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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from

Flash Tip collection 10 : Rotating Around Point

@author YopSolo

The flash API do not provide a way to change the Pivot of a display object
but I found a class called MatrixTransformer in the fl.motion package that can allow to do it quickly
via the static method rotateAroundInternalPoint
the class can be found in flex sdk
Get Adobe Flash player
by YoupSolo 26 Jul 2015


    NME at 30 Jul 2015 15:32
    I remember when I needed this years ago, and it wasn't in the doc. I had to roll my own, because I had to get it out there, but then this guy showed it to me on the flashcoders list after I sent the swf to the client. Wow, those were the days.*sigh*
    YoupSolo at 22 Aug 2015 00:47
    yep ^^ fortunatly new libs like Starling give us pivotX/pivotY with the v1 :)
 * Copyright YoupSolo ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
    import flash.display.Shape;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Matrix;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;   

     * ...
     * @author YopSolo
     * The flash API do not provide a way to change the Pivot of a display object
     * but I found a class called MatrixTransformer in the fl.motion package that can allow to do it quickly
     * via the static method rotateAroundInternalPoint
     * documentation 
     * the class can be found in flex sdk
    public class Main extends Sprite
        private var _shapes:Vector.<Shape>;       

        public function Main()
            if (stage) init();
            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

        private function init(e:Event = null):void

            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            // entry point           

            var bg:Shape = new Shape();
  , 0, 465, 465);
            bg.cacheAsBitmap = true;

            // add custom menu
            new CustomMenu(this);

        private function run():void
            buildTextField(this, 'TIP 10 : Rotation around a point', 2, 2);
            _shapes = new Vector.<Shape>();
            var shape:Shape = new Shape();
            for (var i:int = 0; i < 5; i++)
                shape = new Shape();
       * Math.random(), 1);
      , 0, 200, 200);

                shape.x = 233 - 100;
                shape.y = 233 - 100;
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _oef);

        private function _oef(e:Event):void
            var sh:Shape;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < _shapes.length; i++)
                sh = _shapes[i];
                var mtx:Matrix = sh.transform.matrix.clone();
                MatrixTransformer.rotateAroundInternalPoint(mtx, 100, 100, .5 + i/2 ); // rotate around the center point of the shape => 200 200 rect
                sh.transform.matrix = mtx;

        private function buildTextField(doc:DisplayObjectContainer, txt:String, x:int = 0, y:int = 0):TextField
            var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat;
            fmt.color = 0xFFFFFF;
            fmt.font = 'Arial'; //(new FONT_HARMONY() as Font).fontName;
            fmt.size = 11; // 8;
            var tf:TextField = new TextField;
            tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
            tf.opaqueBackground = 0x0; // opaque background allow a perfect font rendering even in StageQuality.LOW mode
            tf.selectable = false;
            //tf.embedFonts = true;
            tf.defaultTextFormat = fmt;
            tf.text = txt;
            tf.x = x;
            tf.y = y;

            return tf;

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;

class CustomMenu
    private const NAME:String = "Flash Tips Collection : 'Rotation around Point'";
    public function CustomMenu(ref:Sprite):void
        var appContextMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu;
        var cmi:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(NAME);
        var credits:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("by YopSolo");

        cmi.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, _onClickCollection);
        credits.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, _onClickCredits);

        ref.contextMenu = appContextMenu;

    private function _onClickCollection(e:ContextMenuEvent):void
        navigateToURL(new URLRequest(''), '_blank');

    private function _onClickCredits(e:ContextMenuEvent):void
        navigateToURL(new URLRequest(''), '_blank');

// source flex sdk

 * The MatrixTransformer class contains methods for modifying individual properties of a transformation matrix:

 * horizontal and vertical scale, horizontal and vertical skew, and rotation.

 * This class also has methods for rotating around a given transformation point rather than the typical (0, 0) point.

 * @playerversion Flash

 * @langversion 3.0

 * @keyword MatrixTransformer, Copy Motion as ActionScript

 * @see ../../motionXSD.html Motion XML Elements

 * @see flash.geom


class MatrixTransformer



     * Calculates the horizontal scale present in a matrix.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @return The horizontal scale.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function getScaleX(m:Matrix):Number


        return Math.sqrt(m.a * m.a + m.b * m.b);




     * Changes the horizontal scale in a matrix.


     * @param m A Matrix instance to be modified.


     * @param scaleX The new horizontal scale.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function setScaleX(m:Matrix, scaleX:Number):void


        var oldValue:Number = getScaleX(m);

        // avoid division by zero 

        if (oldValue)


            var ratio:Number = scaleX / oldValue;

            m.a *= ratio;

            m.b *= ratio;




            var skewYRad:Number = getSkewYRadians(m);

            m.a = Math.cos(skewYRad) * scaleX;

            m.b = Math.sin(skewYRad) * scaleX;





     * Calculates the vertical scale present in a matrix.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @return The vertical scale.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function getScaleY(m:Matrix):Number


        return Math.sqrt(m.c * m.c + m.d * m.d);




     * Changes the vertical scale in a matrix.


     * @param m A Matrix instance to be modified.


     * @param scaleY The new vertical scale.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function setScaleY(m:Matrix, scaleY:Number):void


        var oldValue:Number = getScaleY(m);

        // avoid division by zero 

        if (oldValue)


            var ratio:Number = scaleY / oldValue;

            m.c *= ratio;

            m.d *= ratio;




            var skewXRad:Number = getSkewXRadians(m);

            m.c = -Math.sin(skewXRad) * scaleY;

            m.d = Math.cos(skewXRad) * scaleY;





     * Calculates the angle of horizontal skew present in a matrix, in radians.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @return The angle of horizontal skew, in radians.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function getSkewXRadians(m:Matrix):Number


        return Math.atan2(-m.c, m.d);




     * Changes the horizontal skew in a matrix.


