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Genetic algorithm:Solution of P&D

Genetic Programming
1:init the DNA
2:clone the current DNA
3:mutate the clone
4:find how many combo
5: if the new DNA make more combo than the previous did, overwrite the current DNA with the new DNA
6:goto 2
Get Adobe Flash player
by CZQ 07 Apr 2013


    makc3d at 04 Apr 2013 23:42
    what is "P&D" ?
    keim_at_Si at 05 Apr 2013 05:41


 * Copyright CZQ ( )
 * MIT License ( )
 * Downloaded from:

    import com.bit101.components.Label;
    import com.bit101.components.NumericStepper;
    import com.bit101.components.PushButton;
    import com.bit101.components.Text;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.geom.Point;
    //import genetic.DNA;
    import net.hires.debug.Stats;
     * @author CZQ
    [SWF(width='425', height='425',frameRate=24, backgroundColor='0xFFFFFF')]
    public class PADCounter extends Sprite
        public static var maxLength:int = 10;
        private var ballMap:Array = 
        private var bestDna:DNA;
        private var bestCombo:int = 0;
        private var count:int = 0;
        private var txtCount:Label;
        private var txtBestCombo:Label;
        private var txtBestSolution:Label;
        private var txtDna:Text;
        private var numMutateRate:NumericStepper;
        private var numSpeed:NumericStepper;
        private var numStep:NumericStepper;
        private var MutateRate:Number = 0.05;
        private var speed:int = 100;
        private var SameSolutionRate:Number = 0.1;
        public function PADCounter()
            txtCount = new Label(this, 0, 0);
            txtBestCombo = new Label(this, 90, 0);
            txtBestSolution = new Label(this, 150, 0);
            txtDna = new Text(this,0,20,JSON.stringify(ballMap));
            var btnChangeMap:PushButton = new PushButton(this, 310, 20, "Change", onChangeArray);
            new Label(this, 0, 200, 'MutateRate');
            numMutateRate = new NumericStepper(this, 0, 220, onChangeMutateRate);
            numMutateRate.maximum = 1;
            numMutateRate.minimum = 0;
            numMutateRate.step = 0.1;
            numMutateRate.value = MutateRate;
            new Label(this, 120, 200, "Speed");
            numSpeed = new NumericStepper(this, 120, 220, onChangeSpeed);
            numSpeed.value = speed;
            numSpeed.maximum = 5003;
            numSpeed.minimum = 100;
            numSpeed.step = 100;
            new Label(this, 240, 200, "Step");
            numStep = new NumericStepper(this, 240, 220, onChangeStep);
            numStep.value = maxLength;
            numStep.maximum = 30;
            numStep.minimum = 2;
            numStep.step = 1;
            draw(ballMap, 5, 50, 25);
            addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
            var s:Stats = new Stats();
            s.y = 300;
        private function onChangeStep(e:Event):void
            maxLength = numStep.value;
            bestDna = null;
            bestCombo = 0;
            count = 0;
        private function onChangeMutateRate(e:Event):void
            MutateRate = numMutateRate.value;
        private function onChangeSpeed(e:Event):void
            speed = numSpeed.value;
        private function onChangeArray(e:MouseEvent):void
            var mapS:String = txtDna.text;
            var map:Array = [];
                map = JSON.parse(mapS) as Array;
            if (map.length == PadUtil.COL * PadUtil.ROW){
                ballMap = map;
                bestDna = null;
                bestCombo = 0;
                count = 0;
        private function onEnterFrame(e:Event = null):void
            for (var i:int = 0; i < speed; i++){
        private function countIt():void
            if (!bestDna){
                bestDna = new DNA();
                GeneticUtil.initDna(bestDna, maxLength);
            var newDna:DNA;
            if (Math.random() > MutateRate){
                //copy from best
                newDna = GeneticUtil.mutate(bestDna);
                //Big Mutate!
                newDna = new DNA();
                GeneticUtil.initDna(newDna, maxLength);
            var newMap:Array = GeneticUtil.useDna(ballMap,newDna)
            var newCombo:int = PadUtil.countFunc(newMap);
            if (newCombo > bestCombo || (newCombo == bestCombo && Math.random() < SameSolutionRate)){
                draw(ballMap, 5, 50, 25);
                draw(newMap, 200, 50, 25);
                drawDNA(newDna, 200, 50, 25);
                bestDna = newDna;
                bestCombo = newCombo;
                txtBestCombo.text = "Max Combo" + bestCombo.toString();
                txtBestSolution.text = bestDna.dump();
            count += 1;
            txtCount.text = "Mutations:" + count.toString();
        public function draw(map:Array, dx:Number = 50, dy:Number = 50, size:Number = 50):void
            //draw board
            for (var i:int = 0; i <= PadUtil.COL; i++){
                graphics.moveTo(dx + i * size, dy/* dy */ + 0 * size);
                graphics.lineTo(dx + i * size, dy/* dy */ + PadUtil.ROW * size);
            for (var j:int = 0; j <= PadUtil.ROW; j++){
                graphics.moveTo(dx + 0 * size, dy/* dy */ + j * size);
                graphics.lineTo(dx + PadUtil.COL * size, dy/* dy */ + j * size);
            for (i = 0; i < map.length; i++){
                var p:Point = GeneticUtil.indexToPoint(i);
                switch (map[i]){
                    case 0://R=>0
                    case 1://G->1
                    case 2://B
                    case 3://L
                    case 4://D
                    case 5://H
                if (map[i] >= 0)
                    graphics.drawCircle( dx + size / 2 + p.x * size, dy + size / 2 + p.y * size, size / 3);
        public function drawDNA(dna:DNA, dx:Number = 50, dy:Number = 50, size:Number = 50):void
            var p:Point = dna.dna[0];
            graphics.moveTo(dx + size / 2 + p.x * size, dy + size / 2 + p.y * size); 
            graphics.drawCircle(dx + size / 2 + p.x * size, dy + size / 2 + p.y * size, size / 5);
            for (var i:int = 1; i < dna.dna.length; i++){
                p = dna.dna[i];
                graphics.lineTo(dx + size / 2 + p.x * size, dy + size / 2 + p.y * size);
            graphics.drawCircle(dx + size / 2 + p.x * size, dy + size / 2 + p.y * size, size / 5);
    import flash.geom.Point;
    //import genetic.DNA;

