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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: Honeycomb generator

In response to StackOverflow question:
“Drawing an honeycomb with as3”
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by subironn 16 Aug 2012
 * Copyright subironn ( )
 * GNU General Public License, v3 ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from poke's Honeycomb generator
 * In response to StackOverflow question:
 * “Drawing an honeycomb with as3”
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    public class Comb extends Sprite
        public function Comb ()
            Hexagon.scale = 1;
            this.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
            this.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
            // draw honeycomb with 60 cells
            drawComb( 60 );
        private function drawComb ( n:uint ):void
            var colors:Array = new Array( 0x33CC33, 0x006699, 0xCC3300, 0x663399, 0xFF9900, 0x336666 );
            var sectors:Array = new Array(
                new Array( 2, 0 ),
                new Array( 1, 1 ),
                new Array( -1, 1 ),
                new Array( -2, 0 ),
                new Array( -1, -1 ),
                new Array( 1, -1 ) );
            var w:Number = 0.50 * Hexagon.hxWidth;
            var h:Number = 0.75 * Hexagon.hxHeight;
            var r:uint, p:uint, s:uint;
            var hx:Hexagon;
            for ( var i:uint = 0; i <= n; i++ )
                r = getRadius( i );
                p = getPosition( i, r );
                s = getSector( i, r, p );
                // create hexagon
                if ( r == 0 )
                    hx = new Hexagon( 0xCCCCCC );
                    hx = new Hexagon( colors[s] );
                hx.x = w * ( r * sectors[s][0] - ( p % r ) * ( sectors[s][0] - sectors[ ( s + 1 ) % 6 ][0] ) );
                hx.y = h * ( r * sectors[s][1] - ( p % r ) * ( sectors[s][1] - sectors[ ( s + 1 ) % 6 ][1] ) );
                addChild( hx );
        private function getRadius ( i:uint ):uint
            var r:uint = 0;
            while ( i > r * 6 )
                i -= r++ * 6;
            return r;
        private function getPosition ( i:uint, r:uint ):uint
            if ( r == 0 )
                return i;
            while ( r-- > 0 )
                i -= r * 6;
            return i - 1;
        private function getSector ( i:uint, r:uint, s:uint ):uint
            return Math.floor( s / r );

import flash.display.Shape;

class Hexagon extends Shape
    public static var hxWidth:Number = 90;
    public static var hxHeight:Number = 100;
    private static var _scale:Number = 1;
    public function Hexagon ( color:uint )
        graphics.beginFill( color );
        graphics.lineStyle( 3, 0xFFFFFF );
        graphics.moveTo(   0, -50 );
        graphics.lineTo(  45, -25 );
        graphics.lineTo(  45,  25 );
        graphics.lineTo(   0,  50 ),
        graphics.lineTo( -45,  25 );
        graphics.lineTo( -45, -25 );
        graphics.lineTo(   0, -50 );
        this.scaleX = this.scaleY = _scale;
    public static function set scale ( value:Number ):void
        _scale = value;
        hxWidth = value * 90;
        hxHeight = value * 100;
    public static function get scale ():Number
        return _scale;