In case Flash no longer exists; a copy of this site is included in the Flashpoint archive's "ultimate" collection.

Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


 * Copyright tencho ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

 * ねぎ玉牛丼
package  {
	import alternativ7.engine3d.core.Geometry;
	import alternativ7.engine3d.core.Object3DContainer;
	import alternativ7.engine3d.core.Sorting;
	import alternativ7.engine3d.materials.FillMaterial;
	import alternativ7.engine3d.objects.Mesh;
	import com.actionsnippet.qbox.QuickBox2D;
	import com.actionsnippet.qbox.QuickContacts;
	import com.bit101.components.PushButton;
	import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.display.StageQuality;
	import flash.geom.Point;
	import flash.geom.Vector3D;
	import net.hires.debug.Stats;
	public class NegitamaGyudon extends Sprite {
		private var _sim:QuickBox2D;
		private var _contact:QuickContacts;
		private var _boxScene:BoxSceneData;
		private var _scene:Scene3D;
		private var _canvas:MovieClip;
		private var _cameraDrag:SphericalDragger;
		private var _lookAtPoint:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
		private var _isPlaying:Boolean = true;
		private var _cameraType:int = 0;
		private var _hitbits:uint = 0x000;
		private var _gyudon:Mesh;
		private var _isComplete:Boolean = false;
		private const SCALE_ALT3D:Number = 20;
		public function NegitamaGyudon() {
			if (stage) init();
			else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
		private function init(...arg):void {
			removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
			stage.frameRate = 60;
			stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM;
			_canvas = new MovieClip();
			_canvas.visible = false;
			_scene = new Scene3D(Scene3D.BSP, 465, 465, 0xC0CCDE);
			_cameraDrag = new SphericalDragger(_scene.display);
			_cameraDrag.wheelEnabled = false;
			_scene.onResizeStage = function(w:Number, h:Number):void {
				if (w != 465 || h != 465) _cameraDrag.wheelEnabled = true;
			addChild(new Stats());
			new PushButton(this, 75, 5, "PAUSE", onClickPause);
			new PushButton(this, 180, 5, "CAMERA", onClickCamera);
			new PushButton(this, 285, 5, "RESET", onClickReset);
			_gyudon = createDonburi();
			_gyudon.x = 17.8 * SCALE_ALT3D;
			_gyudon.z = -17.5 * SCALE_ALT3D;
			_gyudon.y = 1 * SCALE_ALT3D;
			_gyudon.scaleX = _gyudon.scaleY = _gyudon.scaleZ = 0.125 * SCALE_ALT3D;
			var table:Mesh = createTable();
			table.matrix = _gyudon.matrix.clone();
			table.sorting = _gyudon.sorting = Sorting.DYNAMIC_BSP;
			table.z -= 0.15 * SCALE_ALT3D;
		private function format():void {
			_isComplete = false;
			_isPlaying = true;
			_hitbits = 0x000;
			_cameraType = 0;
			_sim = new QuickBox2D(_canvas);
			_contact = _sim.addContactListener();
			_contact.addEventListener(QuickContacts.ADD, onCollide);
			_boxScene = QboxModeler.createByXML(_sim,, 1, SCALE_ALT3D);
			var qdata:QboxData;
			for each (qdata in _boxScene.groupList)
			for each (qdata in _boxScene.bodyList)
				if (!qdata.inGroup) _scene.root.addChild(qdata.primitive);
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onTickSimulate);
		private function onCollide(e:Event):void {
			if (!(_hitbits & 0x00F) && _contact.isCurrentContact(_boxScene.root["bar"].qobject, _boxScene.root["barstopper"].qobject)) _hitbits |= 0x00F;
			if (!(_hitbits & 0x0F0) && _contact.isCurrentContact(_boxScene.root["egg"].qobject, _boxScene.root["donburi"].qobject)) _hitbits |= 0x0F0;