    class GeneticUtil
         * init the dna 
         * @param dna
         * @param length
        public static function initDna(dna:DNA, length:int):void
            dna.dna = new Vector.<Point>;
            dna.dna.push(new Point(rnd(PadUtil.COL), rnd(PadUtil.ROW)));
            var oe:int = -1;
            for (var i:int = 1; i < length; i++)
                oe *= -1;
                if (oe > 0){
                    //change Col
                    dna.dna.push(new Point(rnd(PadUtil.COL), dna.dna[i-1].y));
                    //change Row
                    dna.dna.push(new Point(dna.dna[i-1].x, rnd(PadUtil.ROW)));
         * Evolution
         * @param dnaSource
         * @param strength
         * @return 
        public static function mutate(dnaSource:DNA):DNA {
            var newDna:DNA = dnaSource.clone();
            var dnaIndex:int = Math.random() * newDna.dna.length;
            var now:Point = newDna.dna[dnaIndex];
            var prev:Point = now.clone();
            var next:Point = now.clone();
            if (dnaIndex != 0){
                prev = newDna.dna[dnaIndex - 1];
            if (dnaIndex != newDna.dna.length - 1) {
                next = newDna.dna[dnaIndex + 1];
            if ((dnaIndex == 0 || oneOrNegativeOne() > 0) && dnaIndex != newDna.dna.length - 1 ){
                //change next
                if (prev.y == now.y && next.x == now.x){
                    //change now .x && next.x
//                    now.x = int(clamp(now.x + oneOrNegativeOne() * Math.random() * strength * 2, 0, PadUtil.COL));
                    now.x = rnd(PadUtil.COL);
                    next.x = now.x;
                    //change now.y && next.y
//                    now.y = int(clamp(now.y + oneOrNegativeOne() * Math.random() * strength * 2, 0, PadUtil.ROW));
                    now.y = rnd(PadUtil.ROW);
                    next.y = now.y;
                //change prev
                if (prev.y == now.y && next.x == now.x){
                    //change now.y && prev.y
//                    now.y = int(clamp(now.y + oneOrNegativeOne() * Math.random() * strength * 2, 0, PadUtil.ROW));
                    now.y = rnd(PadUtil.ROW);
                    prev.y = now.y;
                    //change now .x && prev.x
//                    now.x = int(clamp(now.x + oneOrNegativeOne() * Math.random() * strength * 2, 0, PadUtil.COL));
                    now.x = rnd(PadUtil.COL);
                    prev.x = now.x;
            //already wrote it to dna~
            return newDna
         * Use Dna for map 
         * @param map
         * @param dna
         * @return 
        public static function useDna(mapSoure:Array, dna:DNA):Array
            var j:int;
            var d:int;
            var mapCopy:Array = mapSoure.concat();
            var nowPoint:Point = dna.dna[0];
            var startColor:int = mapCopy[pointToIndex(nowPoint)];
            for (var i:int = 1; i < dna.dna.length; i++)
                var toPoint:Point = dna.dna[i];
                if (nowPoint.y == toPoint.y && nowPoint.x == toPoint.x){
                    //is already there, do nothing
                    //special flag,stop here
                    return mapCopy;
                }else if (nowPoint.y == toPoint.y){
                    //move nowPoint to toPoint.
                    d = oneOrNegativeOneForNum(toPoint.x - nowPoint.x);
                    //move right if d >0
                    for (j = nowPoint.x; j != toPoint.x; j+= d){
                        mapCopy[xyToIndex(j,nowPoint.y)] = mapCopy[xyToIndex(j + d,nowPoint.y)]
                    //set topoint to c
                    mapCopy[pointToIndex(toPoint)] = startColor;
                }else if (nowPoint.x == toPoint.x){
                    d = oneOrNegativeOneForNum(toPoint.y - nowPoint.y);
                    for (j = nowPoint.y; j != toPoint.y; j+= d){
