布シミュをOP.ARに適用してみる by NOVO
* 暴れるのを何とかしたいところ。積分法の変更?
* AR(拡張現実)巨乳クリニックで公開
* http://bokeru.com/kyonyu2/
* Done 3Dにしてみたい(見た目)
* Done 3Dにしてみたい(計算)
* Done 単位系をそろえる
* Done Fの計算が終わる前にXを動かしているのが偏りの原因っぽい
* Done せん断抵抗、角度抵抗用のJointを設定したい
* Done 微小時間でシミュレート
* Doing 積分法を変えてみる?
* Done 初期化変更、必要ない変数も消す。描画方法もJointの描画だけでいいのでは?
* Done 片方向のJointを両方向に変更(力の計算場所も変更)
* Done ダンパ力を設定
* Done 簡易ベクトルクラスに置き換え
* Done ばねの自然長計算を変更
* Done 3Dのマウスみなおし
* Done Jointの種類によってパラメータを変える
* Done 形を半球にする
* Done 重力に負けないようにする(圧力バネ成分)
* Done ゆらす
* Done AR向けワープ対策
* Done ARサンプルからコピペ
* 以下オリジナルコメント
* drawLine関数の中が違います。
* 本格的な布のシミュレーションではありません。
* ドラッグでマウスに一番近いポイントを移動させる。
* ctrlキー押しながらドラッグで固定。
* ダブルクリックで固定を解除。
FLARToolKit example launcher
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C)2010 saqoosha
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Fre
* Copyright novogrammer ( http://wonderfl.net/user/novogrammer )
* GNU General Public License, v3 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html )
* Downloaded from: http://wonderfl.net/c/2PEU
* 布シミュをOP.ARに適用してみる by NOVO
* 暴れるのを何とかしたいところ。積分法の変更?
* AR(拡張現実)巨乳クリニックで公開
* http://bokeru.com/kyonyu2/
* Done 3Dにしてみたい(見た目)
* Done 3Dにしてみたい(計算)
* Done 単位系をそろえる
* Done Fの計算が終わる前にXを動かしているのが偏りの原因っぽい
* Done せん断抵抗、角度抵抗用のJointを設定したい
* Done 微小時間でシミュレート
* Doing 積分法を変えてみる?
* Done 初期化変更、必要ない変数も消す。描画方法もJointの描画だけでいいのでは?
* Done 片方向のJointを両方向に変更(力の計算場所も変更)
* Done ダンパ力を設定
* Done 簡易ベクトルクラスに置き換え
* Done ばねの自然長計算を変更
* Done 3Dのマウスみなおし
* Done Jointの種類によってパラメータを変える
* Done 形を半球にする
* Done 重力に負けないようにする(圧力バネ成分)
* Done ゆらす
* Done AR向けワープ対策
* Done ARサンプルからコピペ
* 以下オリジナルコメント
// forked from miniapp's GraphicsPathCommand使ったバージョン forked from: 布
* GraphicsPathCommandでラインを描画するバージョン。
* drawLine関数の中が違います。
* 本格的な布のシミュレーションではありません。
* ドラッグでマウスに一番近いポイントを移動させる。
* ctrlキー押しながらドラッグで固定。
* ダブルクリックで固定を解除。
* FLARToolKit example launcher
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (C)2010 saqoosha
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* For further information please contact.