			if (!(_hitbits & 0xF00) && _contact.isCurrentContact(_boxScene.root["negibox"].qobject, _boxScene.root["negistopper"].qobject)) _hitbits |= 0xF00;
			if (_hitbits == 0xFFF) {
				_contact.removeEventListener(QuickContacts.ADD, onCollide);
				_isComplete = true;
				_cameraType = 0;
		private function onClickReset(e:MouseEvent):void {
			_contact.removeEventListener(QuickContacts.ADD, onCollide);
			while (_canvas.numChildren) _canvas.removeChildAt(_canvas.numChildren-1);
		private function onClickCamera(e:MouseEvent):void {
			_cameraType = ++_cameraType % 2;
		private function onClickPause(e:MouseEvent):void{
			_isPlaying = !_isPlaying;
			if (_isPlaying) _sim.start();
			else _sim.stop();
		private function createTable():Mesh {
			var materials:Array = [new FillMaterial(0x502a1e),new FillMaterial(0x2a2a2a),new FillMaterial(0x6e532e),new FillMaterial(0xa79660),new FillMaterial(0xa47638)];
			var vts:Array = [[-41,-142,0],[41,-142,0],[-41,142,0],[41,142,0],[-41,-142,-12],[41,-142,-12],[-41,142,-12],[41,142,-12],[20,142,-12],[20,-142,-12],[-19,142,-12],[-19,-142,-12],[20,-142,-100],[-19,-142,-100],[-19,142,-100],[20,142,-100]];
			var ids:Array = [[0,1,3],[3,2,0],[6,10,11],[11,4,6],[7,5,9],[9,8,7],[15,12,13],[13,14,15],[0,4,11],[0,11,9],[0,9,5],[0,5,1],[3,7,8],[3,8,10],[3,10,6],[3,6,2],[9,11,13],[13,12,9],[10,8,15],[15,14,10],[1,5,7],[7,3,1],[2,6,4],[4,0,2],[11,10,14],[14,13,11],[8,9,12],[12,15,8]];
			var mts:Array = [0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4];
			var geom:Geometry = new Geometry();
			for each (var vt:Array in vts) geom.addVertex(vt[0], vt[1], vt[2]);
			for (var i:int; i < ids.length; i++) geom.addTriFace(geom.vertices[ids[i][0]], geom.vertices[ids[i][1]], geom.vertices[ids[i][2]], materials[mts[i]]);
			var mesh:Mesh = new Mesh();
			mesh.geometry = geom;
			return mesh;
		private function createDonburi():Mesh {
			var scale:Number = 0.1;
			var materials:Array = [new FillMaterial(0xd3caae),new FillMaterial(0xa79660),new FillMaterial(0x2a2a2a),new FillMaterial(0xa47638),new FillMaterial(0x20439d),new FillMaterial(0x1d2b68),new FillMaterial(0xffffff)];
			var vts:Array = [
			var ids:Array = [
			var mts:Array = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6];
			var geom:Geometry = new Geometry();
			for each (var vt:Array in vts) geom.addVertex(vt[0] * scale, vt[1] * scale, vt[2] * scale);
			for (var i:int; i < ids.length; i++) geom.addTriFace(geom.vertices[ids[i][0]], geom.vertices[ids[i][1]], geom.vertices[ids[i][2]], materials[mts[i]]);
			var mesh:Mesh = new Mesh();
			mesh.geometry = geom;
			return mesh;
		private function onTickSimulate(e:Event):void {
			if (_cameraType == 0) {
				if (_isComplete) {
					_lookAtPoint = _gyudon.matrix.position;
					_lookAtPoint.z += 2.5 * SCALE_ALT3D;
				} else if (_boxScene.trackingList.length) {
					var p:Point = _boxScene.getTrackingPoint();
					_lookAtPoint.x = p.x * SCALE_ALT3D;
					_lookAtPoint.z = -p.y * SCALE_ALT3D;
			} else {
				_lookAtPoint.x = 2.5 * SCALE_ALT3D;
				_lookAtPoint.z = 0;
			var qdata:QboxData;
			for each(qdata in _boxScene.groupList) {
				var obj:Object3DContainer = qdata.primitive as Object3DContainer;
				if (!qdata.qobject.body.IsStatic()) {
					obj.x = qdata.qobject.x * SCALE_ALT3D;
					obj.z = -qdata.qobject.y * SCALE_ALT3D;
					obj.rotationY = qdata.qobject.angle;
			for each(qdata in _boxScene.bodyList) {
				if (!qdata.qobject.body.IsStatic()) {
