Onedayitwillmake - Added pooling so it wouldn't slow down, and tried some more optimizations
Wish i understood it better "toni", because its very beautiful, but im not as smart as you :)
* Copyright onedayitwillmake ( )
* MIT License ( )
* Downloaded from:
// Onedayitwillmake - Added pooling so it wouldn't slow down, and tried some more optimizations
// Wish i understood it better "toni", because its very beautiful, but im not as smart as you :)
// forked from toni's 波を動かしてみる
// forked from toni's 波を動かしてみる
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import com.flashdynamix.utils.SWFProfiler;
[SWF(width="465", height="465", backgroundColor="#000000", framerate="60")]
public class WaveLines extends Sprite {
private var pointNum:Number;
private var pointSpeed:Number;
private var pointSpeedDisorder:Number;
private var lineFallSpeed :Number;
private var point : Array;
private var anchor : Array;
private var rs : Number;
private var gs : Number;
private var bs : Number;
private var ra : Number;
private var ga : Number;
private var ba : Number;
private var lcount : Number;
private var lmax : Number;
private var colorArea : Number;
private var waveInc : Boolean;
private var waveRate : Number;
private var waveLineRate : Number;
private var waveMax : Number;
private var waveSizeBase:Number;
private var lineArray:Array;
private var rFlag:int;
private var line_mc:MySprite;
private var stageH:Number;
private var stageW:Number;
public var _linepool:ObjectPool
* おとす
* ステージサイズを大きくするとかなり重くなる。。。。
public function WaveLines()
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onStage);
//Create the pool, only 100 lines, if we get to 101 we wait for one to become free
_linepool= new ObjectPool(false);
_linepool.allocate(200, MySprite);
private function onStage(e:Event):void
rFlag = 0;
pointNum = 20;
lineFallSpeed = 0.2;
pointSpeed = 0.1;
pointSpeedDisorder = 0.01;
waveSizeBase = 80;
colorArea = 40;
stageH = stage.stageHeight;stage.quality = "medium";
stageW = stage.stageWidth;
* ステージの設定
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
lmax = 60;
waveRate = 1;
waveLineRate = 1;
lcount = 0;
* 曲線
point = new Array();
anchor = new Array();
var i1:Number = -1;
var xb:Number = stageW/(pointNum-1);
var len:Number = pointNum;
while (++i1 < len) {
point[i1] = {
x : i1*xb,
angle : Math.random()*Math.PI*2,
speed : Math.random()*pointSpeed,
waveSize : Math.random() * waveSizeBase + 20
anchor[i1-1] = new Object();
anchor[i1-1] = {
x : Math.floor((point[i1].x + point[i1 - 1].x) / 2)
* 色の設定
rs = Math.random()*(Math.PI/180)*10;
gs = Math.random()*(Math.PI/180)*10;
bs = Math.random()*(Math.PI/180)*10;
ra = ga = ba =0.1;
i1 = lmax + 1;
lineArray = [];
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, main);
* ループ
private function main(e:Event):void {
* 線の動き
private function adjPoint():void{
var len:Number = pointNum;
var i1:Number = -1;
while (++i1<len)
point[i1].speed += Math.random()*pointSpeedDisorder*2 -pointSpeedDisorder;
if(Math.abs(point[i1].speed)>pointSpeed) {
point[i1].speed *= 0.9;
point[i1].angle += point[i1].speed;
point[i1].y = Math.sin(point[i1].angle) * point[i1].waveSize * waveRate;
anchor[i1 - 1].y = Math.floor((point[i1].y + point[i1 - 1].y) >> 1);
* 曲線の描画
private function drawLine():void
line_mc = _linepool.object;
if(line_mc == null) return;;, setColor(colorArea), 1);[0].x, point[0].y);
var i1:Number = -1;
var len:Number = pointNum-1;
while(++i1 < len)
{[i1].x, point[i1].y, anchor[i1].x, anchor[i1].y);
}[len-1].x, anchor[len-1].y, point[i1].x, point[i1].y);
line_mc.sp = 1;
line_mc.y = stageH >> 1;
line_mc.alpha = 0.3;
line_mc.visible = true;
// line_mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mov);
line_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mov);
//line_mc.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, mov);
* 色の変化
private function setColor(area:Number):Number{
ra += rs;
ga += gs;
ba += bs;
return (area+Math.cos(ra)*area << 16 | area+Math.cos(ga)*area << 8 | area+Math.cos(ba)*area);
* 移動
private function mov(e:Event):void
if(MySprite( < 30)
MySprite( += lineFallSpeed*waveLineRate;
MySprite( += MySprite(;
MySprite( += 0.01;
MySprite(, mov);
_linepool.object = MySprite(;
}else {
MySprite(, mov);
_linepool.object = MySprite(
import flash.display.Sprite;
class MySprite extends Sprite
public var sp:Number = 1;
public function MySprite()
internal class ObjectPool
private var _factory:ObjectPoolFactory;
private var _initSize:int;
private var _currSize:int;
private var _usageCount:int;
private var _grow:Boolean = true;
private var _head:ObjNode;
private var _tail:ObjNode;
private var _emptyNode:ObjNode;
private var _allocNode:ObjNode;
* Creates a new object pool.