* http://www.libspark.org/wiki/saqoosha/FLARToolKit
* <saq(at)saqoosha.net>
* Contributors
* saqoosha
* rokubou
package {
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import org.papervision3d.lights.PointLight3D;
import org.papervision3d.materials.WireframeMaterial;
import org.papervision3d.materials.shadematerials.FlatShadeMaterial;
import org.papervision3d.materials.utils.MaterialsList;
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Cube;
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Plane;
import org.libspark.flartoolkit.example.PV3DARApp;
import flash.display.*;
import org.papervision3d.lights.PointLight3D;
import org.papervision3d.materials.WireframeMaterial;
import org.papervision3d.materials.shadematerials.FlatShadeMaterial;
import org.papervision3d.materials.utils.MaterialsList;
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Cube;
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Plane;
import org.papervision3d.objects.DisplayObject3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.math.Matrix3D;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.text.*;
import org.papervision3d.materials.MovieMaterial;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.media.Camera;
[SWF(width = 640, height = 480, backgroundColor = 0x0, frameRate = 60)]
public class OP_AR_PV3D extends PV3DARApp {
private var _cube:Cube;
private var _opr:OP;
private var _opl:OP;
private var _chest:Plane;
private var _light:PointLight3D;
public function OP_AR_PV3D() {
// カメラ補正ファイルとパターン定義ファイルのファイル名を渡して初期化。
addEventListener(Event.INIT, _onInit);
//this.init('Data/camera_para.dat', 'Data/flarlogo.pat');
this.init('http://assets.wonderfl.net/static/flar/camera_para.dat', 'http://assets.wonderfl.net/static/flar/flarlogo.pat');
public function _onInit(e:Event):void {
var t:TextField = new TextField();
t.text = "Web Cameraがありません。";
t.textColor = 0xff0000;
// ライトの設定。手前、上のほう。
_light = new PointLight3D();
_light.x = 0;
_light.y = 1000;
_light.z = -1000;
var mat:FlatShadeMaterial = new FlatShadeMaterial(_light, 0xEBD7BE, 0x404040, 0);
mat.doubleSided = true;//両面表示
_chest = new Plane(mat, OP.RADIUS*2, OP.RADIUS*2,10,10);
_opr = new OP(mat, new MyVector3D( +OP.RADIUS, 0, 0));
_opl = new OP(mat, new MyVector3D( -OP.RADIUS, 0, 0));
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
// Cube を作る。
var fmat:FlatShadeMaterial = new FlatShadeMaterial(_light, 0xff22aa, 0x75104e); // ピンク色。
this._cube = new Cube(new MaterialsList({all: fmat}), 40, 40, 40); // 40mm x 40mm x 40mm。
this._cube.z = 20; // 立方体の高さの半分、上方向(Z方向)に移動させるとちょうどマーカーにのっかる形になる。
// this._baseNode.addChild(this._cube);
public function onEnterFrame(inEvnet:Event):void
var m:Matrix3D = Matrix3D.clone(_markerNode.transform);
_opr.updateFixedMatrix(Matrix3D.multiply(m, Matrix3D.translationMatrix( +OP.RADIUS, 0, 0)));
_opl.updateFixedMatrix(Matrix3D.multiply(m, Matrix3D.translationMatrix( -OP.RADIUS, 0, 0)));
_opr.update(1.0 / 60.0);
_opl.update(1.0 / 60.0);
_opr.visible = _markerNode.visible;
_opl.visible = _markerNode.visible;
import flash.net.Responder;
import org.papervision3d.core.geom.TriangleMesh3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Triangle3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.math.Matrix3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.proto.LightObject3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Vertex3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.proto.MaterialObject3D;