					if (!qdata.inGroup) {
						qdata.primitive.x = qdata.qobject.x * SCALE_ALT3D;
						qdata.primitive.z = -qdata.qobject.y * SCALE_ALT3D;
					if (Math.abs(qdata.qobject.angle) > Math.PI * 2) qdata.qobject.angle = qdata.qobject.angle % (Math.PI * 2);
					qdata.primitive.rotationY = qdata.qobject.angle;
		private function updateCamera():void {
			if (_isComplete && !_cameraType) {
				_cameraDrag.angle.position = 45;
				_cameraDrag.rotation.position = -45;
				_cameraDrag.distance.position = 25 * SCALE_ALT3D;
			} else {
				_cameraDrag.rotation.position = -70;
				_cameraDrag.angle.position = 12;
				_cameraDrag.distance.position = [27, 50][_cameraType] * SCALE_ALT3D;

import alternativ7.engine3d.containers.BSPContainer;
import alternativ7.engine3d.containers.ConflictContainer;
import alternativ7.engine3d.containers.DistanceSortContainer;
import alternativ7.engine3d.containers.KDContainer;
import alternativ7.engine3d.controllers.SimpleObjectController;
import alternativ7.engine3d.core.Camera3D;
import alternativ7.engine3d.core.Geometry;
import alternativ7.engine3d.core.Object3D;
import alternativ7.engine3d.core.Object3DContainer;
import alternativ7.engine3d.core.Sorting;
import alternativ7.engine3d.core.View;
import alternativ7.engine3d.materials.FillMaterial;
import alternativ7.engine3d.materials.TextureMaterial;
import alternativ7.engine3d.objects.Mesh;
import alternativ7.engine3d.primitives.Box;
import alternativ7.engine3d.primitives.Plane;
import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2MassData;
import Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body;
import com.actionsnippet.qbox.QuickBox2D;
import com.actionsnippet.qbox.QuickObject;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.InteractiveObject;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Vector3D;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;

 * 簡単なサンプル用のAlternativa3Dテンプレート
class Scene3D {
	public var display:Sprite = new Sprite();
	public var bg:Sprite = new Sprite();
	public var root:Object3DContainer;
	public var camera:Camera3D;
	public var controller:SimpleObjectController;
	public var onResizeStage:Function;
	private var _bgColor:uint;
	private var _stage:Stage;
	static public const DISTANCE:String = "distance";
	static public const BSP:String = "bsp";
	static public const KD:String = "kd";
	static public const CONFLICT:String = "conflict";
	public function Scene3D(container:String = CONFLICT, width:Number = 465, height:Number = 465, bgColor:uint = 0x000000) {
		switch(container) {
			case DISTANCE: root = new DistanceSortContainer(); break;
			case BSP: root = new BSPContainer(); break;
			case KD: root = new KDContainer(); break;
			case CONFLICT: root = new ConflictContainer(); break;
			default: root = new ConflictContainer();
		camera = new Camera3D();
		camera.view = new View(width, height, true);
		camera.fov = 60 * Math.PI / 180;
		_bgColor = bgColor;
		controller = new SimpleObjectController(display, camera, 1);
		setSize(width, height);
	public function render():void {
		if (camera.view.stage) camera.render();
	public function startAutoResize(stage:Stage):void {
		_stage = stage;
		_stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
		_stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
		_stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onResize);
	private function onResize(e:Event):void {
		setSize(_stage.stageWidth, _stage.stageHeight);
