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Dead Code Preservation :: Archived AS3 works from


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by okoi 05 Oct 2010
 * Copyright okoi ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

 * ShadowCast
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    [SWF(width = "465", height = "465")]
     * ...
     * @author 
    public class Main extends Sprite 
        private var _canvas:BitmapData;
        private var _lightCanvas:BitmapData;
        private var _lightX:Number;
        private var _lightY:Number;
        private static const LIGHTLENGTH:int = 150;
        private static const BLOCKCOLOR:uint = 0xFF000000;
        private var _step:int;
        private var _walls:/*Wall*/Array;
        public function Main():void 
            if (stage) init();
            else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
        private function init(e:Event = null):void 
            removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            // entry point
            graphics.drawRect(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
            _canvas = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, true, 0 );
            addChild( new Bitmap(_canvas) );
            _lightCanvas = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, true, 0);
            addChild( new Bitmap(_lightCanvas) );
            _lightX = stage.stageWidth / 2;
            _lightY = stage.stageHeight / 2;
            _step = 0;
            _walls = new Array();
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Update);
        private function Update(e:Event):void
            var i:int;
            _lightX = stage.mouseX;
            _lightY = stage.mouseY;
            //    DrawWall
            if ( _step % 10 == 0 )    GenerationWall();
            for ( i = _walls.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                _walls[i].x -= 5;
                if ( _walls[i].x < -_walls[i].width )    _walls.splice( i, 1 );
            _canvas.fillRect(_canvas.rect, 0x0 );
            for ( i = 0; i < _walls.length; i++ )
                _canvas.fillRect( new Rectangle( _walls[i].x, _walls[i].y, _walls[i].width, _walls[i].height ), 0xFF000000 );
            //    ShadowCut
            _lightCanvas.fillRect(_lightCanvas.rect, 0x0);
            RecursiveCutOutNortheastNorth( 0, 1, 0 );
            RecursiveCutOutNortheastEast(0, 1, 0 );
            RecursiveCutOutSoutheastEast(0, 1, 0 );
            RecursiveCutOutSoutheastSouth(0, 1, 0);
            RecursiveCutOutSouthwestSouth(0, 1, 0);
            RecursiveCutOutSouthwestWest(0, 1, 0);
            RecursiveCutOutNorthwestWest(0, 1, 0);
            RecursiveCutOutNorthwestNorth(0, 1, 0 );
        private function GenerationWall() : void
            var wall:Wall = new Wall();
            wall.width = Math.random() * 20 + 10;
            wall.height = Math.random() * 20 + 10;
            wall.x = stage.stageWidth + wall.width;
            wall.y = Math.random() * stage.stageHeight;
            _walls[_walls.length] = wall;
        private function calcSlope( x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number ) : Number
            return    (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1);
        private function calcInverseSlope( x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number ) : Number
            return    1 / ((x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1));