                        mapCopy[xyToIndex(nowPoint.x, j)] = mapCopy[xyToIndex(nowPoint.x, j + d)]
                    //set topoint to c
                    mapCopy[pointToIndex(toPoint)] = startColor;
                    //wrong move,no solution
                    return mapSoure.concat();
                nowPoint = toPoint.clone();
            return mapCopy;
        public static function oneOrNegativeOne():int
            return (Math.random() > 0.5)?1:-1;
        public static function oneOrNegativeOneForNum(v:Number):int
            if (v > 0) return 1;
            return -1;
        public static function pointToIndex(p:Point):int
            return (p.x + p.y * PadUtil.COL);
        public static function xyToIndex(x:int, y:int):int
            return (x + y * PadUtil.COL);
        public static function indexToPoint(index:int):Point
            return new Point(index % PadUtil.COL, int(index / PadUtil.COL));
        public static function rnd(n:Number):int
            return Math.floor(n * Math.random());
        public static function clamp(val:Number, minval:Number, maxval:Number):Number
            if(val<minval) return minval;
            if(val>maxval) return maxval;
            return val;
    class PadUtil
        public static const ROW:int = 5;
        public static const COL:int = 6;
         * Count how many combo 
         * @param map
         * @return 
        public static function countFunc(map:Array):int{
           var nextMap:Array = map.concat();
            var mapCount:int = getThisMapCount(nextMap);
            if (mapCount == 0){
                //nothing to do
                return 0;
                return mapCount + countFunc(nextMap);
        public static function getThisMapCount(map:Array):int
            var count:int = 0;
            var combos:Array = [];
            //in col,right 2
            for (var i:int = 0; i < COL * ROW; i++)
                if ((i % COL) > (COL - 3)) continue;
                if (map[i] == -1) continue;
                if (map[i] == map[i+1] && map[i] == map[i+2]){
                    count += greatePush(combos, i, i+1, i+2);
            for (i = 0; i < COL * (ROW - 2); i++)
                if (map[i] == -1) continue;
                if (map[i] == map[i+COL] && map[i] == map[i+2 * COL]){
                    count += greatePush(combos, i, i+COL, i+2 * COL);
            for (i = 0; i < combos.length; i++)
                map[combos[i]] = -1;
            return count;

        private static function greatePush(combos:Array, index1:int, index2:int, index3:int):int
            //push 3 to array
            var combo:int = 1;
            if (combos.indexOf(index1) == -1)
                combo = 0;
            if (combos.indexOf(index2) == -1)
                combo = 0;
            if (combos.indexOf(index3) == -1)
                combo = 0;
            return combo;
        public static function dropMap(map:Array):void
            for (var j:int = 0; j < ROW; j++){
                //let all -1 up~
                for (var i:int = COL; i < COL*ROW; i++){
                    if (map[i] == -1 && map[i - COL] != -1){

                        map[i] = map[i - COL];
                        map[i - COL] = -1;
//package genetic
    import flash.geom.Point;
     * Gene Piece
     * Use Point
     * @author CZQ
    class DNA
        public var dna:Vector.<Point>;
        public function DNA()
        public function clone():DNA
            var newdna:DNA = new DNA();
            newdna.dna = new Vector.<Point>;
            for (var i:int = 0; i < dna.length; i++){
            return newdna;
        public function dump():String
            var arr:Array = [];
            for (var i:int = 0; i < dna.length; i++){
                arr.push("(" + dna[i].x + "," + dna[i].y + ")");
            return arr.join(',');