     * @param m A Matrix instance to be modified.


     * @param skewX The new horizontal skew, in radians.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function setSkewXRadians(m:Matrix, skewX:Number):void


        var scaleY:Number = getScaleY(m);

        m.c = -scaleY * Math.sin(skewX);

        m.d = scaleY * Math.cos(skewX);




     * Calculates the angle of vertical skew present in a matrix, in radians.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @return The angle of vertical skew, in radians.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function getSkewYRadians(m:Matrix):Number


        return Math.atan2(m.b, m.a);




     * Changes the vertical skew in a matrix.


     * @param m A Matrix instance to be modified.


     * @param skewY The new vertical skew, in radians.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function setSkewYRadians(m:Matrix, skewY:Number):void


        var scaleX:Number = getScaleX(m);

        m.a = scaleX * Math.cos(skewY);

        m.b = scaleX * Math.sin(skewY);




     * Calculates the angle of horizontal skew present in a matrix, in degrees.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @return The angle of horizontal skew, in degrees.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function getSkewX(m:Matrix):Number


        return Math.atan2(-m.c, m.d) * (180 / Math.PI);




     * Changes the horizontal skew in a matrix.


     * @param m A Matrix instance to be modified.


     * @param skewX The new horizontal skew, in degrees.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function setSkewX(m:Matrix, skewX:Number):void


        setSkewXRadians(m, skewX * (Math.PI / 180));




     * Calculates the angle of vertical skew present in a matrix, in degrees.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @return The angle of vertical skew, in degrees.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function getSkewY(m:Matrix):Number


        return Math.atan2(m.b, m.a) * (180 / Math.PI);




     * Changes the vertical skew in a matrix.


     * @param m A Matrix instance to be modified.


     * @param skewX The new vertical skew, in degrees.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function setSkewY(m:Matrix, skewY:Number):void


        setSkewYRadians(m, skewY * (Math.PI / 180));




     * Calculates the angle of rotation present in a matrix, in radians.

     * If the horizontal and vertical skews are not equal,

     * the vertical skew value is used.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @return The angle of rotation, in radians.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function getRotationRadians(m:Matrix):Number


        return getSkewYRadians(m);




     * Changes the angle of rotation in a matrix.

     * If the horizontal and vertical skews are not equal,

     * the vertical skew is set to the rotation value

     * and the horizontal skew is increased by the difference between the

     * old rotation and the new rotation.

     * This matches the rotation behavior in Flash Player.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @param rotation The angle of rotation, in radians.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function setRotationRadians(m:Matrix, rotation:Number):void


        var oldRotation:Number = getRotationRadians(m);

        var oldSkewX:Number = getSkewXRadians(m);

        setSkewXRadians(m, oldSkewX + rotation - oldRotation);

        setSkewYRadians(m, rotation);




     * Calculates the angle of rotation present in a matrix, in degrees.

     * If the horizontal and vertical skews are not equal,

     * the vertical skew value is used.

     * This matches the rotation behavior in Flash Player.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @return The angle of rotation, in degrees.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function getRotation(m:Matrix):Number


        return getRotationRadians(m) * (180 / Math.PI);




     * Changes the angle of rotation in a matrix.

     * If the horizontal and vertical skews are not equal,

     * the vertical skew is set to the rotation value

     * and the horizontal skew is increased by the difference between the

     * old rotation and the new rotation.

     * This matches the rotation behavior in Flash Player.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @param rotation The angle of rotation, in degrees.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function setRotation(m:Matrix, rotation:Number):void


        setRotationRadians(m, rotation * (Math.PI / 180));




     * Rotates a matrix about a point defined inside the matrix's transformation space.

     * This can be used to rotate a movie clip around a transformation point inside itself.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @param x The x coordinate of the point.


     * @param y The y coordinate of the point.


     * @param angleDegrees The angle of rotation in degrees.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function rotateAroundInternalPoint(m:Matrix, x:Number, y:Number, angleDegrees:Number):void


        var point:Point = new Point(x, y);

        point = m.transformPoint(point);

        m.tx -= point.x;

        m.ty -= point.y;

        m.rotate(angleDegrees * (Math.PI / 180));

        m.tx += point.x;

        m.ty += point.y;




     * Rotates a matrix about a point defined outside the matrix's transformation space.

     * This can be used to rotate a movie clip around a transformation point in its parent.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @param x The x coordinate of the point.


     * @param y The y coordinate of the point.


     * @param angleDegrees The angle of rotation in degrees.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function rotateAroundExternalPoint(m:Matrix, x:Number, y:Number, angleDegrees:Number):void


        m.tx -= x;

        m.ty -= y;

        m.rotate(angleDegrees * (Math.PI / 180));

        m.tx += x;

        m.ty += y;




     * Moves a matrix as necessary to align an internal point with an external point.

     * This can be used to match a point in a transformed movie clip with one in its parent.


     * @param m A Matrix instance.


     * @param internalPoint A Point instance defining a position within the matrix's transformation space.


     * @param externalPoint A Point instance defining a reference position outside the matrix's transformation space.

     * @playerversion Flash

     * @langversion 3.0

     * @keyword Matrix, Copy Motion as ActionScript

     * @see flash.geom.Matrix


    public static function matchInternalPointWithExternal(m:Matrix, internalPoint:Point, externalPoint:Point):void


        var internalPointTransformed:Point = m.transformPoint(internalPoint);

        var dx:Number = externalPoint.x - internalPointTransformed.x;

        var dy:Number = externalPoint.y - internalPointTransformed.y;

        m.tx += dx;

        m.ty += dy;