        private function RecursiveCutOutNortheastNorth( depth:int, sSlope:Number, eSlope:Number ) : void
            var sX:int = _lightX + Math.ceil(sSlope * depth);
            var eX:int = _lightX + Math.ceil(eSlope * depth);
            var currentY:int = _lightY - depth;
            if (currentY < 0) return;
            var isLastCellBlocked:Boolean = _canvas.getPixel32(sX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR;
            for (var currentX:int = Math.min(sX, _canvas.width); currentX >= eX; --currentX) 
                if ( (currentX - _lightX) * (currentX - _lightX) + (currentY - _lightY) * (currentY - _lightY) > LIGHTLENGTH * LIGHTLENGTH )    continue;
                if (_canvas.getPixel32(currentX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR) {
                    if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                        var newESlope:Number = -calcSlope(_lightX, _lightY, (currentX + 0.5), (currentY + 0.5));
                        RecursiveCutOutNortheastNorth(depth + 1, sSlope, newESlope);
                    isLastCellBlocked = true;
                } else {
                    if (isLastCellBlocked) {
                        sSlope = -calcSlope(_lightX, _lightY, (currentX - 0.5), (currentY - 0.5));
                    _lightCanvas.setPixel32(currentX, currentY, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    isLastCellBlocked = false;
            if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                RecursiveCutOutNortheastNorth(depth, sSlope, eSlope);
        private function RecursiveCutOutNortheastEast( depth:int, sSlope:Number, eSlope:Number ) : void
            var sY:int = _lightY - Math.ceil(sSlope * depth);
            var eY:int = _lightY - Math.ceil(eSlope * depth);
            var currentX:int = _lightX + depth;
            if (currentX > 465) return;
            var isLastCellBlocked:Boolean = _canvas.getPixel32(currentX, sY) == BLOCKCOLOR;
            for (var currentY:int = Math.max(sY, 0); currentY <= eY; ++currentY) {
                if ( (currentX - _lightX) * (currentX - _lightX) + (currentY - _lightY) * (currentY - _lightY) > LIGHTLENGTH * LIGHTLENGTH )    continue;
                if (_canvas.getPixel32(currentX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR) {
                    if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                        var newESlope:Number = -calcInverseSlope((currentX - 0.5), (currentY - 0.5), _lightX, _lightY);
                        RecursiveCutOutNortheastEast(depth + 1, sSlope, newESlope);
                    isLastCellBlocked = true;
                } else {
                    if (isLastCellBlocked) {
                        sSlope = -calcInverseSlope((currentX + 0.5), (currentY + 0.5), _lightX, _lightY);
                    _lightCanvas.setPixel32(currentX, currentY, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    isLastCellBlocked = false;
            if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                RecursiveCutOutNortheastEast(depth, sSlope, eSlope);
        private function RecursiveCutOutSoutheastEast( depth:int, sSlope:Number, eSlope:Number ) : void
            var sY:int = _lightY + Math.ceil(sSlope * depth);
            var eY:int = _lightY + Math.ceil(eSlope * depth);
            var currentX:int = _lightX + depth;
            if (currentX > _canvas.width) return;
            var isLastCellBlocked:Boolean = _canvas.getPixel32(currentX, sY) == BLOCKCOLOR;
            for (var currentY:int = Math.min(sY, _canvas.height); currentY >= eY; --currentY) {
                if ( (currentX - _lightX) * (currentX - _lightX) + (currentY - _lightY) * (currentY - _lightY) > LIGHTLENGTH * LIGHTLENGTH )    continue;
                if (_canvas.getPixel32(currentX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR) {
                    if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                        var newESlope:Number = calcInverseSlope((currentX - 0.5), (currentY + 0.5), _lightX, _lightY);
                        RecursiveCutOutSoutheastEast(depth + 1, sSlope, newESlope);
                    isLastCellBlocked = true;
                } else {
                    if (isLastCellBlocked) {
                        sSlope = calcInverseSlope((currentX + 0.5), (currentY - 0.5), _lightX, _lightY);
                    _lightCanvas.setPixel32(currentX, currentY, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    isLastCellBlocked = false;
            if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                RecursiveCutOutSoutheastEast(depth, sSlope, eSlope);
        private function RecursiveCutOutSoutheastSouth( depth:int, sSlope:Number, eSlope:Number ) : void
            var sX:int = _lightX + Math.ceil(sSlope * depth);
            var eX:int = _lightX + Math.ceil(eSlope * depth);
            var currentY:int = _lightY + depth;
            if (currentY > _canvas.height) return;
            var isLastCellBlocked:Boolean = _canvas.getPixel32(sX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR;
            for (var currentX:int = Math.min(sX, _canvas.width); currentX >= eX; --currentX) {
                if ( (currentX - _lightX) * (currentX - _lightX) + (currentY - _lightY) * (currentY - _lightY) > LIGHTLENGTH * LIGHTLENGTH )    continue;
                if (_canvas.getPixel32(currentX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR) {
                    if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                        var newESlope:Number = calcSlope(_lightX, _lightY, (currentX + 0.5), (currentY - 0.5));
                        RecursiveCutOutSoutheastSouth(depth + 1, sSlope, newESlope);
                    isLastCellBlocked = true;
                } else {
                    if (isLastCellBlocked) {
                        sSlope = calcSlope(_lightX, _lightY, (currentX - 0.5), (currentY + 0.5));
                    _lightCanvas.setPixel32(currentX, currentY, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    isLastCellBlocked = false;
            if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                RecursiveCutOutSoutheastSouth(depth, sSlope, eSlope);
        private function RecursiveCutOutSouthwestSouth( depth:int, sSlope:Number, eSlope:Number ) : void
            var sX:int = _lightX - Math.ceil(sSlope * depth);
            var eX:int = _lightX - Math.ceil(eSlope * depth);
            var currentY:int = _lightY + depth;
            if (currentY > _canvas.height) return;
            var isLastCellBlocked:Boolean = _canvas.getPixel32(sX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR;
            for (var currentX:int = Math.max(sX, 0); currentX <= eX; ++currentX) {
                if ( (currentX - _lightX) * (currentX - _lightX) + (currentY - _lightY) * (currentY - _lightY) > LIGHTLENGTH * LIGHTLENGTH )    continue;                
                if (_canvas.getPixel32(currentX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR) {
                    if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                        var newESlope:Number = -calcSlope(_lightX, _lightY, (currentX - 0.5), (currentY - 0.5));
                        RecursiveCutOutSouthwestSouth(depth + 1, sSlope, newESlope);
                    isLastCellBlocked = true;
                } else {
                    if (isLastCellBlocked) {
                        sSlope = -calcSlope(_lightX, _lightY, (currentX + 0.5), (currentY + 0.5));
                    _lightCanvas.setPixel32(currentX, currentY, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    isLastCellBlocked = false;
            if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                RecursiveCutOutSouthwestSouth(depth, sSlope, eSlope);
        private function RecursiveCutOutSouthwestWest( depth:int, sSlope:Number, eSlope:Number ) : void
            var sY:int = _lightY + Math.ceil(sSlope * depth);
            var eY:int = _lightY + Math.ceil(eSlope * depth);
            var currentX:int = _lightX - depth;
            if (currentX < 0) return;
            var isLastCellBlocked:Boolean = _canvas.getPixel32(currentX, sY) == BLOCKCOLOR;
            for (var currentY:int = Math.min(sY, _canvas.height); currentY >= eY; --currentY) {
                if ( (currentX - _lightX) * (currentX - _lightX) + (currentY - _lightY) * (currentY - _lightY) > LIGHTLENGTH * LIGHTLENGTH )    continue;                
                if (_canvas.getPixel32(currentX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR) {
                    if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                        var newESlope:Number = -calcInverseSlope((currentX + 0.5), (currentY + 0.5), _lightX, _lightY);
                        RecursiveCutOutSouthwestWest(depth + 1, sSlope, newESlope);
                    isLastCellBlocked = true;
                } else {
                    if (isLastCellBlocked) {
                        sSlope = -calcInverseSlope((currentX - 0.5), (currentY - 0.5), _lightX, _lightY);
                    _lightCanvas.setPixel32(currentX, currentY, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    isLastCellBlocked = false;
            if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                RecursiveCutOutSouthwestWest(depth, sSlope, eSlope);
        private function RecursiveCutOutNorthwestWest( depth:int, sSlope:Number, eSlope:Number ) : void
            var sY:int = _lightY - Math.ceil(sSlope * depth);
            var eY:int = _lightY - Math.ceil(eSlope * depth);
            var currentX:int = _lightX - depth;
            if (currentX < 0) return;
            var isLastCellBlocked:Boolean = _canvas.getPixel32(currentX, sY) == BLOCKCOLOR;
            for (var currentY:int = Math.max(sY, 0); currentY <= eY; ++currentY) {
                if ( (currentX - _lightX) * (currentX - _lightX) + (currentY - _lightY) * (currentY - _lightY) > LIGHTLENGTH * LIGHTLENGTH )    continue;                