		if (onResizeStage != null) onResizeStage(_stage.stageWidth, _stage.stageHeight);
	public function setSize(width:Number, height:Number):void {
		camera.view.width = width;
		camera.view.height = height;;, 1);, 0, width, height);;

 * 円テクスチャを貼ってポリ数を減らした円柱
class ColorCylinder extends Mesh {
	public function ColorCylinder(radius:Number = 50, height:Number = 50, segmentsW:int = 8, segmentsH:int = 1, color1:uint = 0x808080, color2:uint = 0x808080, fillAlpha:Number = 1) {
		var material:FillMaterial = new FillMaterial(color1, fillAlpha);
		var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(100, 100, true, 0);
		var sp:Sprite = new Sprite();, fillAlpha);, 50, 50);, 0.5 * fillAlpha);, 48, 50, 4);
		var texture:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(bmd, false, false);
		var geom:Geometry = new Geometry();
		var i:int, px:Number, py:Number;
		for (i = 0; i <= segmentsW; i++) {
			var rot:Number = (i % segmentsW) / segmentsW * Math.PI * 2;
			px = Math.cos(rot) * radius;
			py = Math.sin(rot) * radius;
			geom.addVertex(px, height / 2, py, 0, 0);
			geom.addVertex(px, -height / 2, py, 0, 0);
		for (i = 0; i < segmentsW * 2; i += 2)
			geom.addQuadFace(geom.vertices[i], geom.vertices[i+2], geom.vertices[i+3], geom.vertices[i+1], material);
		var h:Number = height / 2;
		for (var n:int = i + 2; n <= i + 6; n += 4) {
			geom.addVertex( -radius, h, -radius, 0, 0);
			geom.addVertex(radius, h, -radius, 1, 0);
			geom.addVertex(radius, h, radius, 1, 1);
			geom.addVertex( -radius, h, radius, 0, 1);
			if (h < 0) geom.addQuadFace(geom.vertices[n], geom.vertices[n + 1], geom.vertices[n + 2], geom.vertices[n + 3], texture);
			else geom.addQuadFace(geom.vertices[n], geom.vertices[n + 3], geom.vertices[n + 2], geom.vertices[n + 1], texture);
			h *= -1;
		this.geometry = geom;

 * シーンデータ
class BoxSceneData {
	public var trackingList:Vector.<QboxData> = new Vector.<QboxData>();
	public var jointList:Vector.<QboxData> = new Vector.<QboxData>();
	public var bodyList:Vector.<QboxData> = new Vector.<QboxData>();
	public var groupList:Vector.<QboxData> = new Vector.<QboxData>();
	public var group:Object = {};
	public var body:Object = {};
	public var root:Object = {};
	public function BoxSceneData() {
	public function destroy():void {
		var item:QboxData;
		for each (item in bodyList) item.destroy();
		for each (item in groupList) item.destroy();
		for each (item in jointList) item.destroy();
		trackingList.length = jointList.length = bodyList.length = groupList.length = 0;
		group = { };
		body = { };
		root = { };
	public function getTrackingPoint():Point {
		var p:Point = new Point(), add:Point = new Point(), qdata:QboxData, rp:Point;
		for each(qdata in trackingList) {
			add.x = add.y = 0;
			if (qdata.inGroup) {
				rp = PointUtil.rotatePoint(qdata.qobject.x, qdata.qobject.y, qdata.parentGroup.qobject.angle);
				add.x = qdata.parentGroup.qobject.x + rp.x;
				add.y = qdata.parentGroup.qobject.y + rp.y;
			} else {
				add.x = qdata.qobject.x;
				add.y = qdata.qobject.y;
			if (isNaN(add.x) || isNaN(add.y)) {
				trackingList.splice(trackingList.indexOf(qdata), 1);
			} else {
				p.x += add.x;
				p.y += add.y;
		if (trackingList.length) {
			p.x /= trackingList.length;
			p.y /= trackingList.length;
		} else p.x = p.y = 0;
		return p;

class QboxData {
	public var tag:String = "";
	public var qobject:QuickObject;
	public var parentGroup:QboxData;
	public var primitive:Object3D;