import org.papervision3d.core.math.Number3D;
class OP extends TriangleMesh3D
private var _joints:Vector.<Joint> = new Vector.<Joint>();
private var _points:Vector.<Point> = new Vector.<Point>();
//ポリゴン用配列 面の数*3
private var _faces:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
private var _cols:uint = 12;//横の数
private var _rows:uint = 6;//縦の数
public static const RADIUS:int = 90;//[mm]
public static const WARP_LENGTH:Number = 10;//[mm]
private var _fixedMatrix:Matrix3D = null;
public function OP(inMaterial:MaterialObject3D,inTranslate:MyVector3D)
super(inMaterial, [], []);
for each(var point:Point in _points)
public function updateFixedMatrix(inFixedMatrix:Matrix3D):void
var warpFlag:Boolean = false;
if (_fixedMatrix == null)
_fixedMatrix = Matrix3D.clone(inFixedMatrix);
warpFlag = true;
var originOld:Number3D = new Number3D();
Matrix3D.multiplyVector(_fixedMatrix, originOld);
var originNew:Number3D = new Number3D();
Matrix3D.multiplyVector(inFixedMatrix, originNew);
var originDiff:Number3D = Number3D.sub(originNew, originOld);
warpFlag = warpFlag || Number3D.dot(originDiff, originDiff) > WARP_LENGTH * WARP_LENGTH;//自身とのdotは距離の2乗
for each(var point:Point in _points)
if (point.isPinned || warpFlag)
var p:Number3D = new Number3D(
Matrix3D.multiplyVector(_fixedMatrix, p);//逆行列
Matrix3D.multiplyVector(inFixedMatrix, p);
point._position.x = p.x;
point._position.y = p.y;
point._position.z = p.z;
_fixedMatrix = inFixedMatrix;
* 一番カーソルに近いポイントを捜す。
public function searchPoint(inMouseX:Number,inMouseY:Number):Point
var lastMinDist:Number = Infinity;
var target:Point;
for each(var point:Point in _points) {
var pos:MyVector3D = point._position;
var m:MyVector3D=new MyVector3D(inMouseX,inMouseY,pos.z);
var dist:Number = pos.subtract(m).length();
if (dist < lastMinDist) {
lastMinDist = dist;
target = point;
return target;
private function putPointAndJoint():void
const DEG_TO_RAD:Number=Math.PI/180.0;
var diffRotX:Number = DEG_TO_RAD*360.0 / _cols;
var diffRotY:Number = DEG_TO_RAD*90.0 / (_rows-1);
_points.length = 0;
_joints.length = 0;
_faces.length = 0;
for (var newIndex:int = 0; newIndex < getOpCount();++newIndex )
_points[newIndex] = new Point();
for(var y:uint=0;y<_rows;++y)
for(var x:uint=0;x<_cols;++x)
var point:Point = _points[getOpIndex(y, x)];
point.name = String(y) + "-" + String(x) + " ";//デバッグ用
//var noize:Number = Math.random()*10;//0から1
//var tmp:MyVector3D = new MyVector3D(0,Math.cos(diffRotX*x),Math.sin(diffRotX*x));
//point._position = new MyVector3D(Math.sin(diffRotY * y) * RADIUS, Math.cos(diffRotY*y)*tmp.y*RADIUS, Math.cos(diffRotY*y)*tmp.z*RADIUS);
var tmp:MyVector3D = new MyVector3D(Math.sin(diffRotX*x),Math.cos(diffRotX*x),0);
point._position = new MyVector3D(
Math.cos(diffRotY * y) * tmp.x * RADIUS,
Math.cos(diffRotY * y) * tmp.y * RADIUS,
Math.sin(diffRotY * y) * RADIUS
if (y == _rows - 1)
point._position.z *= 1.1;
if (y > 0)
_faces[_faces.length] = getOpIndex(y - 1,x - 1);
_faces[_faces.length] = getOpIndex(y + 0,x - 1);
_faces[_faces.length] = getOpIndex(y - 1,x + 0);
if (y < _rows - 1)
_faces[_faces.length] =getOpIndex(y - 1, x + 0);
_faces[_faces.length] =getOpIndex(y + 0, x - 1);