                if (_canvas.getPixel32(currentX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR) {
                    if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                        var newESlope:Number = calcInverseSlope((currentX + 0.5), (currentY - 0.5), _lightX, _lightY);
                        RecursiveCutOutNorthwestWest(depth + 1, sSlope, newESlope);
                    isLastCellBlocked = true;
                } else {
                    if (isLastCellBlocked) {
                        sSlope = calcInverseSlope((currentX - 0.5), (currentY + 0.5), _lightX, _lightY);
                    _lightCanvas.setPixel32(currentX, currentY, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    isLastCellBlocked = false;
            if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                RecursiveCutOutNorthwestWest(depth, sSlope, eSlope);
        private function RecursiveCutOutNorthwestNorth( depth:int, sSlope:Number, eSlope:Number ) : void
            var sX:int = _lightX - Math.ceil(sSlope * depth);
            var eX:int = _lightX - Math.ceil(eSlope * depth);
            var currentY:int = _lightY - depth;
            if (currentY < 0) return;
            var isLastCellBlocked:Boolean = _canvas.getPixel32(sX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR;
            for (var currentX:int = Math.max(sX, 0); currentX <= eX; ++currentX) {
                if ( (currentX - _lightX) * (currentX - _lightX) + (currentY - _lightY) * (currentY - _lightY) > LIGHTLENGTH * LIGHTLENGTH )    continue;                
                if (_canvas.getPixel32(currentX, currentY) == BLOCKCOLOR) {
                    if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                        var newESlope:Number = calcSlope(_lightX, _lightY, (currentX - 0.5), (currentY + 0.5));
                        // start recursion for the next depth
                        RecursiveCutOutNorthwestNorth(depth + 1, sSlope, newESlope);
                    isLastCellBlocked = true;
                } else {
                    if (isLastCellBlocked) {
                       sSlope = calcSlope(_lightX, _lightY, (currentX + 0.5), (currentY - 0.5));
                    _lightCanvas.setPixel32(currentX, currentY, 0xFFFFFFFF);
                    isLastCellBlocked = false;
            if (!isLastCellBlocked) {
                RecursiveCutOutNorthwestNorth(depth, sSlope, eSlope);


class Wall {
    public var x:Number;
    public var y:Number;
    public var width:Number;
    public var height:Number;
    public function Wall() {