	public var inGroup:Boolean = false;
	public function QboxData() {
	public function destroy():void {
		if (primitive && primitive.parent) primitive.parent.removeChild(primitive);
		parentGroup = null;
		primitive = null;
		qobject = null;

class QboxModeler {
	static private var _objectsGID:Object;
	static private var _objectsID:Object;
	static private var _primitives:Array;
	 * XMLからQuickBoxシーンとAlt3Dメッシュモデルを生成
	static public function createByXML(sim:QuickBox2D, xml:XML, boxScale:Number = 1, altScale:Number = 20):BoxSceneData {
		var layerDepth:Number = 30;
		var scene:BoxSceneData = new BoxSceneData();
		var S:Number = boxScale;
		var joints:Array = [];
		var groups:Array = [];
		var node:Object;
		var primitiveOffset:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
		_primitives = [];
		_objectsGID = { };
		_objectsID = { };
		for each(var item:XML in xml.children()) {
			node = { density:2, fricyion:0.5, restitution:0.5, strength:0.25, damping:0.1, density:2, motorSpeed:15, reverse:false, motorTorque:100 };
			for each(var atr:XML in item.attributes()) node[String(] = XMLtoVALUE(atr.toString());
			if( == "primitive") _primitives.push(node);
			if( == "joint") joints.push(node);
			if( == "list") groups.push(node);
		_primitives.sortOn("z", Array.NUMERIC);
		var bgData:QboxData = new QboxData();
		bgData.qobject = sim.addCircle( { x:0, y:0, radius:0.1, density:0, maskBits:0, categoryBits:0, skin:"none" } );
		primitiveOffset[bgData] = new Point();
		var fixList:Object = new Object();
		var qdata:QboxData;
		var qbox:QuickObject;
		for each(node in _primitives) {
			var unitOffset:Point = new Point();
			if (node.maskbits == null) node.maskbits = 1;
			var min:int = 6;
			var max:int = 0;
			for (var i:int = 0; i < 7; i++) {
				if (node.maskbits >> i & 1) {
					if (i > max) max = i;
					if (i < min) min = i;
			if (min > max) min = max = 0;
			var depth:int = (max - min + 1) * layerDepth;
			var offsetY:Number = 0;
			if (node.nocollision) node.maskbits = 0;
			var param:Object = {
				skin: "none",
				lineAlpha: int(node.border),
				fillColor: node.color,
				fillAlpha: node.alpha,
				x: node.position[0] * S,
				y: -node.position[1] * S,
				angle: -node.angle,
				friction: node.friction,
				restitution: node.restitution,
				density: node.density,
				isBullet: false
			var mesh:Mesh;
			var map0:FillMaterial = new FillMaterial(param.fillColor, node.alpha);
			var map1:FillMaterial = new FillMaterial(Palette.mix(param.fillColor, 0xFFFFFF, 0.2), node.alpha);
			var map2:FillMaterial = new FillMaterial(Palette.mix(param.fillColor, 0xFFFFFF, 0.1), node.alpha);
			if (node.type == "wall") {
				var unitPos:Point = new Point(node.position[0] * S, -node.position[1] * S);
				var adjust:Point = adjustPlanePos(unitPos.x, unitPos.y, node.angle + Math.PI / 2).subtract(unitPos);
				var wallSize:Number = 30;
				var heightOffset:Point = new Point(Math.cos(node.angle) * -wallSize / 2 * S, Math.sin(node.angle) * wallSize / 2 * S);
				unitOffset = heightOffset.add(adjust);
				param.x = unitPos.x + unitOffset.x,
				param.y = unitPos.y + unitOffset.y,
				param.width = wallSize * S;
				param.height = 300 * S;
				param.density = 0;
				qbox = sim.addBox(param);
				mesh = new Plane(param.height * altScale, depth, 1, 1, true, false, false, null, map0);
				mesh.x = (param.x - heightOffset.x) * altScale;
				mesh.z = -(param.y - heightOffset.y) * altScale;