_faces[_faces.length] =getOpIndex(y + 0, x + 0);
var pointUp:Point = _points[getOpIndex(y - 1, x)];
_joints.push(new Joint(point, pointUp));//たて
if (y < _rows - 1)
var pointNaname1:Point = _points[getOpIndex(y - 1, x - 1)];
var jointNaname1:Joint = new Joint(point, pointNaname1);
jointNaname1.SPRING *= 0.75;
var pointNaname2:Point = _points[getOpIndex(y - 1, x + 1)];
var jointNaname2:Joint = new Joint(point, pointNaname2);
jointNaname2.SPRING *= 0.75;
if (y < _rows - 1)
var pointLeft:Point = _points[getOpIndex(y, x - 1)];
_joints.push(new Joint(point, pointLeft));//よこ
var pointUp2:Point = _points[getOpIndex(y - 2, x)];
var jointUp2:Joint = new Joint(point, pointUp2);
if (y < _rows -1)
jointUp2.SPRING *= 1.0;
jointUp2.SPRING *= 2.0;
jointUp2.DAMPER *= 2.0;
_joints.push(jointUp2);//たて ひとつ飛ばし(角度抵抗)
if (y < _rows - 1)
var pointLeft2:Point = _points[getOpIndex(y,x - 2)];
var jointLeft2:Joint = new Joint(point, pointLeft2);
jointLeft2.SPRING *= 1.0;
_joints.push(jointLeft2);//よこ ひとつ飛ばし(角度抵抗)
// var pointDiagonal:Point = _points[getOpIndex(y,x+_cols/2)];
// var jointDiagonal:Joint = new Joint(point, pointDiagonal);
// jointDiagonal.SPRING *= 0.5;
// _joints.push(jointDiagonal);//よこ 対角線
var pointPole:Point = _points[_points.length - 2];
pointPole.mass *= 1.5;
var pointCenter:Point = _points[_points.length - 1];
pointCenter._position = new MyVector3D();
pointCenter.isPinned = true;
for (var volIndex:int = 0; volIndex < _points.length -1;++volIndex)
var jointVol:Joint = new Joint(pointCenter, _points[volIndex]);
if (volIndex < _points.length - 2)
jointVol.SPRING *= 0.25;
jointVol.SPRING *= 2.0;
for each(var joint:Joint in _joints)
for (var i:int = 0; i < _cols;++i)
_points[i].isPinned = true;
_points[i+_cols].isPinned = true;
_points.fixed = true;
_joints.fixed = true;
_faces.fixed = true;
private function getOpCount():int
return _cols * (_rows - 1) + 1+1;//周囲+極+中心
private function getOpIndex(inY:int, inX:int):int
if (inY >= _rows-1)
return inY * _cols;
return inY * _cols + (_cols + inX) % _cols;
public function update(inDt:Number):void
// update force
for each(var joint1:Joint in _joints) {
for each(var point1:Point in _points) {
// update position
for each(var point2:Point in _points) {
const times:int = 10;
for (var i:int = 0; i < times;++i)
private function transfer():void
var vs:Array = geometry.vertices;
if (vs.length != _points.length)
vs.length = 0;
var fs:Array = geometry.faces;
fs.length = 0;
for each(var point:Point in _points)
vs[vs.length] = new Vertex3D(point._position.x, point._position.y, point._position.z);
for (var i:int = 0; i < _faces.length/3;++i)
fs[fs.length] = new Triangle3D(
vs[_faces[i * 3 + 0]],
vs[_faces[i * 3 + 1]],
vs[_faces[i * 3 + 2]]
for(var j:int = 0; j < _points.length;++j )
var point2:Point = _points[j];
var v:Vertex3D = vs[j];
v.x = point2._position.x;
v.y = point2._position.y;
v.z = point2._position.z;
for each(var face:Triangle3D in geometry.faces)
class MyVector3D
public var x:Number = 0.0;
public var y:Number = 0.0;
public var z:Number = 0.0;
public function MyVector3D(inX:Number=0.0, inY:Number=0.0,inZ:Number=0.0)
x = inX;
y = inY;
z = inZ;
public function addTo(rhs:MyVector3D):MyVector3D
this.x += rhs.x;
this.y += rhs.y;
this.z += rhs.z;
return this;
public function add(rhs:MyVector3D):MyVector3D
return new MyVector3D(this.x + rhs.x, this.y + rhs.y, this.z + rhs.z);