* @param grow If true, the pool grows the first time it becomes empty.
public function ObjectPool(grow:Boolean = false)
_grow = grow;
* Unlock all ressources for the garbage collector.
public function deconstruct():void
var node:ObjNode = _head;
var t:ObjNode;
while (node)
t =; = null;
node = t;
_head = _tail = _emptyNode = _allocNode = null;
* The pool size.
public function get size():int
return _currSize;
* The total number of 'checked out' objects currently in use.
public function get usageCount():int
return _usageCount;
* The total number of unused thus wasted objects. Use the purge()
* method to compact the pool.
* @see #purge
public function get wasteCount():int
return _currSize - _usageCount;
* Get the next available object from the pool or put it back for the
* next use. If the pool is empty and resizable, an error is thrown.
public function get object():MySprite
if (_usageCount == _currSize)
if (_grow)
_currSize += _initSize;
var n:ObjNode = _tail;
var t:ObjNode = _tail;
var node:ObjNode;
for (var i:int = 0; i < _initSize; i++)
node = new ObjNode(); = _factory.create(); = node;
t = node;
_tail = t; = _emptyNode = _head;
_allocNode =;
return object;
return null;
var o:MySprite =; = null;
_allocNode =;
return o;
* @private
public function set object(o:MySprite):void
if (_usageCount > 0)
_usageCount--; = o;
_emptyNode =;
* Define the factory responsible for creating all pool objects.
* If you don't want to use a factory, you must provide a class to the
* allocate method instead.
* @see #allocate
public function setFactory(factory:ObjectPoolFactory):void
_factory = factory;
* Allocate the pool by creating all objects from the factory.
* @param size The number of objects to create.
* @param C The class to create for each object node in the pool.
* This overwrites the current factory.
public function allocate(size:uint, C:Class = null):void
if (C)
_factory = new SimpleFactory(C);
if (!_factory)
throw new Error("nothing to instantiate.");
_initSize = _currSize = size;
_head = _tail = new ObjNode(); = _factory.create();
var n:ObjNode;
for (var i:int = 1; i < _initSize; i++)
n = new ObjNode(); = _factory.create(); = _head;
_head = n;
_emptyNode = _allocNode = _head; = _head;
* Helper method for applying a function to all objects in the pool.
* @param func The function's name.
* @param args The function's arguments.
public function initialze(func:String, args:Array):void
var n:ObjNode = _head;
while (n)
{[func].apply(, args);
if (n == _tail) break;
n =;
* Remove all unused objects from the pool. If the number of remaining
* used objects is smaller than the initial capacity defined by the
* allocate() method, new objects are created to refill the pool.
public function purge():void
var i:int;
var node:ObjNode;
if (_usageCount == 0)
if (_currSize == _initSize)
if (_currSize > _initSize)
i = 0;
node = _head;
while (++i < _initSize)
node =;
_tail = node;
_allocNode = _emptyNode = _head;
_currSize = _initSize;
var a:Array = [];
node =_head;
while (node)
if (! a[int(i++)] = node;
if (node == _tail) break;
node =;
_currSize = a.length;
_usageCount = _currSize;
_head = _tail = a[0];
for (i = 1; i < _currSize; i++)
node = a[i]; = _head;
_head = node;
_emptyNode = _allocNode = _head; = _head;
if (_usageCount < _initSize)
_currSize = _initSize;
var n:ObjNode = _tail;
var t:ObjNode = _tail;
var k:int = _initSize - _usageCount;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
node = new ObjNode(); = _factory.create(); = node;
t = node;
_tail = t; = _emptyNode = _head;
_allocNode =;
internal class ObjNode
public var next:ObjNode;
public var data:MySprite;
internal class SimpleFactory implements ObjectPoolFactory
private var _class:Class;
public function SimpleFactory(C:Class)
_class = C;
public function create():MySprite
return new _class();
interface ObjectPoolFactory
function create():MySprite