				mesh.y = min * layerDepth + depth/2 + offsetY;
				mesh.rotationY = param.angle + Math.PI / 2;
			if (node.type == "box") {
				param.width = node.size[0] * S;
				param.height = node.size[1] * S;
				qbox = sim.addBox(param);
				if (node.plane) {
					mesh = new Plane(param.width * altScale, param.height * altScale, 1, 1, true, false, false, map1, map1);
					mesh.rotationX = Math.PI / 2;
					offsetY = layerDepth / 2;
				} else {
					mesh = new Box(param.width * altScale, depth, param.height * altScale, 1, 1, 1, false, false, map0, map0, map1, map1, map2, map2);
			if (node.type == "circle") {
				param.radius = node.radius * S;
				qbox = sim.addCircle(param);
				var seg:int = (param.radius>3)? 16 : (param.radius>0.3)? 8 : 4;
				mesh = new ColorCylinder(param.radius * altScale, depth, seg, 1, param.fillColor, Palette.mix(param.fillColor, 0xFFFFFF, 0.3), param.fillAlpha);
			if (node.type != "wall") {
				mesh.x = param.x * altScale;
				mesh.z = -param.y * altScale;
				mesh.y = min * layerDepth + depth/2 + offsetY;
				mesh.rotationY = param.angle;
			mesh.visible = node.visible !== false && param.fillAlpha;
			mesh.sorting = (node.type == "wall" || node.sort == "bsp")? Sorting.DYNAMIC_BSP : Sorting.AVERAGE_Z;
			if (node.scalez != null) mesh.scaleY *= node.scalez;
			qdata = new QboxData();
			qdata.tag = node.tag;
			qdata.primitive = mesh;
			qdata.qobject = qbox;
			primitiveOffset[qdata] = unitOffset;
			if( != null) _objectsGID[] = qdata;
			if( != null) _objectsID[] = qdata;
			if (node.tag != null) {
				scene.body[node.tag] = qdata;
				scene.root[node.tag] = qdata;
			if (node.fix != null) {
				if (fixList["_" + node.fix] == null) fixList["_" + node.fix] = [qdata];
				else fixList["_" + node.fix].push(qdata);
		for (var k:String in fixList) {
			if (k == "_0") {
				for each(var qdt:QboxData in fixList[k]) qdt.qobject.body.SetMass(new b2MassData());
			} else {
				var qd:QboxData;
				var xy:Point = new Point();
				for each(qd in fixList[k]) xy.offset(qd.qobject.x, qd.qobject.y);
				var center:Point = new Point(xy.x / fixList[k].length, xy.y / fixList[k].length);
				for each(qd in fixList[k]) qd.qobject.setLoc(qd.qobject.x - center.x, qd.qobject.y - center.y);
				var objects:Array = [];
				for each(qd in fixList[k]) objects.push(qd.qobject);
				var container3d:Object3DContainer = new Object3DContainer();
				qdata = new QboxData();
				qdata.qobject = sim.addGroup( { objects:objects, x:center.x, y:center.y, skin:"none" } );
				qdata.primitive = container3d;
				for each(qd in fixList[k]) {
					qd.inGroup = true;
					qd.parentGroup = qdata;
					qd.primitive.x = qd.qobject.x * altScale;
					qd.primitive.z = -qd.qobject.y * altScale;
					if (qd.tag != null) {[qd.tag] = qdata;
						scene.root[qd.tag] = qdata;
		for each(node in groups) {
			if ( == "tracked") {
				for each(var id:Number in node.groups) {
					if (_objectsGID[id]) scene.trackingList.push(_objectsGID[id]);
		for each(node in joints) {
			var prim0:QboxData = (!node.target0)? bgData : _objectsID[node.target0];
			var prim1:QboxData = (!node.target1)? bgData : _objectsID[node.target1];
			if (!prim0 || !prim1 || (!node.target0 && !node.target1) || (prim0.qobject.body.IsStatic() && prim1.qobject.body.IsStatic())) continue;
			var pos0:Point = new Point(prim0.qobject.x, prim0.qobject.y).add(PointUtil.rotatePoint(node.offset0[0] * S, -node.offset0[1] * S, prim0.qobject.angle)).subtract(primitiveOffset[prim0]);
