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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

forked from: drawTraingles() Cubes

 * Copyright hacker_vhmeyv3r ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

// forked from shapevent's drawTraingles() Cubes
package {
	import flash.display.*
	import flash.geom.*;
	import flash.utils.*;
	[SWF(backgroundColor = 0x000000, width=500, height=500)]
	public class World3D extends Sprite {
		// standard Vectors for using drawTriangles
		private var _verts:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
		private var _pVerts:Vector.<Number>;
		private var _uvts:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
		private var _indices:Vector.<int> = new Vector.<int>();
		// needed for z-sorting
		private var _sortedIndices:Vector.<int>;
		private var _faces:Array = [];
		// we'll use this for tranforming points
		// and as the transformation matrix for our render
		private var _m:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
		private var _boxIndex:int = 0;
		private var _tex:BitmapData;
		private var _persp:PerspectiveProjection;
		private var _proj:Matrix3D;
		private var _dx:Number = 0;
		private var _dy:Number = 0;
		public function World3D(){
		private function init():void{
			x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
			y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
			// create geometry and populate Vectors
			addBox(0,0,0, 20, 20, 20);
			addBox(0,0,50, 10, 10, 10);
			addBox(30,0,50, 3, 3, 3);
			addBox(30,0,55, 3, 3, 3);
			addBox(30,0,60, 3, 3, 3);
			addBox(0,0,-50, 10, 10, 10);
			addBox(0,-40,0, 10, 10, 10);
			addBox(14,-40,0, 10, 10, 5);
			addBox(0,0,15, 10, 10, 3);
			addBox(0,0,25, 10, 10, 3);
			addBox(-22,0,0, 15, 15, 15);
			addBox(-37,0,0, 10, 10, 10);
			addBox(5,30,5, 10, 5, 10);
			addBox(-5,35,-5, 10, 5, 10);
			addBox(0,20,0, 5, 5, 5);
			addBox(20,0,0, 5, 5, 5);
			addBox(30,0,0, 5, 5, 5);
			addBox(40,0,0, 5, 5, 5);
			addBox(30,20,0, 25, 5, 5);
			_sortedIndices = new Vector.<int>(_indices.length, true);
			_verts.fixed = true, _uvts.fixed = true, _indices.fixed = true
            _pVerts = new Vector.<Number>(_verts.length / 3 * 2, true);
			// create texture
			_tex = new BitmapData(400,400,false, 0x000000);
 		    var grad:Sprite = new Sprite();
			var mat:Matrix = new Matrix();
			with ({
				beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, [0xFFFFFF,0x002244], [1, 1], [0, 255], mat);
			_tex.draw(grad,null, null, BlendMode.HARDLIGHT);
			// perspective
			_persp = new PerspectiveProjection();
            _persp.fieldOfView = 45;
			// projection matrix
			_proj = _persp.toMatrix3D();
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onLoop);
		private function addBox(xp:Number, yp:Number, zp:Number, w:Number, h:Number, leng:Number):void{
			var hw:Number = w * 0.5;
			var hh:Number = h * 0.5;
			var hl:Number = leng * 0.5;
        	_verts.push(-hw + xp, -hh + yp, -hl + zp,
				         hw + xp, -hh + yp, -hl + zp,
				        -hw + xp,  hh + yp, -hl + zp,
				         hw + xp,  hh + yp, -hl + zp,
						-hw + xp, -hh + yp,  hl + zp,
				         hw + xp, -hh + yp,  hl + zp,
				        -hw + xp,  hh + yp,  hl + zp,
				         hw + xp,  hh + yp,  hl + zp);
			var i8:int = _boxIndex * 8;
	        _indices.push(0 + i8, 1 + i8, 2 + i8,
				          1 + i8, 3 + i8, 2 + i8,
						  6 + i8, 7 + i8, 4 + i8, 
				          7 + i8, 5 + i8, 4 + i8, 
						  1 + i8, 5 + i8, 3 + i8,
						  7 + i8, 3 + i8, 5 + i8,
						  4 + i8, 5 + i8, 0 + i8,
						  1 + i8, 0 + i8, 5 + i8,
						  2 + i8, 6 + i8, 0 + i8,
						  0 + i8, 6 + i8, 4 + i8,
						  2 + i8, 3 + i8, 6 + i8,
						  3 + i8, 7 + i8, 6 + i8);
			_faces.push(new Face(), new Face(), new Face(), 
					    new Face(),  new Face(), new Face(), 
						new Face(), new Face(), new Face(),
						new Face(), new Face(), new Face());
			_uvts.push(Math.random(), Math.random(), 0, 
					   Math.random(), Math.random(), 0, 
					   Math.random(), Math.random(), 0,
					   Math.random(), Math.random(), 0, 
					   Math.random(), Math.random(), 0, 
					   Math.random(), Math.random(), 0,
					   Math.random(), Math.random(), 0, 
					   Math.random(), Math.random(), 0);

		private function onLoop(evt:Event):void {
			_dx += (mouseX - _dx) / 4;
			_dy += (mouseY - _dy) / 4;
			_m.appendRotation(_dy, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
			_m.appendRotation(_dx, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
			Utils3D.projectVectors(_m, _verts, _pVerts, _uvts);
			var face:Face;
			var inc:int = 0;
			for (var i:int = 0; i<_indices.length; i+=3){
				face = _faces[inc];
				face.i0 = _indices[i];
				face.i1 = _indices[int(i + 1)];
				face.i2 = _indices[int(i + 2)];
				var i3:int = i * 3;
				face.z = (_uvts[int(face.i0*3 + 2)] + _uvts[int(face.i1*3 + 2)] + _uvts[int(face.i2*3 + 2)]) * 0.333333;
			_faces.sortOn("z", Array.NUMERIC);
			inc = 0;
			for each (face in _faces){
				_sortedIndices[inc++] = face.i0;
				_sortedIndices[inc++] = face.i1;
				_sortedIndices[inc++] = face.i2;
			//graphics.beginBitmapFill(_tex, null, false, false);
			graphics.beginFill(0xFF00FF, 1);
			graphics.drawTriangles(_pVerts, _sortedIndices);//, _uvts, TriangleCulling.NEGATIVE);

class Face{
	public var i0:Number;
	public var i1:Number;
	public var i2:Number;
	public var z:Number;