        private var ms:Number = 60 / 1000;
        private var px:Number;
        private var py:Number;
        private var xAMP:Number = 200;
        private var yAMP:Number = 150;
        private var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform(.9, .9, .9);
        private var filter:BitmapFilter = new BlurFilter(4, 4);
        private function loop(e:Event):void
            var c:int = slow ? 1 : 3;
            while ( c-- > 0 ) {
        private function moveCircle():void
            time += ms;
            if (time > cycle)
                time -= cycle;
            px = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * time / cycle) * xAMP;
            py = Math.sin(4 * Math.PI * time / cycle) * yAMP;    
            text( "X:\t" + px.toFixed(1) + "\nY:\t" + py.toFixed(1),, 
                x: 10, 
                y: sh - 40, 
                clear: true
        private function drawCircle():void
   + origin.x, py + origin.y, 4);
        private function drawBitmap():void
            var d:Number = .4;
            circleShape.visible = true;
            //colorTransform.redMultiplier += ( .5 + Math.random() ) * d;
            //colorTransform.blueMultiplier += ( .5 + Math.random() ) * d;
            //colorTransform.greenMultiplier += ( .5 + Math.random() ) * d;
            //colorTransform.redMultiplier = Math.min( Math.max( colorTransform.redMultiplier, .8), 1);
            //colorTransform.blueMultiplier = Math.min( Math.max( colorTransform.redMultiplier, .8), 1);
            //colorTransform.greenMultiplier = Math.min( Math.max( colorTransform.redMultiplier, .8), 1);
            //data.colorTransform( stageRect );
            data.applyFilter(data, stageRect, new Point(0, 0), filter);
            circleShape.visible = false;
        private function drawStats():void
            var g:Graphics =;
            // Draw Y axis line
            g.lineStyle(.1, 0x1885A9);
            g.moveTo(-origin.x, py);
            g.lineTo(origin.x, py);
            // Draw X axis line 
            g.lineStyle(.1, 0x17AA8C);
            g.moveTo(px, -origin.y);
            g.lineTo(px, origin.y );
            // Draw origin axis 
            g.lineStyle(.1, 0x606060);
            g.moveTo(0, -origin.y);
            g.lineTo(0, origin.y);
            g.moveTo(-origin.x, 0);
            g.lineTo(origin.x, 0);
            // Draw origin
            g.lineStyle(2, 0xFFFFFF);
            g.drawCircle(0, 0, 4);
            var x:Number, y:Number;
            // Draw size
            var s:int = slow ? 2 : 5;
            // Draw X axis graph
            x = xAxisGraph.x  -origin.x; y = xAxisGraph.y  -origin.y;
            g.lineStyle(.1, 0x17AA8C);
            g.moveTo( x, y );
            g.lineTo( x, y + 80 );
            g.lineTo( x, y + 40 );
            g.lineTo( x + 200, y + 40 );
            xAxisGraph.bitmapData.fillRect( new Rectangle( 0, 0, s, xAxisGraph.height), 0xFF000000 );
            xAxisGraph.bitmapData.fillRect( new Rectangle( 0, 40 * (px / xAMP) + xAxisGraph.height/2, s, s), 0xFFFF0000 );
            xAxisGraph.bitmapData.scroll(s, 0);
            text( "f(x) = sin( x * pi * 2 ) * xAMP", g,
                x: x - 5, 
                y: y + 85, 
                color: 0x3AE4C2, 
                size: 14, 
                font: 'Verdana'
            // Draw Y axis graph
            x = yAxisGraph.x -origin.x; y = yAxisGraph.y  -origin.y;
            g.lineStyle(.1, 0x1885A9);
            g.moveTo( x, y );
            g.lineTo( x, y + 80 );
            g.lineTo( x, y + 40 );
            g.lineTo( x + 200, y + 40 );
            yAxisGraph.bitmapData.fillRect( new Rectangle( 0, 0, s, yAxisGraph.height), 0xFF000000 );
            yAxisGraph.bitmapData.fillRect( new Rectangle( 0, 40 * (py / yAMP) + yAxisGraph.height/2, s, s), 0xFFFF0000 );
            yAxisGraph.bitmapData.scroll(s, 0);
            text( "f(y) = sin( y * pi * 4 ) * yAMP", g,
                x: x - 5, 
                y: y + 85, 
                color: 0x40BBE3,
                size: 14, 
                font: 'Verdana'
        private var tempTF:TextField;
        private function text( text:String, target:Graphics, params:Object = null ):void
            var color:uint = uint( getParam('color', params, 0xFFFFFF) ); 
            var size:uint = uint( getParam('size', params, 14) ); 
            var x:Number = Number( getParam('x', params, 0) ); 
            var y:Number = Number( getParam('y', params, 0) ); 
            var clear:Boolean = Boolean( getParam('clear', params, false) ); 
            var bold:Boolean = Boolean( getParam('bold', params, false) ); 
            var font:String = String( getParam('font', params, 'Courier New') ); 
            if ( !tempTF ) 
                tempTF = new TextField();
                tempTF.autoSize = "left";
            tempTF.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat(font, size, color, bold);
            tempTF.textColor = color;
            tempTF.text = text;
            var b:BitmapData = new BitmapData( tempTF.width, tempTF.height, true, 0 );
            b.draw( tempTF );
            if ( clear ) target.clear();
            target.beginBitmapFill( b , new Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y), false );
            target.drawRect( x, y,  tempTF.width, tempTF.height );
        private function getParam( param:String, fromObject:Object, defaultValue:* = null ):*
            if ( fromObject == null ) return defaultValue;
            return fromObject.hasOwnProperty( param ) ? fromObject[param] : defaultValue;