			var pos1:Point = new Point(prim1.qobject.x, prim1.qobject.y).add(PointUtil.rotatePoint(node.offset1[0] * S, -node.offset1[1] * S, prim1.qobject.angle)).subtract(primitiveOffset[prim1]);
			if (prim0.inGroup) pos0.offset(prim0.parentGroup.qobject.x, prim0.parentGroup.qobject.y);
			if (prim1.inGroup) pos1.offset(prim1.parentGroup.qobject.x, prim1.parentGroup.qobject.y);
			var pos:Point = Point.interpolate(pos0, pos1, 0.5);
			var body0:b2Body = (prim0.inGroup)? prim0.parentGroup.qobject.body : prim0.qobject.body;
			var body1:b2Body = (prim1.inGroup)? prim1.parentGroup.qobject.body : prim1.qobject.body;
			if (node.type == "spring")
				qbox = sim.addJoint({
					type: "distance",
					lineAlpha: 1,
					a: body0,
					b: body1,
					x1: pos0.x,
					y1: pos0.y,
					x2: pos1.x,
					y2: pos1.y,
					length: node.length * S,
					collideConnected: true,
					dampingRatio: node.damping,
					frequencyHz: node.strength * 100
			if (node.type == "hinge")
				qbox = sim.addJoint( {
					type: "revolute",
					lineAlpha: 0,
					enableMotor: node.motor,
					maxMotorTorque: node.motorTorque,
					motorSpeed: node.motorSpeed * (int(node.reverse)*2 - 1),
					collideConnected: false,
					a: body0,
					b: body1,
					x1: pos.x,
					y1: pos.y
			qdata = new QboxData();
			qdata.qobject = qbox;
		_primitives = null;
		_objectsGID = null;
		_objectsID = null;
		return scene;
	static private function XMLtoVALUE(data:String):* {
		if (data == "true" || data == "false") return (data == "true");
		if (data.substr(0, 1) == "[" && data.substr( -1) == "]") {
			var values:Array = data.substr(1, data.length - 2).split(",");
			for (var i:int = 0; i < values.length; i++) values[i] = Number(values[i]);
			return values;
		if (isNaN(Number(data))) return String(data);
		return Number(data);
	static private function adjustPlanePos(x:Number, y:Number, angle:Number):Point {
		return PointUtil.crossVertical(new Point(x, y), new Point(x + Math.cos(angle) * 100, y - Math.sin(angle) * 100), new Point(0, 0));

class Palette {
	 * 色を混ぜる
	static public function mix(rgb1:uint, rgb2:uint, per:Number = 1):Number {
		var per2:Number = (1 - per);
		var r:uint = (rgb1 >> 16 & 0xFF) * per2 + (rgb2 >> 16 & 0xFF) * per;
		var g:uint = (rgb1 >> 8 & 0xFF) * per2 + (rgb2 >> 8 & 0xFF) * per;
		var b:uint = (rgb1 & 0xFF) * per2 + (rgb2 & 0xFF) * per;
		return r << 16 | g << 8 | b;

class PointUtil {
	 * 2点を通る直線とある点からおろした垂線との交点を求める
	static public function crossVertical(p1:Point, p2:Point, p3:Point):Point {
		var x1:Number = p1.x, y1:Number = p1.y;
		var x2:Number = p2.x, y2:Number = p2.y;
		var x3:Number = p3.x, y3:Number = p3.y;
		var xgap:Number = x1 - x2, ygap:Number = y1 - y2;
		if (ygap == 0) return new Point(p3.x, p1.y);
		var a1:Number = -xgap / ygap;
		var c1:Number = xgap * x3 / ygap + y3;
		var a2:Number = -ygap;
		var b2:Number = xgap;
		var c2:Number = -x1 * a2 + y1 * -b2;
		var z:Number = a1 * b2 + a2;
		return new Point(( -c2 - b2 * c1) / z, (a2 * c1 - a1 * c2) / z);
	static public function rotatePoint(x:Number, y:Number, rad:Number):Point {
		var px:Number = x * Math.cos(rad) - y * Math.sin(rad);
		var py:Number = x * Math.sin(rad) + y * Math.cos(rad);
		return new Point(px, py);

 * シーンをマウスでぐるぐる(Alternativa3D軸)
class SphericalDragger extends EventDispatcher {
	public var distance:Range = new Range();
	public var rotation:Range = new Range();
	public var angle:Range = new Range();
	public var dragEnabled:Boolean = true;