public function subtractTo(rhs:MyVector3D):MyVector3D
this.x -= rhs.x;
this.y -= rhs.y;
this.z -= rhs.z;
return this;
public function subtract(rhs:MyVector3D):MyVector3D
return new MyVector3D(this.x - rhs.x, this.y - rhs.y, this.z - rhs.z);
public function multiplyTo(rhs:Number):MyVector3D
this.x *= rhs;
this.y *= rhs;
this.z *= rhs;
return this;
public function multiply(rhs:Number):MyVector3D
return new MyVector3D(this.x*rhs,this.y*rhs,this.z*rhs);
public function divideTo(rhs:Number):MyVector3D
this.x /= rhs;
this.y /= rhs;
this.z /= rhs;
return this;
public function divide(rhs:Number):MyVector3D
return new MyVector3D(this.x/rhs,this.y/rhs,this.z/rhs);
public function length2():Number
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y+ this.z * this.z;
public function length():Number
return Math.sqrt(length2());
public function normalize():MyVector3D
var l:Number = this.length();
if (l > 0)
return this.divide(l);
return new MyVector3D();
class Joint {
public var SPRING:Number = 40.0;//[N/mm]
public var DAMPER:Number = 0.05;//[N/(mm/s)]
public var _naturalLength:Number = 0.0;
public var _point:Point=null;
public var _target:Point=null;
public function Joint(point:Point, target:Point) {
_target = target;
public function resetNaturalLength():void
_naturalLength = _point._position.subtract(_target._position).length();
//trace( _point.name+ " " +_target.name +" length:"+ _naturalLength);
public function updateForce():void
var dx:MyVector3D = _target._position.subtract(_point._position);
var nx:MyVector3D = dx.normalize();//単位ベクトル
var springForce:MyVector3D = nx.multiply((dx.length() - _naturalLength) * SPRING);
var dv:MyVector3D = _target._velocity.subtract(_point._velocity);
var damperForce:MyVector3D = dv.multiply(DAMPER);
var totalForce:MyVector3D = springForce.add(damperForce);
class Point {
public var name:String;
public var _position:MyVector3D = new MyVector3D();//[mm]
public var _velocity:MyVector3D = new MyVector3D();//[mm/s]
public var _force:MyVector3D = new MyVector3D();//[N]
public var mass:Number=3.0/1000;//[kg]
public var isPinned:Boolean = false;
public var isDragging:Boolean = false;
public static var GRAVITY:Number = 9.8 * 1000;//[mm/(s*s)]
public static var AIR_FRICTION:Number = 0.005;//[N/(mm/s)]
public function updateForce():void
public function updatePosition(inDt:Number):void
if (isDragging || isPinned)
_velocity = new MyVector3D();
_force = new MyVector3D();
var a:MyVector3D = _force.divide(mass);
// a.y -= GRAVITY/Math.sqrt(2);
// a.z -= GRAVITY/Math.sqrt(2);//むりやり
a.y -= GRAVITY;
if (0)
var k:MyVector3D = new MyVector3D();
var l:MyVector3D = new MyVector3D();
rungeKutta(a, _velocity, _position,inDt, k, l);
_force = new MyVector3D();
private function rungeKutta(inA:MyVector3D, inV:MyVector3D, inX:MyVector3D, inDt:Number, outK:MyVector3D, outL:MyVector3D):void
var x1:MyVector3D = inV.multiply(inDt);
var v1:MyVector3D = inA.multiply(inDt);
var x2:MyVector3D = inV.add(v1.multiply(0.5)).multiply(inDt);
var v2:MyVector3D = inA.multiply(inDt * 0.5);//あってる? Aを求めなおす必要がある?
var x3:MyVector3D = inV.add(v2.multiply(0.5)).multiply(inDt);
var v3:MyVector3D = inA.multiply(inDt * 0.5);//あってる? Aを求めなおす必要がある?
var x4:MyVector3D = inV.add(v3).multiply(inDt);
var v4:MyVector3D = inA.multiply(inDt);//あってる? Aを求めなおす必要がある?