	public var wheelEnabled:Boolean = true;
	private var _eventObject:InteractiveObject;
	private var _clickPoint:Point;
	private var _position:Vector3D = new Vector3D();
	private const RADIAN:Number = Math.PI / 180;
	public var onMovePosition:Function;
	public function get position():Vector3D { return _position; }
	 * @param	obj	マウスイベントを登録する場所
	 * @param	rotation	初期の横方向角度
	 * @param	angle	初期の縦方向角度
	 * @param	distance	初期の中心点からの距離
	public function SphericalDragger(obj:InteractiveObject, rotation:Number = 0, angle:Number = 30, distance:Number = 1000) {
		this.distance.position = distance;
		this.distance.speed = 1.2;
		this.angle.position = angle;
		this.angle.min = -(this.angle.max = 89);
		this.rotation.position = rotation;
		_eventObject = obj;
		_eventObject.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMsDown);
		_eventObject.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMsWheel);
	public function notify():void {
		dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
		if (onMovePosition != null) onMovePosition(_position);
	private function onMsWheel(e:MouseEvent):void {
		if (!dragEnabled || !wheelEnabled) return;
		distance.position *= Math.pow(distance.speed, ( < 0)? 1 : -1);
	private function onMsDown(e:MouseEvent):void {
		if (!dragEnabled) return;
		_eventObject.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMsMove);
		_eventObject.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMsUp); = rotation.position; = angle.position;
		_clickPoint = new Point(_eventObject.mouseX, _eventObject.mouseY);
	private function onMsMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
		if (!dragEnabled) return;
		var dragOffset:Point = new Point(_eventObject.mouseX, _eventObject.mouseY).subtract(_clickPoint);
		rotation.position = - dragOffset.x * rotation.speed;
		angle.position = + dragOffset.y * angle.speed;
	private function onMsUp( {
		_eventObject.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMsMove);
		_eventObject.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMsUp);
	public function updatePosition():void {
		var per:Number = Math.cos(RADIAN * angle.position);
		var px:Number = Math.cos(RADIAN * rotation.position) * distance.position * per;
		var py:Number = Math.sin(RADIAN * rotation.position) * distance.position * per;
		var pz:Number = Math.sin(RADIAN * angle.position) * distance.position;
		_position = new Vector3D(px, py, pz);
class Range {
	public var min:Number = NaN;
	public var max:Number = NaN;
	public var save:Number = NaN;
	public var speed:Number = 1;
	public var position:Number = 0;
	public function Range() {
	public function checkLimit():void {
		if (!isNaN(min) && position < min) position = min;
		else if (!isNaN(max) && position > max) position = max;

 * Box2Dで生成するオブジェクトをまとめたXML
class Box2DXML {
	static public var data:XML = <box2d>
		<primitive type="circle" position="[-0.0963,9.9165]" id="276" radius="5.3" group="466" alpha="0.76" color="4545841" border="true" fix="373" z="0" angle="-0.6346" maskbits="8"/>
		<primitive type="circle" fix="375" position="[15.7505,-5.0704]" id="277" radius="0.8217" group="467" alpha="0.367" color="15825530" border="true" visible="false" z="1" angle="-1.252" maskbits="8"/>
		<primitive type="box" size="[0.26,4.3929]" position="[-1.1649,-1.31]" id="278" group="468" alpha="1" color="10172500" border="true" fix="0" z="2" angle="0" maskbits="8"/>
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